Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: P1190806 FZ35

Visited by an invisible spider

21 Mar 2011 167
This tiny mushroom was growing on a jagged tree stump right by the trail at Brown-Lowery Provincial Park around the end of fungi season last year. The sunlight was shining down just along the path edges, so I was really lucky with the lighting - which I wish would happen more often : ) No flash was used. The handful of mushrooms that I did find were all growing along the edge of the trail through the dark forest. There are still several more months till fungi season begins again for us. Oh, and yes, the reason for my title was the thin string of spider's web under the mushroom cap : ) Wasn't sure whether to "get rid" of it, or simply leave it be. We have more snow again today : ) A good thing, really, as I have so much to sort through and clear out at home, before my condo management arranges for new, desperately-needed upstairs windows to be replaced in all the buildings. Everyone has been complaining constantly for at least 12 years, so hopefully this is going to happen. Also have to start on my basement once I've cleared upstairs, so that the "several large boxes" of belongings from my parents and brother will eventually be able to fit inside my place when they arrive in something like three months' time. I'd rather be doing this while it's still cold and snowing than when the weather greatly improves - though I suspect I'll be still doing this sorting out right up till when the boxes arrive! I'm definitely not striving for perfection, just to clear enough room and make the place look more reasonable : ) I hate doing it, lol!