Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Tyrannidae

Western Kingbird

29 Jun 2015 1 233
Thought I would take a quick break from posting photos recently taken in Waterton Lakes National Park and, instead, add three photos taken yesterday, east of the city. (Adding for my own record - this Kingbird photo is my main photo today, i.e., the very last photo uploaded. If you see the wetland scenic shot as my main image, then Flickr is playing tricks again, as it has done several times recently!). Just had this reply on the Help Forum: "For Your contacts that look at Your photostream the order of the photos depends on which order they choose. If they choose "date taken" they will see the photos in this order and not in the order "date uploaded". I didn't know you could change the order view on someone's else's photos. "An eye-catching bird with ashy gray and lemon-yellow plumage, the Western Kingbird is a familiar summertime sight in open habitats across western North America. This large flycatcher sallies out to capture flying insects from conspicuous perches on trees or utility lines, flashing a black tail with white edges. Western Kingbirds are aggressive and will scold and chase intruders (including Red-tailed Hawks and American Kestrels) with a snapping bill and flared crimson feathers they normally keep hidden under their gray crowns." From AllAboutBirds. I remember seeing a very distant Western Kingbird quite a few years ago, but wasn't able to get a shot of it. Then, last July, I saw one in the Frank Lake area and managed to get a very poor photo. Yesterday, I was lucky to see a pair of these birds and this one sat for a second or two on an open branch. In and around Calgary, we get the Eastern Kingbird. A large group of us went east of Calgary to a friend's wonderful property out on the prairies. Down an embankment from her house and extensive yard lies a beautiful wetland, which is part of their property. The temperature yesterday was 32C (90F), but there was a very welcome, gentle breeze, which made it bearable. Much more pleasant than inside my house, which felt like an oven. We spent a few hours watching and photographing the distant birds, with some people making a very careful list of the birds seen at this location. An absolute little gem of a place, with 57 species of birds seen (as usual, there were many that I did not see, without binoculars). I will add the list compiled by our leader, Gus Yaki. 1. Canada Goose-7 2. Gadwall-150 3. Am. Wigeon-22 4. Mallard-7 5. Blue-winged Teal-150 6. Cinnamon Teal-30 7. Northern Shoveler-55 8. Northern Pintail-4 9. Green-winged Teal-5 10. Canvasback-1 11. Redhead-2 12. Lesser Scaup-24 13. Bufflehead-4 14. Ruddy Duck-1 f. 15. Am. White Pelican-1 16. Great Blue Heron-1 17. Black-crowned Night-Heron-1 18. White-faced Ibis-22 19. Swainson’s Hawk-3 20, Red-tailed Hawk-2 21. American Coot-1 22. Killdeer-26 23. Black-necked Stilt-25 24. American Avocet-85 25. Greater Yellowlegs-25, Southbound Autumn Migrants. 26. Lesser Yellowlegs-40, “ “ “ 27. Solitary Sandpiper-4, “ “ “ 28. Willet-8 29. Marbled Godwit-10 30. Baird’s? Sandpiper-1, “ “ “ 31. Wilson’s Phalarope-26 32. Franklin’s Gull-800 33. Ring-billed Gull-3 34. California Gull-1 35. Forster’s Tern-2 36. Black Tern-2 37. Mourning Dove-3 38. Northern Flicker-1 39. Least Flycatcher-2 40. Western Kingbird-2 41. Eastern Kingbird-1 42. Warbling Vireo-1 43. Black-billed Magpie-8 44. Tree Swallow-10 45. Bank Swallow-7 46. Barn Swallow-2 47. House Wren-2 48. American Robin-10 49. European Starling-40 50. Yellow Warbler-2 51. Clay-colored Sparrow-1 52. Red-winged Blackbird-40 53. Yellow-headed Blackbird-11 54. Common Grackle-12 55. Brown-headed Cowbird-3 56. Baltimore Oriole-2 57. House Sparrow-40 Many thanks, Lyn, for inviting us to come and see your beautiful property! What a treat. You certainly have an amazing variety of birds. Thanks, too, to the friends who gave me a ride - always greatly appreciated!

Western Kingbird

12 Jul 2014 1 179
I remember seeing a very distant Western Kingbird quite a few years ago, but wasn’t able to get a shot of it. Today’s photo is still not a close shot, and not good quality, but I was happy to see and photograph this bird. Thanks, Greg, for your effort to find a new bird or two for me : ) Greatly appreciated – and I’m so glad you were successful in finding a Gray Partridge (seen many times before by you) for your extensive records. Two days ago, on 10 July 2014, I checked the weather forecast before dashing down to the Frank Lake area, SE of the city. Pretty much a spur of the moment thing. The temperature had gone down a few degrees from the unbearably hot day before, and the sun was shining. On the Weather Network, I discovered that there was a weather Alert in effect, possibly huge hailstones and also the possibility of a tornado. Thinking I might get a chance to see some interesting clouds, I decided that I would still go. My destination was Frank Lake and the surrounding area, where I bumped into friend, Greg Wagner, who is extremely knowledgeable about the area and its wildlife, and does an amazing job of recording all his sightings. I saw Eared Grebes with their young ones (quite big now), a few White-faced Ibis and Black-crowned Night Herons (no photos). Did manage to get a few shots of a Sora (thanks for telling me to watch out for them, Greg!). After I'd finished at the blind, Greg took me to various spots around the lake, pointing out places where he had seen interesting things, hoping that they might still be there for me to see. Thanks so much, Greg - I enjoyed this and really appreciated it! One of these was this Western Kingbird - our more common Kingbird is the Eastern, so I was very happy to see a Western. We also passed by a male Great Horned Owl (posted yesterday), who was perched on one of the huge pylons. He and his family seem to be doing well. Photo was quickly taken from inside the car, using 48x zoom and then cropped. Of course, more natural surroundings would have been nicer, but this family of owls likes to use this pylon : ) The clouds were building up as the hours went by (see next photo) and it did rain just a little when I was driving home. Fortunately, no hail or tornado! "An eye-catching bird with ashy gray and lemon-yellow plumage, the Western Kingbird is a familiar summertime sight in open habitats across western North America. This large flycatcher sallies out to capture flying insects from conspicuous perches on trees or utility lines, flashing a black tail with white edges. Western Kingbirds are aggressive and will scold and chase intruders (including Red-tailed Hawks and American Kestrels) with a snapping bill and flared crimson feathers they normally keep hidden under their gray crowns." From AllAboutBirds.

Eastern Kingbird

24 Jul 2010 233
This Eastern Kingbird gave me a bit of a hard time flying from post to post as I followed it slowly in my car along one of the backroads south west of the city a couple of days ago. Couldn't get close, so had to crop. I rather liked the lichen-covered fence post it perched on here - and for me, a blurry background is always welcomed, especially as it doesn't always happen : ) Several of us had a long, but so enjoyable, day out south of the city today. We were lucky enough to be given the chance to make a return visit to Janel B. and her family's ranch, near Millarville. A delightful family who make us all feel so welcome! We had such an interesting day, walking though the forest that is part of their land, recording all the flora and fauna that we saw. Best of all, we were accompanied for the whole day by two youngsters: their son, Trystan, and a close friend of his, Casey (sorry guys, I need to check on the spelling of both your names!). Talk about delightful kids, and very helpful in helping to find all sorts of things in the woods, especially fungi and bugs!!! I found myself wishing that all kids could grow up in such a place and being so in-touch with nature! Wonderful to see! Thank you both for your much enjoyed company and for all your help, both of you! I suspect you will both sleep really well tonight - I've just woken up from falling asleep in front of the TV this early evening! Trystan, if you read this, I haven't had time yet to go through my photos from today, but will very slowly get a few of the better ones added to Flickr. Thank you from all of us for a lovely day!