Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Buick

Classic beauty - 53 Buick

03 May 2015 1 1 232
Yesterday, 2 May 2015, I was out on a great, full-day birding trip that took us south of the city. When we got back to the meeting place at Glennfield, in Fish Creek Park, this absolutely beautiful classic car was in the parking lot, being used by someone for a photoshoot. Couldn't resist taking a quick shot from across the lot when the people moved briefly moved away from the car. Such a beauty and it just gleamed in the sunshine! If anyone can help with the make and approximate year of this car, it would be greatly appreciated. Will add the report written by the leader of yesterday's birding outing, Terry Korolyk. Thanks so much for another great day out, Terry, and for your detailed account of the day! "The morning started out cool, overcast, and, windy with the temperature 3 degrees centigrade when I awoke in the morning. Nine participants showed up for the trip at the Glennfield Parking Area in east Fish Creek PP. Our first stop at Sheriff King slough in the southwest corner of the Highways 2A and 22X junction was probably helped by the weather as probably close to 200 BONAPARTE'S GULLS were an amazing sight as they foraged on the water, being forced to stay there overnight. Amongst the other waterfowl here, highlights were 1 male Barrow's Goldeneye and 1 male Greater Scaup. From there, we travelled through the Pine Creek valley to Highway 2A, moving southward then turning off on Highway 552 and going to the Dewinton area. We stopped at a very convenient Great Horned Owl's nest as we drove east on the road going past the Calgary Gun Club. The nest was in an Aspen almost hanging right above the road! One of the adults, a gray phase bird, was clearly visible, but, we could only barely make out that there were downy young in the nest. On the southern edge of Dewinton, I observed 3 COMMON GRACKLES, but a more thorough look revealed probably about 15 GRACKLES and almost as many Brewer's Blackbirds. These birds were almost a complete surprise. From here, there was a bit of a mixup and part of the group got separated. After meeting later, we talked about how we attempted to find each other, but kept missing each other. Amazingly, at the end of the day, we all ended back in Glennfield at the same time! We all checked sloughs in the Dewinton area. The Field Trip found 2 Least Sandpipers, 15 Lesser Yellowlegs, and 2 Greater Yellowlegs at a slough south of Dewinton, then proceeded westward through the hills enjoying looks at all the returning Spring birds. Cinnamon Teal were very common in the area. We enjoyed a combined flock of 200 of Yellow-headed and Red-winged Blackbirds foraging in a field by a marsh. Pushing on further westward, a Great Blue Heron flushed from a creek as we drove past on 1119 Drive, then as we stopped at a large slough further westward, we stopped to photograph a pair of Red-necked Grebes building a nest. A small, brown, stubby-tailed bird flushed from the shoreline. I attempted to find it; got a quick look at it, and am almost sure it was a PACIFIC or WINTER WREN! We turned south on 160 St where at a quiet marsh at the bottom of the road, we saw Horned Grebes and Canvasbacks. A Red-tailed Hawk that burst suddenly from out of the trees appeared somewhat buffy, possibly being a CALURUS subspecies light phase Red-tailed Hawk. From off Highway 22 south of Turner Valley, we took a road through the foothills past a large marsh which had large numbers of Canada Geese and Ring-necked Ducks. In Aspens beside the marsh, it was lovely to see and hear our first returning male YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLERS of the season. Careful searching uncovered a White-crowned Sparrow and at least 1 CHIPPING SPARROW. Just past the marsh, we found our final highlights of the day, separate lone male EVENING GROSBEAKS at treetops on each side of the road. Birds found by the lost? group( or, were we the lost group?) included a lone SANDHILL CRANE near the marsh at Highway 799 and 338 Avenue, and more Greater Scaup in this general area. They also found a couple of White-crowned Sparrows near Third Lake 2 kms. south of Highway 552 on 224 Street. Terry Korolyk"

Old car parts

20 Oct 2006 152
This is a photo that I need to use in the hopes of finding out what make and year an old car is. It had been lying in a local park for many years, flattened we suspect by an army tank (the army was stationed close by and used the park for war training. We think the car probably dates back to around the mid 1950s. Very recently, this rusty old car wreck was finally removed in pieces from its location and taken to the dump. A friend of mine is very keen on finding out what type of car it was. It has been a "project" of his for a number of years. I must have deleted these individual photos but fortunately still had a page that I made from some of the car parts. I also have very recent photos of certain parts, including the key lock, foot brake, bumper, etc. that I could send individually. My friend also found the "Body by Fisher" metal tag lying nearby but I have not yet taken a photo of that. If anyone has any suggestions, perhaps of a website, that might be of help, I would appreciate it so much. Many thanks.

Old car 13

21 Oct 2006 143
An old, rusty car being removed from down in Weaselhead.