Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Chipmunk

Hungry little Chipmunk

13 Nov 2016 285
This photo was taken on Saturday, 10 September 2016. This was the second day in a row that I did a long drive that I had never done myself, and had longed for years to be brave enough to do. On the Friday, I drove way down south as far as the Alberta Birds of Prey Centre in Coaldale (drove 496 km that day). Then, on the Saturday, my daughter came with me to Kananaskis and I drove the Highway 40 loop, going south via Turner Valley and then coming home via 1X and Highway 1A. I had been to Coaldale maybe five times before with various friends, and I had been to Kananaskis quite a few times over the years with different friends. What a way to introduce a new car to life with Anne Elliott, lol! By the end of this second day, it was so dirty from all the dust gathered, especially along the rough, gravel Spray Lakes/Smith-Dorrien trail (only drove part way along this mountainous road). My car was also covered in splattered insects which were unlucky enough to fly into my car. Got my very first (tiny) paint chip from all the flying gravel along this road, on the passenger door. If I had been able to do these drives a bit earlier in the summer, I would have done so and not on consecutive days. However, I would never have taken my 17-year-old car, for a start. Then, when I checked the Birds of Prey Centre's website, I discovered that Saturday was the last day it would be open before closing till next May. As far as the Kananaskis trip was concerned, there had already been snow in some areas of the mountains, and I definitely did not want to risk doing my very first drive there in snow. So, two wonderful days, for which I am truly thankful! A few weeks before, I had been with friend, Pam, for a long day out in Kananaskis (the mountain area of the Rocky Mountains that is closest to Calgary). What a great day we had, seeing so many different things in such beautiful scenery. The trip with my daughter followed a good part of the trip I was on with Pam, which was very helpful. Our first stop was at Highwood House, a very convenient place to stop for things like coffee, snacks, washroom, gas station. All the Hummingbird feeders had been taken down, now that the Hummingbirds have left. From there, we drove north to Rock Glacier to see the little Pikas (also called Rock Rabbits). I'm pretty sure we saw just two individuals and managed to get some rather distant shots. As usual, they were darting all over the massive scree (talus?) slope, busily collecting plants to store and dry in their "caves", ready for the winter months - they don't hibernate. There was very light rain while we were there, but that cleared up for the rest of our journey. This little Chipmunk shared the hillside with them. A couple of short YouTube videos in case anyone wants to hear and see Pikas in action: Further along, we called in at Boulton Bridge, as I wanted to do a quick check to see if there were many mushrooms around. I had been there with friends, Dorothy and Stephen, and we found lots of interesting mushrooms to photograph. Saturday was very different and it was obvious that the peak of the season was now over. Trying to find Buller Pond, where I had stopped with Pam the other week, we ended up at an area called Peninsular, part of Lower Kananaskis Lake. I don't remember ever having been to this area before. A short drive along the Spray Lakes/Smith-Dorrien trail, followed by continuing along Highway 40 past Barrier Lake, brought us to Highway 1. We crossed over and found 1X, which then took us to Highway 1A leading to Cochrane. From there on, I was on very familiar driving ground. Many thanks, Rachel, for coming out with me. We had a great day in such magnificent scenery with enough wildlife to keep us happy (Pikas, Bighorn Sheep and this tiny Chipmunk plus another one who was happily munching on a bright red berry).

Chipmunk with a yummy snack

11 Sep 2016 258
September 11th, a day never to be forgotten. My thoughts are with the thousands of people who died that day and others who suffered terrible injuries, their families and friends, and all the emergency responders (Firefighters, EMS, Police, and others) who worked tirelessly. A day that can never be erased from our memory. Hard to believe that 15 years have already passed! All three photos posted this morning were taken yesterday, 10 September 2016. This was the second day in a row that I did a long drive that I had never done myself, and had longed for years to be brave enough to do. The day before yesterday, I drove way down south as far as the Coaldale Bird of Prey Centre (drove 496 km that day). Then, yesterday, my daughter came with me to Kananaskis and I drove the HIghway 40 loop, going south via Turner Valley and then coming home via 1X and Highway 1A. I had been to Coaldale maybe five times before with various friends, and I had been to Kananaskis quite a few times over the years with various friends. What a way to introduce a new car to life with Anne Elliott, lol! By the end of yesterday, it was so dirty from all the dust gathered, especially along the rough, gravel Spray Lakes/Smith-Dorrien trail (only drove part way along this mountainous road).. Also covered in splattered insects which were unlucky enough to fly into my car. This morning, it has been raining, thank goodness, so hopefully my vehicle will look a bit cleaner. If I had been able to do these drives a little earlier in the summer, I would have done so and not on consecutive days. However, I would never have taken my 17-year-old car, for a start. Then, when I checked the Bird of Prey Centre's website the other day, I discovered that yesterday was the last day it would be open before closing till next May. As far as the Kananaskis trip was concerned, there has already been snow in some areas of the mountains, and I definitely did not want to risk doing my very first drive there in snow. So, two wonderful days, for which I am truly thankful! About three weeks ago, I had been with friend, Pam, for a long day out in Kananaskis (the mountain area of the Rocky Mountains that is closest to Calgary). What a great day we had, seeing so many different things in such beautiful scenery. Yesterday's trip with my daughter followed a good part of the trip I was on with Pam, which was great. Our first stop yesterday was at Highwood House, a very convenient place to stop for things like coffee, washrooms, gas station. All the Hummingbird feeders have been taken down now that the Hummingbirds have left. From here, we drove north to Rock Glacier to see the little Pikas (also called Rock Rabbits). I'm pretty sure we saw just two individuals and managed to get some rather distant shots. As usual, they were darting all over the massive scree (talus?) slope, busily collecting plants to store and dry in their "caves", ready for the winter months. There was very light rain while we were there, but that cleared up for the rest of our journey. A couple of short YouTube videos in case anyone wants to hear and see these absolutely cute creatures: Further along, we called in at Boulton Bridge, as I wanted to do a quick check to see if there were many mushrooms around. Recently, I had been there with friends, Dorothy and Stephen, and we found lots of interesting mushrooms to photograph. Yesterday was very different and it was obvious that the peak of the season is already over. Trying to find Buller Pond, where I had stopped with Pam the other week, we ended up at an area called Peninsular, part of Lower Kananaskis Lake. I love the mountain folds seen across the lake. A short drive along the Spray Lakes/Smith-Dorrien trail, followed by continuing along Highway 40 past Barrier Lake, brought us to Highway 1. We crossed over and found 1X, which then took us to Highway 1A leading to Cochrane. From there on, I was on very familiar driving ground. Many thanks, Rachel, for coming out with me yesterday. We had a great day in such magnificent scenery with enough wildlife to keep us happy (Pikas, Bighorn Sheep and a tiny Chipmunk who was munching on a bright red berry.

Now they can't see me

14 Aug 2016 232
The upload problem on Flickr seems to have been solved - for now. Couldn't upload my daily three very early yesterday morning and then I was out for the whole day. Got home late afternoon/early evening and discovered that, yay, I could upload my photos. Kind of too late in the day really, but thought I would post them anyway. Two evenings ago, friend Dorothy phoned and asked if I'd like to go with them to Kananaskis for the day. A last minute decision - and of course I said yes! What a great day we had in the mountains, with perfect weather and so many mushrooms to keep all three of us happy. The highlight for me was when we saw Strawberries and Cream fungi / Hynellum peckii, my favourite fungi. Quite a few of them, too. When I think how many endless rainy days we have been having the last few weeks, we were so lucky that the sun shone yesterday, the temperature was pleasant, and a slight breeze kept comfort levels just right. Our first brief stop was at a pond on the way to Bragg Creek, where a mutual friend had been seeing a Common Loon, but there was no sign of it yesterday. From there, once we eventually reached the mountains, we stopped at a large pond to check for birds and kept our eyes open for any mushrooms. The ground seemed too dry here, for any fungus to be growing. However, we were treated to wonderful views of a beautiful Osprey perched on top of a tall coniferous tree further down the path. It flew to a few different trees and then finally made the plunge for a fish, with success. What a splash it made! Once caught, it flew out of sight - maybe it had a nest somewhere with young ones to feed. Our next stop was further into the mountains and we found that the ground was damper and more conducive to the growth of mushrooms. I suspect that after all the rain we've had this summer, one could find mushrooms growing anywhere now. We were certainly lucky at this location, finding various species. One of the highlights of the day for me was seeing one of my favourite fungi, Strawberries and Cream fungus / Hydnellum peckii - the one that produces small, ruby red droplets on the surface. Will post a photo in the coming days. The individuals we saw were not hugely photogenic, but wonderful to see, both at this location and our next stop, at Kananaskis Lakes. Lunch was eaten at a convenient picnic table right by a large creek after this first walk. While we were sitting there, this cute little Chipmunk (Least Chipmunk?) stopped long enough to take a quick peek at us through the tall grass blades. I suspect it thought it was well hidden. After our lunch, we drove to Kananaskis Lakes and went for a most enjoyable hike - a very slow one, as there were mushrooms everywhere! We had been along this trail in previous years and had found a good variety of fungi. There were so many people on the trail! Good to see everyone out enjoying the good weather, fresh mountain air, and beautiful scenery. Thanks so much, Dorothy and Stephen, not just for yesterday, but for also helping to make my wait for my new car to arrive, easier! Greatly appreciated.

Such cute little hands and feet

13 Jun 2016 1 1 230
"The diet of the least chipmunk (Tamias minimus) consists mainly of seeds, nuts and fruits, although it will also take other plant material, such as leaves and flowers, as well as fungi, insects and occasionally birds’ eggs. The least chipmunk may also sometimes feed on carrion. While foraging, the least chipmunk will often fill its cheek pouches with seeds and nuts, which it then hoards in various locations or carries to its burrow to store for the winter. This behaviour, typical of chipmunks, is reflected in the scientific name of the genus Tamias, which comes from the Greek for ‘storer’ or ‘distributor’." From Arkive. We saw this little Least Chipmunk yesterday afternoon, while we were on a birding walk at the west end of South Glenmore Park as far as Weaselhead. It was busy eating and stuffing its cheek pouches with nuts and seeds. We also saw two extremely distant Great Horned Owl owlets sitting together in a tree on a distant hillside. I have missed so many of the birding walks (and botany walks) and there is just one more walk left and then they come to an end till the end of August/beginning of September. Yesterday afternoon's walk was very enjoyable, as was a stop at the Good Earth cafe afterwards : ) Will add our leaders' final list of species seen - thanks for a great walk Janet, Bernie and Stephen!: FFCPPSoc. Birding West end of South Glenmore Park, Calgary. 1:15-4:15 PM. Sun. June 12/16. Gusting West winds 30 - 40 Km/hr, 21 to 23C, Sunny skies. 1. Great Blue Heron - 1 2. Swainson's Hawk - 1 seen by BD pre-walk 3. Franklin's Gull - 60 4. Great Horned Owl - 2 juveniles 5. Downy Woodpecker - 4 (including pair seen at nest sight feeding young) 6. Eastern Phoebe - 2 7. Least Flycatcher - 4 heard 8. Red-eyed Vireo - 4 heard 9. American Crow - 7 10. Tree Swallow - 3 11. Red-breasted Nuthatch - 2 including one flying into nest 12. White-breasted Nuthatch - 1 13. House Wren - 3 heard 14. American Robin - 1 15. Veery - 2 heard 16. Cedar Waxwing - 3 17. Yellow Warbler - 6 (5 heard, 1 seen) 18. Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 1 heard 19. Clay-coloured Sparrow - 4 20. White-throated Sparrow - 2 heard 21. Red-winged Blackbird - 13 22. Brown-headed Cowbird - 5 23. American Goldfinch - 4 24. House Sparrow - 1 White-tailed Deer - 1 Least Chipmunk - 1 Red Squirrel - 1 Swallow-tailed Butterfly - 8 As usual on our birding walks, I take very few photos, so yesterday after the walk, I decided I would drive to a wetland in SW Calgary to check on the Red-necked Grebes. The light was harsh and I had to look into the sun and couldn't even tell if there were any babies. Obviously the wrong time of day to go there. From there, I decided to go SW of the city and check on Bluebirds, Snipe and maybe even a Great Gray Owl if I was very lucky. Only stopped at one Bluebird box and the parents were busy bringing insects to feed their babies. Every now and then, a baby would peer out of the small hole, so I know it won't be long till they fledge. Driving along one road to search for an owl, I noticed a truck pulled over in the distance. I always slow right down when I see a vehicle stopped, just in case it is a photographer taking photos of something interesting. I never want to spook a bird or animal and spoil a photographer's fun. I was so focused on the truck, looking to see if the driver was pointing a camera, that at first I didn't notice the person standing the other side of the road OR the owl sitting on the fence! When I realized it was a friend, I pulled over, got out and took a few photos. I don't know if this was one of the two Great Grays that I had seen within the last 10 days or so. It is possible either way. Also spotted two Bobolinks chasing each other and then disappearing - no chance for a photo.

Least Chipmunk

20 Apr 2016 2 3 304
Amazing, our temperature yesterday, 19 April 2016, got up to 27C! We have been having summer weather and it's only spring. The temperature in Calgary climbed high enough yesterday to top a century-old weather record. "According to Environment Canada, the previous record high for Calgary on April 19 was recorded at the Calgary International Airport in 1910 when it was 26.7 C. Calgary had tied that record by 2 p.m. and beat it at around 5 p.m. by reaching 27.5 C." This photo was taken on 31 March 2016, on a birding walk in North Glenmore Park and Weaselhead as far as the green, metal bridge. No sign of the sun until our walk was over. When I opened my front door, I realized just how gloomy it was outside, with dark grey clouds filling the sky. Temperature was 3C to 5C. Far from a good day to take photos, but we were still quite lucky with the bird and mammal species we saw. We split into three groups, going in different directions, but still eventually covering the same locations. My group looked out over the Glenmore Reservoir and then drove through the park to the Crowchild Stormwater Ponds. After we returned to the main parking lot, we walked down into Weaselhead, crossing the green, metal bridge, and then walked back up the long hill. Everyone enjoyed watching this little Least Chipmunk stuffing his cheek pouches with nuts and seeds. He was so small, so fast, and SO cute. "A small rodent with a long, narrow but fairly bushy tail, the least chipmunk (Tamias minimus) is the smallest and most widely distributed chipmunk species in North America. The diet of the least chipmunk consists mainly of seeds, nuts and fruits, although it will also take other plant material, such as leaves and flowers, as well as fungi, insects and occasionally birds’ eggs. The least chipmunk may also sometimes feed on carrion. While foraging, the least chipmunk will often fill its cheek pouches with seeds and nuts, which it then hoards in various locations or carries to its burrow to store for the winter. This behaviour, typical of chipmunks, is reflected in the scientific name of the genus Tamias, which comes from the Greek for ‘storer’ or ‘distributor’." From the Arkive website. I will add the list of species compiled by our leaders: Canada Goose-40 Trumpeter Swan-25 American Wigeon-3. Mallard-20 Green-winged Teal-1 m(ale). Bufflehead-1 Common Goldeneye-50 Common Merganser-80 Bald Eagle-1, imm(ature) unsuccessfully trying to capture a Common Goldeneye. Northern Goshawk-1 Ring-billed Gull-50 California Gull? - 4 Herring Gull-2+ Great Horned Owl-2 Downy Woodpecker-4 Northern Flicker-7+. 5 in Wslhd parking lot, landing on utility pole. Blue Jay-9, in one group at parking lot Black-billed Magpie-12 American Crow-8 Common Raven-2 Black-capped Chickadee-30 Red-breasted Nuthatch-7 White-breasted Nuthatch-2 American Robin-5+ American Tree Sparrow-3 Dark-eyed (Slate-colored) Junco-3 House Finch-4 White-winged Crossbill-50+ Common Redpoll-1 Pine Siskin-30 American Goldfinch-1 heard. Coyote-1 Red Squirrel-2 Eastern Gray Squirrel-1, with lots of rufous on ears, neck and legs, suggestive of Fox Squirrel. Least Chipmunk-3 Snowshoe Hare-1 After the walk, friend Sandy and I went for lunch at a nearby cafe. A savoury crepe and welcome coffee really hit the spot. Great to get the chance to chat with you and catch up on news, Sandy!

Least Chipmunk

01 Apr 2016 1 1 274
Added later, in the evening, on 1 April 2016. I don't know how many of you make posters through fd's Scout program. I have just finished creating 166 posters (lol!!!) and 10 for my daughter today, thanks to fd's annual April 1st 'treat' for us. That is one disadvantage of having so many images on Flickr - too many posters to make. All ones photos are displayed in 'Order of Interestingness" just for today. I love these attractive posters, and they are a great way to keep a record of every photo that you have posted on Flickr. Something to keep in mind, given the various articles and comments about whether Flickr is likely to be closing down or not. I guess we will all find out, eventually. All three photos that I've uploaded today were taken yesterday morning, on a birding walk in North Glenmore Park and Weaselhead as far as the green, metal bridge. No sign of the sun until our walk was over. When I opened my front door, I realized just how gloomy it was outside, with dark grey clouds filling the sky. Temperature was 3C to 5C. Far from a good day to take photos, but we were still quite lucky with the bird and mammal species we saw. I had to brighten all three photos, but when I see them this morning, they all still look rather dark - and I think I'm too tired to brighten them more. We split into three groups, going in different directions, but still eventually covering the same locations. My group looked out over the Glenmore Reservoir and then drove through the park to the Crowchild Stormwater Ponds. After we returned to the main parking lot, we walked down into Weaselhead, crossing the green, metal bridge, and then walked back up the long hill. Everyone enjoyed watching this little Least Chipmunk stuffing his cheek pouches with nuts and seeds. He was so small, so fast, and SO cute. "A small rodent with a long, narrow but fairly bushy tail, the least chipmunk (Tamias minimus) is the smallest and most widely distributed chipmunk species in North America. The diet of the least chipmunk consists mainly of seeds, nuts and fruits, although it will also take other plant material, such as leaves and flowers, as well as fungi, insects and occasionally birds’ eggs. The least chipmunk may also sometimes feed on carrion. While foraging, the least chipmunk will often fill its cheek pouches with seeds and nuts, which it then hoards in various locations or carries to its burrow to store for the winter. This behaviour, typical of chipmunks, is reflected in the scientific name of the genus Tamias, which comes from the Greek for ‘storer’ or ‘distributor’." From the Arkive website. I will add the list of species compiled by our leaders: Canada Goose-40 Trumpeter Swan-25 American Wigeon-3. Mallard-20 Green-winged Teal-1 m(ale). Bufflehead-1 Common Goldeneye-50 Common Merganser-80 Bald Eagle-1, imm(ature) unsuccessfully trying to capture a Common Goldeneye. Northern Goshawk-1 Ring-billed Gull-50 California Gull? - 4 Herring Gull-2+ Great Horned Owl-2 Downy Woodpecker-4 Northern Flicker-7+. 5 in Wslhd parking lot, landing on utility pole. Blue Jay-9, in one group at parking lot Black-billed Magpie-12 American Crow-8 Common Raven-2 Black-capped Chickadee-30 Red-breasted Nuthatch-7 White-breasted Nuthatch-2 American Robin-5+ American Tree Sparrow-3 Dark-eyed (Slate-colored) Junco-3 House Finch-4 White-winged Crossbill-50+ Common Redpoll-1 Pine Siskin-30 American Goldfinch-1 heard. Coyote-1 Red Squirrel-2 Eastern Gray Squirrel-1, with lots of rufous on ears, neck and legs, suggestive of Fox Squirrel. Least Chipmunk-3 Snowshoe Hare-1 After the walk, friend Sandy and I went for lunch at a nearby cafe. A savoury crepe and welcome coffee really hit the spot. Great to get the chance to chat with you and catch up on news, Sandy!

I'm hiding - she can't see me

12 Jul 2015 227
This photo of a little Least Chipmunk was taken on 21 June 2015, when some of us walked to a campground to find an outhouse before starting on a hike along the Crandell Lake Trail, in Waterton Lakes National Park. The least chipmunk (Tamias minimus) is the smallest species of chipmunk, and the most widespread in North America. I was so lucky to be invited to join friends Sandy and Heide on a three-day trip to Waterton Lakes National Park, from 19-21 (inclusive) June 2015. We met up with other members of the Alberta Native Plant Council for their annual Botany Alberta weekend. Most people who attended stayed at the Crooked Creek Campground, a 5.6 km drive east of the Waterton Park Gate on Highway 5, but my friends and I stayed at the Crandell Mountain Lodge on the edge of Waterton town. The ANPC people had a list of species that they hoped to find, and they were very successful. Our stay down south overlapped the annual Waterton Wildflower Festival, but we came across very few people on our various drives and hikes. Needless to say, I was extremely fortunate to spend three days with people who are very knowledgeable about plants (and other things). This meant that I got to see many wildflower species, including several that were new to me, such as the gorgeous Mariposa Lily. It was one of the flowers that was on my Wish List - and there were hundreds of them to be seen! I had also never seen the spectacular Bear Grass and I was so thrilled that there were still several plants in bloom. Absolutely made my day! Our two main hikes of the weekend were the Bertha Lake Trail as far as the Bertha Falls (on 20 June), and the Crandell Lake Trail (on 21 June). Makes me smile when a described "short, easy hike" in a book or on the Internet turns into a full day of exploration along the trail, taking hours to reach the destination, though returning to the cars in a much shorter time. Our walks/hikes are very slow-paced with endless stops to look at/for plants and to take photos. This makes it possible for me to go along. Crandell Lake from the Crandell Campground trailhead: Return distance 4.0 km (2.4 miles), elevation gain 150 metres (492'), hiking time 1.5 hours (we took all day!). Bertha Falls from the townsite trailhead: Return distance 5.6 km (3.4 miles), elevation gain 150 metres (492'), hiking time 1.5 hours (again, we took all day). For me, this hike felt much further than it was! The wind made photographing plants a real challenge, including the beautiful Mariposa Lilies in the meadow along the Hay Barn road. Though I took plenty of photos, I wasn't sure that I would end up with any that were sharp enough. Trying to catch a quick shot when a flower is blowing in and out of the viewfinder is not easy! Unfortunately, I'm no longer able to get down and take macro shots (my lens needs to be about 4" away from the subject), so my photos have to be telemacro. I've been trying to find a list of plant species in Waterton Park, but have so far been out of luck. I do have the book, "Wildflowers of Waterton Park" by Jacinthe Lavoie and Ian Wilson, which has an Index of Plant names, but I was hoping to find a list that I could print out.

Chipmunk with Foxtail

02 Oct 2014 297
This tiny Chipmunk was happily nibbling on what looks like a blade of Foxtail Barley. It was running over the rocks at The Hoodoo Trail and each time it stopped for a few moments, I just wasn't able to get a completely clear shot of it. I love those tiny hands grasping this snack. Three days ago, on 29 September 2014, I finally drove out across the prairies to an area that lies NE of Calgary, that I had longed to go to for so many years. It must have been 30+ years ago that I first saw one particular area of the Badlands of Alberta. A few times, I had been fairly close when I went on several botany trips out that way, but when you are carpooling, you can't just go wherever you want. So, my youngest daughter and I decided that we both wanted to make this trip, All summer, we have been waiting for a day on which she didn't have to work and where the weather forecast was for no rain on the day or there had been no rain the previous day. The Bentonite Clay in the area becomes treacherously slippery when wet. The forecast for yesterday was for a mainly sunny day - at last, we were going! I think this was the longest day of driving I had ever done, especially to, and in, an area that I'd never driven to before. For anyone who doesn't know me, I have battled a driving phobia for decades, plus I have no sense of direction, lol! Thankfully, my daughter has an amazing sense of direction, so I knew we wouldn't be stuck out on the prairies in the middle of nowhere. A typical question at too many intersections went as follows: me - "Do we go left?"; my daughter - "No, we go right", lol! I met my daughter at 8:00 am. and I got home shortly before 9:00 pm. Much of that time was spent driving; the rest was spent wandering round three main areas - The Hoodoo Trail, Dorothy and Rowley, in different directions from Drumheller (known for its remarkable dinosaur findings). The forecast was far from accurate on our drive out to the Badlands and I began to wonder if we'd made a mistake going on this trip on that particular day. However, knowing that snow would be returning very soon ("returning" because we had two snowstorms on 9 and 10 September), I was beginning to feel rather desperate and really didn't want to risk not getting out there this year. The afternoon was less cloudy and we did have some sun. Our main destinations were the Hoodoo Trail, the almost-ghost-town of Dorothy (calling in at Wayne as well) and the historic hamlet of Rowley that lies north of Drumheller. I had longed, for such a long time, to see the two small, old churches that are to be found in Dorothy, as well as the old grain elevator. Both churches have been restored, which is good in some ways but they have lost some of their character. After driving over 11 bridges to call in at Wayne, we then drove to Rowley to see the old grain elevators and to wander round this very small, historical place. There are actually three elevators there. Dorothy felt and looked almost deserted, whereas Rowley was beautifully kept. From Rowley, we made our way back across the prairies to Calgary. I had planned on getting back before it got dark as I no longer like night driving and very rarely do it, but we didn't quite make it. On the return drive, the last sighting was a Great Horned Owl that was perched part way up a power pole. Well done, Rachel, spotting this welcome bird! Not easy to see in the dark. By the time I got home, I was so tired and my arms were so painful from driving, but, what a great day we had!!


23 Oct 2007 153
A cropped, but still distant, photo of a tiny Chipmunk, taken this morning. It was racing from rock to rock along the edge of the Glenmore Reservoir. Couldn't help but think of a camera with a lovely 18x zoom! Decisions, decisions.... Temptations, temptations....

Least Chipmunk

04 Jun 2007 151
Saw this little guy on a walk this morning. Usually, they scamper away at top speed. "The Least Chipmunk has two whitish and three dark stripes on each side of the face, and four light and five dark stripes down its back. The overall colour is a greyish brown, but may be quite rust-coloured during the mid-summer months. The smallest of the western Chipmunks, the Least's head and body measures only 93-114mm (3.65 to 4.5 inches) with a bushy tail almost equally as long, which, when running, is held straight up. This fast-moving and agile mammal is strictly diurnal, spending most of its time in a frenzied search for food, much of which it stores for winter." From .