Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: off Elbow Falls Trail

Little angels in pink, polka dot nightgowns

04 Jul 2013 2 3 353
HAPPY 4th JULY to all Americans, wherever you happen to be living at the moment! A special thought to all those men and women who serve their country, either at home or overseas, and those who make sacrifices every day so that the rest of Americans can live in freedom. We, in Canada, celebrated Canada Day on 1 July. The day before yesterday, 2 July 2013, our temperatures reached 100F. No air-conditioning at home, so I drove my car out to Maclean Pond, which was as far as the Elbow Falls Trail is open now, due to all the damage caused by the Flood of the Century that started about two weeks ago. I believe that Calgary's State of Emergency is being lifted today. Photographed this tiny Round-leaved Orchid in the forest near the pond. After Maclean Pond, I drove around the backroads SW of Calgary, further avoiding going back to my home that was like an oven. "This is the only Alberta orchid that has white or mauve flowers with the lip heavily spotted with purple. The flower stem, which is more properly called a scape because it bears no leaves along its length, grows 10-25 cm high from fibrous roots and a slender rhizome. At its base is a solitary rounded leaf, 3-10 cm long. At the top it carries a raceme (stalked spike) of 2-several showy flowers, each about 1 cm long."

Delicate moth on delicate plant

03 Jul 2013 2 1 276
To get away from the intense heat yesterday, I drove around the backroads SW of Calgary yesterday afternoon. The car air-conditioning felt so good! I did drive west of the city first, out past Bragg Creek (one of the places worst hit in the province by the Flood of the Century). However, the Kananaskis area is closed, due to road damage and washed out bridges, so I was only able to drive as far as the turn-off for Maclean Creek. I found this pretty little butterfly (or moth) when I was at Maclean Pond yesterday, 2 July 2013. Haven't had a chance to try and ID it yet. Later: Don Delaney on Flickr gave me this ID - this is a Yellow Dusted cream Moth (Cabera erythemaria). Check out this moth blog.

Northern Gentian / Gentianella amarella

10 Sep 2011 214
This pretty, native wildflower is also called Felwort, and is one of several native, wild Gentians that grow in Alberta. Grows in moist, open woods and along roadsides. Photographed (macro) along the side of the small road that leads to Forgetmenot Pond, Kananaskis on August 16th.

Fireweed and Aspen

25 Sep 2011 174
Always a lovely combination, Fireweed with a backdrop of Aspen. This was taken in the forest near Maclean Pond, off Elbow Falls Trail, Kananaskis, on August 16th.

Yesterday's highlight : )

24 Sep 2011 140
A few of us spent several hours hiking at the Nature Conservancy land near Bragg Creek yesterday. This was our first time there. This hike was faster-paced walking than I am used to - our botanizing trips tend to be slower, but of course the wildflowers are over now. Though there really wasn't anything to photograph, we did see two or three clumps of these wonderful little shrooms - which, needless to say, made my day : ) After the hike, we all collapsed for coffee at the Cinnamon Spoon in Bragg Creek - always a treat (thanks, Aileen, for "making sure" this happened!). A few of us stopped in at a beautiful wildlife photography store/Gallery next door but one to the Cinnamon Spoon. If you are ever in Bragg Creek, do call in and stand in awe at the walls covered in incredible images. The owners are Bob and Candy Cook - wildlife lovers and photographers. Lol, now that summer is over and fall has arrived, we are having the hottest day of the year!

A strange fungus

28 Sep 2011 162
Found this very small fungus growing in the forest at Maclean Pond, off Elbow Falls Trail, on August 16th. It looked strange somehow - and not very photogenic, lol - and when I checked under the cap, I discovered that it had pores, not gills. I do have a photo looking right underneath, that I will try and remember to post sometime : ) Even though this macro photo was taken in August, which is supposedly the peak month here for fungi season, I think I only found two mushrooms that day. Other people from various places, have said similar things - that this has not been a good year for mushrooms. About 10 months to wait, but maybe next year will be doubly good : ) If anyone has any suggestions as to what this might be, I would appreciate it - thanks!

Splashes of colour

30 Sep 2011 164
There were very few deciduous trees in this small area (along Cobble Flats road), but the colours just seemed to glow in contrast to the dark green of the evergreens. Unfortunately, we don't get the autumn reds in Alberta, just yellow and orange. Seen yesterday afternoon, when I drove out west of the city to Elbow Falls Trail, Kananaskis. The colours everywhere were gorgeous, but Mother Nature's fall-time magnificence is very short lived and will be over in a blink of the eye. Meanwhile, Jack Frost is itching to arrive and get to work on his incredible artwork.

Beneath the veil

02 Oct 2011 141
I know so very little about mushrooms, and I think this is the first time I've really seen one with its veil still intact like this. I'm curious as to whether the pattern I see on the underside is just the pattern of the veil, or whether that pattern will remain instead of gills. Macro photo of this very small fungus taken at Maclean Pond, Kananaskis, on August 16th.

Deer Fly

02 Oct 2011 191
Horribly out of focus, like a previous image I posted of this Deer Fly, but I just love its eyes (and there is a bit of focus there). Photographed at Maclean Pond, Kananaskis, off Elbow Falls Trail. "Deer flies are a genus that belongs to the family commonly called horse-flies (Tabanidae). They are smaller than wasps, and they have coloured eyes and dark bands across their wings. While female deer flies feed on blood, males instead collect pollen. When feeding, females use knife-like mandibles and maxillae to make a cross-shaped incision and then lap up the blood. Their bite can be extremely painful, and allergic reaction from the saliva of the fly can result in further discomfort and health concerns. Pain and itch are the most common symptoms, but more significant allergic reactions can develop."

Split gill

29 Jul 2011 206
This macro photo of a tiny (maybe half an inch across) Split gill fungus, growing on a fallen log, goes back to 18th October 2010. Came across it the other day - just not getting time to go through all the photos I've taken more recently. Taken at Maclean Pond, off Elbow Falls Trail. Just came across this beautiful video of Bald Eagles flying, on YouTube. Have been watching and waiting for the youngest of the two Hornby Island Eagles to fledge, but it looks like young "David" (as he has been named) is going to be waiting just a little longer - maybe tomorrow? What a character this young branchling is, lol. Superb footage from BBC and KPBS of American and European Eagles. Music by Abba.

Shootingstar / Dodecatheon

21 Jun 2011 160
"The name Dodecatheon has its roots in the Greek words twelve (dodeka) and gods (theos). Pliny gave this name to a spring flower, thought to be the primrose, which was under the protection of the twelve principal gods." I think I'm right in saying that we get two species of Shootingstar here, but I can never remember which is which. Found and (macro) photographed this individual flower out in Kananaskis, at Maclean Pond, on June 10th. Just love the colour of the magenta sepals. If you have time, you might enjoy watching this short video of a young Lowland Gorilla at the Calgary Zoo who loves break-dancing. Her spins and fancy footwork are amazing!

Tiny beauty on a log

18 Apr 2011 1 1 175
A tiny fungus that was growing on a fallen log at Maclean Pond, off Elbow Falls Trail, Kananaskis. Photographed on 18th October last year, which was way past the end of fungi season, so I was very happy to see this.

Frills and gills

31 Oct 2010 160
This little fungus was maybe half an inch across, on a fallen log at Maclean Pond, off Elbow Falls Trail (Highway 66), i.e. west of Calgary, on the edge of the mountains. Split Gill is my guess, but I could be wrong : ) This was taken on my last drive out there, on October 18th, thinking that by now we would most likely have had a few inches of snow. Actually, there was some snow at Maclean Pond and at Forgetmenot Pond - had to kneel down in snow to take this shot : ) Now, our weather is mild and on the forecast last night, I think it was Wednesday or Thursday of the coming week that was supposed to get up to 23C. Absolutely crazy, but oh so welcome, for November! Perhaps it's my doing, LOL, as I just got a remote starter installed in my vehicle in the hope that it would start the ice on my car windows melting, to make it easier on my arms and hands to scrape. Thanks to John (GORGEous nature) for the ID confirmation, Split Gill fungus (Schizophyllum commune). Much appreciated.

I'm lichen this mushroom

23 Jan 2010 167
I'm not sure if this is Lichenomphallia umbellifera, Lichen Agaric/Mushroom Lichen. Just a tiny thing, seen out at Maclean Pond, Kananaskis on 27th July last year. Doug, if you should happen to see this image, perhaps you could say if it might be or not?

Cracks and wrinkles

19 Dec 2009 133
I love the pattern created as this mushroom cap ages. Shows that beauty in old age can be even greater than when young and fresh : ) Seen on the Fullerton Loop hike, Kananaskis, on 29th August.

Common Elfin Saddle

09 Jan 2010 123
We found these Common Elfin Saddle fungi growing amongst the moss and forest litter on the Fullerton Loop Trail, Kananaskis, last August. I think these fungi have such a neat name. "The Common Elfin Saddle (Helvella elastica) has a smooth whitish stalk and a greyish to smoky brown cap. It is not as irregularly lobed as two other species (Helvella lacunosa and Helvella crispa) and often looks more "saddle-shaped". From Wikipedia.

Fungi trio

15 Jan 2010 112
A little cluster of mushrooms found on a hike along the Fullerton Loop Trail, Kananaskis, at the end of August.

From the forest floor

10 Nov 2009 199
I found this little pair of mushrooms on 15th September last year (2008), when I drove out to Maclean Pond, off Elbow Falls Trail (Highway 66), Kananaskis. Beautiful texture of their caps and love that green moss. I am so happy that I have fungi odds and ends in my archives, to keep me going for a while longer : )

20 items in total