Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: celebration

Happy Canada Day

01 Jul 2018 135
Wishing all my fellow Canadians a really happy and SAFE Canada Day Take great care on the roads if you are going to be driving! How lucky we all are to live in a country that provides us with amazing freedom to do what we want to do and to be who we hope to be. Something to be remembered and thankful for, each and every day! A special wish and thank-you for all those Canadians who are serving our country, especially overseas! Now, if only the winters weren't so cold : ) "Canada Day (French: Fête du Canada) is the national day of Canada, a federal statutory holiday celebrating the anniversary of the July 1, 1867, enactment of the British North America Act, 1867 (today called the Constitution Act, 1867), which united three colonies into a single country called Canada within the British Empire. Originally called Dominion Day (French: Le Jour de la Confédération), the holiday was renamed in 1982, the year the Canada Act was passed. Canada Day observances take place throughout Canada as well as among Canadians internationally." From Wikipedia. This photo was taken on 27 June 2018, when I was at the Reader Rock Garden, looking across to the Stampede Grounds. The wind helped the flag stay unfurled, but was not helpful at all when trying to photograph the flowers.


01 Nov 2014 171
I forgot I had bought this chocolate Halloween ghost a short while ago, simply to use for a Halloween image on Flickr. Better late than never.

Happy Canada Day

01 Jul 2014 1 209
We live in such a great and free country, which is something to be remembered and thankful for, each and every day! A special wish and thank-you for all those Canadians who are serving our country, especially overseas! This is Canada's 147th birthday - we are so young! "Canada Day (French: Fête du Canada) is the national day of Canada, a federal statutory holiday celebrating the anniversary of the July 1, 1867, enactment of the British North America Act, 1867 (today called the Constitution Act, 1867), which united three colonies into a single country called Canada within the British Empire. Originally called Dominion Day (French: Le Jour de la Confédération), the holiday was renamed in 1982, the year the Canada Act was passed. Canada Day observances take place throughout Canada as well as among Canadians internationally." From Wikipedia. Photo was taken on 17 August 2011. Not sure if this flag is actually standing in the Stampede Grounds, but it can be seen through the trees from the Reader Rock Garden, which is just across the road from the Grounds.

Year of the Snake, 2013

10 Feb 2013 213
I always look forward each year to when the new Canadian Chinese New Year stamps come out. As you can see, the actual stamp is just the left hand portion. What you can't see is that the snake's head uses "sculpted embossing" and is a shiny "gold" finish. I was going to post this image vertically, but for some reason just couldn't get the text to do what I wanted it to : )

Happy Chinese New Year

22 Jan 2012 214
My son was born in Seria, Brunei, Borneo "MANY" years ago, where we lived for three and a half years. Population is a mix of Malays and Chinese. Every year, I look forward to seeing the design for the new Chinese New Year postage stamps for Canada. I reckon they are some of the most beautiful stamps produced in Canada each year - too bad they can't design such spectacular stamps for other occasions, too! The bright red and the raised gold look good together. Chinese New Year begins on January 23rd and Steven's birthday is on January 25th, but sometimes I combine the two for a Flickr post. Thanks once again, fd, for creating the Motivator program : )

: )

31 Oct 2011 227
Happy Halloween, to everyone who celebrates this day! These two cupcakes have been in my fridge for about three days, I think, as I thought I was going to need to take a better photo of them (i.e. without using flash). I never eat cupcakes normally, so I'm not sure just what is going to happen to these - maybe I'll take a bite and see : ) I only bought them so that I could use them for a Halloween photo, ha. Have a safe day and evening, everyone! Please keep your eyes open for little Draculas, princesses and maybe even a few mini Lady Gagas, lol, and drive extra cautiously!

A tip o' the hat - Happy St. Patrick's Day!

17 Mar 2011 147
Or maybe I should say "A tip o' the cap"! To all you Irish folks out there, Happy St. Patrick's Day, March 17th! A tiny shroom photographed at Brown-Lowery Provincial Park on August 23rd.

Happy Halloween

30 Oct 2010 158
Hope those of you who do celebrate Halloween (in one form or another) have a really fun and SAFE weekend. Here in Calgary, we couldn't ask for more perfect weather for all the tiny witches and goblins (and Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber look-alikes, ha) to invade the neighbourhoods : ) Keep an eye open if you are driving tomorrow evening - some of these little guys can't see too well through their masks and costumes. Stay safe! New neighbours moved in today - their dog hasn't stopped barking through the adjoining wall and it's driving me nuts!!! There is only so long that I can stand having my music or TV blaring to drown the sound .... : )

: )

10 Oct 2010 171
Just realized I should post this tonight, as I will be out all day tomorrow and some of you will be celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow, Sunday. My good wishes would then reach you too late. Have a happy weekend anyway, everyone! Happy Columbus Day to my friends down in the US, and Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends in Canada and Canadians living elsewhere. We have so much to be thankful for, even when something unfortunate comes along in our lives. We still have our freedom and comparative safety.


01 Jul 2010 227
Wishing all my fellow Canadians a really happy and SAFE Canada Day tomorrow and the long weekend. Take great care on the roads if you are going to be driving! How lucky we all are to live in a country that provides us with amazing freedom to do what we want to do and to be who we hope to be. Now, if only the winters weren't so cold : ) LOL, if you only knew how many photos of this flag I took late this afternoon. It was really windy out and the flag was blown in every possible way except showing the Maple Leaf! After my volunteer shift this afternoon, I decided to call in at Reader Rock Garden on my way home, as I knew there was a flag flying there. Much too windy for flower photos - the flowers blew in and out of the viewfinder - but I still took a pile of colourful shots, IF they are sharp enough. After that, I called in to see the family of five Great Horned Owls in Fish Creek Park. I don't go very often, as I'd rather give them peace and quiet (especially from photographers!!). When I eventually found them (in a different place this time), all three little ones were hanging out together on a curved branch. I did get one distant shot through the trees, but didn't want to get any closer and disturb them. Not sure if it's fit to post, but I might post it sometime. just to give you an idea of what I saw, especially for those of you who never get to see owls..

Happy Chinese New Year

14 Feb 2010 183
Happy Chinese New Year to all the Chinese people living in various countries around the world as well as their own country. I almost missed out on the new Chinese New Year stamp for this year - someone posted an image a few days ago, but used an old stamp from a few years ago! When I saw it, I thought it looked too similar and so didn't bother to go and buy any. Hope no one else missed out for this reason. Fortunately, I had to call in at the Post Office yesterday to pick up a text book (that had used one of my images for the cover, yay!) and I happened to notice a picture of the 2010 New Year's stamp. When I saw that it was like this, I grabbed a few (I buy a few every year). The central design is raised in gold and is quite attractive. I always reckon the Chinese New Year stamps are some of our nicest stamps.

Happy Halloween!

31 Oct 2009 232
To those of you who celebrate Halloween, have a fun, SAFE time tomorrow! I took this photo a year ago, thinking that maybe by the time the next Halloween rolled around, I might not have a photo of a real pumpkin to post, LOL. Sure enough, my recent Turban Squash was the closest I've come to seeing a real pumpkin. Saw this "imitation" on the doorstep of someone's house while I was walking from Stanley Park all the way to the Glenmore Dam last October.


15 Jun 2008 139
Every day should be Father's Day, just as each and every day should be Mother's Day! However, as today is the commercial day to celebrate, I send my good wishes to all you fathers out there, including my son, who is father to the most perfect, adorable, intelligent child imaginable! Ok, bear with me, I'm his Grandma, LOL! May it be a happy day for everyone! Created with fd's Flickr Toys .

Happy Halloween 2

30 Oct 2006 126
For those of you who "celebrate" Halloween, I wish you a Happy Halloween. It has become a huge holiday in Canada, with little ghosts and goblins, witches, Superman, fairies, pumpkins and the rest, everywhere! I think fewer and fewer children go from house to house hoping for candy, as there are now special Halloween events held in shopping malls, Community Centres and the like. This, by the way, is a photo taken by my son and family of their front garden last year. My son always did have a great imagination and is very artistic and creative. Even one of his hobbies comes in useful for this - woodwork.

Happy Halloween

30 Oct 2006 126
For those of you who "celebrate" Halloween, I wish you a Happy Halloween. It has become a huge holiday in Canada, with little ghosts and goblins, witches, Superman, fairies, pumpkins and the rest, everywhere! I think fewer and fewer children go from house to house hoping for candy, as there are now special Halloween events held in shopping malls, Community Centres and the like. This, by the way, is a photo taken by my son and family of their front garden last year. My son always did have a great imagination and is very artistic and creative. Even one of his hobbies comes in useful for this - woodwork.