Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: P1260734 FZ40

A welcome visitor

07 Feb 2012 208
Taken on a very overcast day, January 29th, when friends Ron and Trish very kindly invited me to go along with them to look for Snowy Owls NE and E of the city. The top of a power pole seems to be a favourite perching spot for these magnificent birds, unfortunately : ) Not sure if this is a female or a juvenile. An interesting webpage, about sexing and aging of Snowy Owls: Stuck at home for the day, as my vehicle is getting a service today. Just after 8:00 a.m., my phone rang and I always dread hearing back from the service people, expecting a long list of repairs or needed replacements that they have "discovered", ha. This time, there was just one thing - the trailing arm bushings (i.e. axle) are badly cracked/torn. Also told that my tires are very worn, which I had expected, so I guess I had better do a bit of research and then head off in the next few days to a nearby place that I have used before - they have an excellent reputation. A good job that our roads have been clear of snow and ice most of the winter.