Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: FrHwoFavs

Yellow Clematis

19 Jun 2008 186
This is one of three species of Clematis that occur in Alberta, the other two being the native Western Clematis and the Purple Clematis/Blue Clematis. This yellow species was introduced from Japan as an ornamental garden plant, but has now spread to natural areas where it chokes out and kills native plants, shrubs and trees.

Like sunshine

07 Jul 2008 106
Yes, I've been to Safeway again, LOL! Bought this small Lily that now has three open flowers. Such a beautiful yellow.

Sun-bathed beauty

23 Jul 2008 109
This Columbine was growing in amongst trees at the Reader Rock Garden, and the sun managed to just catch the flower when I was there.

Banff, Alberta

08 Jun 2008 144
A shot taken on a recent day trip to Banff. After a very enjoyable lunch at the Banff Springs Hotel, we had a bit of time to wander the streets of Banff and get as far as a bridge over the Bow River. Rather a beautiful view.

A face to love

01 Dec 2007 158
How I would have loved this Red Panda's long, bushy tail (with the animal attached, I should add!) wrapped around my face and neck this afternoon as I stood in -17C temperature (-25C with windchill), trying to photograph a few birds in the park!

Jack Frost

03 Dec 2007 172
Took this photo last night of the fern patterns that had been made on my computer room window by Jack Frost. The orange glow from a street light added a welcome illusion of "warmth" to the image.

Bird of Paradise

03 Nov 2007 181
I know these are popular flowers to photograph, but they really are spectacular. This one is growing in the Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo.

Christmas cactus

10 Nov 2007 159
I didn't realize how pretty a Christmas Cactus flower is if you turn it upside down : )

Eye contact

26 Oct 2007 132
I was so lucky yesterday when I went to the Zoo. Normally, I just give a quick glance over to the tigers near the entrance to the Zoo and then hurry on my way to see the Snowy Owls. However, yesterday, this gorgeous creature was lying on a platform at my eye level, pretty close to where I was standing. For some of the animal enclosures, there are small, glass-windowed shelters where people can stand and look. That way, you can get photos through the (filthy!) glass without the usual wire fence in the way. It was a rather uncomfortable feeling, I must admit, making eye contact with this huge, majestic animal. I was SO thankful that there was something between it and me! Later note added on 14 June 2012: Tigers that used to be known as Siberian Tigers are now known as Amur Tigers. The name change is because their range now only includes the Amur Valley in Eastern Siberia.

Bald Eagle

30 Oct 2007 168
Hey, Nancy - look what I saw later this afternoon after I saw you. This Bald Eagle was having a long bath in the pool of water just two or three feet from the fence and where I was standing! I was SO lucky! It was so interesting to watch it duck under the water over and over again.


06 Oct 2007 123
If any of my Canadian friends happen to see this, please know that I send my best wishes for a very happy Thanksgiving weekend, whether you get to celebrate it with family, friends or alone, or not at all. I know the ideal thing is if we always remember the things for which we are thankful, but sometimes that just doesn't happen. Let's make sure that at least this weekend, our thoughts go to all the countless things with which we are blessed. Created with fd's Flickr Toys .

Clearwing Moth

10 Oct 2007 143
There is something "strange" about this photo, which maybe someone will pick up! The gorgeous orange Sunflower was bought at Safeway last week. The insect - a Clearwing Moth. Now, what is wrong with this image, LOL??

Fall's finest

12 Oct 2007 114
This gorgeous tree was at the Calgary Zoo. Just had to photograph its leaves, though I'm not sure what kind of tree it is.

Arrival of winter

24 Sep 2007 143
Almost at the end of Elbow Falls Trail, Highway 66, west of the city, the meadows either side of the road were covered in snow. The distant, snow-covered peaks rose up above the fall-coloured trees, against a bright blue sky. I think the temperature was around 8C.

Hidden treasure

07 Aug 2007 126
A delicate Lily bought from Safeway recently. Makes a change from all the wildflower photos I have been taking.

Oh, no - she's BACK!

13 Jun 2007 229
I spent about an hour or an hour and a half yesterday just watching this family of Ground Squirrels. There was no sign of my Great Horned Owl family in their grove of trees - more roadworks going on just a few feet away from their trees, which may have had some effect. So, my camera turned to these furry little creatures. This one was in the middle of making its tiny screeching sound and I found its expression rather amusing! Actually, I burst out laughing when I saw the photo on my computer!!!

Deep within

19 Apr 2007 114
Fallen petals reveal greater beauty! Same with people - look deep into their hearts and hopefully you will find the true beauty.

Now I can see better

27 Dec 2006 1 321
Much of its time was spent in this tall, upright position. What a long, lean animal! Wow, just noticed that this made Explore #4 today, 28th December 2006!! Thanks everyone - very much appreciated! "Counting its tail, a large Long-tailed Weasel male, the largest of the three species in Canada, stretches nearly half a metre (20 in) in length, yet can slip into a hole just 3 cm (1.25 in) across. This enables it to enter small rodent tunnels used by mice and voles. In summer, it enters ground squirrels burrows in search of its favourite food. Average males measure 406 mm (16 in), their tail is 135 mm (5.25) long and they weigh 225 g (12.6 oz). Males are approximately 25 per cent larger than females, which on average weigh only 102 g (5.7 oz). When winter approaches, within 30 days it grows a coat of white, giving it perfect camouflage against the snow -- all except for the tip of its tail, which stays black. A hungry predator, such as a hawk or owl, aims for that black tip, enabling the weasel to escape. Towards spring, between late February and April, in only 25 days, it reverses the process, acquiring the cinnamon-brown topcoat it will use all summer. This includes brown feet, unlike the other two species which retain white feet. The underside is usually buff-coloured." (Taken from the website).