Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Nolinoideae

Three-leaved Solomon's-seal / Maianthemum trifoliu…

03 Apr 2013 175
I've only ever seen this wildflower once - out at Elkton Bog, N or NW of Calgary, on 2 July 2009. Not my favourite kind of photo - cluttered - but I needed to upload it for a project. I believe it is Fairy Common in Alberta. Amazing how different the leaves are from those of the Star-flowered Solomon's-seal. We saw several new (to us) plants on that great day of botanizing, including one of my favourites, Sundew. I think it was on that trip that I was kneeling, with my elbows resting on the ground, in about 8" of water in order to photograph some of the plants, lol. If you only knew what we go through sometimes to get some of our images : )


31 Aug 2012 269
I thought these Star-flowered Solomon's Seal berries (unfortunately only two of them rather than the more usual three), looked beautiful surrounded by the dead, curled leaves. Love the texture of these berries. Photographed at Brown-Lowery Provincial Park on 9 September 2011.