Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: in good condition
Long ago, someone's pride and joy
10 Aug 2019 |
Maybe an early Eaton catalogue kit home design?
The day before yesterday, 8 August 2019, was more of a barn day than a bird day. A while ago, another photographer had mentioned that a few barns in a certain area SE of Calgary had been removed and I was curious to see if I could tell which ones were missing. There is one huge barn in particular that I am always hoping still stands. I would love to be able to get photos from both sides of it, but it is way out in a farmer's field that is, of course, private property. Standing in the road, I can only get a distant shot and, as often happens, I had a problem with heat distortion on distant shots. There is an old, round, wooden grain bin and a partly hidden, smaller barn just near the barn, too. I think the first time I ever saw the barn was on 21 January 2015, when I took my daughter out for the day.
My intention two days ago had been to leave early in the morning, but it was already 10:45 am when I climbed into my car. Seeing that the weather forecast for the next six days included rain on each day, I knew I just had to do this trip straight away. Some of the roads I drove to get to my destination(s) were familiar, but others less so. There are two or three highway intersections that are confusing to me and I usually end up taking the wrong turn.
For a change, I turned off the main highway going south before my usual turn, in order to shorten the distance. My first sighting was a distant Red-tailed Hawk perched on a wooden fence at a wetland that used to be a great spot, but now is totally dried up.
After a quick stop at a tiny church that I always photograph when I am out that way, I continued east till I came to the three old Mossleigh grain elevators - one of the places I always get confused about which way to drive. Ideally, a dramatic sky would have been great, but I have taken better photos in the past.
From Mossleigh, I did my usual exploring, finding that a lovely old, wooden house was still standing. I believe this was built from a kit years ago, and it remains in reasonably good condition.
Eventually, I found the large barn that I wanted to see again. It took me a while to work out which road it was on (thought I knew!), but I found it after some driving back and forth. It was good to see the smaller barn, in less then good condition, just down the road. The other two times that I have been standing in the road to take photos of this smaller barn, a lady has come along the road from a nearby farm and very kindly told me to on in and take any photos I'd like. No-one around yesterday, so I stayed on the road,of course. At one point, I happened to glance up the road and saw what I thought was someone's dog on the crest of the road. When I zoomed in on my camera, I realized it was a coyote, who started walking towards me. Unfortunately, it turned off into the field and disappeared. When I was at this smaller barn, it amused me to see a magnificent Mule near the barn, plus a horse. The Mule looked huge and was a real poser, wanting to be in almost every shot I took. Such a gorgeous creature, that I don't remember seeing there before.
Once I had taken a few photos, I started on my homeward drive, not stopping anywhere as I could see that, if I hurried, I could get to the Saskatoon Farm in time to get a meal before the restaurant closed for the day. Yay, I just made it.
Knowing that Frank Lake was only a short drive away, I couldn't resist driving back south to have a quick look. Found a couple of my friends there and spent some enjoyable time with them. Only took a few photos there, most to be deleted, before heading home. A fun day, though hot and hazy.
A new find
16 Jul 2019 |
This morning, 16 July 2019, I woke up to find that it's raining - again! It definitely feels like it has rained almost every day for weeks. "Risk of a thunderstorm" seems to be the norm these days. Our temperature is only 11C (windchill 9C) at 10:00 am..
Yesterday afternoon, I just needed to get out for a quick drive, so, despite the forecast for rain, I drove SW of the city along several usual roads. I soon discovered that one of the roads I was going to drive had roadworks going on - oiling the road. With a car that was already covered in dead insect "splats", from my 12-hour drive south of the city, the last thing I wanted was to add oil to the mix. So, yesterday's drive ended up being very short; just a couple of hours in total. Amazing what one can come across in a short time, though.
A Wilson's Snipe was perched on a fence post, giving me yet another chance for a few photos. A Red-winged Blackbird was perched on another fence post, happily and noisily displaying its scarlet and yellow shoulder patches. Down a different road, a fluffy Tree Swallow fledgling sat on the barbed-wire by its nesting box, all alone.
Leaving the area, ready to go home, I came across two immature Red-tailed Hawks, both perched on the same wooden beam at the top of a utility pole. Such beautiful birds.
Further on, I suddenly decided to drive up a road that I don't think I have ever driven before. What a treat I discovered - a gorgeous old barn! Absolutely made my day.
Standing up well
17 Apr 2018 |
I had not planned to post any photos today, as I was expecting to be at a hospital across the city, waiting for my daughter to have her major surgery. However, yesterday evening, she told me not to bother to go early, as she had to be there at 6:00 am and would then be going straight in to get ready for surgery and then a recovery period of 1-2 hours after roughly 4-5 hours of surgery ( longer if necessary). It is now 11:08 am and I am so stressed out, not knowing how things are going and not sure just how to plan the rest of the day. My daughter said that if I am thinking of going over later, to phone the hospital and check with the unit to see if she is up to having visitors. Will need to get a taxi, as I will never drive to that part of the city.
To add to my stress, I have a MOUSE in the HOUSE, for the very first time ever. A few years ago, a number of my neighbours had mice indoors, but not me. I love wildlife, but when it comes to having a mouse inside my home, that is a very different matter. It terrifies me, wondering where it is and if it will suddenly run across the floor, making me scream. I was watching TV yesterday afternoon, when I suddenly saw out of the corner of my eye a dark shape run across my hall floor and into the kitchen. A minute later, it ran back in the opposite direction - and disappeared. I think it may have got in through my front door when I opened it yesterday, to place something in my mailbox for a neighbour to pick up. There are now five traps set! I see one is now upside down, but I don't know if the mouse triggered it or if it was too delicately set. This is not just a mouse, it's a LARGE mouse - or maybe it's not even a mouse, but maybe something like a Meadow Vole? All I know is that it is not welcome and it is making me extremely nervous and stressed out.
And so goes my day, lol!
This photo, zoomed in from the road, was taken on 30 October 2017. I spent the day driving mostly roads that I had been along before (a round trip of 230 km). I still find a few roads so confusing! My destination was partly to check on two old barns that I had only seen and photographed once before. Having been there with my daughter in January 2015, I knew that there were several other old barns and homesteads en route. This day was definitely a barn day, not a bird or wildlife day. Once again, I added a touch of filter in post-processing, to bring out a bit more detail.
A large barn in a photo I posted a while ago was one that I had been looking forward to finding and seeing for the first time, which I finally did in January 2015, with my daughter. I would love to have been able to get photos from both sides of it, but it was in a farmer's field that was, of course, private property.
The second old barn that I saw in this area is in far worse condition, but I love it. It was funny, because I was standing in the road and had taken just a handful of photos of this crumbling, weathered structure, when I noticed someone walking towards me in the distance. Talk about deja vu! I started walking towards her and it turned out that she lived at the farm just down the road, but had previously lived in the house next to the decaying barn and it was her property. She told me to wander wherever I wished, take as many photos as I wanted. I laughed and said that in January 2015, when my daughter and I had been standing right there in the road, a lady came by on her horse and told us the very same story - it must have been the same person! Felt so good!
Another place I stopped at was a farmyard full of old barns, sheds and vehicles. I pulled over and stood by my car to take a quick shot of an old, blue truck from across the road. A person happened to just appear, walking across his farmyard, so I called out to him and we had a delightful chat. I think he was very amused at my passion for old things and told me to walk around and take whatever photos I wanted. Which I did, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself! The blue truck was just one of several old vehicles, mainly cars. I told him what an amazing place he had, full of interesting things. I got the impression that he saw things very differently - lots of old things that needed fixing or tidying up : ) I told him to just leave everything as it is - a photographer's dream : )
On the way home, I called in at the Saskatoon Farm to see if the restaurant was still open, but it had just closed (3:30 pm). I realized I had been enjoying myself so much that I had totally forgotten to eat anything all day. Managed to get a much-needed cup of coffee, though, and I did buy a box of frozen, uncooked Saskatoon Berry and White Chocolate scones. I bought some of these last time I was there and they are so good, piping hot, straight out of the oven.
A favourite, well-kept barn
02 Mar 2018 |
My intention on 4 October 2017 had been to drive some of the back roads a bit further north of where I have been two or three times before, almost as far as Olds. However, after finding myself on a couple of muddy, slushy, potholed country roads caused by our recent snow storm, I decided not to risk driving on any others. I ended up stopping and photographing two of my absolute favourite barns that I had seen a couple of times before, and was happy to see again. I first discovered the old barn in this photo - or is it a homestead? - on 28 October 2014. Good to see that it is being taken care of, with its new roof.
My final stopping point towards the end of a day of driving N and NW of the city, was at the site where the McDougall Memorial United Church had once stood. On 22 May 2017, this beautiful, historic church was burned to the ground by an arsonist. Such a very sad loss! It was a sad sight to see the burnt outer walls, knowing that that was all that was left of this special little church that was almost as old as Canada itself. I loved this little country church, especially the long, photogenic fence line leading up to it from the parking lot. The church was built in Carpenter's Gothic style of architecture. A sign had the following words on it:
"The historic church at the end of this pathway was constructed in 1875. At that time, native people were still hunting bison on the prairies. The young nation of Canada was only eight years old; the Canadian Pacific Railway still nine years in the future. And this church would become the heart of a thriving community, Morleyville, and for a time the largest settlement in what would be southern Alberta.
The story of this church is really the story of Rev. George McDougall who moved to western Canada with his family in 1862 to minister to the fur traders and native people. In 1873, the McDougalls established the first mission in the region and built this church. In doing so, they wrote an important chapter of Alberta's settlement history".
After George McDougall's tragic death in a snowstorm, his body was brought back to the church at Morleyville and laid to rest.,_Alberta
An enjoyable day out - a barn day, not a birding/wildlife day. I think the only birds I noticed were the usual Ravens. Seeing that snow was once again in our forecast in a few more days, I wanted to get this drive done while the weather was still decent.
Today, 2 March 2018, the temperature this morning is -10C (windchill -15C) and we are having another snowstorm. Snow is in the forecast for the rest of the day. Definitely a day to stay off the roads, but unfortunately I have a doctor's appointment.
Autumn Stripes
31 Oct 2017 |
Yesterday, 30 October 2017, I spent the day driving mostly roads that I had been along before (a round trip of 230 km). I still found a few roads so confusing! My destination was partly to check on two old, red barns, including the one in this photo. Having been there once before, with my daughter in January 2015, I knew that there were several other old barns and homesteads en route. This day was definitely a barn day, not a bird or wildlife day.
The large barn in this photo is one that I had been looking forward to finding and seeing for the first time, which I finally did in January 2015, with my daughter. I would love to have been able to get photos from both sides of it, but it was in a farmer's field that was, of course, private property. There is an old, round, wooden grain bin and a smaller barn/shed just to the right of this photo.
The second old barn that I saw in this area is in far worse condition, but I love it. It was funny yesterday, because I was standing in the road and had already taken a handful of photos of this crumbling, weathered structure, when I noticed someone walking towards me in the distance. Talk about deja vu! I started walking towards her and it turned out that she lived at the farm just down the road, but had previously lived in the house next to this decaying barn and it was her property. She told me to wander wherever I wished, take as many photos as I wanted. I laughed and said that in January 2015, when my daughter and I had been standing right there in the road, a lady came by on her horse and told us the very same story - it must have been the same person! Felt so good!
Another place I stopped at yesterday was a farmyard full of old barns, sheds and vehicles. I pulled over and got out to take a quick shot of an old, blue truck from across the road. A person happened to just appear, walking across his farmyard, so i called out to him and we had a delightful chat. I think he was very amused at my passion for old things and told me to walk around and take whatever photos I wanted. Which I did, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself! The blue truck in the next photo was just one of several old vehicles. I told him what an amazing place he had, full of interesting things. I got the impression that he saw things very differently - lots of old things that needed fixing or tidying up : )
On the way home, I called in at the Saskatoon Farm to see if the restaurant was still open, but it had just closed. I realized I had been enjoying myself so much that I had totally forgotten to eat anything all day. Managed to get a much-needed cup of coffee, though, and I did buy a box of frozen, uncooked Saskatoon Berry and White Chocolate scones. I bought some of these last time I was there and they are SO good, piping hot, straight out of the oven.
Old barn
13 Oct 2017 |
My intention on 4 October 2017 had been to drive some of the back roads a bit further north of where I have been two or three times before, almost as far as Olds. However, after finding myself on a couple of muddy, slushy, potholed country roads caused by our recent snow storm, I decided not to risk driving on any others. I ended up stopping and photographing a couple of my absolute favourite barns that I had seen a couple of times before, and was happy to see again. I first discovered the old barn in this photo - or is it a homestead? - on 28 October 2014. Good to see that it is being taken care of, with its new roof.
My final stopping point towards the end of a day of driving N and NW of the city, was at the site where the McDougall Memorial United Church had stood. On 22 May 2017, this beautiful, historic church was burned to the ground by an arsonist. Such a very sad loss! Such a sad sight to see the burnt outer walls, knowing that that was all that was left of this special little church that was almost as old as Canada itself. I loved this little country church, especially the long, photogenic fence line leading up to it from the parking lot. The church was built in Carpenter's Gothic style of architecture. A sign had the following words on it:
"The historic church at the end of this pathway was constructed in 1875. At that time, native people were still hunting bison on the prairies. The young nation of Canada was only eight years old; the Canadian Pacific Railway still nine years in the future. And this church would become the heart of a thriving community, Morleyville, and for a time the largest settlement in what would be southern Alberta.
The story of this church is really the story of Rev. George McDougall who moved to western Canada with his family in 1862 to minister to the fur traders and native people. In 1873, the McDougalls established the first mission in the region and built this church. In doing so, they wrote an important chapter of Alberta's settlement history".
After George McDougall's tragic death in a snowstorm, his body was brought back to the church at Morleyville and laid to rest.,_Alberta
An enjoyable day out - a barn day, not a birding/wildlife day. I think the only birds I noticed were the usual Ravens. Seeing that snow was once again in our forecast in a few more days, I wanted to get this drive done while the weather was still decent. Today, 13 October 2017, the temperature around noon is 0C (windchill -3C) with a heavily overcast sky. Snow flurries are in the forecast for this afternoon, but I don't know if that is going to happen.
Another favourite Alberta barn
06 Oct 2017 |
My intention two days ago, on 4 October 2017, had been to drive some of the back roads a bit further north of where I have been two or three times before, almost as far as Olds. However, after finding myself on a couple of muddy, slushy, potholed country roads caused by our recent snow storm, I decided not to risk driving on any others. I ended up stopping and photographing a couple of my absolute favourite barns that I had seen a couple of times before, and was happy to see again. I first discovered the old barn in this photo - or is it a homestead? - on 28 October 2014.
My final stopping point towards the end of a day of driving N and NW of the city, was at the site where the McDougall Memorial United Church had stood. On 22 May 2017, this beautiful, historic church was burned to the ground by an arsonist. Such a very sad loss! Such a sad sight to see the burnt outer walls, knowing that that was all that was left of this special little church that was almost as old as Canada itself. I loved this little country church, especially the long, photogenic fence line leading up to it from the parking lot. The church was built in Carpenter's Gothic style of architecture. A sign had the following words on it:
"The historic church at the end of this pathway was constructed in 1875. At that time, native people were still hunting bison on the prairies. The young nation of Canada was only eight years old; the Canadian Pacific Railway still nine years in the future. And this church would become the heart of a thriving community, Morleyville, and for a time the largest settlement in what would be southern Alberta.
The story of this church is really the story of Rev. George McDougall who moved to western Canada with his family in 1862 to minister to the fur traders and native people. In 1873, the McDougalls established the first mission in the region and built this church. In doing so, they wrote an important chapter of Alberta's settlement history".
After George McDougall's tragic death in a snowstorm, his body was brought back to the church at Morleyville and laid to rest.,_Alberta
An enjoyable day out - a barn day, not a birding/wildlife day. I think the only birds I noticed were the usual Ravens. Seeing that snow is once again in our forecast in a few more days, I wanted to get this drive done while the weather was still decent. Today, the temperature is 16C with a heavily overcast sky. A day for hopefully getting a few errands run, and not taking photos.
A well looked after barn
02 Jan 2017 |
Some years, the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count for the town of Nanton is held late in December. Other years, it ends up being held early January, sometimes delayed because of really bad weather. The Count for 2016 was held on 30 December.
We drove through such beautiful scenery when we were covering the SW quadrant of the Christmas Bird Count circle that centered on the town of Nanton. A landscape over which the occasional Golden Eagle soars and in which, some years, numerous Sharp-tailed Grouse wander on the ground or perch in trees.
Actually, there are not many chances to take photos of birds on many of these Counts, but those of you who know me well know that I love taking scenic shots, old barns, and anything else beautiful and/or interesting.
Last year, the highlight for me was seeing Pine Grosbeaks nice and close. This Count, I think the highlights were the stunning winter scenery, and a Great Horned Owl.
I absolutely love this area SW of Nanton! Some of these backroads are extremely steep and almost look vertical when seen from a distance. Some years, the whole area is white, covered in deep snow, so that you can't tell where the roadside ends and the ditch begins. This Count, it wasn't too bad, thank goodness, though I might have felt differently if I had been one of the two drivers for our group!
After driving (being driven, for me, which is always pure luxury) the backroads from about 8:00 a.m. till around 3:30 p.m., we returned to the wonderful home of the Truch family. Not only do Bill and Leah Truch and their son, Mike, always welcome everyone with open arms, they also provide a much-appreciated breakfast snack for us and then, at the end of the day, a delicious supper. Have to say that I love travelling these scenic backroads (though I've never driven them myself), but I also really enjoy getting together with everyone afterwards. This is one of my favourite Bird Counts, and perhaps the most favourite.
Thanks so much for doing all the driving, Tony and Andrew, and thanks, Leah, Bill and Mike for all the effort and time you put into your wonderfully warm welcome! It was another well-organized Count, Mike, as usual - thank you!
I will add Andrew Hart's eBird report for this trip, in a comment box below.
One of three
26 May 2015 |
All three photos posted this morning were taken yesterday, 25 May 2015, when my daughter and I spent the day driving a large area NW of Calgary - a round trip of 340 km. The perfect way to celebrate my birthday : ) Most of the roads were roads that I had driven before, but my daughter had never been to most of the area. I had never driven to Big Hill Springs Provincial Park, but had been several times on birding trips with friends.
I had really, really hoped to find a Great Gray Owl, as my daughter has never seen one in the wild. No luck yesterday, even though I knew a few areas to check. In fact, we saw so few birds of any kind! I'm always thankful that we both enjoy taking photos of all sorts of things, including barns. The old barn in this photo was one of three at this particular location. Though you can't really tell from my photo - difficult to get a good angle from the road, especially as the barns are side by side - these barns are very long, with a good number of cupolas on the roof.
Just over two years ago, a friend had asked if I wanted to "go on a drive" and we came across this ranch and stopped briefly so that I could take a couple of shots. That day must have been the worst day of that winter, lol! Blowing snow that made it so difficult to tell ground from sky and road from ditches. A white barn on white ground against a white sky had been a challenge! Ever since then, I had vowed that one day, I would be brave enough to drive myself and revisit in better weather. Knowing how much my daughter loves old barns was a huge motivation to make the drive, too. I was almost tempted to go up to the farm house yesterday and ask if it would be OK if we photographed these barns (from the road), but I chickened out. Regretted it later when I got home and confirmed that this ranch was owned by the same owners as another location just outside the city, that I had been lucky enough to visit on a botanizing trip in 2009 - wonderful old barns at that location, too.
Our little adventure started off in hopes of seeing a Red Fox family (out of luck), then driving the Grand Valley Rd and area. We stopped at Wynchell Lake, where my daughter spotted a Great Blue Heron and a very distant Kingfisher perched on a piece of driftwood. Also some kind of shorebird. She has great eyes for spotting things!
From there, we travelled eastwards and eventually reached Big Hill Springs Provincial Park. I had been hoping that there might at least be some wildflowers in bloom, but Dandelions were all we saw all day! Plenty of green foliage everywhere, but no flowers. Since yesterday, Alberta is under a province-wide fire ban thanks to the lack of rain. Everywhere is bone dry, which I would imagine is affecting the growth of plants. After I had dropped my daughter off at home, I did get some rain on my drive home - there were even snowflakes mixed in with the rain.
Another thing I saw on my drive home, while stopped at a traffic light, were four Jack Rabbits that had fun chasing each other round the base of a huge Spruce tree near the edge of the road and then they all ran across the road in single file between my car and the car in front. They were so, so cute : )
One of my favourite finds
10 Feb 2015 |
Back in October last year, I knew that if I was going to make myself drive north of the city, I had better do it straight away, before more snow arrived. So, on 28 October 2014, I plucked up courage and drove "to parts unknown". Actually, part of the drive was along familiar roads but the rest was exploring.
I had intended leaving home around 9:00 am, but it ended up being 11:00 am. I had only been driving maybe 40 minutes before I pulled over for the first thing. I couldn't take my eyes off one particular cloud - actually more like a stack of clouds. A car turned off along the gravel road shortly after me, and the young guy with a camera commented about the beautiful lenticular cloud. That is exactly what I had thought it might be, so I was really pleased. We don't get to see them very often.
Continuing my drive north, I managed to get as far as the town of Didsbury before I knew I just had to turn around and head for home, coming back via Water Valley and Grand Valley Rd/Horse Creek Rd. Saw quite a few Magpies, three or four Crows and one Gray Jay, lol. Other than that - oh, and one Hawk perched high up on a power pole along a busy road - I saw no wildlife at all. That was fine, though, as this trip was more about looking for barns. During the seven hours that I was out on the road, I did manage to find several barns that caught my eye. I really liked the one in this photo (barn or homestead?), and it was in such good condition, with a modern roof to protect it. Total driving distance was 322 km.
The temperature here is -10C (windchill -16C) this morning, 10 February 2015. Very light snow is falling, but it's supposed to brighten up later today.
Just one thing missing ....
12 Nov 2014 |
,,,, an owl in a window, of course : )
I knew that if I was going to make myself drive north of the city, I had better do it straight away, before more snow arrived. So, on 28 October 2014, I plucked up courage and drove "to parts unknown". Actually, part of the drive was along familiar roads but the rest was exploring.
I had intended leaving home around 9:00 am, but it ended up being 11:00 am. I had only been driving maybe 40 minutes before I pulled over for the first thing. I couldn't take my eyes off one particular cloud - actually more like a stack of clouds. A car turned off along the gravel road shortly after me, and the young guy with a camera commented about the beautiful lenticular cloud. That is exactly what I had thought it might be, so I was really pleased. We don't get to see them very often.
Continuing my drive north, I managed to get as far as the town of Didsbury before I knew I just had to turn around and head for home, coming back via Water Valley and Grand Valley Rd/Horse Creek Rd. Saw quite a few Magpies, three or four Crows and one Gray Jay, lol. Other than that - oh, and one Hawk perched high up on a power pole along a busy road - I saw no wildlife at all. That was fine, though, as this trip was more about looking for barns. During the seven hours that I was out on the road, I did manage to find several barns that caught my eye. I really liked the one in this photo (barn or homestead), and it was in such good condition. Total driving distance was 322 km.
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