Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: wishes

Happy Christmas Day!

25 Dec 2018 2 4 257
A quick posting before my computer freezes! This is one of my absolute favourite Christmas ornaments, given to me by my daughter for Christmas in 2014. It stands maybe 2" tall and is just so cute. She knows so well how crazy I am about mushrooms : ) The only little snowman I have ever seen holding a mushroom of any kind. This bright red one is the poisonous/hallucinogenetic Fly Agaric/Amanita muscaria. Happy Christmas Day, everyone! Ha, this is funny - yesterday evening, I Googled NORAD to check where in the world Santa had reached. Immediately, I got the Blue Screen of Death - thank you Santa for my early Christmas present. Strangely, though, my computer didn't freeze for the next few hours, unlike this morning, Christmas Day. For many people, Christmas is a very difficult time, for various reasons. My thoughts are with them and, as always, with those who for one reason or another will spend Christmas alone. To those of you who don't celebrate Christmas, I hope you have a happy day, anyway. Merry Christmas, happy day!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

25 Dec 2018 6 7 291
Pam, wishing you, your hubby and your three furry companions a wonderful, relaxed, peaceful Christmas Day! Absolutely loved your Christmas card that you posted - very clever and beautiful. I'm sure everyone loved it and was impressed at your skill. I can only begin to imagine how much effort went into creating it. Will be thinking of you. Adding this very quickly this evening (Christmas Eve), as I am holding my breath that my computer won't freeze any moment. Pretty well impossible to use - it lasted just 10 minutes this morning. Technician was unable to replicate the problem I'm having, and could find nothing wrong to fix. So annoying! Anyway, I send my Christmas wishes to each of you and hope that tomorrow will be a happy day for you, whether you spend it with family/friends or quietly by yourself. If you don't celebrate Christmas, I hope your day will be good, anyway. To my daughter - sorry, I just had to use this little snowman before giving it to you : )

Happy Valentine's Day

14 Feb 2013 366
Up till yesterday late afternoon, I had nothing I could use for my Happy Valentine's Day wishes to you all. Then I had to go food shopping after my volunteer shift and guess what I saw. Perhaps not the most photogenic cupcake, but at least it had a heart on the top. After a few quick shots, i sank my teeth into it - and discovered it was like chewing sticky, tough cardboard!! So, into the garbage it just had to go. Happy Valentine's Day to my kids, and I hope each and every one of my friends/contacts (whether on Flickr or just visiting, whether near or far), has a happy, happy day, whether you spend it with loved ones or on your own. I'm taking myself out for a few hours, keeping my fingers crossed that where I go, my car won't get stuck in snow again, like it did when I drove east of the city recently. Yesterday, I bought one of those cheap, telescopic, light-weight shovels to keep in my car : ) Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!


09 Apr 2009 182
Easter has arrived unexpectedly quickly and caught me off-guard. Hope you all have a safe and peaceful Easter weekend. Don't eat too much chocolate - wish I could share this little chocolate bunny with you! Oh, just realized - I ate it a few weeks ago, LOL! If you don't celebrate Easter, or don't do anything special to celebrate it, then I hope the sun shines and you have a relaxing weekend : ) Created with fd's Flickr Toys .