Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: 29 September 2015

Red River Hog / Potamochoerus porcus

25 Jun 2016 169
On 29 September 2015, I had set my alarm clock for 6:30 am so that I could go on a birding walk with friends. Unfortunately, I didn't read the e-mail carefully enough, so hadn't seen that the meeting place was not where I thought. Of course, no one else showed up where I was, so I took myself off to the Calgary Zoo instead. I had planned on going there after the walk, anyway. "Red river hogs are native to the rainforests and moist savannah woodlands of West and Central Africa. In the wild, their numbers are on the rise due to the hunting of their predators, including leopards. However, these hogs are also hunted for their meat and killed by farmers in retaliation for eating crops." From The Calgary Zoo website. Young hoglets look rather like watermelons, with a striped pattern. In May 2015, four young hoglets were born. The link below shows a short video of the new arrivals. "Instantly recognisable for its bright rufous fur, the red river hog is undoubtedly the most strikingly coloured of all wild pigs. Despite being, on average, the smallest African pig, this species possesses a stocky body with powerful shoulders, and a large, wedge shaped head, enabling it to quickly root up tough vegetation. The ears are long and pointed, with prominent tufts, while the head is distinctively marked with white ‘spectacles’ around the eyes, and bears long, white whiskers. A conspicuous white mane also runs down the midline of the back. Like all wild pigs, the canine teeth form tusks, with the upper set measuring around 7 centimetres in length, while the lower set measure up to 19 centimetres. Males also have large warts in front of the eyes, which protrude by as much as four centimetres, but are usually obscured by facial hair. The red river hog’s most common vocalisation is a typical pig grunt, although individuals that are fighting or trapped produce a low squeal which develops into a roar-like sound." From Arkive website.

Snow in the forecast - need colour

20 Jan 2016 241
All three photos posted this morning are from my archives. Our forecast is for snow today, so I thought I would post photos with colour. On 29 September 2015, I had set my alarm clock for 6:30 am so that I could go on a birding walk with friends. Unfortunately, I didn't read the e-mail carefully enough, so hadn't seen that the meeting place was not where I thought. Of course, no one else showed up where I was, so I took myself off to the Calgary Zoo instead. I had planned on going there after the walk, anyway. "Nestled at the very heart of the Calgary Zoo, these pink beauties might seem dainty, but don’t let their slender bodies and fancy feathers fool you. Flamingos are tough cookies. They can stand on one leg for hours and, in the wild, withstand extreme conditions – including stifling summers and frigid winter temperatures that dip to -30 C. In the wild, Chilean Flamingos live near salt lakes, coastal mudflats and marshes. Their diet consists of algae and small aquatic animals. If flamingos don’t eat pink food, their feathers turn white. At the zoo, special diet supplements keep the birds’ feathers vibrant." From the Calgary Zoo Website. "When not eating or preening, flamingos will sleep, facing the wind, head tucked under their wings, usually standing on one leg, with the other leg tucked up under their feathers. They do this to conserve warmth, whether they're in a warm or cool climate." Read more: Information on Pink Flamingos | "Chilean flamingos live in large flocks in the wild and require crowded conditions to stimulate breeding. During breeding season, males and females display a variety of behaviors to attract mates, including head flagging—swiveling their heads from side-to-side in tandem—and wing salutes, where the wings are repeatedly opened and closed. Males and females cooperate in building a pillar-shaped mud nest, and both incubate the egg laid by the female. Upon birth, the chicks have gray plumage; they don't gain adult coloration for two-three years. Both male and female flamingos can produce a nutritious milk-like substance in their crop gland to feed their young. The Chilean flamingo's bill is equipped with comb-like structures that enable it to filter food—mainly algae and plankton—from the water of the coastal mudflats, estuaries, lagoons and salt lakes where it lives." From Wikipedia.

Time to reveal

06 Dec 2015 252
On 29 September 2015, I had set my alarm clock for 6:30 am so that I could go on a birding walk with friends. Unfortunately, I didn't read the e-mail carefully enough, so hadn't seen that the meeting place was not where I thought. Of course, no one else showed up where I was, so I took myself off to the Calgary Zoo instead. I had planned on going there after the walk, anyway. This may have been the last time I go to the Zoo until next spring, as they have closed "my" parking lot at the west entrance till April next year. The north entrance is way out of my driving comfort zone, especially the drive back home. One of my favourite things at the Zoo is the butterfly room, but the season is over till around next April. I was surprised to see a few Poppies still in bloom - I always love these flowers at every stage, including the hairy buds showing just a glimpse of the beauty within. This morning, 6 December 2015, it is 0C (windchill -3C), supposed to get up to 7C this afternoon. Yet another overcast, dreary morning, though the forecast does say sun for this afternoon. Unless the forecast changes, we should be getting snow on three days of this coming week.

Golden-breasted Starling

28 Nov 2015 207
I took this photo at the Calgary Zoo on 29 September 2015. That day, my alarm clock was set for 6:30 am so that I could go on a birding walk with friends. Unfortunately, I didn't read the e-mail carefully enough, so hadn't seen that the meeting place was not where I thought. Of course, no one else showed up where I was, so I took myself off to the Calgary Zoo instead. I had planned on going there after the walk, anyway. This beautiful tropical bird, a Golden-breasted Starling, took my breath away! It has such vibrant colours and sheen, and an extremely long, narrow tail (which obviously isn't seen in this close shot). Unfortunately, the light is terrible in this hot, humid building, so I find it's difficult to get a sharp photo of anything. "The golden-breasted starling (Lamprotornis regius), also known as royal starling, is a medium-sized, up to 35 cm long, passerine in the starling family. It is distributed in the grassland, savannah and shrubland of East Africa, from Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya and northern Tanzania. The adult has a metallic green head and upper back, bright golden yellow breast and belly, dark bill and legs, white iris and metallic violet blue on wings, back, neck and its long tail feathers. Both sexes are similar. The young are duller than the adult. The golden-breasted starling is a social animal, living in groups of three to twelve individuals." From Wikipedia. Later: I discovered a Calgary Sun newspaper article from 23 June 2015, about a family that discovered this bird (or a different individual - I seem to remember seeing two of these birds when I was there) that had escaped from the Zoo.

Julia Heliconian / Dryas iulia

03 Nov 2015 268
Yesterday, 2 November 2015, it snowed here, but it had all gone by the end of the day. It must have snowed again overnight as I see a light dusting of white. Temperature this morning is -3C (feeling like -7C), so I guess I had better dig out my thick winter jacket. I'm fairly sure I have the correct ID for this butterfly. If anyone sees that I'm wrong, please do let me know. This photo was taken on 29 September 2015, in the ENMAX Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo. That day, my alarm clock was set for 6:30 am so that I could go on a birding walk with friends. Unfortunately, I didn't read the e-mail carefully enough, so hadn't seen that the meeting place was not where I thought. Of course, no one else showed up where I was, so I took myself off to the Calgary Zoo instead. I had planned on going there after the walk, anyway.

Eurasian Lynx

03 Nov 2015 275
I was so disappointed that I missed seeing a Bobcat down in Fish Creek Park yesterday morning! I have longed to see one for years, but never been in luck. Oh, well, I had this photo of a Eurasian Lynx picked out for today, so will have to make do with that : ) This photo was taken on 29 September 2015, at the Calgary Zoo. That day, my alarm clock was set for 6:30 am so that I could go on a birding walk with friends. Unfortunately, I didn't read the e-mail carefully enough, so hadn't seen that the meeting place was not where I thought. Of course, no one else showed up where I was, so I took myself off to the Calgary Zoo instead. I had planned on going there after the walk, anyway. The metal bars around the enclosure make it difficult to get a decent shot. In order to get the bars blurred, I have to zoom in fully, which means not showing the tufted ears. This animal is also known as the European lynx, common lynx, the northern lynx, and the Siberian or Russian lynx. While its IUCN conservation status has been classified as "Least Concern", populations of Eurasian lynx have been reduced or extirpated from Western Europe, where it is now being reintroduced. “Earlier this year (2014), the Calgary Zoo welcomed two new Eurasian lynx - a one year old brother and sister pair named Kazan and Anastasia, respectively. They arrived from Elmvale Zoo, Ontario, in December 2013 and were debuted on April 11th, 2014. The Eurasian lynx is the largest and tallest lynx species in the world (there are four), and their size allows them to hunt larger mammals, often feasting on deer. Due to habitat loss they no longer can be found in central Europe, but they reside in Siberian forests, Central Asia and East Asia, where their natural predators are wolves and occasionally wolverines. Like most cats, Eurasian lynx tend to be nocturnal. They are a lot larger than Canadian lynx- and where Canadian lynx are silvery coloured, Eurasian lynx come in a variety of colours. An interesting fact about these lynx is that they have a tendency to ‘cache’ their food - they will hide it in small portions for safekeeping. Often after being fed, our keepers will find little bits of our lynx’s dinner hidden all around the enclosure!” From the Calgary Zoo.

Halloween colour

31 Oct 2015 231
HAPPY HALLOWEEN to everyone who celebrates this occasion! Keep a careful eye open for the Trick-or-Treaters who may be out on the streets this evening. Excited kids can easily forget to check for traffic before crossing the street. This was just a plain brown butterfly (on the underside, anyway), but it was perched on one of the large Chinese lanterns that was part of the amazing Illuminasia exhibit throughout the Calgary Zoo. Taken inside the ENMAX Conservatory on 29 September 2015. That day, my alarm clock was set for 6:30 am so that I could go on a birding walk with friends. Unfortunately, I didn't read the e-mail carefully enough, so hadn't seen that the meeting place was not where I thought. Of course, no one else showed up where I was, so I took myself off to the Calgary Zoo instead. I had planned on going there after the walk, anyway. The butterfly exhibit only goes from April to September/October each year. The tropical butterflies and plants are beautiful during these months, thanks to all the hard work of staff and volunteers. I think this has to be my favourite part of the Zoo.

White-faced Whistling Duck / Dendrocygna viduata

31 Oct 2015 239
"The white-faced whistling duck (Dendrocygna viduata) is a whistling duck that breeds in sub-Saharan Africa and much of South America. This species is gregarious, and at favoured sites, the flocks of a thousand or more birds arriving at dawn are an impressive sight. As the name implies, these are noisy birds with a clear three-note whistling call. This is an abundant species. It is largely resident, apart from local movements which can be 100 km or more." From Wikipedia. "With a very wide distribution, and a large population that is thought to be increasing in size, the white-faced whistling-duck is not under immediate threat of extinction. The species is, however, susceptible to avian botulism and avian influenza, and so may become threatened by future outbreaks of these diseases. In parts of its African range, the white-faced whistling-duck is hunted for local consumption and trade, such as in Malawi and Botswana, and is hunted for use in traditional medicine in Nigeria " From This photo was taken on 29 September 2015, at the Calgary Zoo. That day, my alarm clock was set for 6:30 am so that I could go on a birding walk with friends. Unfortunately, I didn't read the e-mail carefully enough, so hadn't seen that the meeting place was not where I thought. Of course, no one else showed up where I was, so I took myself off to the Calgary Zoo instead. I had planned on going there after the walk, anyway.

Leopard Tortoise / Stigmochelys pardalis

26 Oct 2015 249
I took this photo at the Calgary Zoo on 29 September 2015. That day, my alarm clock was set for 6:30 am so that I could go on a birding walk with friends. Unfortunately, I didn't read the e-mail carefully enough, so hadn't seen that the meeting place was not where I thought. Of course, no one else showed up where I was, so I took myself off to the Calgary Zoo instead. I had planned on going there after the walk, anyway. "The Leopard tortoise (Stigmochelys pardalis) is a large and attractively marked tortoise found in the savannas of Eastern and Southern Africa, from Sudan to the southern Cape. It is the only member of the genus Stigmochelys, but in the past it was commonly placed in Geochelone instead. This chelonian is a grazing species of tortoise that favors semi-arid, thorny to grassland habitats, although some leopard tortoises have been found in rainier areas. In both very hot and very cold weather they may dwell in abandoned fox, jackal, or anteater holes. Leopard tortoises do not dig other than to make nests in which to lay eggs. Not surprisingly, given its propensity for grassland habitats, it grazes extensively upon mixed grasses. It also favors succulents and thistles, and (in captivity) the fruit and pads of the prickly pear cactus (Opuntia sp.) (cactus are New World plants not native to Africa). The African Leopard Tortoise typically lives 80 to 100 years. The leopard tortoise is the fourth largest species of tortoise in the world, with typical adults reaching 18-inch (460 mm) and weighing 40-pound (18 kg).[4] Large examples may be 70-centimetre (28 in) long and weigh up to 120-pound (54 kg).[5] An adult's maximum shell length can reach a 24-inch (610 mm) diameter. The carapace is high and domed, sometimes with pyramid shaped scutes. Juveniles and young adults are attractively marked and the markings on each individual are unique. The skin and background colour are cream to yellow, and the carapace is marked with black blotches, spots or even dashes or stripes. However, in mature adults the markings tend to fade to a slaty, nondescript brown or grey, commonly tinged with the local dust." From Wikipedia.

African Crested Porcupine / Hystrix cristata

26 Oct 2015 222
I took this photo at the Calgary Zoo on 29 September 2015. That day, my alarm clock was set for 6:30 am so that I could go on a birding walk with friends. Unfortunately, I didn't read the e-mail carefully enough, so hadn't seen that the meeting place was not where I thought. Of course, no one else showed up where I was, so I took myself off to the Calgary Zoo instead. I had planned on going there after the walk, anyway. "The crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata) is a species of rodent in the Hystricidae family. It is extant in mainland Italy, Sicily, North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. The crested porcupine is a terrestrial mammal; they very seldom climb trees, but can swim. They are nocturnal and monogamous. The crested porcupine takes care of the young for a long time and small family groups consist of the adult pair and young of various ages. In defense, when disturbed, they raise and fan their quills to make themselves look bigger. If continually bothered, the crested porcupine will stamp its feet, whirr the quills, and charge the disturber back end first trying to stab the enemy with the thicker, shorter quills. These attacks are known to have killed lions, leopards, hyenas, and even humans." From Wikipedia.

Taveta Golden Weaver / Ploceus castaneiceps

25 Oct 2015 1 1 450
Our temperature at 8:15 am this morning, 25 October 2015, is -3C! Oh, well, as long as the sun shines today, all will be well : ) This photo was taken when I went to the Calgary Zoo, on 29 September 2015. Several of these small, colourful birds had made nests that were hanging from the leaves of an indoor tropical plant. They are such busy little birds, constantly collecting very narrow, long strands of leaf for their weaving. This bird is a little male, as usual, more colourful than the female. "The Taveta weaver (Ploceus castaneiceps) is a species of bird in the Ploceidae family. It is found in Kenya and Tanzania. The name of the bird comes from the unique markings/coloration of the bird, as well as how these birds weave intricate nests. The male Taveta weaver is a vibrant golden yellow color; this color is duller on its back. The wings and tail are a greener color. The back of the head is red, and the bill, or beak, is black. The female is an olive color with paler streaks. In general, the Taveta weaver is a small bird, around the size of the finch and closely related to the sparrow. These birds live in large groups, or colonies. Weavers often make a unique—often described as "weird"—noise to communicate. Male weavers build extravagant oval nests over water attached to stems of reeds or grasses. The Taveta weavers lay two or three glossy, dark, olive-green eggs. The female bird chooses who she will mate, depending on how impressed she is with a male's skill to construct a nest." From Wikipedia. On 29 September 2015, I had set my alarm clock for 6:30 am so that I could go on a birding walk with friends. Unfortunately, I didn't read the e-mail carefully enough, so hadn't seen that the meeting place was not where I thought. Of course, no one else showed up where I was, so I took myself off to the Calgary Zoo instead. I had planned on going there after the walk, anyway. This may be the last time I go to the Zoo until next spring, as they have closed "my" parking lot at the west entrance till April next year. The north entrance is way out of my driving comfort zone, especially the drive back home. One of my favourite things at the Zoo is the butterfly room, but the season is over till around next April.

Moss-rose, Happy Hour Mix / Portulaca grandiflora

19 Oct 2015 1 343
This is a telemacro shot of a flower that was maybe an inch and a half across. Photographed at the Calgary Zoo on 29 September 2015. It was growing with several others of various colours. "Moss rose, Portulaca grandiflora, is a drought and heat tolerant annual native to hot, dry plains in Argentina, southern Brazil, and Uruguay. This herbaceous plant in the purslane family (Portulacaceae) is cultivated throughout the world as a garden annual for its showy flowers that bloom all summer long with little care. Moss rose is a semi-succulent plant that stores water in its fleshy leaves and stems .... The saucer-shaped, rose-like flowers are produced on the stem tips, held facing up above the foliage, opening from buds that resemble little popcorn kernels. They are only open in bright sunlight, closing at night and on cloudy days, but most of the newer hybrids will remain open throughout the day. The ‘Happy Hour’ series comes in 8 vivid colors with tropical names like banana, coconut, lemon, orange and rosita. The plant has large, double blooms." From The Wisconsin Master Gardener Program website. On 29 September 2015, I had set my alarm clock for 6:30 am so that I could go on a birding walk with friends. Unfortunately, I didn't read the e-mail carefully enough, so hadn't seen that the meeting place was not where I thought. Of course, no one else showed up where I was, so I took myself off to the Calgary Zoo instead. I had planned on going there after the walk, anyway. This may have been the last time I go to the Zoo until next spring, as they have closed "my" parking lot at the west entrance till April next year. The north entrance is way out of my driving comfort zone, especially the drive back home. One of my favourite things at the Zoo is the butterfly room, but the season is over till around next April.

Ready to unfurl

17 Oct 2015 205
On 29 September 2015, I had set my alarm clock for 6:30 am so that I could go on a birding walk with friends. Unfortunately, I didn't read the e-mail carefully enough, so hadn't seen that the meeting place was not where I thought. Of course, no one else showed up where I was, so I took myself off to the Calgary Zoo instead. I had planned on going there after the walk, anyway. This may have been the last time I go to the Zoo until next spring, as they have closed "my" parking lot at the west entrance till April next year. The north entrance is way out of my driving comfort zone, especially the drive back home. One of my favourite things at the Zoo is the butterfly room, but the season is over till around next April. I was surprised to see a few Poppies still in bloom - always love the hairy buds showing just a glimpse of the beauty within. And this morning, I overslept again! Will have to finish the descriptions, tags, etc. for the remaining two of my "daily three" later today : (

Pretty in pink

16 Oct 2015 340
It's just 2°C (apparently feels like 1°C) this morning, 16 October 2015, and overcast. Supposed to become sunny this afternoon and the temperature should get to a balmy 14°C. Yesterday, two people came and removed all the plants in my tiny back yard and cut a short length of Cotoneaster hedge right down to about 8" in height. They will think about whether they can remove the hedge entirely. Now my yard looks bigger and totally bare - I had no choice but to make it completely maintenance free. It was so overgrown and a complete mess. It was so difficult to find someone who would take on just this one-time job, that in the end I just gave up trying to find someone. Wonderfully, someone knew someone else and so it was done and now I feel like a huge black cloud has been lifted from over my head. On 29 September 2015, I had set my alarm clock for 6:30 am so that I could go on a birding walk with friends. Unfortunately, I didn't read the e-mail carefully enough, so hadn't seen that the meeting place was not where I thought. Of course, no one else showed up where I was, so I took myself off to the Calgary Zoo instead. I had planned on going there after the walk, anyway. This may have been the last time I go to the Zoo until next spring, as they have closed "my" parking lot at the west entrance till April next year. The north entrance is way out of my driving comfort zone, especially the drive back home. One of my favourite things at the Zoo is the butterfly room, but the season is over till around next April. "Nestled at the very heart of the Calgary Zoo, these pink beauties might seem dainty, but don’t let their slender bodies and fancy feathers fool you. Flamingos are tough cookies. They can stand on one leg for hours and, in the wild, withstand extreme conditions – including stifling summers and frigid winter temperatures that dip to -30 C. In the wild, Chilean Flamingos live near salt lakes, coastal mudflats and marshes. Their diet consists of algae and small aquatic animals. If flamingos don’t eat pink food, their feathers turn white. At the zoo, special diet supplements keep the birds’ feathers vibrant." From the Calgary Zoo Website. "When not eating or preening, flamingos will sleep, facing the wind, head tucked under their wings, usually standing on one leg, with the other leg tucked up under their feathers. They do this to conserve warmth, whether they're in a warm or cool climate." Read more: Information on Pink Flamingos | "Chilean flamingos live in large flocks in the wild and require crowded conditions to stimulate breeding. During breeding season, males and females display a variety of behaviors to attract mates, including head flagging—swiveling their heads from side-to-side in tandem—and wing salutes, where the wings are repeatedly opened and closed. Males and females cooperate in building a pillar-shaped mud nest, and both incubate the egg laid by the female. Upon birth, the chicks have gray plumage; they don't gain adult coloration for two-three years. Both male and female flamingos can produce a nutritious milk-like substance in their crop gland to feed their young. The Chilean flamingo's bill is equipped with comb-like structures that enable it to filter food—mainly algae and plankton—from the water of the coastal mudflats, estuaries, lagoons and salt lakes where it lives." From Wikipedia.

Malachite butterfly

30 Sep 2015 1 238
This photo was taken at the Calgary Zoo yesterday, 29 September 2015. The ENMAX Conservatory butterfly house display is coming to an end. The beautiful tropical plants are beginning to fade and the number of butterfly species seems to be down. I noticed this beautiful Malachite butterfly, freshly emerged, inside the display case where various chrysalises were hanging. I had set my alarm clock for 6:30 am so that I could go on a birding walk with friends. Unfortunately, I didn't read the e-mail carefully enough, so hadn't seen that the meeting place was not where I thought. Of course, no one else showed up where I was, so I took myself off to the Calgary Zoo instead. I had planned on going there after the walk, anyway.