Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: P1270542 FZ28

Wood Duck

27 Sep 2009 265
I can never get close to Wood Ducks, so it's a case of either posting a distant shot or none at all, LOL. This one was swimming on the lagoon at Inglewood Bird Sanctuary recently. "The Wood Duck is not naturally a resident of Alberta, but of more forested regions of the east, and of the west coast. A population was introduced to Inglewood Bird Sanctuary some years ago, and these birds have spread to some other locations in the Calgary area. Odd stray birds from outside populations are also seen occasionally in Alberta. Most Wood Ducks leave the Calgary area by the end of October and do not appear again until April. However, a pair or two will sometimes stay through the winter on open stretches of the Bow River. Unlike our other surface-feeding ducks, the Wood Duck does not nest on the ground, but in trees. Large nesting boxes have been put up in Inglewood Bird Sanctuary and other natural areas, and are sometimes utilised by Wood Ducks." From .