Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Scarlet Swallowtail

In need of a little help

11 Oct 2012 246
When I was at the Calgary Zoo on 6 October 2012, one of the workers in the butterfly room was wearing this cast (?), on which this beautiful butterfly rested. The young man said that the insect was not doing very well and he was trying to move it to a bowl of fruit. However, the butterfly really didn't want to leave this new kind of perch that it had found : ) Eventually, there was success - so I do hope it sucked up some new energy and survived. I couldn't miss an opportunity for a different kind of shot, of course. I think they say that having a butterfly land on you is good luck, so hopefully this man's arm will heal extra fast. Not sure, but I think this butterfly is a Scarlet Swallowtail / Papilio rumanzovia. Thanks, Art (Leapfrog!) for the ID confirmation - much appreciated, as always!

Beauty on beauty

14 Oct 2012 193
Gorgeous Scarlet Swallowtail / Papilio rumanzovia on a beautiful Water Lily at the Calgary Zoo. Yes, it was just one of those rare, lucky moments : ) It was interesting to see that the Water Lily closed up like this when the butterfly perched there. The light wasn't the best, as I had to bend and peer through Sacred Lotus leaves and other plants to get my photos. To me, it has a slight watercolour painting look, especially the Lily petals. Taken on 6 October 2012, in the ENMAX Conservatory. Added later in the afternoon - I was just trying to find someone's e-mail address and came across this link that I had saved ages ago. I don't know if you have seen this video spoof of the Royal Wedding before, but English folks especially will find this amusing. I think Princess Anne, Harry and Camilla are amazing, lol! I think I posted this link ages ago, but it made me laugh again just now.

Elegance, Lepidoptera style

21 Mar 2012 150
Taken in the ENMAX Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo on 1 September 2011. I'm not sure if this is a Scarlet Swallowtail - I read that they don't have "tails", so will need to Google it when I get back home later today. In case anyone is interested, the following link is for a live webcam of a Red-tailed Hawk nest, Cornell University. They have been nesting above Cornell University’s athletic fields for at least the past four years. Two eggs have just been laid. Posted on the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's webpage.

Incomplete beauty

06 Dec 2011 198
Taken at the Calgary Zoo on September 1st. I did try to ID this beautiful, tropical butterfly, but didn't find anything exactly like this, so no ID so far. Later: thanks, Art (Leapfrog!) for the ID - Scarlet Swallowtail male). Much appreciated! Flickr seems to be getting the hiccups an awful lot recently!