Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: flowers 10-20 mm across

Bird's-eye primrose / Primula mistassinica

22 May 2015 194
This telemacro photo was taken yesterday on a very last-minute, totally unexpected trip out to Bow Valley Provincial Park. By 11:00 pm the previous evening, I still wasn't sure if I was going to be ready in time and also because I had only had about an hour and a half the sleep the night before that. The thought of going out there on a beautiful, sunny day was just too tempting and, after less than three hours sleep that night, I was up and ready to go the next morning. Today had to be a time for catching up on a little of the lost sleep this week, which is why I am posting so late today. If I hadn't gone yesterday, I would have missed this flower find (not by me) as well as the beautiful Morel mushroom seen in the next photo, and I know I would have been so disappointed. The five friends I went with are all specialists in their fields of fungi, lichens, mosses and liverworts, so not only did they enjoy our day, but I did, too. They also know the flowers of Alberta and so knew that this pretty little pink flower was not the Mealy Primrose (see photo in a comment box below) that I have seen in one (?) location in Calgary, but the very similar Bird's-eye Primrose. So, this was a new plant for me. "This plant is found on marshy ground in the mountains, and has stems less than 12 cm tall, oblong to wedge-shaped leaves and pink to pale lilac flowers 10-20 mm across." From Plants of Alberta" book by France Royer and Richard Dickinson.