Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Benchlands

Spotted Coralroot / Corallorhiza maculata

18 Jun 2016 2 2 196
All three photos posted this morning, 18 June 2016, were taken yesterday, when i was out on a hike for the day, NW of Calgary, in the Benchlands area. The walk was in the Meadow Creek area, Ghost River Watershed, and our leaders were Heinz Unger (from Benchlands) and Gus Yaki. Just remembered that my two friends and I spotted a Red Fox at the meeting place, while we were waitng for everyone else to arrive! "Benchlands is a hamlet in Alberta within the Municipal District of Bighorn No. 8.[ The Ghost River is located on the hamlet's south side, while Highway 40 borders the north side." From Wikipedia. The trail took us through forest and across open meadows, with a wonderful view of the distant mountains the closer we got to our destination. I only took a few photos, including of Spotted Coralroot, a beautiful wild orchid that has tiny flowers and grows mostly in montane woodlands. I think this was the highlight for me, as I rarely get to see it. Very easy to see where this little wild Orchid got its common name : ) 'Corallorhiza maculata, or spotted coralroot, is a North American coralroot orchid flower. Varieties are also known as western coralroot and summer coralroot. It is found from Mexico to Canada, mostly in woodlands. This orchid is a myco-heterotroph; it lacks chlorophyll and gets food by parasitizing the mycelium of fungi in the family Russulaceae. The rhizome and lower stem are often knotted into branched coral shapes. The stem is usually red or brown in color, but occasionally comes in a light yellow or cream color. There are no leaves and no photosynthetic green tissues. The stalklike stems bear dark red scales and intricate orchid flowers. The flowers are small and emerge regularly from all sides of the stem. The sepals are dark red or brown tinged with purple, long and pointed. The side petals are reddish, and the lip petal is bright clean white with deep red spots. It is usually lobed or toothed on the side and 7–10 mm. In some varieties, the lip is plain white without spots. Several Native American groups historically used the stems dried and brewed as a tea for such maladies as colds, pneumonia, and skin irritation." From Wikipedia. Thanks so much for the ride, Sandy - glad you were able to come at the last minute. Also glad that the weather was kind to us, starting off rather chilly and quite windy in the morning, but gradually warming up to around 21C later in the day. Thanks so much, Heinz, for arranging for us to explore this private land and accompanying us on the hike - always a treat.

Meadow Creek area, Benchlands

18 Jun 2016 204
All three photos posted this morning, 18 June 2016, were taken yesterday, when i was out on a hike for the day, NW of Calgary, in the Benchlands area. The walk was in the Meadow Creek area, Ghost River Watershed, and our leaders were Heinz Unger (from Benchlands) and Gus Yaki. Just remembered that my two friends and I spotted a Red Fox at the meeting place, while we were waitng for everyone else to arrive! "Benchlands is a hamlet in Alberta within the Municipal District of Bighorn No. 8.[ The Ghost River is located on the hamlet's south side, while Highway 40 borders the north side." From Wikipedia. The trail took us through forest and across open meadows, with a wonderful view of the distant mountains the closer we got to our destination. Everywhere was so dry and once again, I asked myself: "Where are all the wildflowers?" I only took a few photos, including of Spotted Coralroot, a beautiful wild orchid that has tiny flowers and grows mostly in montane woodlands. I think this was the highlight for me, as I rarely get to see it. Another interesting thing that was pointed out to us was a bear 'rubbing tree', with a few strands of hair still caught in the bark. A relief that there was no bear to be seen! Thanks so much for the ride, Sandy - glad you were able to come at the last minute. Also glad that the weather was kind to us, starting off rather chilly and quite windy in the morning, but gradually warming up to around 21C later in the day. Thanks so much, Heinz, for arranging for us to explore this private land and accompanying us on the hike - always a treat.

Fairybells fruit

01 Oct 2009 242
The velvety berries of the Rough-fruited Fairybells plant are dotting the forest with bright red at the moment. These were growing on Erik Butters' ranchland, north west of Calgary, three days ago. "Fairybells produce velvety red berries 8-10 mm in diameter usually in groups of two or three. As the berries ripen, their colour varies from green, to yellow, orange and finally a bright red colour. They may also display a slightly warted appearance on the surface. They are edible, but mealy and tasteless - better to leave them for the grouse and rodents that find them tasty." From .

Three-banded Ladybug

20 Jun 2009 253
I have searched and searched for the ID for this Ladybug, but have not (yet) been able to find it. Maybe it's not a Ladybug after all? It was the tiniest thing (4-5 mm) on a small piece of fallen bark at the edge of a wooded area, in Benchlands, out past Cochrane. A few of us went to botanize this land that belongs to Erik Butters - very generous of him to lead a walk for us. Amazing that I even noticed such a tiny insect in an area of fallen logs and natural debris, but I am SO glad I did. As you can see from this much enlarged shot, it really is quite beautiful. "This attractive Three-banded Ladybug is yellow during the summer of its birth. After the first hibernation, the elytra turn a deep red, and the bands are highlighted with a cream-colored halo." From People in the US are being asked to watch out for some "most wanted" ladybugs that have nearly disappeared in the United States. The three ladybugs are: 1) Coccinella novemnotata, also known as the nine-spotted ladybug or C-9; 2) Adalia bipunctata, the two-spotted ladybug; 3) C. trifasciata, the three-banded ladybug. I don't know if the Three-banded Ladybug is more common in Canada.

And then there was ONE

13 Jul 2010 143
Someone picked this tiny mushroom to show the group, when we were on a walk at Erik Butters' Ranch in the Benchland area (north west of Calgary and north west of Cochrane) on 11th July. It was growing in the open field where we were walking. I didn't want it to completely go to waste, so took a quick shot or two of it - with no guilt, LOL, as it wasn't me who did the "picking".

Happy Stampeding!

13 Jul 2010 1 245
Sigh ... typical Calgary Stampede weather at the moment - rain! However, hope those of you who enjoy the activities have a great week! Just happened to notice this tiny blue butterfly resting on someone's cowboy hat on the ground during a delicious BBQ two days ago. Lunch was put on by Erik Butters' and his wife when a few of us joined the Ghost River Watershed Alliance group for a nature walk on part of Erik's land. Heavily cropped, as the hat was quite a distance from me : )

Hammered Shield Lichen

04 Feb 2010 156
I don't know Lichen IDs at all (have taken the first steps to try and learn some!), but this looks like the Hammered Shield Lichen on friend Doug's photostream : ) I photographed this patch during a hike at Erik Butters' Ranch at the end of last September. I like the hammered texture.


02 Oct 2009 172
What you can see when you look close : ) This tiny patch of orange lichen was growing on a rock at Erik Butters' ranchland, in Benchlands, north west of Calgary.