Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Canon Powershot S3 IS

A great pick-me-up

25 Feb 2009 222
A much-needed pick-me-up today, as it has been very cold, gloomy and snowing all morning. I even chickened out of a three-hour walk this morning, which is unusual for me. Did call in at a local park a bit later in the hope of getting a few Chickadee shots, but I suspect they will all be too noisy (i.e. from low light, not from little chirping voices) and will end up being deleted. The Chickadees were noisier than ever and landed on my head and shoulder, hoping for a tiny snack on such a cold, nasty day.

Musical chairs

23 Jan 2010 200
There are lots of these short posts down in various parts of the local park, around the parking lots. I remember going there one time and having a Chickadee, a White-breasted Nuthatch, a Downy Woodpecker, a Hairy Woodpecker and a Northern Flicker all on one row - at the SAME time!! Taken on 2nd March 2007!

Weight of the world

05 Mar 2009 210
Sorry, Rebecca, this owl lives at the Coaldale Bird of Prey Centre, just over a two-hour drive south from here (i.e towards the US border). I went there for the day with a friend in July 2007 and we had the most amazing time (despite a temperature of either 36C or 38C all day). This Centre takes injured birds of prey and releases those that eventually recover. The rest do such a great job of educating people about owls, hawks and eagles. We don't get Barn Owls in Alberta. I had the humbling opportunity to have both a Burrowing Owl and a Great Horned Owl separately on my arm : )

Through fall coloured glasses

14 Oct 2007 133
Just messing about down at the park. They have a couple of wooden picnic shelters there with these two large round holes. Not all that many fall leaves on the trees now.

Young Cooper's Hawk

08 Sep 2006 128
We were able to watch this family be created from nest building to seeing three white balls of fluff to seeing the young after they had fledged. I was very lucky the one day when I came across this young one sitting on a bare branch in a tree near the nesting tree.

Common Gaillardia

04 Sep 2006 168
A Gaillardia that is a little different, found on the beautiful Ann and Sandy Cross Conservation area just south of Calgary.