Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: first opened on July 1

Main street, Heritage Park

14 Aug 2015 260
The three photos that I've posted this morning were all taken yesterday, 13 August 2015, when I spent about three hours with friends at Heritage Park in Calgary. One of them is a volunteer at the Park and she had very kindly invited us to visit. The temperature got up to 33°C or 34°C yesterday!! We started our visit at 9:45 am, so it was still cooler than that, but as the heat increased in the afternoon, it became unbearable. Fortunately, I had a dentist appointment mid-afternoon, so I knew I would have maybe an hour and a half in air-conditioning before returning to my home that felt like an oven. Our forecast, so far, is giving much cooler temperatures for the coming week, thank goodness! Our walk at Heritage Park was a combination of looking at the various old buildings and also checking on plants. There is a small native plant garden within the Hudson Bay Fort and we talked to a volunteer there, who I think may have learned a few new things from talking with us : ) This photo shows part of the main street and a small group of school children dressed in appropriate clothing. The little girls looked so cute in their "Holly Hobby" (?) style bonnets. The street was remarkably quiet, but it was still quite early in the day. One of my favourite buildings in this row is the Bakery - love their gingerbread men! However, it was now a banned place for me, as I have to work on getting my blood sugar/hemoglobin lowered, especially the latter : ( In the distance, you can see the Masonic Lodge Hall (green building) then, coming closer, it's the Calgary Town Hall, then the Alberta Bakery, then the Barons Snooker Parlour, then the Strathmore and Bow Valley Standard, then Webster House, and finally Weedon School and Barn. We had been told before our visit that the Prohibited Noxious weed, Spotted Knapweed, had been seen at the Park, and we did find it, growing along a gravel road that led down by the Glenmore Reservoir. This species is a prolific seed producer and is very difficult to control. Despite the heat, we had a very enjoyable visit. Heritage Park is a place I always intend to go to, but somehow I rarely make it. This was a treat, so thanks so much, Susan!