Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Boreal forest

Happy Thanksgiving - be thankful for the little th…

22 Nov 2012 1 1 346
Hope all my American friends will be lucky enough to be with family and/or friends today, and enjoy a good meal. A special Happy Thanksgiving to all those US servicemen and women (and their families, who also make so many sacrifices), who risk their lives on a daily basis, in order to keep the rest safe and free. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! We have so much to be thankful for, even in the hardest of times. Special thoughts, also, for the people over on the east coast, who have been having such a difficult time due to Hurricane Sandy. Remember to enjoy the small things in life - they tend to be the most important things, too. Please drive safely if you are on the roads. Photographed this little Red-breasted Nuthatch on 20 November 2012, when I was on a three-hour walk with friends at Votier's Flats, Fish Creek Park. Such a dreary morning and with a very unpleasant cold wind ... brrr.

Hungry Gray Jay

03 May 2010 293
I'm running late with posting today : ) Spent a couple of hours this afternoon shooting Coots. Yes, Coots - but it felt SO good to finally see any kind of bird close enough to photograph it. And I like Coots, LOL. Also saw Scaup, Ruddy Ducks, Northern Shovelers, Yellow-headed and Red-winged Blackbirds (too far away) and the usual Canada Geese, Mallards, etc.. On the way home, I called in to see the family of Great Horned Owls in Fish Creek Park - a relief to see three little fuzzy heads sticking up above the edge of the cavity. Our recent rain, snow and very strong winds had not harmed these little guys, thank goodness. This photo of a Gray Jay was taken in dense forest in dreadful light, but I managed to brighten it enough to post it. I don't usually get the chance to photograph these birds, and certainly not on a friend's (David) hand. Taken last September in West Bragg Creek. That's MY granola bar that it flew down for, LOL.