Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: near the Bow River

White-breasted Nuthatch

13 Oct 2015 2 3 259
This photo was taken two days ago, on 11 October 2015, during a morning walk in very high winds, at Lafarge Meadows, Fish Creek Park, with friends. The hope that the juvenile Black-crowned Night Heron might still be at a small pond or perched high up in a nearby tree was enough to make me get up early and push me out the front door. Also, I wondered if the rare (in Alberta) Hooded Warbler might still be around in that area. No sign of the Night Heron (maybe it was sheltering from the strong wind), but we did see the little Warbler again. It is such a difficult bird to spot and photograph, though I did end up with a single shot - I think even worse than the photo I posted the other day, lol! This little White-breasted Nuthatch was seen near the beginning of our walk. I'm supposed to be doing a lot more walking, so I felt virtuous by the time I got back home. I will add our leader, Howard Heffler's report of the outing: Even though it was Thanksgiving, six people showed up for a walk from the boat ramp to Lafarge Meadows. Of course the Hooded Warbler that had been reported by several observers all week was a good reason to be a bit late to get the turkey in the oven. And good fortune prevailed as we had excellent, albeit fleeting, views of this little cutie! Other highlights included a Northern Shrike perched near the top of snag beside the trail and a Rough-legged Hawk riding the riding the wind on the other side of the Bow River. We recorded 26 species: Canada Goose 9 Gadwall 4 American Wigeon 207 Mallard 40 Lesser Scaup 65 Bufflehead 12 Common Goldeneye 3 Common Merganser 1 Pied-billed Grebe 2 Great Blue Heron 1 Bald Eagle 2 Rough-legged Hawk 1 American Coot 400 Greater Yellowlegs 5 Ring-billed Gull 50 Rock Pigeon 3 Downy Woodpecker 2 Northern Flicker 2 Northern Shrike 1 Black-billed Magpie 6 American Crow 30 Common Raven 4 Black-capped Chickadee 4 White-breasted Nuthatch 2 European Starling 40 Hooded Warbler 1 Howard Heffler

Always a treat to see

12 Oct 2015 231
Unfortunately, poor quality - 48x zoom plus cropped - but we were happy to see this majestic Bald Eagle pretty much out in the open in a distant tree. Taken yesterday, 11 October 2015, during a morning walk in very high winds, at Lafarge Meadows, Fish Creek Park, with friends. The hope that the juvenile Black-crowned Night Heron might still be at a small pond or perched high up in a nearby tree was enough to make me get up early and push me out the front door. Also, I wondered if the rare (in Alberta) Hooded Warbler might still be around in that area. No sign of the Night Heron, but we did see the little Warbler again. It is such a difficult bird to spot and photograph, though I did end up with a single shot - I think even worse than the photo I posted the other day, lol! I'm supposed to be doing a lot more walking, so I felt virtuous by the time I got back home. I will add our leader, Howard Heffler's report of the outing: Even though it was Thanksgiving, six people showed up for a walk from the boat ramp to Lafarge Meadows. Of course the Hooded Warbler that had been reported by several observers all week was a good reason to be a bit late to get the turkey in the oven. And good fortune prevailed as we had excellent, albeit fleeting, views of this little cutie! Other highlights included a Northern Shrike perched near the top of snag beside the trail and a Rough-legged Hawk riding the riding the wind on the other side of the Bow River. We recorded 26 species: Canada Goose 9 Gadwall 4 American Wigeon 207 Mallard 40 Lesser Scaup 65 Bufflehead 12 Common Goldeneye 3 Common Merganser 1 Pied-billed Grebe 2 Great Blue Heron 1 Bald Eagle 2 Rough-legged Hawk 1 American Coot 400 Greater Yellowlegs 5 Ring-billed Gull 50 Rock Pigeon 3 Downy Woodpecker 2 Northern Flicker 2 Northern Shrike 1 Black-billed Magpie 6 American Crow 30 Common Raven 4 Black-capped Chickadee 4 White-breasted Nuthatch 2 European Starling 40 Hooded Warbler 1 Howard Heffler