Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Clematis
Clematis after the rain
13 Nov 2016 |
With our autumn colour pretty much gone, it feels good to be able to look back to photos from 1 October 2016. On that day, I finally had my very first visit to the Silver Springs Botanical Gardens, thanks to friend, Sandy. I first heard about this beautiful place from my daughter, but I had never been, because it is way out of my city driving comfort zone. In the morning, it was raining, at least in my part of the city, and I wondered if going would turn out to be a big mistake. However, the rain stopped and stayed away while we were there and, though the sky was overcast, I was still able to photograph to my heart's content. I was surprised at how many flowers were still in bloom on the first day of October and I was extremely impressed with how meticulously these gardens are kept - every inch of them. So many different kinds of trees and plants, and it was very obvious that each area had been planted with so much thought and care. Amazing that dedicated volunteers have been, and continue to be, the ones to thank for these gardens.
Thanks so much, Sandy, for giving me the chance to spend an afternoon in such beauty and peace! We all knew that snow wasn't far away and about a week after this visit, Calgary had its first snowfall of the season, for the whole of the Thanksgiving weekend. At least I now have some bright, colourful photos that I will be able to post in between all the coming white, snowy images that will be taken during the seven, long months of winter.
"The Botanical Gardens of Silver Springs is without doubt one of the Seven Wonders of Calgary, Alberta. It boasts 1350 square meters (14 600 square feet) of gardens which includes a spectacular Wall Garden that runs an uninterrupted 1300 feet. In the gardens you will find an endless variety of annuals and perennials ranging from artemisias to zinnias. Here indeed is a place to stop and smell the roses and the peonies and the delphiniums and the chrysanthemums and the …
What makes these gardens so very special is that they were created and continue to be maintained by a band of green-thumbed enthusiastic volunteers. These hale and hearty diggers, planters, seeders, weeders, mowers, waterers, pruners and community builders work two to three mornings a week to keep the gardens in primrose shape and their efforts are truly appreciated by the many walkers, joggers, and cyclists.
On any given day, hundreds of people walk the wall garden with their families, friends and out-of-town visitors. It has become a treasured destination site for many.
For anyone who has spent time in the gardens, it is hard to believe that they have only been here since 2006 when a humble ornamental garden (400 square feet) was developed within the existing BirthPlace Forest tree beds.
The BPF, by the way, saw 7000 trees planted in the area. The project was accomplished through a partnership of BP Energy, Calgary Parks, Regional Health and Golden Acres." From the gardens' website.
Blue Clematis
11 Jul 2015 |
This photo of wild Blue Clematis was taken on 21 June 2015, along the trail to Crandell Lake, in Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta. This is a native, perennial, woody vine that climbs or creeps along the ground. There are no petals, but there are four blue/purple sepals to each solitary flower.
I was so lucky to be invited to join friends Sandy and Heide on a three-day trip to Waterton Lakes National Park, from 19-21 (inclusive) June 2015. We met up with other members of the Alberta Native Plant Council for their annual Botany Alberta weekend. Most people who attended stayed at the Crooked Creek Campground, a 5.6 km drive east of the Waterton Park Gate on Highway 5, but my friends and I stayed at the Crandell Mountain Lodge on the edge of Waterton town. The ANPC people had a list of species that they hoped to find, and they were very successful.
Our stay down south overlapped the annual Waterton Wildflower Festival, but we came across very few people on our various drives and hikes. Needless to say, I was extremely fortunate to spend three days with people who are very knowledgeable about plants (and other things). This meant that I got to see many wildflower species, including several that were new to me, such as the gorgeous Mariposa Lily. It was one of the flowers that was on my Wish List - and there were hundreds of them to be seen! I had also never seen the spectacular Bear Grass and I was so thrilled that there were still several plants in bloom. Absolutely made my day!
Our two main hikes of the weekend were the Bertha Lake Trail as far as the Bertha Falls (on 20 June), and the Crandell Lake Trail (on 21 June). Makes me smile when a described "short, easy hike" in a book or on the Internet turns into a full day of exploration along the trail, taking hours to reach the destination, though returning to the cars in a much shorter time. Our walks/hikes are very slow-paced with endless stops to look at/for plants and to take photos. This makes it possible for me to go along.
The wind made photographing plants a real challenge, including the beautiful Mariposa Lilies in the meadow along the Hay Barn road. Though I took plenty of photos, I wasn't sure that I would end up with any that were sharp enough. Trying to catch a quick shot when a flower is blowing in and out of the viewfinder is not easy! Unfortunately, I'm no longer able to get down and take macro shots (my lens needs to be about 4" away from the subject), so my photos have to be telemacro.
I've been trying to find a list of plant species in Waterton Park, but have so far been out of luck. I do have the book, "Wildflowers of Waterton Park" by Jacinthe Lavoie and Ian Wilson, which has an Index of Plant names, but I was hoping to find a list that I could print out.
Clematis integrifolia
05 Jul 2015 |
For the second day in a row, I missed some dramatic weather in Calgary because I was out on day trips N and NW of the city! The following link was from yesterday's hailstorm and flash flooding! For us, the rain only started when we had finished our trip to Olds and had just got back on to our bus. Great timing.
This macro shot shows a Clematis flower, but I'm not 100% sure if it is Clematis integrifolia. Also, my camera couldn't capture exactly the right shade of blue. These flowers, however, are beautiful.
Yesterday, 4 July 2015, was the Nature Calgary annual bus trip, and this year it was a visit to the Olds College Botanic Gardens and Wetlands. The College is approximately 95.0 km north of Calgary, roughly a 55 minute drive. This once-a-year outing always feels so good for everyone - no driving, simply relaxing on a bus. We had about three hours there, which sounded short, but in fact worked out quite well.
The mission of the College is:
"Our goal is to develop a Botanic Garden on the Olds College campus, which introduces, conserves, and maintains a diverse, well-documented and accurately labeled collection of prairie hardy plants.
Our collections will preserve our natural heritage, expand the role of Olds College as a Centre of Excellence in Horticulture, and gain formal recognition with the Canadian Botanical Conservation Network (CBCN) and the American Public Garden Association (APGA).
Olds College Botanic Garden will enhance and support education, training, demonstration, and applied research programs that span the generations and encourage the exchange of information and ideas with industry, students, other botanical gardens and the public.
The Botanical Garden will also raise awareness with the public regarding the importance of sustainable environments."
About the College:
"Not just a walk down the garden path, the gardens are designed to meet the instructional needs of courses and programs on campus, and are used as the location and subject matter for research projects. The Botanic Gardens are an aesthetically beautiful, diverse and well-maintained garden and constructed wetlands. Highlights include our collections of hardy peonies, lilies and roses, natural areas, a wide variety of aquatics, herb garden, fabulous annual displays each year and much more.
The Gardens are comprised of three phases spread over 25 acres and are populated with a wide ranging collection of prairie hardy plant material, both native and ornamental. The most established parts of the garden are the Central Portion opened in 2002.
The third and most recent phase of our Botanic Gardens is the East Portion which contains the Treatment Wetlands, opened in early September of 2013.
The three phases when considered together include naturalized landscapes, specialty gardens, walking trails, demonstration plots, an arboretum and 20 constructed treatment wetlands and display ponds. The area is complete with two public gazebos, an amphitheater and event areas. The Botanic Gardens & Treatment Wetlands has the ability to host weddings, reunions, graduations, workshops, and boasts 1.3 kilometers of trails throughout the gardens and wetlands.
Botanic gardens are quite different from other public garden spaces or show gardens. To be able to be identified as a botanic garden, several criteria must be met. For example, botanic gardens must:
Be open to the public
1. Exhibit a degree of permanence
2. Use a scientific basis as the foundation for their collections
3. Document and monitor the collection
4. Communicate information to other gardens, institutions and the public
The Botanic Gardens and Treatment Wetlands at Olds College is dedicated to meeting all criteria and continuing to expand its value to the college and extended community."
Rust fungus on Western White Clematis
26 Jul 2014 |
I love seeing Rust Fungus on various plants. It's quite amazing what things look like when you take a careful, close look. If you happen to notice a small patch of vivid orange on a plant, take a closer look at it, and this is what you may see. This macro shot shows the orange spore pustules of Rust Fungus on Western White Clematis, growing wild at the Erlton/Roxboro Natural Area.
After a volunteer shift on 23 July 2014, I wasn't too far away from the Erlton/Roxboro Natural Area, where I was finally going to go on a botany walk. Having been to this location several times before, I knew it was a short, easy, flat trail, and that I could go as far as I wanted and then turn back early, which is what I did. I've missed pretty well all the botany and birding walks the last few months, which is quite depressing. The main thing I wanted to see were the Nodding / Musk Thistles, as these are my favourite species of Thistle. They are called a "weed", but I love to see them. The sun was unfortunately in the wrong direction, so I was only able to get a handful of shots, but better than nothing.
With a couple of hours to "kill", I spent them at the Reader Rock Garden, which was just a few minutes' drive away from the evening botany walk location.
Yellow Clematis
19 Jun 2008 |
This is one of three species of Clematis that occur in Alberta, the other two being the native Western Clematis and the Purple Clematis/Blue Clematis. This yellow species was introduced from Japan as an ornamental garden plant, but has now spread to natural areas where it chokes out and kills native plants, shrubs and trees.
Petals and sepals
29 May 2012 |
Macro shot of a beautiful, wild Purple/Blue Clematis flower. I always think of the purple parts as being the petals, but in fact the white, central parts are the petals and the purple parts are the sepals. Photographed during a three-hour walk on the upper plateau at Edworthy Park, on May 23rd. This spring, I have taken practically no wildflower photos, which is so unusual for me. Birds and animals have taken up so much of my time, that flowers seem to have been dropped lower on my priority list - not complaining, though! We have such a very short growing season here in Alberta - all the wildflowers are gone before you know it, and you are left taking macros of seeds and seedpods instead, ha. There is only a certain window of opportunity for many of the birds, too.
Pretty mix of pink and purple
18 Nov 2011 |
A beautiful Clematis growing in the garden at the Calgary Zoo, October 11th last year.
Snow-covered tresses
20 Nov 2011 |
This is the beautiful seedhead of Yellow Clematis - unfortunately, this vine is an introduced, invasive and highly destructive weed, capable of strangling and killing large Spruce trees. Photographed on November 15th, during a walk from Bebo Grove to Shannon Terrace, Fish Creek Park.
Please do not purchase the plant or seeds of Yellow Clematis - having this plant in your garden only makes the invasive situation worse than ever.
Blue Clematis
25 Jun 2010 |
There seems to have been quite a lot of wild Blue Clematis (Clematis occidentalis, Clematis columbiana) this spring, twining up twigs and branches or growing closer to the ground in the forest and woodlands. Such a gorgeous blue. This flower was growing in the West Bragg Creek Environmental Studies area on 20th June.
This is a native, perennial, woody vine that climbs or creeps along the ground. There are no petals, but there are four blue/purple sepals to each solitary flower. Flowers May-July.
Just got home from a day of botanizing south of the city, near Black Diamond, at the Three Point Creek Natural Area. We even had Great Horned Owls flying nearby when we were there - gosh, there are owls everywhere, LOL! A fairly hot day - too hot for me, but at least there was no rain, so we were really lucky. On the way home, we called in at a Bakery and coffee shop in Black Diamond - the coffee tasted SO good! Ralph, if you happen to get on to Flickr and see this - thanks again so much for driving today - much appreciated!
24 Aug 2009 |
Took this photo back on 24th June, at an amazing garden in Calgary. We had just visited a gentleman's cactus garden and then called in to wander around this nearby garden. I thought these Clematis flowers were so pretty.
Damage done
05 Sep 2009 |
This Yellow Clematis is one of the worst invasive plants here in Alberta and it has done tremendous damage to the natural areas and parks in the city. An introduced plant from Japan, this semi-woody vine grows May-September. It has a wonderfully bright, attractive flower and gorgeous, silvery-haired seedheads, but it prevents native plants from growing and even strangles and kills huge trees. PLEASE don't plant this in your garden!
Yellow Clematis
09 Dec 2008 |
Yellow Clematis is a non-native plant, introduced from Japan, and it has unfortunately become a very invasive weed, killing native plants and even climbing and strangling large Spruce trees! A shame, as the yellow flower and the attractive seedheads are both very pretty.
Blowing in the wind
04 Nov 2008 |
Thought I would upload my photos a little earlier today, so that I can watch the US Election take place this evening. What an historic event! Will be so interesting to see who will be the next American President. May the "best" man to lead the country, win : ).
This photo is of a Clematis seedhead, but I'm not sure which kind. Saw it yesterday when I went for a walk at Bebo Grove, Fish Creek Park.
Yellow Clematis
19 Dec 2007 |
This plant was introduced from Japan as an ornamental plant. It climbs around nearby vegetation and does a lot of damage, including strangling and killing trees.
Mother Nature's tinsel
14 Oct 2007 |
No idea what plant these seedpods belong to, seen at Reader Rock Garden, but I love the almost tinsel-like streamer coming from each seed.
Leather Flower
23 Sep 2007 |
This beautiful Leather Flower was growing at the Reader Rock Garden a few weeks ago.
Added 7th January 2011, when I compared this flower with a photo of Clematis 'Roguchi' posted by Doug (dougwaylett). I thought the two flowers were perhaps the same, but::
"Thanks Anne but it isn't the same clematis. Clematis 'Roguchi' never opens this much and the stalks are a much darker purple. In my photo of C. 'Roguchi' that is as open as the bell gets. This one may well be C. durandii one of the parents of Roguchi and a much easier to come by clematis that can be obtained at most garden centres. C. durandii is also one of my favourites and is one of the bluest of the blue clematises. It may also be one of many other Clematis integrifolia hybrids. I have never seen Clematis 'Roguchi' for sale at a local garden centre. The only person who sell it in Calgary is Rod Shaver at Rundlewood Gardens."
Yellow Clematis
24 Aug 2007 |
This Yellow Clematis flower is on the way to transforming itself from a vibrant yellow, elegant flower into a seedhead of gorgeous long, silver hairs. Attractive though this plant is, it has taken over large patches of ground at Confluence Park. It is a very destructive plant, originally introduced from Japan as an ornamental plant.
Western Clematis
22 Jul 2007 |
This plant climbs on bushes and trees for support. It belongs to the Crowfoot or Buttercup family. For some strange reason, I can never get a really sharp photo of the flowers :) It was seen at the Erlton/Roxborough Natural Area. A naturalist states that "This is the richest botanical area in the city, with over 380 species on about 3 hectares of land. However, 80 non-native species are now dominating the area."
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