Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Mosaic

Mosaic, Colobura dirce

14 Jun 2014 1 270
This is one of my favourite tropical butterflies - I love the pattern on the underside of the wings. Taken on 8 September 2011 in the ENMAX Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo. This one had landed on a rather dirty window. This species, known as the Mosaic or Zebra Mosaic, (Colobura dirce) is a butterfly of the family Nymphalidae. It is found in Central America and northern South America. "The butterflies habitually sit on the tree trunks in a head downwards posture, at a height of about 2 metres, to imbibe sap and moisture from crevices in the bark. If approached they sometimes try to evade the intruder by running around to the opposite side of the tree, and if followed will run back to their original position - quite literally forcing the observer to run around in circles after them. They are extremely reluctant to take flight when feeding, and if they are forced to do so they quickly return to resume feeding."

A selection of Alberta Fungi

06 Sep 2008 132
I'm having quite a rare, totally lazy day today, not going anywhere and doing nothing but sit at my computer, LOL. Just playing around with a mosaic using a few recent and fairly recent fungi images and decided that I would upload it to Flickr. I think one of my favourite mushrooms was the "goblet", number 12, because it was such a perfect and unusual sight. Perhaps the most amazing was number 6, the blue fungus, never seen before and not seen since : ) 1. Mini parasols , 2. Coral fungus , 3. Earth Star fungus , 4. Growing at the tip , 5. Like mini Ravioli , 6. Blue fungus! , 7. King of the mushrooms , 8. Deep in the forest , 9. Family living on a tree stump , 10. Sitting in the sun , 11. Mushroom milestone , 12. Mother Nature's goblet , 13. Mushroom of the day , 14. Gills galore , 15. Bolete mushroom , 16. A pink surprise Created with fd's Flickr Toys .

Mosaic, Colobura dirce

15 Mar 2012 125
The Mosaic tropical butterfly is one of my favourites - love the black and white abstract design on the underwings. Taken in the ENMAX Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo on 22nd April 2010.

: )

18 Sep 2011 150
OK, so I've just "wasted" a couple of hours "playing" on the computer, when I should be getting some very urgent things done! Thanks, Rebecca (Red-Star) for putting "playing" into my mind this evening! I've always loved making mosaics - have made them over the last maybe 15 or 20+ years! - and could happily spend hours doing this, BUT ..... Sorry, I used already-posted images, but just needed to have a bit of fun : )))) Enjoy the rest of your weekend, everyone! NO NEED TO COMMENT!

Mushroom magic

14 Sep 2010 167
Just made this mosaic to send to a few local friends to hopefully cheer them (and myself!) during this endless rain and overcast skies, and thought I'd upload it to Flickr as well, to join other fungi mosaics I created ages ago. Some of the images I have already uploaded to Flickr, but some are not yet posted. Have been wanting to make another mushroom mosaic for ages and totally forgot that I can also use photos from my computer. Will get out to the forest again one of these days, if ever the rain stops and the sun shines - and the snow, forecast for later this week, does not arrive, LOL. When I see the third photo, it reminds me of what a special moment that was. I was down on my knees, trying to photograph this tiny mushroom growing out of a stout branch. When I looked up, I found myself looking right into the eyes of a beautiful White-tailed doe, maybe 12 feet away, with her head lowered, seemingly wondering what the dickens I was doing down there : ) Thanks, fd, as always!

Mosaic, Colobura dirce

12 Jun 2010 192
Another beautiful tropical butterfly seen in the ENMAX Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo - one of my favourites, with its abstract design. I just haven't had time to be on Flick and I am also posting very late this evening! My alarm (actually two alarm clocks, LOL) started to blare at 4:30 a.m. today, after managing to get about an hour's sleep) ready to set out on a long day of'botanizing. We were extremely fortunate to get the chance to see the beautiful rolling hills of virgin prairie belonging to Raymond Nadeau, way down south and not all that far north of Waterton National Park on the US/Canada border. We drove westwards once we were almost there, going west past the Head-Smashed-in Buffalo Jump. Gorgeous scenery and a lovely selection of wild prairie plants. Many thanks to Jim Coutts, who very generously led this trip and to Raymond and his wife for the very welcome and much enjoyed cups of tea that they kindly made for us at the end of the outing! And how we enjoyed tasting some of their frozen Huckleberries, too. I don't remember ever having these before, but they are sweet and delicious. It took about two and a half hours to get there and the same back. Now I will be staying up all night, as I have to leave the house about 2:45 a.m. (yes A.M.!!!) to go on an annual walk in Weaselhead, called Dawn Chorus, where we get to see and especially hear the various species of bird awaken in the morning. I am already struggling to stay awake, so would probably sleep through my alarm if I tried to get an hour or two of sleep, so I usually stay up. I have a bird walk at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow, too, and the Dawn Chorus will probably end somewhere around 7:00 or 7:15 a.m. after maybe three plus hours of walking. Will have to kill the time in between and then see if I can still stay awake. The following morning (Sunday), I need to be up around 5:15 a.m. ready for a full day of botanizing east of the city, in the Badlands. A healthy way to live in some ways, but definitely not as far as sleep (or rather, lack of it) is concerned, LOL! Now I need to download all of today's photos to my computer and get my (camera) batteries recharged, etc.

Bring on the warmth

07 Jan 2010 161
OK, I just NEEDED this, LOL! It was -23C when I went to bed last night and the cold just goes on and on and on ...... Stay warm, everyone!

Mushroom mosaic 2

20 Sep 2009 194
Just playing around - instead of doing much more important, urgent things, LOL! I think maybe I should have used dark green for the background instead of black, and chosen a few lighter images to mix in with the darker ones. Might just upload the dark green one to replace this, though I find the green lines more distracting. Anyone else finding Flickr horribly slow/quiet yesterday and today??? 1. White beauty , 2. Colour in the forest , 3. A different colour , 4. Weird and wonderful , 5. Mushroom magic , 6. A splash of yellow , 7. What a colour , 8. Light and darkness , 9. Yesterday's beauty Created with fd's Flickr Toys

Wild Animals of Alberta, Page 2

08 Aug 2008 185
I haven't made a mosaic for AGES! I used to find that they made a good record of what photos I had uploaded to Flickr, but then other things in life took priority : ). I noticed that my "Wild Animals of Alberta, Page 1" mosaic is my third most looked-at "photo", with 6,170 views. A lot of people seem to be doing Internet searches for Alberta wild animals, so I thought I would put a few more of my images into a convenient block. NO NEED FOR COMMENTS! 1. Almost in the crosswalk , 2. Fall by the Beaver Pond , 3. Mule Deer in sunlight , 4. Keeping watch , 5. That tasted so good , 6. Coyote in the snow , 7. What's for supper? , 8. Young Red , 9. Blackie , 10. Weary , 11. Leftovers , 12. Looking back , 13. Out with Mom , 14. Handsome , 15. Ball of spines , 16. Out on a limb , 17. Motionless , 18. Checking things out , 19. Curiosity , 20. Now I can see better , 21. If I keep still.... , 22. Stretch , 23. Hiding , 24. My mini-polar-bear look , 25. Who are you? Created with fd's Flickr Toys .

Plants of Alberta Set, page 3

04 Oct 2006 156
1. One, 2. Golf, anyone?, 3. Gooseberry leaves in fall, 4. Curled up and cozy, 5. White Clover, 6. Wild Bergamot, 7. Harebell, 8. Red Baneberry, 9. Elephant's-head, 10. Orange, 11. Northern Grass-of-Parnassus, 12. Musk Thistle, 13. Greater Burdock, 14. Dame's Rocket, 15. Indian Paintbrush, 16. Autumn leaves, 17. Teasel, 18. Stonecrop, 19. Paintbrush, 20. Dame's Rocket, 21. Autumn leaves, 22. Common Blue Lettuce, 23. Prairie Crocus, 24. Canada Thistle, 25. Gaillardia Created with fd's Flickr Toys .

Birds of Alberta Set, page 1

27 Sep 2006 113
Decided it made more sense to make a mosaic that was 5x5 photos, to match the layout in the Set. So, this is a second attempt. Will get it right next time! Will also add the names of the birds this time. Seems a good way to keep track quickly of what photos you have uploaded. Will I ever get to bed at this rate?? 1. Snowy Owl, 2. Savannah Sparrow, 3. Great Horned Owl, 4. White-breasted Nuthatch, 5. Ruffed Grouse drumming, 6. Northern Flicker, 7. Red-winged Blackbird, 8. Young Great Horned Owl, 9. Canada Goose Goslings, 10. Great Horned Owl, Oberon, 11. Mallard male, 12. American White Pelican, 13. Red-naped Sapsucker, 14. American White Pelicans, 15. Baby Barn Swallows, 16. Young Great Horned Owl, 17. Female Gadwall, 18. Female Snowy Owl and owlet, Calgary Zoo, 19. Female Redhead, 20. Merlin, 21. Black-capped Chickadee, 22. White-breasted Nuthatch, 23. Young Whooping Crane, 24. White-breasted Nuthatch, 25. White-breasted Nuthatch

Clouds and Sunsets mosaic

30 Sep 2006 122
1. Sunset over Strathcona Ravines, 2. Glennfield turmoil, 3. The old water tower, 4. An Angry Sky, 5. Winter Sunset, 6. Sunset with a twist, 7. Prairie sky, 8. Chinook Arch, 9. Sunset over the Rockies, 10. The Storm, 11. Sunset over Weaselhead, 12. Sunset at Votier's Flats, 13. Golden sunset, 14. Calgary sunset, 15. Tornado warning!, 16. Rocky Mountain Sunset, 17. Start of sunset, 18. Clouds over 85th Street, 19. Dark sky over Glennfield, 20. Sunset over Doha, Qatar, 21. Sunset in Doha, Qatar, 22. Sunset over Seeb, Oman, 23. Light at the end of the tunnel, 24. Clouds over the Bow River, 25. American sky Created with fd's Flickr Toys .

Mushroom mosaic

09 Jun 2013 4 2 334
A mushroom mosaic created on 14 September 2010, when it was pouring with rain and I couldn't get out and look for fungi. When I see the third photo, it reminds me of what a special moment that was. I was down on my knees, trying to photograph this tiny mushroom growing out of a stout branch. When I looked up, I found myself looking right into the eyes of a beautiful White-tailed doe, maybe 12 feet away, with her head lowered, seemingly wondering what the dickens I was doing down there : )