Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Columbine
Wild Blue Columbine / Aquilegia brevistyla
22 Apr 2016 |
Something tells me that this photo might be showing as my main photo today.
On 7 June 2015, it was a hot day – way too hot for my liking. I was not keen on the idea of being out in the sun for three hours, but neither could I have stayed in my place one more minute - it felt like an oven!
I decided to join birding friends for a walk at the west end of South Glenmore Park and we had a lovely, leisurely walk, stopping often to look at, or listen to, a variety of birds. I think my favourites were a pair of colourful American Goldfinch. It was also fun to see a little Black-capped Chickadee looking out from its nest cavity.
There were quite a few species of wildflower as well, including these dainty Blue Columbine flowers. I so rarely go on a walk these days, so I tend to miss many of the wildflowers.
The name "Columbine" comes from the word "Columba", meaning dove. The five petals look rather like a ring of doves.
Will add Janet and Bernie’s bird list below, for my own memory. Thanks for such an enjoyable afternoon, both of you! A stop afterwards at the Good Earth café was so much appreciated and enjoyed, too.
1. Great Blue Heron - 1
2. Canada Goose - 40
3. Mallard - 5
4. Gadwall - 2
5. Swainson's Hawk - 1
6. Franklin's Gull - 30+
7. Woodpecker sp. likely Sapsucker - 1
8. Olive-sided Flycatcher -1
9. Least Flycatcher - 12
10. Red-eyed Vireo - 2
11. Black-billed Magpie - 1
12. American Crow - 4
13. Common Raven - 1
14. Tree Swallow - 4
15. Black-capped Chickadee - 2 @nest site.
16. House Wren - 11
17. American Robin - 6
18. Cedar Waxwing - 6
19. Yellow Warbler - 10
20. Chipping Sparrow - 1
21. Clay-coloured Sparrow - 4
22. Baltimore Oriole - 1
23. Red-winged Blackbird - 3
24. Brown-headed Cowbird - 3
25. House Finch - 3
26. American Goldfinch - 5
27. House Sparrow - 2
Least Chipmunk - 1
Muskrat - 1
Yellow Swallowtail Butterfly - 10+
Blue Azure - 1
Alpine sp. Butterfly - 15+
Wild Blue Columbine / Aquilegia brevistyla
10 Mar 2016 |
On 7 June 2015, it was a hot day – way too hot for my liking. I was not keen on the idea of being out in the sun for three hours, but neither could I have stayed in my place one more minute - it felt like an oven!
I decided to join birding friends for a walk at the west end of South Glenmore Park and we had a lovely, leisurely walk, stopping often to look at, or listen to, a variety of birds. I think my favourites were a pair of colourful American Goldfinch. It was also fun to see a little Black-capped Chickadee looking out from its nest cavity.
There were quite a few species of wildflower as well, including these dainty Blue Columbine flowers. I so rarely go on a walk these days, so I tend to miss many of the wildflowers.
The name "Columbine" comes from the word "Columba", meaning dove. The five petals look rather like a ring of doves.
Will add Janet and Bernie’s bird list below, for my own memory. Thanks for such an enjoyable afternoon, both of you! A stop afterwards at the Good Earth café was so much appreciated and enjoyed, too.
1. Great Blue Heron - 1
2. Canada Goose - 40
3. Mallard - 5
4. Gadwall - 2
5. Swainson's Hawk - 1
6. Franklin's Gull - 30+
7. Woodpecker sp. likely Sapsucker - 1
8. Olive-sided Flycatcher -1
9. Least Flycatcher - 12
10. Red-eyed Vireo - 2
11. Black-billed Magpie - 1
12. American Crow - 4
13. Common Raven - 1
14. Tree Swallow - 4
15. Black-capped Chickadee - 2 @nest site.
16. House Wren - 11
17. American Robin - 6
18. Cedar Waxwing - 6
19. Yellow Warbler - 10
20. Chipping Sparrow - 1
21. Clay-coloured Sparrow - 4
22. Baltimore Oriole - 1
23. Red-winged Blackbird - 3
24. Brown-headed Cowbird - 3
25. House Finch - 3
26. American Goldfinch - 5
27. House Sparrow - 2
Least Chipmunk - 1
Muskrat - 1
Yellow Swallowtail Butterfly - 10+
Blue Azure - 1
Alpine sp. Butterfly - 15+
Wild Blue Columbine / Aquilegia brevistyla
02 Mar 2016 |
It's -1C this morning, 2 March 2016, and heavily overcast, but supposed to get up to 6C this afternoon. The next four days are expected to be between 10C and 12C, which would be good.
On 7 June 2015, it was a hot day – way too hot for my liking. I was not keen on the idea of being out in the sun for three hours, but neither could I have stayed in my place one more minute - it felt like an oven!
I decided to join birding friends for a walk at the west end of South Glenmore Park and we had a lovely, leisurely walk, stopping often to look at, or listen to, a variety of birds. I think my favourites were a pair of colourful American Goldfinch. It was also fun to see a little Black-capped Chickadee looking out from its nest cavity.
There were quite a few species of wildflower as well, including these dainty Blue Columbine flowers. I so rarely go on a walk these days, so I tend to miss many of the wildflowers.
The name "Columbine" comes from the word "Columba", meaning dove. The five petals look rather like a ring of doves.
Will add Janet and Bernie’s bird list below, for my own memory. Thanks for such an enjoyable afternoon, both of you! A stop afterwards at the Good Earth café was so much appreciated and enjoyed, too.
1. Great Blue Heron - 1
2. Canada Goose - 40
3. Mallard - 5
4. Gadwall - 2
5. Swainson's Hawk - 1
6. Franklin's Gull - 30+
7. Woodpecker sp. likely Sapsucker - 1
8. Olive-sided Flycatcher -1
9. Least Flycatcher - 12
10. Red-eyed Vireo - 2
11. Black-billed Magpie - 1
12. American Crow - 4
13. Common Raven - 1
14. Tree Swallow - 4
15. Black-capped Chickadee - 2 @nest site.
16. House Wren - 11
17. American Robin - 6
18. Cedar Waxwing - 6
19. Yellow Warbler - 10
20. Chipping Sparrow - 1
21. Clay-coloured Sparrow - 4
22. Baltimore Oriole - 1
23. Red-winged Blackbird - 3
24. Brown-headed Cowbird - 3
25. House Finch - 3
26. American Goldfinch - 5
27. House Sparrow - 2
Least Chipmunk - 1
Muskrat - 1
Yellow Swallowtail Butterfly - 10+
Blue Azure - 1
Alpine sp. Butterfly - 15+
Busy little bee
30 Jan 2016 |
Does anyone know how to transfer photos from Flickr to another site such as Smugmug? Transfer them, keeping titles, descriptions and tags. I have all my photos on the ipernity site, as well as Flickr, but it looks like ipernity is probably going to have to shut down, unfortunately. Thought I'd mention this, just in case anyone hasn't seen their latest blog posting. It would be very unfortunate if they do close, as it is an easy-to-use site. I use Tampermonkey to transfer my Flickr photos to ipernity.
After posting quite a few cold, wintry images recently, I thought I'd post a photo of a different colour and subject this morning, 30 January 2016. I can't believe that February is almost here!
This morning, the temperature is +3C (with a windchill of -2C). Just three days ago, we reached +8C. What crazy temperatures for us here, near the end of January! The forecast is for snow today, 30 January 2016. No sign of any snowflakes yet, but it is overcast and dreary.
I took this photo of a colourful Columbine flower, plus a little visitor, at the Reader Rock Garden on 24 June 2015, when I called in after a volunteer shift.
22 Mar 2014 |
Taken at the Reader Rock Garden in Calgary on 26 July 2013. Managed to find a pretty perfect flower to photograph : ) Such a joy to see, as the city and province had been devastated by the Alberta Flood of the Century just over a month before my visit to this garden. Not sure what variety this one is, but there are large numbers of hybrids available for gardens. I always enjoy coming across the delicate, wild species, too.
"The flowers of various species of columbine were consumed in moderation by Native Americans as a condiment with other fresh greens, and are reported to be very sweet, and safe if consumed in small quantities. The plant's seeds and roots are highly poisonous however, and contain cardiogenic toxins which cause both severe gastroenteritis and heart palpitations if consumed as food. Native Americans used very small amounts of Aquilegia root as a treatment for ulcers.[citation needed] However, the medical use of this plant is better avoided due to its high toxicity; columbine poisonings may be fatal." From Wikipedia.
After a few snowflakes fell this morning, the sun has finally come out and there are patches of blue sky. It's -11C (windchill -19C).
12 Apr 2010 |
Back to digging into the archives for today : ) This sunlit Columbine was growing (24th June 2009) in the garden of an elderly gentleman who grows a cactus garden here in the city. Each fall, he brings indoors all his potted cacti and each spring, he plants the endless pots once again in his garden. A huge amount of work and effort, but this is something about which he is passionate. And we all need something like that in our lives!
Fine snow is gently falling as I type this. Looks cold, wet and miserable outside, so I think I will go and make myself a mug of steaming coffee (the no doubt "bad" kind, i.e. the packets of the Skinny Nescafe Cappucino, which no doubt are full of killer chemicals, LOL!).
Going to have to make a start on my Taxes, as time is running out!!! Who was the person who invented Taxes???? Wouldn't you like to have met him (or I guess it could have been a "her"). Looks like it will my usual last-minute panic, LOL.
Columbine - 'ring of doves'
13 Mar 2013 |
Another visit to my archives resulted in finding this colourful image. I always love photographing these graceful flowers, and I was lucky with the light on this particular day. I know it's partly the location of Reader Rock Garden, on a hillside, but it seems that almost every single time I call in at this place, it's very windy - never a good thing when trying to take photos of flowers, especially ones that grow on a long, thin stem : ) Taken on 7 July 2010.
"The genus name Aquilegia is derived from the Latin word for eagle (aquila), because the shape of the flower petals, which are said to resemble an eagle's claw. The common name "columbine" comes from the Latin for "dove", due to the resemblance of the inverted flower to five doves clustered together." From Wikipedia.
Reminder of summer
17 Jan 2013 |
Desperate for some colour for my photostream, I dug into my archives and found this beautiful Columbine, seen at the Reader Rock Garden on 14 July 2010.
Reaching for the sun
12 Jan 2012 |
A beautiful Columbine flower growing at the Reader Rock Garden on 6th July 2011. I seem to remember that everything was covered in fine white fluff from the Poplar trees at that time.
11 Nov 2011 |
So often, these flowers are hanging their head, hiding their beautiful flower shape. Taken at the Reader Rock Garden on July 6th.
17 Sep 2011 |
Photographed this pretty Columbine more than two years ago! It was growing in a flowerbed at the Mountainview Sports and Handicapped Centre, where we stopped and had our lunch on a day of botanizing.
In case anyone doesn't know, the name Columbine comes from the Latin for "dove". Looking down on a Columbine flower, it looks like a ring of Doves with their wings spread a little. Numerous Columbine cultivars and hybrids have been developed.
Can you believe it? I overslept this morning and consequently missed a mushroom hike with a few friends!!! I was SO upset, as I so rarely get a chance to go looking for fungi somewhere where I won't go on my own. I have been so stressed out over trying to sell my brother's house over in England and I knew that it was going to be auctioned on Thursday. I didn't hear anything, but did find the auction results online. The list said that the house was "Sold Prior", though I have heard nothing about a buyer. I'm trying not to get my hopes up. especially after the original buyer backed out, even after the Sold sign had been up in the front garden. Anyway, all this stress obviously caught up with me last night and made me sleep longer than I should have! Rather than stay at home and feel even more depressed, I reckoned it was better to go over to Brown-Lowery Provincial Park and see if I could find at least something! I think there were actually a few more fungi than there have been recently, though most were not in the slightest bit photogenic. Did manage to find a few little "treasures", though. Nothing new, but I'm always happy with something beautiful, new or not : )))
4:30 p.m. WOW - thunder, lightning, torrential rain! And hail ... and now the sunshine : )
Last summer
15 Mar 2011 |
I love the shapes and colours of these flowers. This one was growing at the Reader Rock Garden on July 28th last summer. Is this a Columbine?
Such beauty in these colourful petals ... but such a contrast to the dark, mud-covered devastation for the people of Japan. They are such civil people, caring about their neighbour, not just about themselves. I just keep thinkng, how do people, a country, recover from something this tragic and overwhelming? How on earth do they start clearing such extensive damage and start rebuilding homes and lives, especially all those who are grieving the loss of family members.
For those of you who love the tiny Northern Pygmy-owl that I've been posting, wait till you see tomorrow's photo of it. I think I can guarantee you'll be shocked! Suspense? Sure, lol!
06 Apr 2011 |
A delicate Columbine flower, growing at the Reader Rock Garden on September 29th last year.
White Columbine
20 Sep 2010 |
Took this shot way back on 30th June at the Reader Rock Garden. I love Columbines of any colour, but I don't usually see white ones. If you look at a Columbine flower from above (as in my image), it looks like a ring of doves, which gives it its common name, Columbine, from the Latin word "columba", meaning "dove".
Had been expecting the sun to shine all day today, as my car is in for a big Type 4 service. Kind of glad that the sky is grey, though, seeing as I'm having to stay home : ) Just after I typed this, I got a phone call about my car, giving me a list of things that need replacing (on top of the service). A grand total of $2,301.05!!! Holy smokes! My vehicle, which I bought second-hand about seven years ago, so it's about 11 years old now) has been extremely reliable, and the company seems to be honest enough - you always wonder, especially being a woman! So, I guess I have to trust that the things quoted genuinely need to be repaired/replaced. They all sound important, like rear stabilizer links, drive belts, upper control arms, etc.. Daren't take any risks, as I don't like to think of my car breaking down along some deserted backroad outside the city. Holy smokes! Maybe I need to rob a bank en route, ha. Later: yay, my car bill "only" came to $1,837, which is a slight improvement - that I'll take any day : )
03 Jul 2010 |
Crazy problems with Flickr this evening - when it comes to typing and posting comments on people's images and typing my own descriptions!
This gorgeous Columbine was growing at the Reader Rock Garden when I visited there two days ago. Poplar fluff is falling like huge snowFlakes everywhere and sticking to everything in sight.
A Few oF us spent a long day today botanizing a wonderFul area at the Foot oF the eastern edge oF the Rocky Mountains, including a wetland/bog ... OK, enough is enough! I have lost the comment I'm trying to type six times now. This Flickr problem is just too annoying!
With a sprinkling of bokeh
16 Jul 2010 |
Another of the beautiful Columbines at Reader Rock Garden, taken just a couple of days ago. The weather always seems to be windy when I go there, LOL.
Another long day out today, botanizing the Bearberry Prairie Natural Area, north west of the city. Had supper and fell sleep in front of the TV very briefly and now discover that I had uploaded my photos earlier but hadn't typed descriptions or anything. I have all sorts of things to get done this evening, as I have another unearthly early start tomorrow morning, as we will be going out to the eastern edge of the Rocky Mountains to record all flora and fauna seen there. Finding it really tough going this year, partly because whatever is causing my ongoing cough/lung problem (for almost a year now!) is making me feel quite unwell. Thankfully, our outings seem to be at fairly flat places so far - wouldn't be able to manage steep hills feeling like this : ( All being well, I should be out for a long day of botanizing on Sunday, too, in Kananaskis. Had rain on our trip today, but managed to get a handful of photos that should be OK, which I still need to download to my computer.
Purple Columbine
30 Dec 2009 |
Needed a complete change of colours after all my recent white, red and orange images posted recently. This purple Columbine was growing at the Reader Rock Garden back in July.
Had another long Bird Count day today, this time in the Cochrane Wildlife Preserve and Water Valley area, north west of Calgary. Another beautiful winter's day, though rather cold. Not sure yet how many bird species we found, but there was again a very noticeable decline in the number of species and of birds.
Sun-bathed beauty
23 Jul 2008 |
This Columbine was growing in amongst trees at the Reader Rock Garden, and the sun managed to just catch the flower when I was there.
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