Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: High River
This was the only way
22 Dec 2016 |
The day before yesterday, 20 December 2016, was the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count for the town of High River, roughly 40 minutes' drive south of Calgary. This is one of my favourite Counts and I'm so glad that I managed to take part. I wasn't sure if I would feel well enough to go, thanks to the dizziness/light-headedness that I've had the last nine days. Had a doctor's appointment yesterday and was told that the problem was the tiny "rocks" that a person has in the inner ear. Apparently, it's a very common problem and hopefully it will either right itself or will be helped by exercises.
Anyway, I didn't have to drive for the Count and there was not much walking - just around the various farms we called in at on our route. I don't know where all the farm cats were on this day, but I think the one in my photo plus another at the same farm were the only ones we saw. This beautiful cat was very active and, in the end, the only way I finally managed to get a photo was when Lorrie picked it up.
The Count started at 8:00 am and my small group (seven of us in two cars) started at Frank Lake. I think we finished somewhere around 4:00 pm, and then met up with everyone else who had different routes at the meeting place to hand in the lists of species seen. The Potluck supper was delicious! Thank you so much to the ladies of High River who had prepared this for us. Many thanks to Greg Wagner, too, for organizing yet another great Count. Thanks, Lorrie and John for driving the car I was in!
I will add our leader's list of species that my small group saw, in a comment box below. For me, the six Great Horned Owls (3 pairs) were the highlight of the day. The saddest thing we found was a dead Great Horned Owl that was in one of the huge Spruce trees in someone's yard. We couldn't tell the cause of death.
Who could resist this face?
31 Mar 2014 |
Sunday, 30 March 2014, and it's snowing - again, with more to come tomorrow. Temperature is -6C, windchill -12C. Only seven new photos from My Flickr Contacts this morning?
On 17 December 2013, it was a long day of Christmas Bird Count south of the city. A group of nine of us, travelling in two vehicles, covered part of the huge circle around High River. A few others from Calgary, plus quite a few people from the town, covered the rest. We were so lucky with the weather - the temperature actually got up to 9C! We left Calgary at 7:15 a.m., but by the time we arrived at Frank Lake, our first destination, the sunrise was just beginning. On this count last year, every plant and blade of dry grass was covered in wonderful hoar frost - not so lucky this time. Snow depth was from bare ground to 15 cm, with drifts to 100cm, and there was no open water at the lake. From the report: 6 kms on foot; 75kms by car; 3 hrs on foot, 5 hours by car.
The day was spent driving the backroads, and calling in at various homesteads and farms. We had three species of owl, which, as you can imagine, delighted everyone in my group. We had hoped to see a Snowy Owl, but no luck this year. My group had 19 species of bird by the end of the day - we finished driving around 4:00 p.m.. Noticeably lacking were small birds, such as Snow Buntings - so we had to make do with owls, lol!
The final list for our group, covering two areas, was:
Mallard-12/ 0= 12
Northern Pintail-1 f./ 0= 1
Common Goldeneye-4/0= 4
Gray Partridge-17/30= 47
Ring-necked Pheasant-3/0= 3
Bald Eagle-1ad/1ad= 2
Northern Harrier-1/ 0= 1
Great Horned Owl-4/1= 5
Long-eared Owl-2/0= 2
Short-eared Owl-2/0= 2
Rock Pigeon-47/7= 54
Downy Woodpecker-1/ 0= 1
Northern Flicker-1/0= 1
Black-billed Magpie-7/24= 31
Common Raven-2/1= 3
Horned Lark-2/0= 2
Black-capped Chickadee-0/1= 1
American Tree Sparrow-6/0= 6
House Sparrow-35/140= 175
The absolutely gorgeous, Crow-sized Long-eared Owl, seen in the photo above, was on someone's private land. We were given permission to wander around, searching the trees and open area. A few people had gone ahead of me just a matter of steps, when suddenly, to my amazement and total delight, I noticed this little owl hiding deep within a Spruce tree : ))) Couldn't believe my eyes! I've seen three of these Crow-sized owls before, but each time is as exciting as if it were the very first time. Actually, we had already seen another Long-eared Owl earlier in the day! You won't believe this, but two trees away from this Spruce tree - the trees were all squashed together and looked more like one huge tree - there was a beautiful Great Horned Owl! Of course, we were all hoping that the GHO wouldn't take the smaller owl for its supper! Oh, did I mention that two Short-eared Owls were spotted by someone in the first car, hidden amongst the dead grasses? They were sitting there, facing each other, and I managed to just get a couple of rather poor photos. Another thrill of the day : )
At the end of the day, some of the people involved in this count stayed for a pot-luck supper. Thanks so much to everyone who organized this annual Count and worked so hard with preparing for the meal. We always enjoy this time at the end of a long day, chatting about what we'd all been seeing in the various segments of the huge circle. Special thanks to Greg Wagner, who organized the whole event - well done, as usual, Greg : ) Thanks so much, Lorrie and John, for driving some of us the whole day and for picking me up and bringing me home - really appreciate your coming well out of your way to do this!
This photo is in the following SETS:
It's all about the eyes
05 Jan 2014 |
On 17 December 2013, it was a long day of Christmas Bird Count south of the city. A group of nine of us, travelling in two vehicles, covered part of the huge circle around High River. A few others from Calgary, plus quite a few people from the town, covered the rest. We were so lucky with the weather - the temperature actually got up to 9C! (Ha, as I'm typing today, 5 January 2014, it's -25C with a windchill of -31C). We left Calgary at 7:15 a.m., but by the time we arrived at Frank Lake, our first destination, the sunrise was just beginning. On this count last year, every plant and blade of dry grass was covered in wonderful hoar frost - not so lucky this time. Snow depth was from bare ground to 15 cm, with drifts to 100cm, and there was no open water at the lake. From the report: 6 kms on foot; 75kms by car; 3 hrs on foot, 5 hours by car.
The day was spent driving the backroads, and calling in at various homesteads and farms. We had three species of owl, which, as you can imagine, delighted everyone in my group. We had hoped to see a Snowy Owl, but no luck this year. My group had 19 species of bird by the end of the day - we finished driving around 3:00 p.m..Noticeably lacking were small birds, such as Snow Buntings - so I had to make do with owls, lol!
The final list for our group, covering two areas, was:
Mallard-12/ 0= 12
Northern Pintail-1 f./ 0= 1
Common Goldeneye-4/0= 4
Gray Partridge-17/30= 47
Ring-necked Pheasant-3/0= 3
Bald Eagle-1ad/1ad= 2
Northern Harrier-1/ 0= 1
Great Horned Owl-4/1= 5
Long-eared Owl-2/0= 2
Short-eared Owl-2/0= 2
Rock Pigeon-47/7= 54
Downy Woodpecker-1/ 0= 1
Northern Flicker-1/0= 1
Black-billed Magpie-7/24= 31
Common Raven-2/1= 3
Horned Lark-2/0= 2
Black-capped Chickadee-0/1= 1
American Tree Sparrow-6/0= 6
House Sparrow-35/140= 175
The absolutely gorgeous, Crow-sized Long-eared Owl, seen in the photo above, was on someone's private land. We were given permission to wander around, searching the trees and open area. A few people had gone ahead of me just a matter of steps, when suddenly, to my amazement and total delight, I noticed this little owl hiding deep within a Spruce tree : ))) Couldn't believe my eyes! I've seen three of these Crow-sized owls before, but each time is as exciting as if it were the very first time. Actually, we had already seen another Long-eared Owl earlier in the day! You won't believe this, but two trees away from this Spruce tree - the trees were all squashed together and looked more like one huge tree - there was a beautiful Great Horned Owl! Of course, we were all hoping that the GHO wouldn't take the smaller owl for its supper! Oh, did I mention that two Short-eared Owls were spotted by someone in the first car, hidden amongst the dead grasses? They were sitting there, facing each other, and I managed to just get a couple of rather poor photos. Another thrill of the day : )
At the end of the day, some of the people involved in this count stayed for a pot-luck supper. Thanks so much to everyone who organized this annual Count and worked so hard with preparing for the meal. We always enjoy this time at the end of a long day, chatting about what we'd all been seeing in the various segments of the huge circle. Special thanks to Greg Wagner, who organized the whole event - well done, as usual, Greg : ) Thanks so much, Lorrie and John, for driving some of us the whole day and for picking me up and bringing me home - really appreciate your coming well out of your way to do this!
Today, 5 January 2014, it's going to be a long, brutally cold day of birding on the Nanton annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count, roughly an hour's drive S of Calgary. Had to set my alarm for 4:30 a.m. (after getting to sleep around 2:15 a.m.). Be back later.
Always a thrill
05 Jan 2014 |
Lol, this is certainly a different perch from the more usual power pole, but I do wish they would perch on fence posts or trees more often! Had a great day on 22 December 2013 with friends Cathy and Terry, driving the backroads SE of the city, hoping to see an owl or two. The day started off with a Long-eared Owl and ended with a Short-eared Owl! In total, we saw 5 Snowy Owls, 4 Great Horned Owls, 1 Long-eared Owl and 1 Short-eared Owl. Plus a few other species, including a Northern Shrike, many Grey Partridges (all of which flew before we could take photos, other than a couple of very distant ones), Horned Larks, Ravens/Crows, owls in barn windows, a beautiful Gyrfalcon and a colourful sunrise. Not a bad day, I think you'll agree : ) The only thing we didn't see, except briefly, was the sun, so we had low light all day, unfortunately! It was so unbearably cold all day, windchill temperature was -30C. A few seconds out of the car and fingers were so painful, despite wearing gloves. Difficult to hold the camera steady when one is shivering, ha.
This morning, 5 January 2014, it's -25C with a windchill of -31C and so it's going to be a long, brutally cold day of birding on the Nanton Christmas Bird Count, roughly an hour's drive S of Calgary. Had to set my alarm for 4:30 a.m. (after getting to sleep around 2:15 a.m.). Be back later.
Wide awake Great Horned Owl
27 Dec 2013 |
On 17 December 2013, it was a long day of Christmas Bird Count south of the city. A group of nine of us, travelling in two vehicles, covered part of the huge circle around High River. A few others from Calgary, plus quite a few people from the town, covered the rest. We were so lucky with the weather - the temperature actually got up to 9C! We left Calgary at 7:15 a.m. but by the time we arrived at Frank Lake, our first destination, the sunrise was just beginning. On this count last year, every plant and blade of dry grass was covered in wonderful hoar frost - not so lucky this time. Snow depth was from bare ground to 15 cm, with drifts to 100cm, and there was no (little?) open water at the lake. From the report: 6 kms on foot; 75kms by car; 3 hrs on foot, 5 hours by car.
The day was spent driving the backroads, and calling in at various homesteads and farms. We had three species of owl, which, as you can imagine, delighted everyone in my group. We had hoped to see a Snowy Owl, too, but no luck this year. My group had 19 species of bird by the end of the day - we finished driving around 4:00 p.m..Noticeably lacking were small birds, such as Snow Buntings - so I had to make do with owls, lol!
The final list for our group of 9, covering two areas, was:
Mallard-12/ 0= 12
Northern Pintail-1 f./ 0= 1
Common Goldeneye-4/0= 4
Gray Partridge-17/30= 47
Ring-necked Pheasant-3/0= 3
Bald Eagle-1ad/1ad= 2
Northern Harrier-1/ 0= 1
Great Horned Owl-4/1= 5
Long-eared Owl-2/0= 2
Short-eared Owl-2/0= 2
Rock Pigeon-47/7= 54
Downy Woodpecker-1/ 0= 1
Northern Flicker-1/0= 1
Black-billed Magpie-7/24= 31
Common Raven-2/1= 3
Horned Lark-2/0= 2
Black-capped Chickadee-0/1= 1
American Tree Sparrow-6/0= 6
House Sparrow-35/140= 175
The beautiful Great Horned Owl, seen in the photo above, was on someone's private land. We were given permission to wander around, searching the trees and open area. A few people had gone ahead of me just a matter of steps, when suddenly, to my amazement and total delight, I noticed a Crow-sized Long-eared Owl deep within a Spruce tree : ))) Couldn't believe my eyes! I've seen three (?) of these Crow-sized owls in the wild before, but each time is as exciting as if it were the very first time. Actually, we had already seen another Long-eared Owl earlier in the day! This Great Horned Owl was perched high up just two trees away from the Long-eared Owl - the trees were all squashed together and looked more like one huge tree! Of course, we were all hoping that the GHO wouldn't take the smaller owl for its supper! Oh, did I mention that two Short-eared Owls were spotted by someone in the first car, hidden amongst the dead grasses? They were sitting there, facing each other, and I managed to just get a couple of rather poor photos. Another thrill of the day : )
At the end of the day, some of the people involved in this count stayed for a pot-luck supper. Thanks so much to everyone who organized this annual Count and worked so hard with preparing for the meal. We always enjoy this time at the end of a long day, chatting about what we'd all been seeing in the various segments of the huge circle. Special thanks to Greg Wagner, who organized the whole event - well done, as usual, Greg : ) Thanks so much, Lorrie and John, for driving some of us the whole day and for picking me up and bringing me home - really appreciate your coming well out of your way to do this!
Long-eared Owl
25 Dec 2013 |
Sorry to keep repeating the same information under various photos taken that day - done mainly for my own use. On 17 December 2013, it was a long day of Christmas Bird Count south of the city. A group of nine of us, travelling in two vehicles, covered part of the huge circle around High River. A few others from Calgary, plus quite a few people from the town, covered the rest. We were so lucky with the weather - the temperature actually got up to 9C! We left Calgary at 7:15 a.m., but by the time we arrived at Frank Lake, our first destination, the sunrise was just beginning. On this count last year, every plant and blade of dry grass was covered in wonderful hoar frost - not so lucky this time. Snow depth was from bare ground to 15 cm, with drifts to 100cm, and there was no/little open water at the lake. From the report: 6 kms on foot; 75kms by car; 3 hrs on foot, 5 hours by car.
The day was spent driving the backroads, and calling in at various homesteads and farms. We had three species of owl, which, as you can imagine, delighted everyone in my group. We had hoped to see a Snowy Owl, but no luck this year. My group had 19 species of bird by the end of the day - we finished driving around 4:00 p.m..Noticeably lacking were small birds, such as Snow Buntings - so I had to make do with owls, lol!
The final list for our group, covering two areas in our section, was:
Mallard-12/ 0= 12
Northern Pintail-1 f./ 0= 1
Common Goldeneye-4/0= 4
Gray Partridge-17/30= 47
Ring-necked Pheasant-3/0= 3
Bald Eagle-1ad/1ad= 2
Northern Harrier-1/ 0= 1
Great Horned Owl-4/1= 5
Long-eared Owl-2/0= 2
Short-eared Owl-2/0= 2
Rock Pigeon-47/7= 54
Downy Woodpecker-1/ 0= 1
Northern Flicker-1/0= 1
Black-billed Magpie-7/24= 31
Common Raven-2/1= 3
Horned Lark-2/0= 2
Black-capped Chickadee-0/1= 1
American Tree Sparrow-6/0= 6
House Sparrow-35/140= 175
The absolutely gorgeous Long-eared Owl, seen in the photo above, was on someone's private land. We were given permission to wander around, searching the trees and open area. A few people had gone ahead of me just a matter of steps, when suddenly, to my amazement and total delight, I noticed this owl hiding deep within a Spruce tree : ))) Couldn't believe my eyes! I've seen three of these Crow-sized owls before, but each time is as exciting as if it were the very first time. The long-eared owl is a very slender, medium-sized bird about 35 centimetres (14 inches) long. Actually, we had already seen another Long-eared Owl earlier in the day! You won't believe this, but two trees away from this Spruce tree - the trees were all squashed together and looked more like one huge tree - there was a beautiful Great Horned Owl! Of course, we were all hoping that the GHO wouldn't take the smaller owl for its supper! Oh, did I mention that two Short-eared Owls were spotted by someone in the first car, hidden amongst the dead grasses? They were sitting there, facing each other, and I managed to just get a couple of rather poor photos. Another thrill of the day : )
At the end of the day, some of the people involved in this count stayed for a pot-luck supper. Thanks so much to everyone who organized this annual Count and worked so hard with preparing for the meal. We always enjoy this time at the end of a long day, chatting about what we'd all been seeing in the various segments of the huge circle. Special thanks to Greg Wagner, who organized the whole event - well done, as usual, Greg : ) Thanks so much, Lorrie and John, for driving some of us the whole day and for picking me up and bringing me home - really appreciate your coming well out of your way to do this!
The long and the short of it : )
23 Dec 2013 |
Lol, this is certainly a different perch from the more usual power pole! Not sure if it's better, or not, but it definitely makes a change : ) Had a great day yesterday with friends Cathy and Terry, driving the backroads SE of the city, hoping to see an owl or two. My title for this photo came from Terry's description of the day we had - it started off with a Long-eared Owl and ended with a Short-eared Owl! In total, we saw 5 Snowy Owls including this handsome male, 4 Great Horned Owls, 1 Long-eared Owl and 1 Short-eared Owl. Plus a few other species, including a Northern Shrike, many Grey Partridges (all of which flew before we could take photos, other than a couple of very distant ones), Horned Larks, Ravens/Crows, owls in barn windows, a beautiful Gyrfalcon and a colourful sunrise. Not a bad day, I think you'll agree : ) The only thing we didn't see, except briefly, was the sun, so we had low light all day, unfortunately! It was so unbearably cold all day, windchill temperature was -30C. A few seconds out of the car and fingers were so painful. despite wearing gloves. Difficult to hold the camera steady when one is shivering, ha.
Such gorgeous eyes
21 Dec 2013 |
Happy first day of WINTER, everyone! Not sure what you call the many weeks of snowfalls and brutal temperatures we've already had, lol, but today is the official start of Winter. To rub in what day it is, it's snowing - again - of course : )
On 17 December 2013, it was a long day of Christmas Bird Count south of the city. A group of nine of us, travelling in two vehicles, covered part of the huge circle around High River. A few others from Calgary, plus quite a few people from the town, covered the rest. We were so lucky with the weather - the temperature actually got up to 9C! We left Calgary at 7:15 a.m. but by the time we arrived at Frank Lake, our first destination, the sunrise was just beginning. On this count last year, every plant and blade of dry grass was covered in wonderful hoar frost - not so lucky this time. Snow depth was from bare ground to 15 cm, with drifts to 100cm, and there was no open water at the lake. From the report: 6 kms on foot; 75kms by car; 3 hrs on foot, 5 hours by car.
The day was spent driving the backroads, and calling in at various homesteads and farms. We had three species of owl, which, as you can imagine, delighted everyone in my group. We had hoped to see a Snowy Owl, but no luck this year. My group had 19 species of bird by the end of the day - we finished driving around 4:00 p.m..Noticeably lacking were small birds, such as Snow Buntings - so I had to make do with owls, lol!
The final list for our group of 9, covering two areas, was:
Mallard-12/ 0= 12
Northern Pintail-1 f./ 0= 1
Common Goldeneye-4/0= 4
Gray Partridge-17/30= 47
Ring-necked Pheasant-3/0= 3
Bald Eagle-1ad/1ad= 2
Northern Harrier-1/ 0= 1
Great Horned Owl-4/1= 5
Long-eared Owl-2/0= 2
Short-eared Owl-2/0= 2
Rock Pigeon-47/7= 54
Downy Woodpecker-1/ 0= 1
Northern Flicker-1/0= 1
Black-billed Magpie-7/24= 31
Common Raven-2/1= 3
Horned Lark-2/0= 2
Black-capped Chickadee-0/1= 1
American Tree Sparrow-6/0= 6
House Sparrow-35/140= 175
The absolutely gorgeous Great Horned Owl, seen in the photo above, was on someone's private land. We were given permission to wander around, searching the trees and open area. A few people had gone ahead of me just a matter of steps, when suddenly, to my amazement and total delight, I noticed a Crow-sized Long-eared Owl deep within a Spruce tree : ))) Couldn't believe my eyes! I've seen three (?) of these Crow-sized owls in the wild before, but each time is as exciting as if it were the very first time. Actually, we had already seen another Long-eared Owl earlier in the day! This Great Horned Owl was perched high up just two trees away from the Long-eared Owl - the trees were all squashed together and looked more like one huge tree! Of course, we were all hoping that the GHO wouldn't take the smaller owl for its supper! Oh, did I mention that two Short-eared Owls were spotted by someone in the first car, hidden amongst the dead grasses? They were sitting there, facing each other, and I managed to just get a couple of rather poor photos. Another thrill of the day : ) Posted a photo of the second of these two owls just a few minutes ago.
At the end of the day, some of the people involved in this count stayed for a pot-luck supper. Thanks so much to everyone who organized this annual Count and worked so hard with preparing for the meal. We always enjoy this time at the end of a long day, chatting about what we'd all been seeing in the various segments of the huge circle. Special thanks to Greg Wagner, who organized the whole event - well done, as usual, Greg : ) Thanks so much, Lorrie and John, for driving some of us the whole day and for picking me up and bringing me home - really appreciate your coming well out of your way to do this!
Farm cat
20 Dec 2013 |
When we take part in the various annual Audubon Christmas Bird Counts, we often call in at farms and homesteads to ask for permission to take a look around their yards, hoping to find a few birds. I always enjoy trying to capture a few farm cat and dog images. This beautiful cat was seen on 17 December 2013, during the High River Bird Count.
Mrs. Claus busily knitting
20 Dec 2013 |
After the High River Christmas Bird Count on 17 December 2013, we all returned to the town of High River for a most enjoyable Potluck supper. While waiting for other participants to arrive back, I snapped a handful of quick shots of decorations. I'm hoping that I'll have time to photograph something at home in the next day or two - if not, Happy Christmas, everyone, lol!
Look what I found yesterday : )
18 Dec 2013 |
Yesterday, 17 December 2013, it was a long day of Christmas Bird Count south of the city. A group of nine of us, travelling in two vehicles, covered part of the huge circle around High River. A few others from Calgary, plus quite a few people from the town, covered the rest. We were so lucky with the weather - the temperature actually got up to 9C! (Ha, as I'm typing, it's -9C with a windchill of -14C, and the Snowfall Warning that is in effect is proving to be 100% accurate!). We left Calgary at 7:15 a.m. yesterday, but by the time we arrived at Frank Lake, our first destination, the sunrise was just beginning. On this count last year, every plant and blade of dry grass was covered in wonderful hoar frost - not so lucky this time. Snow depth was from bare ground to 15 cm, with drifts to 100cm, and there was no open water at the lake. From the report: 6 kms on foot; 75kms by car; 3 hrs on foot, 5 hours by car.
The day was spent driving the backroads, and calling in at various homesteads and farms. We had three species of owl, which, as you can imagine, delighted everyone in my group. We had hoped to see a Snowy Owl, but no luck this year. My group had 19 species of bird by the end of the day - we finished driving around 3:00 p.m..Noticeably lacking were small birds, such as Snow Buntings - so I had to make do with owls, lol!
The final list for our group, covering two areas, was:
Mallard-12/ 0= 12
Northern Pintail-1 f./ 0= 1
Common Goldeneye-4/0= 4
Gray Partridge-17/30= 47
Ring-necked Pheasant-3/0= 3
Bald Eagle-1ad/1ad= 2
Northern Harrier-1/ 0= 1
Great Horned Owl-4/1= 5
Long-eared Owl-2/0= 2
Short-eared Owl-2/0= 2
Rock Pigeon-47/7= 54
Downy Woodpecker-1/ 0= 1
Northern Flicker-1/0= 1
Black-billed Magpie-7/24= 31
Common Raven-2/1= 3
Horned Lark-2/0= 2
Black-capped Chickadee-0/1= 1
American Tree Sparrow-6/0= 6
House Sparrow-35/140= 175
The absolutely gorgeous Long-eared Owl, seen in the photo above, was on someone's private land. We were given permission to wander around, searching the trees and open area. A few people had gone ahead of me just a matter of steps, when suddenly, to my amazement and total delight, I noticed this little owl hiding deep within a Spruce tree : ))) Couldn't believe my eyes! I've seen three (?) of these Crow-sized owls before, but each time is as exciting as if it were the very first time. Actually, we had already seen another Long-eared Owl earlier in the day! You won't believe this, but two trees away from this Spruce tree - the trees were all squashed together and looked more like one huge tree - there was a beautiful Great Horned Owl! Of course, we were all hoping that the GHO wouldn't take the smaller owl for its supper! Oh, did I mention that two Short-eared Owls were spotted by someone in the first car, hidden amongst the dead grasses? They were sitting there, facing each other, and I managed to just get a couple of rather poor photos. Another thrill of the day : )
At the end of the day, some of the people involved in this count stayed for a pot-luck supper. Thanks so much to everyone who organized this annual Count and worked so hard with preparing for the meal. We always enjoy this time at the end of a long day, chatting about what we'd all been seeing in the various segments of the huge circle. Special thanks to Greg Wagner, who organized the whole event - well done, as usual, Greg : ) Thanks so much, Lorrie and John, for driving some of us the whole day and for picking me up and bringing me home - really appreciate your coming well out of your way to do this!
Frosted snow
09 Dec 2013 |
I love it when ice crystals form a layer on top of the snow - so delicate and beautiful. I always feel a little guilty if I have to walk on it. Took this photo on 18 December 2012, when a group of us took part in the High River Christmas Bird Count (about a half hour drive S of Calgary). If I remember correctly, this was out at Frank Lake, which was one of the areas we covered.
Redpoll cafeteria
19 Feb 2013 |
We saw this distant feeder at one of the farms we called in at during the annual High River Christmas Bird Count, on 18 December 2012. I always think Common Redpolls must be one of the daintiest little birds, and so pretty.
Some good luck on yesterday's Bird Count
19 Dec 2012 |
Yesterday was the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count in High River, south of Calgary. A small group of eight of us from Calgary met up with local people from High River to search the area in and around High River. We started our search at around 8:30 a.m. and returned to the meeting place around 5:00 p.m., when we handed in our results and stayed for a delicious potluck supper. Thanks so much to the local birders who organized this most enjoyable ending to a long day!
My small group drove all the backroads in the SE quadrant of the huge circle that surrounds High River, including calling in at several farms to ask if we could check their trees, hedges, etc. for birds. One of the first places we called in at was Frank Lake, a very popular place for birders. We walked along the edge of the inlet, and the view was so beautiful. All the plants and grasses were covered in ice crystals, and vapor was rising from the surface of the water up towards the rising sun. Gave me some nice photo opps : ) In fact, so much so, that I forgot all about looking for birds, lol! We came across a number of dead fish in one spot, which was not a good find. The day was cloudy, becoming clear, calm, -10C to -03C. I have placed this photo on my map, just to show where High River is - not sure where the exact location was, but it was somewhere SE of High River. 103.5 km by car; 3 km by foot; 6.5 hours by car; 2 hours on foot.
We saw two Merlins, this being the closest one for a photo from my side of the car. We pulled up just past this beautiful bird. It stayed on the fence post just long enough for me to try and twist round in my seat, point my camera in its direction and then I clicked with my eyes closed, lol. Amazingly, I got the bird, though I did just miss the tip of its tail! Background is a mix of snow and stubble in the field.
Our group's sightings for the day:
Mallard 9 in am at Frank Lake; 7 seen flying there in late pm.
Common Goldeneye-4
Bald Eagle-4 ad.
Northern Goshawk-2 ad.
Rough-legged Hawk-1
Gray Partridge-12
Sharp-tailed Grouse-5
Rock Pigeon-26
Great Horned Owl-5
Snowy Owl-1 (seen 3 times).
Downy Woodpecker-1 m.
Black-billed Magpie-34
Common Raven-8
Northern Shrike-1
American Tree Sparrow-3
Snow Bunting-807
Common Redpoll-925
Hoary Redpoll-1
House Sparrow-245
Also saw 2 Coyotes, 26 Mule Deer and 39 White-tailed Deer. I still have to sort out about the Snowy Owl, though, as it looks like two photos I took at different spots show a paler and a darker owl. I also have a lot of photo editing to do of the shots taken on the various Bird Counts so that they can be passed on to a long list of people. Christmas??? Hope I'll be better organized for next year - as I seem to say every year, lol!
Time for an afternoon snack
21 Dec 2012 |
A female Merlin seen on the annual High River Christmas Bird Count, on 18 December 2012. It had just caught some kind of small bird (Common Redpoll?) down the road ahead of us, but not on my side of the car. Then it flew way down the road behind us and I was able to quickly get out of the car and take a very distant shot.
Always a happy sight
21 Dec 2012 |
A heavily cropped capture of this beautiful Snowy Owl, one of three sightings by eight of us on the annual High River Christmas Bird Count, on 18 December 2012. It was reported as being three sightings of the same owl, but I think a photo of one of the sightings shows a much lighter bird. The second photo, which I will post maybe tomorrow, was of an owl that was perched not on top of a power pole, but at the very top of one of the giant electricity pylons - so was barely little more than a white speck : )
Old Man WInter has returned. It's -18C this evening and forecast is for snow tonight and tomorrow. A windchilll of -33C (temperature -23C) tomorrow kind of makes me almost wish that the Drumheller and area (i.e. the Badlands, where the dinosaurs used to roam) Christmas Bird Count will be cancelled - doubt it, though. Just hope my car starts. I know for sure I won't be feeling like having to clear snow off my car and scrape ice off the car windows - especially around 5:15 in the morning!!! I like to think this is dedication - but really, it's madness, lol! 5-10 cm of snow from Friday overnight to Saturday overnight.
A short while later, just got a phone call, saying that the trip has been cancelled due to concern about drifting snow and the possibility of one of the cars getting stuck (it has happened before several times and is not fun!). Now I don't have to sit here, wondering whether to go or not to go : )
An interesting webpage, with photos, about sexing and aging of Snowy Owls:
With the holiday season upon us, here is a reminder from YouTube, that I saw on Dan's Facebook page. Please Don't Drink and Drive! Warning - very graphic - but that is what is needed! And yet people continue to do so ...
Curiosity from up high
22 Dec 2012 |
Posting for the record, not for technical quality, as it was cropped to almost nothing (after 48x zoom), lol. This bird was barely more than a speck in the distance, perched not on a tall power pole, but right at the very top of one of the gigantic power pylons that you see in the Frank Lake area. I've never seen a Snowy Owl that high up before. Photographed it for my own record, but I'm also curious as, on the final report, we had Snowy Owl-1 (seen 3 times). I'll add a different photo, taken at a slightly different location, in the comment box. Would really appreciate your opinion as to whether you think these are the same bird. I just wonder how much difference there would be in the light at such a height, that would make the owl appear paler. To me, they look like very different individuals.
Pretty little Common Redpolls
23 Dec 2012 |
These are such pretty little birds, though somehow they don't look quite so cute in this photo - for one thing, you can't really see the large, red dot on their forehead. The upper left bird is a male with his touch of pink - who said males don't wear pink, lol? The rest are females. Taken on 18 December 2012, when a small group of us took part in the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count in High River (south of Calgary). We drove all the backroads in the SE quadrant of the huge circle that centres on the town, calling in at several farms along the way.
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