Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Blue Wave

Blue Wave, Myscelia cyaniris

14 Jun 2014 1 220
A very, very dirty window can sometimes create a rather effective background, lol. This window, completely covered in dried water spots, was in the ENMAX Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo, on 8 September 2011. The butterfly that kindly landed on it is a Blue Wave (Myscelia cyaniris). I've added two other photos, posted previously, to show the colour of this species when the light hits it in just the right way. Such a gorgeous blue! "A rather small butterfly, the Blue Wave/Banded Purple Wing is identified as one of the Bluewings by the shining sapphire blue of the upperwings that can appear black or positively neon depending upon how the light is reflected off the wings. Somewhat like other butterflies with bright blue upperwings (the morphos), the underwings of the Blue Wave/Banded Purple Wing are a mottled light gray that acts as excellent camouflage."

Blue Wave / Myscelia cyaniris

29 Jan 2013 184
Another photo from my archives, taken in the ENMAX Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo on 30 September 2011. "A rather small butterfly, the Blue Wave/Banded Purple Wing is identified as one of the Bluewings by the shining sapphire blue of the upperwings that can appear black or positively neon depending upon how the light is reflected off the wings. Somewhat like other butterflies with bright blue upperwings (the morphos), the underwings of the Blue Wave/Banded Purple Wing are a mottled light gray that acts as excellent camouflage."

Blue Wave / Myscelia cyaniris

24 Oct 2011 173
I think I have the correct ID for this gorgeous tropical butterfly. Seen in the ENMAX Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo. Will explain about the amazing blue colour when I get back from a walk this morning. Later, back from a 3+ hour walk round part of the Glenmore Reservoir. We did a short walk from the large wooden "H" at Heritage Park, and then drove to the Sailing Club off 24th St. and did a long walk from there. The views over the Reservoir and the very distant Rocky Mountains are so beautiful. I saw on TV early this morning that the windchill was -11C!!! So, it was a thick winter jacket and long-johns morning .... sigh. Highlight of the morning was a single Snow Bunting, feeding near the edge of the path. A couple times it stopped, posed, and then continuing on its busy way. Haven't looked at my photos yet, but hopefully one photo will have turned out OK : ) "A rather small butterfly, the Blue Wave/Banded Purple Wing is identified as one of the Bluewings by the shining sapphire blue of the upperwings that can appear black or positively neon depending upon how the light is reflected off the wings. Somewhat like other butterflies with bright blue upperwings (the morphos), the underwings of the Blue Wave/Banded Purple Wing are a mottled light gray that acts as excellent camouflage."

Blue Wave, Myscelia cyaniris

07 Jun 2010 153
Wow, had problems uploading my photos to Flickr this evening! I took this photo just over two years ago, in the Butterfly House in the old Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo. I don't usually see this species, so wanted to post it for my Zoo Set. Isn't it a gorgeous shade of blue? I am completely (and I mean completely, lol) exhausted after a botanizing trip from 7:00 a.m. this morning till getting home about 6:15 p.m. just a short while ago. This was a repeat trip of a hike we did a year ao, right on the edge of the eastern Rocky Mountains, right where Kananaskis begins on Highway 40. Climbing up hills and down, up and down. My toes are now the most painful part of my body, from hiking downhill so much. The main purpose of the trip was to see Balsamroot plants high on a hillside. This is the most northerly reported location for this species. And we saw a Morel mushroom, which made my day - possibly a False Morel? Weather was beautiful - rain in the forecast for the next few days. Thanks, David, for another great outing to this area - and thanks so much for the ride there and back! Job very well done!! I have to add that I'm sure I any calories I lost on the hike were surely put back on when I had a delicious Chocolate Malt when we stopped in Longview on the way home. Thanks (?), Sandy, for telling me how good they are and leading me into temptation, ha!