Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: repairs

Weathered and patched

04 Apr 2016 1 229
Yesterday, 3 April 2016, I was on a birding day trip with a group of friends, going SE of Calgary, E of High River. The weather was beautifully mild and, as always, it was a most enjoyable day. As always, my camera lens was turned to various other things, too, as usually happens when birds are little more than tiny silhouettes in the far, far distance. This was a rather plain, pale barn, but I still liked it. I saw it while we were driving along the gravel backroad and was wishing that if only we could stop, then I could get a photo. That is exactly what happened. The leader decided that we would stop and take a good look over a lake (was it Brant Lake?) and I was able to take a couple of shots. I will add the report from our leader, Tony Timmons. With all the birds so far away, it was really difficult, if not impossible, to even begin to count the numbers. Many thanks for a great day, Tony, and thanks so much for the ride! "Twelve people were on the trip Sunday, enjoying warm weather and lots of birds (mostly waterfowl). We birded Frank Lake, Brant Lake, and a brief stop at Third Lake; finding 40 species for the day. Greater White-fronted Goose -10 Brant Lake Snow Goose -7 Frank Lake Canada Goose Trumpeter Swan Tundra Swan Gadwall American Wigeon Mallard Northern Shoveler Green-winged Teal Canvasback Redhead Ring-necked Duck Greater Scaup - 3 Brant Lake Lesser Scaup Bufflehead Common Goldeneye Ruddy Duck Northern Harrier -2 Third Lake Gray Partridge Ring-necked Pheasant American Coot - 300 Brant Lake Greater Yellowlegs - 1 Frank Lake Killdeer Ring-billed Gull California Gull Rock Pigeon Great Horned Owl - 2 on nest Northern Shrike -2 One close to Frank Lake gate, one N. of Third Lake Black-billed Magpie American Crow Common Raven American Robin European Starling Red-winged Blackbird -12 males, Frank Lake Area Yellow-headed Blackbird - 2 Frank Lake blind Western Meadowlark House Finch House Sparrow Two Red-tailed Hawks were overhead as We entered the city limits."