Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Canon S3IS

Ring-billed Gull

12 Jun 2008 151
I have to admit that I find it hard to "get into" Gulls - that is, until I get to see one reasonably close and see that they really are quite beautiful birds.


16 Dec 2009 147
There seem to be three stages in the growth of these Puffballs shown here. I think that those are empty, shrivelled ones up in the top left corner. These were seen on a hike along the Jumpingpound Loop, Kananaskis, more than two years ago.

Don't get excited - an old image, LOL!

05 Nov 2009 267
I was trying to "improve" a couple of my photos of this little Long-eared Owl last night for someone who had kindly asked permission to use one of them. I happened to notice that I had uploaded the photo above to a different website (talkabout wildlife) and that I preferred this one over the photo I had posted on Flickr three years ago. Didn't want to simply "replace", so bear with me for posting this second shot. Phil, I picture you half way out your door if you just happened to see this image begin to upload, LOL!!! Sorry for the disappointment : )

Domestic Duck

24 Mar 2009 212
I love the colour of the bill of these Domestic Ducks. So vivid. There were a number of these gleaming white birds at the Coaldale Birds of Prey Centre, near Lethbridge, southern Alberta. Went with a friend in August 2007 and had a wonderful day there, seeing so many different species of Hawks, Eagles, Owls, etc.. The Centre takes injured birds of prey, releases those that can be rehabilitated and keeps those that they are unable to help enough for release.

Water Lily

17 Jun 2008 111
Firstly, my apologies to everyone for not visiting and commenting much recently - our growing season in Calgary is so brief and so I am often out seven days a week, taking photos while I have the chance. The rain has stopped for the time being, so it is even more enjoyable being outdoors. Get ready for it - no doubt I'll be complaining about the heat before too long, LOL! Took this photo almost a year ago in the Butterfly House at the Calgary Zoo. These Water Lilies are such gorgeous flowers.

I'm blurry, but love me just the same

26 Mar 2008 213
I happened to be looking at my Long-tailed Weasel photos yesterday and came across this one that I didn't post before, because the Weasel is rather blurry, though the fence post is nice and sharp : ). However, photos of these little guys are not all that common, so thought I'd post it anyway. It is somewhat similar to my most popular/most Interesting photo on Flickr. "Curious" is the word to describe a Long-tailed Weasel! Note the black tip to the tail. Saw this little guy/gal in a local park on 26th December 2006 - the best Christmas present I could have received!

Golden bean

07 Mar 2008 122
Golden bean is one of the first wildflowers to bloom here in Alberta. Always enjoy seeing these splashes of bright yellow everywhere.

Snowy Owl

23 Jun 2007 151
A full view of this Snowy Owl from the Calgary Zoo. Not sure if it is the adult female or one of her three youngsters from last year. I suspect it could be Mom.

First sign of spring

31 Mar 2007 140
I was so thrilled when a friend phoned me yesterday to say he had just found the first Prairie Crocuses of the year. So, I grabbed my camera and went to find them. Spring must be here. However, it looks like I might get the chance to photograph them pushing up through snow, too, as more of the white stuff is forecast for the day after tomorrow.

Wandering Garter Snake

24 Sep 2006 194
This is what I came across on one of my local walks. Once my knees lost some of their weakness, I plucked up the courage to lean forward and just kept clicking. The weather wasn't particularly warm, so fortunately the snake was too cold to move.