Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Carrot family
Yellow Angelica / Angelica dawsonii
29 Jun 2017 |
There were a lot of these plants in bloom along the Cameron Lake forest trail five days ago. It is always amazing how fast the flower species in Waterton Lakes National Park change from one week to the next. I have the chance to go again soon and there may not be any of these Yellow Angelica flowers to be seen. Same with the spectacular Bear Grass, though I do hope there may still be a few flowers left, in case there is anyone who has never seen Bear Grass.
"With its merging landforms, connected ecoregions and its mild, moist, windy climate, Waterton Lakes National Park is an amazing meeting place for an abundant and diverse collection of vegetation.
Despite it's small size (505 sq km) Waterton is graced with over 1000 species of vascular plants . Over half of Alberta's plant species are found in this tiny place. The park's four ecoregions - foothills parkland, montane, subalpine and alpine - embrace forty-five vegetation communities. Sixteen of these are considered significant because they are rare or fragile and threatened.
Waterton also has an unusually high number of rare plants - over 175 are provincially rare (e.g. mountain lady's-slipper, pygmy poppy, mountain hollyhock), and over twenty of these are found only in the Waterton area (e.g. western wakerobin, Lewis' mock-orange, white-veined wintergreen). Over 50 species are rare in Canada (e.g. Bolander's quillwort, Lyall's scorpionweed, Brewer's monkeyflower.)" From Parks Canada website.
To have the chance to visit Waterton Lakes National Park five days ago, on 24 June 2017, was such an absolute treat! This was an annual bus trip arranged by Nature Calgary, with the destination being different each year. To visit Waterton for just one day does make for a very long day, though - takes about 3 hours to drive each way, for a start.
We had two main stopping places in the park - the lookout at Maskinonge Lake and a longer stop at Cameron Lake, plus a bit of time in the tiny town itself before leaving for home. The views from all the places are spectacular. Luckily, we had beautiful weather all day.
Actually, we weren't too sure if the road going through the mountains to Cameron Lake was going to be open. It was due to reopen the day before out trip and, fortunately, the gate was open. Once at Cameron Lake, we found an empty picnic table right near the beach, and ate our picnic lunch. We were able to walk along the forest trail that followed the shoreline on the right edge of the lake. At a certain point, one has to turn around and go back along the same trail. Cameron Lake is one of my favourite places in the park, with a beautiful view of the lake and a pleasant, flat walk through the forest. There didn't seem to be a lot of forest wildflower species in bloom - maybe we were just a bit too early for them. However, the huge, creamy white flowers of Bear Grass growing along the edge of the road up to the lake had everyone in absolute awe. The road is only narrow and our bus was huge, so on the drive there, all we could do was gasp in amazement, with no chance for taking photos. We asked our excellent driver if there was any chance he would be willing and able to stop at one of the very small pull-offs at the edge of the road on the return drive - and he did! He was expecting maybe five or six people would get off, but I think almost everyone wanted to get a close look at these amazing plants. Even the driver himself got out to look and take photos. He had apparently never been to Waterton before and had never seen Bear Grass. We noticed tiny Crab Spiders on two of the flowers; one was lying in wait and the other had caught an insect. These spiders don't construct webs, but camouflage themselves by changing their colour to that of the flower they are hiding in, and then they wait. We also saw several stems of Striped Coralroot orchid in the ditch by some of the Bear Grass.
After spending a couple of hours at Cameron Lake, the driver took us back into town, as some people had said they wanted to eat there before the long drive back to Calgary. Others, including myself, would have preferred to have spent the time somewhere else, seeing nature and taking photos. However, we were able to walk to the lake's edge, from where we were able to take a few scenic photos - something I had been hoping for. On our way back to the bus, some of us called in at a very popular ice cream shop - we all agreed it was the best, tastiest ice cream we had ever had! A huge, single scoop of wild cherry in a waffle cone - what more could one want?
Penny, you did a great job of organizing this wonderful trip for us all! I know a lot of work goes into setting up an outing like this, and we all appreciate the time and effort you put into planning this. Such a perfect destination for this year's annual bus trip! Pam, thanks for your company on this long drive - helped make it far more enjoyable!
Lovage / Levisticum officinale
01 Sep 2016 |
The very tall, yellow-flowered plant in this photo is Lovage, a member of the Carrot family.
"“Lovage is an erect, herbaceous, perennial plant growing to 1.8–2.5 m (5.9–8.2 ft) tall, with a basal rosette of leaves and stems with further leaves, the flowers being produced in umbels at the top of the stems. The stems and leaves are shiny glabrous green to yellow-green and smell somewhat similar to celery when crushed.
The leaves can be used in salads, or to make soup or season broths, and the roots can be eaten as a vegetable or grated for use in salads. Its flavor and smell is somewhat similar to celery. The seeds can be used as a spice, similar to fennel seeds. In the UK, an alcoholic lovage cordial is traditionally mixed with brandy in the ratio of 2:1 as a winter drink.” From Wikipedia.
On 30 June 2016, I just made it in time for a botany visit to our main naturalist leader's home and garden. He and his wife have an amazing garden, full of so many kinds of flowers, including a good variety of native plants. One of my favourites is Showy Milkweed - love the cluster of individual flowers growing on a rounded head. These plants have spread over a lot of the front garden. All they need now is for Monarch butterflies to fly a bit further north than they usually do and discover this little bit of butterfly heaven. In 2012, though, it was very unusual, as people were seeing a few of these amazing butterflies in Alberta, including in Calgary. I even got to see and photograph a few Monarch caterpillars in this garden, for the very first and last time.
Our leader also has a large vegetable garden. One thing that always fascinates me is the Egyptian Walking Onion. Each one seems to take on its own artistic shape and I love to photograph these - both fascinating and quite beautiful.
In the afternoon of this day, we experienced a huge rain and hail storm. Fortunately, it cleared up in time to go on Don Stiles' annual evening Bluebird route trip. I always look forward to going with Don on his nest box route, checking on a few of the boxes and finding either Bluebird or Tree Swallow eggs or babies. Don records all the information about numbers and dates, and also demonstrates how he carefully bands the young birds. Thanks, as always, Don, for an enjoyable evening outing and thank you for all the many, many years (must be somewhere around 35?) you have spent helping to preserve our beautiful Bluebirds. We all enjoyed seeing the various other bird species during the evening, too.
Cow Parsnip / Heracleum maximum
13 Jun 2016 |
Finally, a wildflower! I can't believe how few wildflowers there are this spring - just too dry for them to grow. Consequently, I've been posting more bird photos than usual. Catching sight of this tall Cow Parsnip flower growing at the west end of South Glenmore Park stopped me in my tracks - the first one I have seen this year.
I have missed so many of the birding walks (and botany walks) and there is just one more birding walk left and then they come to an end till the end of August/beginning of September. Yesterday afternoon's walk (12 June 2016) was very enjoyable, as was a stop at the Good Earth cafe afterwards : ) Will add our leaders' final list of species seen - thanks for a great walk Janet, Bernie and Stephen!:
FFCPPSoc. Birding West end of South Glenmore Park, Calgary. 1:15-4:15 PM. Sun. June 12/16. Gusting West winds 30 - 40 Km/hr, 21 to 23C, Sunny skies.
1. Great Blue Heron - 1
2. Swainson's Hawk - 1 seen by BD pre-walk
3. Franklin's Gull - 60
4. Great Horned Owl - 2 juveniles
5. Downy Woodpecker - 4 (including pair seen at nest sight feeding young)
6. Eastern Phoebe - 2
7. Least Flycatcher - 4 heard
8. Red-eyed Vireo - 4 heard
9. American Crow - 7
10. Tree Swallow - 3
11. Red-breasted Nuthatch - 2 including one flying into nest
12. White-breasted Nuthatch - 1
13. House Wren - 3 heard
14. American Robin - 1
15. Veery - 2 heard
16. Cedar Waxwing - 3
17. Yellow Warbler - 6 (5 heard, 1 seen)
18. Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 1 heard
19. Clay-coloured Sparrow - 4
20. White-throated Sparrow - 2 heard
21. Red-winged Blackbird - 13
22. Brown-headed Cowbird - 5
23. American Goldfinch - 4
24. House Sparrow - 1
White-tailed Deer - 1
Least Chipmunk - 1
Red Squirrel - 1
Swallow-tailed Butterfly - 8
As usual on our birding walks, I take very few photos, if any, so yesterday after the walk, I decided I would drive to a wetland in SW Calgary to check on the Red-necked Grebes. The light was harsh and I had to look into the sun and couldn't even tell if there were any babies. Obviously the wrong time of day to go there.
From there, I decided to go SW of the city and quickly check on Bluebirds, Snipe and maybe even a Great Gray Owl if I was very lucky. Only stopped at one Bluebird box and the parents were busy bringing insects to feed their babies. Every now and then, a baby would peer out of the small hole, so I know it won't be long till these ones fledge. A handsome male American Robin flew to the fence post next to the male Bluebird at one point, as if to ask for its photo to be taken, too. What a sight to see the two birds together - brilliant blue and bright red.
Driving along one road to search for an owl, I noticed a truck pulled over in the distance. I always slow right down when I see a vehicle stopped, just in case it is a photographer taking photos of something interesting. I never want to spook a bird or animal and spoil a photographer's fun. I was so focused on the truck, looking to see if there was a driver pointing a camera, that at first I didn't notice the person standing the other side of the road OR the owl sitting on the fence! When I realized it was a friend, I pulled over, got out and took a few photos. I don't know if this was one of the two Great Grays that I had seen within the last 10 days or so. It is possible either way. Also spotted two distant Bobolinks chasing each other and then disappearing - no chance for a photo.
Gairdner’s Yampah (Yampa) / Perideridia gairdneri,…
06 Aug 2015 |
I seem to remember seeing Yampa/Yampah somewhere once before, a long time ago, but this is certainly the first time I've "really" seen it and been able to get a photo. Taken on 3 August 2015 at the Timber Ridge Conservation Site. Common names are Common yampah and Gardner's yampah. This native plant belongs to the carrot family, Apiaceae, and it was growing in an area of open grassland.
The first words in an article from 3 October 2014, in The Western Producer, are as follows:
"High in southern Alberta’s Porcupine Hills, where west winds wrestle the golden leaves of water birch and tickle the limber pines, water trickles from hidden springs into troughs at the Timber Ridge Conservation Site.
That’s where the bears bathe."
Well, we found out that the bathing bears was so very true, even if the bathing /swimming was not in the usual place, lol! We had seen no sign of large wildlife all day, so the sighting of a Black Bear at the end of the day was a real treat. This 640 acre site is located approximately 20 km southwest of Nanton. Other wildlife that can be seen include "moose, elk, white-tailed and mule deer, grizzly and black bear, cougar, grouse and a variety of small mammals and songbirds."
I had never been to the Porcupine Hills, but had read and heard about this area for a number of years and had longed to go. Lying south of Calgary and southwest of Nanton, it is an area of beautiful, rolling hills. This is where Glen and Kelly Hall "have a co-tenancy agreement with the Alberta Conservation Association (ACA), the first one ever established between that organization and private landholders. They own 68 percent of the site and the ACA owns the balance."
"“We have a ranching operation right smack in the middle of a pretty important watershed. Our cows are our tools in order to look after the grass, which looks after the land, which looks after the watershed.”
The drive from Calgary took maybe an hour and a half (?), with rain falling on the way there, and we were greeted with a warm welcome down at the lowest level. It was suggested that we make our way straight up to the highest point and then to take our time coming back down. The first part of that journey was travelling in something new and fun to all of us - in a horse trailer! How DO horses make such a mess over every inch, lol?! After that, we climbed higher and higher, sometimes with the aid of an amazing little vehicle - a Kubota. I was in awe at how this tough little machine was able to travel over the roughest of land - rocks, deep ruts, uphill, downhill. We had some of the curious cattle follow us in places - several different breeds, and all looking beautiful and so healthy.
The rain stopped by the time we first arrived, but the mountains were hidden in haze (from the weather and possibly from forest fires). Far from ideal conditions for taking scenic shots of the surrounding hills and valleys, unfortunately. Wonderful views in every direction. By the afternoon, the temperature had risen to 31°C (about 88°F)!
Glen and Kelly, a delightful, enthusiastic couple, plan to conserve the site, but they don’t plan to keep it to themselves.
“Ultimately, one day, we want yellow school buses at the gates and we want kids here in numbers and we want them to learn where their water is, where the food is created,” said Kelly.
“We want them to learn about the trees and the grass because we have a lot of native species on this land that haven’t been interfered with.”
Thank you so much, both of you, for making this day so enjoyable and a great learning experience. We have a great deal of respect for what you are doing and how you are doing it. With all the exciting plans that you have for this amazing area, we know you will do well. Thank you for letting us do a bio-inventory of the living things on the 640 acre Timber Ridge Conservation Site!
There is just so much I could write about this special place, but will add several links below for further information in case anyone is interested to learn more.
Leafy Musineon
11 May 2009 |
Another of our earliest wildflowers to appear - Leafy Musineon (Musineon divaricatum). This plant belongs to the Carrot family and grows from May to June in dry, open prairie grasslands. The Blackfoot used to eat the raw roots of this plant. Photographed at Confluence Park.
Heart-leaved Alexanders / Zizia aptera
29 Jun 2011 |
Taken on a windy day at Bow Valley Provincial Park two days ago. Not really worth posting, but thought I'd add it to my Plants of Alberta Set. I know I am seriously short of sleep, and I also know that's not the reason I'm seeing a blurred image, lol. For those who are not familiar with this wildflower, the reason for its name is found in the heart shape of its basal leaves, not seen here.
White Angelica
16 Aug 2010 |
I happened to notice one stem of this attractive White Angelica, growing along the edge of the highway when we were walking back to the car after our recent brutal Picklejar Lakes botanizing hike. I just happened to cross the highway a few moments before a couple of others, and then when the rest of the group met the highway, they walked on the far side of the road, so didn't pass this plant. I believe I have only ever seen this species once before. Needless to say, everyone else went back to see it : )
Fern-leaved Biscuit-root
25 May 2010 |
Lomatium dissectum, Fern-leaved Biscuit-root, which we have been calling Burgundy Prairie Parsley. Have only seen this twice before. The plant in my photo was seen growing high up on the slope of a butte, west of Nanton, south of Calgary. It can have yellow flowers or these wonderful burgundy ones.
"Lomatium dissectum is a species of flowering plant in the carrot family known by the common name fernleaf biscuitroot. It is native to much of western North America, where it grows in varied habitat. It is a perennial herb reaching up to 1.4 meters tall, growing from a thick taproot. The leaves are mostly attached near the base of the plant, spreading with petioles up to 30 centimeters long and large blades divided into many small, narrow segments. The inflorescence is an umbel of many small yellow or reddish flowers, each cluster on a ray up to 10 centimeters long. The fruits resemble pumpkin seeds." From Wikipedia.
Leafy Musineon
14 Jun 2010 |
This is a common early flowering, low plant with an umbel of bright yellow flowers. Seen at the Nodwell Sanctuary, south east of Calgary.
Burgundy Prairie Parsley
22 Jun 2009 |
This was a new plant for us, seen in a small canyon on a hike west of Nanton three days ago. Also known as Fern-leaf Desert-Parsley as well as Burgundy Prairie Parsley, Lomatium dissectum, this plant has purple to maroon flowers. It belongs to the Carrot family, Apiaceae.
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