Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Red Tree Brain

Red Tree Brain

19 May 2013 389
We saw this small branch (maybe an inch or less across), covered in Red Tree Brain fungus, in the woods at the Leighton Art Centre on 17 May 2013, when a small group of us botanized the land around the Centre. We record every species of plant that we find, plus any insects, wild animals (or evidence), birds and fungi. I love seeing this brightly coloured fungus - not easily noticed when the wood is dry, but after rain or if it is splashed with water,, the fungus swells and turns bright orange. These fruitbodies are brown to red-orange, flat, scattered, 1-2 mm thick, 2-4 mm wide, with a raised edge and wrinkled surface. Spring was very late arriving this year, so this was rather early for a botanizing trip, but the plan is to go back at later dates, too. The long, detailed list is given to the people at the Centre, along with any photos that were taken, for them to use in any way they wish. I got up late this morning, as I was up really late last night (well, early this morning), trying to get some of these Leighton Art Centre photos edited, so they can be sent. So far, today, it is overcast and I'm really hoping it stays that way, as I have enough space left on my computer for maybe another two or three days' worth of photos, that's all. So, today, I have no choice but to back up and delete at least a few more photos folders. Some long day trips coming up, and I will need to download my photos after each trip.

Tree Brain and Jelly

23 Jun 2010 323
LOL, almost sounds like an item off a fancy restaurant menu! This was such a beautiful tree branch, covered in Red Tree Brain fungus and orange jelly fungus, maybe Witch's Butter (?). It was a wonderfully colourful sight! This was taken when we went to botanize the Perrenoud Natural Area, north west of Calgary and north west of Cochrane on 18th June. We were lucky enough to see two young Great Gray Owls in the forest there, too. "In 1980, George Emil Perrenoud donated this land to the Alberta Sport, Recreation, Parks and Wildlife Foundation for the purpose of a wilderness park for the benefit of the residents of the Province of Alberta."

Witches Butter and Red Tree Brain fungus

15 Sep 2008 125
The lighting was really bad in the forested area at Bebo Grove, but I'm trying to ignore the blown-out log, LOL. Love the names of these two species of fungi : ). The Red Tree Brain fungi are just little blobs - this image is zoomed. I am constantly in awe of the colours, shapes and textures of everything that grows deep within the woods, most of which could so easily be missed by a casual hiker. Oh, no, I feel the start of a craving to explore and see what else I can find!!!

Red Tree Brain

26 May 2008 112
On the May Species Count this morning for birds, plants and other wildlife, two of us spent a while trying to get a sharp photo of this tiny orange fungus, Red Tree Brain (Peniophora rufa), growing on a tree trunk. This photo is enlarged. Quite bright and attractive (in its own way, LOL). Thanks, D, for the ID! Much appreciated! I know you'll have a much better shot of this : ). Looking forward to seeing it.

Red Tree Brain

03 Jun 2008 126
Another attempt at photographing some Red Tree Brain fungus, found growing on a broken branch in the Hibernaculum at Shannon Terrace. When this fungus dries out, it is barely noticeable, but when it rains or is splashed with water, it swells into these tiny, orange, wrinkled, brain-like fungi. Quite beautiful, actually.