Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: panasonic DMC-FZ35

Strawberries and cream

15 Aug 2010 239
I've just hit the time of day (early evening) when the sun comes into my computer room at just the wrong angle and plays havoc with what I'm viewing on my monitor. So, I can't tell if this photo is too dark or not - have a feeling it is, in which case I will have to brighten and replace. I couldn't believe my eyes when I first spotted a small splash of pink among the mosses on our day in the forest at West Bragg Creek, Kananaskis, two days ago. Then I noticed the blood-red droplets looking rather like cherries in a muffin or cupcake : ) My friends had just passed by the spot a couple of minutes earlier, so I called them over. When Doug was quite excited, I knew that I had found something of interest, LOL! Hydnellum peckii is also known as Bleeding Hydnellum, the bleeding tooth fungus, the red-juice tooth, the Devil's tooth, or Peck's hydnum, but I kind of like "Strawberries and cream" best of all : ) "Hydnellum peckii is an inedible fungus, and a member of the genus Hydnellum, a group of species that produce spores on the surface of vertical spines or teeth that cover the undersurface of the cap .... Young, moist fruit bodies can "bleed" a bright red juice that contains a mushroom pigment known to have anticoagulant properties similar to heparin. Although the fruit bodies are readily identifiable when young, they become brown and nondescript when they age. Hydnellum peckii is a mycorrhizal species, and forms mutually beneficial relationships with a variety of coniferous trees." From Wikipedia.

Bergenia Cordifolia

08 Jun 2010 178
Today is World Ocean Day. I don't need to say anything - I'm sure we all have the same sick feeling about what is happening to the ocean right now : ( This beautiful plant is "in the family Saxifragaceae, native to central Asia, from Afghanistan to China and the Himalayan region. They are evergreen perennial plants with a spirally arranged rosette of leaves and pink flowers.... The common name for Bergenia is pigsqueak due to the sound produced when two leaves are rubbed together." From Wikipedia. This particular plant was growing in the Reader Rock Garden here in the city.

Northern Shoveler

07 May 2010 160
Just a classic side view of this handsome male Northern Shoveler. Another duck that I see quite a few of, but almost always from a long way off. Could say the same about most species of duck that I see, LOL. I always love the colouring of the Shovelers.