Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: P1490549 FZ40

Colourful Wood Ducks

06 Sep 2012 256
Leaving the paths at Inglewood Bird Sanctuary is not allowed, even by a few feet, so it's very difficult to get a good, close shot of these Wood Ducks. I tend to view any really close shot with suspicion, ha. Several Wood Ducks were on this branch (seen through a gap in the trees and bushes) and this is about as close an image as I'm likely to get - so I'll happily take it. The poor males (the one on the left) are looking quite different in this non-breeding season, though their colours are still amazing. I always think the females have their own beauty, with their little touches of colour. Taken on 3 September 2012. Yesterday afternoon, I had to drive to a store in quite strong wind. The car felt a little strange, but then it usually does when I'm driving on a very windy day. As soon as I reached my destination, my mind was taken off my vehicle. Drove towards home and called in at another place, where, to my absolute horror, I discovered that my two rear tires were almost flat (down by 25 lbs!!). Seemed very strange that this had happened to two tires. Very fortunately, I could see an Auto place nearby, so slowly drove across to their parking lot. Someone filled all four tires with air for me, so I will have to take a look at them this morning and then really must go back this afternoon and wait a couple of hours at least, while they check the tires and repair them if necessary. I suspect that the wheel rims are corroded (car is getting on for 14 years old) and air is leaking for that reason. Much later: wasted most of the afternoon, sitting waiting for my two rear tires to be checked and repaired. Can you believe that there was a screw in one and a piece of metal in the other?!!! Hmm, I wonder if that had anything to do with the fact that there was so much renovation going on around here, when they replaced all the windows. Who knows, though I find it hard to think of where else I might have been that would have these metal things lying around.