Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: P1180772 FZ35

Bird's-nest Fungus

23 Sep 2010 142
I picked up one of the very small Bird's-nest Fungi to give an idea of its size, seen here against two of my fingertips. As you can see, two (or more?) of the spore-bearing "eggs" have not been dispersed (yet) by falling raindrops. Seen at Burnsmead a couple of days ago. Sorry, I'm behind with commenting - have been out so much, taking photos before the snow returns and stays. Should be safe from that happening for the next few days, thank goodness. Dashed over to Brown-Lowery Provincial Park this afternoon. Very muddy in the places I went and leaves are covering the ground now, making it almost impossible to see any small mushrooms that might still be around. It was a bit windy and the forest was full of creakings, scraping sounds, knocking sounds and rustlings. Sometimes, I later discover that it is a little squirrel making the noises, but it really creeped me out this afternoon, so I didn't go very far into the forest at all. Any day now, our extremely short fungi season will come to a complete end and I will suffer mushroom withdrawal symptoms for the next 10 MONTHS, LOL! Was out this evening at a talk on Butterflies. Will be out of the city all day tomorrow Friday), botanizing with a couple of friends, and then will be out all Saturday, too, with separate "events" in morning and afternoon.