Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Swift Fox

Taking a quick nap

24 Mar 2010 196
One of the small Swift Foxes taking a nap at the Calgary Zoo. They are such beautiful animals and I love the way they tuck themselves into a furry ball to catch a bit of sleep. "The swift fox (Vulpes velox), is one of the smallest foxes in the world, and is only found in the Great Plains of North America. This fox is only about the size of a house cat, standing about 30 cm high and weighing about 2.7 kilograms. The swift fox gets its name because it can reach speeds of up to 40 km per hour. At one time the fox could be found in great numbers all over the Canadian grasslands of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. Their U.S. range included several states between North Dakota and Mexico. The swift fox is now endangered in 90% of its historical habitat range. The reasons for the disappearance of swift foxes in both Canada and the U.S. are uncertain, but strychnine-poisoning, intensive trapping (in the past), and habitat destruction are thought to be the primary causes. In 1973, a captive breeding program for swift foxes began in Cochrane, Alberta. The captive breeding program for these foxes, supported by Wildlife Preservation Trust of Canada (WPTC), has been very successful. With a well-established breeding program, swift fox releases began in 1983. The Swift Fox Recovery Team decided to begin in southern Alberta and Saskatchewan in an effort to reintroduce this species to its native Canadian habitat." From .

"At Risk" Swift Fox

07 Apr 2013 264
A photo of one of the small Swift Foxes at the Calgary Zoo, taken on 14 September 2009. Such beautiful creatures. "Captive breeding of swift foxes began in 1973 through a privately run program. In 1978, the species was officially designated as "extirpated" in Canada by COSEWIC, and a national recovery plan was approved in 1995 to reintroduce swift foxes and create a self-sustaining Canadian population. The species is now (August 20th, 2003) listed as "endangered" by COSEWIC. Swift foxes were first officially released in Alberta in 1983. By 1996, 540 foxes had been released in the Alberta-Saskatchewan border and the Milk River Ridge areas, parts of the species' native range. Most animals released were bred in captivity; the remainder were wild-born animals imported from the United States. At present (August 20th 2003), it is estimated that there are approximately 96 swift foxes in Alberta, most of them the offspring of released foxes. The population is stable or increasing slightly, but the species remains extremely vulnerable because of its small numbers and limited distribution." From After yesterday morning's adventure in dense fog, I'm staying home today, watching the falling snow through my window. Boy, I should have posted a really bright, colourful, cheery photo today.

Swift Fox / Vulpes velox

18 Aug 2012 213
A photo from my archives, taken on 4 March 2010, at the Calgary Zoo. The Swift Fox is about 12 inches (30 cm) in height, and 31 inches (79 cm) long, measuring from the head to the tip of the tail, or about the size of a domestic cat. It ranges in weight from around five to seven pounds. "Captive breeding of swift foxes began in 1973 through a privately run program. In 1978, the species was officially designated as "extirpated" in Canada by COSEWIC, and a national recovery plan was approved in 1995 to reintroduce swift foxes and create a self-sustaining Canadian population. The species is now (August 20th, 2003) listed as "endangered" by COSEWIC. Swift foxes were first officially released in Alberta in 1983. By 1996, 540 foxes had been released in the Alberta-Saskatchewan border and the Milk River Ridge areas, parts of the species' native range. Most animals released were bred in captivity; the remainder were wild-born animals imported from the United States. At present (August 20th 2003), it is estimated that there are approximately 96 swift foxes in Alberta, most of them the offspring of released foxes. The population is stable or increasing slightly, but the species remains extremely vulnerable because of its small numbers and limited distribution." From (Want to just say Thank You to everyone who has visited my photostream over the last few years - 3,000,000+ views, each and every one of them so much apppreciated!)

Sweet Swift Fox

11 Mar 2010 216
Back to the usual stuff I post, LOL. One of the little Swift Foxes at the Calgary Zoo - the dearest little things. Had hoped to have something new after driving south east of the city for a short while this afternoon. Weather was beautiful, scenery spectacular but, hey, whatever happened to the street numbering?!!!! I had carefully mapped out my route, only to find that the first few gravel roads were in streets and avenues, not Range Roads and TWPs. Also, I had TWO compasses on my dashboard - yes, TWO! Obviously I am doing something wrong, as the directions were totally messed up. Maybe they don't work on a dashboard? Anyone have any suggestions at all??? It just stresses me out so much when I don't know in which direction I'm driving. One of the compasses was very expensive, so I have to be doing something wrong : ( Had hoped to find the Gyrfalcon that Ron had seen. As I was leaving, a bird of prey did circle way, way up but by the time I had turned my car around, it had disappeared completely. Note added this morning: 11 of my flower images have been posted on someone's Flickr photostream (name removed as my photos were removed from there by Yahoo). He only has four pages of images so far, so most unlikely that any of them are yours. Might not hurt to keep an eye on it, though. I have put a comment under each of my images displayed on his photostream (some of which he had also turned into black and white) and will send him a Flickrmail, asking if he knows that he just cannot do this.

Swift Fox

11 Jan 2010 1 219
Another photo of one of the small Swift Foxes at the Calgary Zoo, taken mid-September. "Captive breeding of swift foxes began in 1973 through a privately run program. In 1978, the species was officially designated as "extirpated" in Canada by COSEWIC, and a national recovery plan was approved in 1995 to reintroduce swift foxes and create a self-sustaining Canadian population. The species is now (August 20th, 2003) listed as "endangered" by COSEWIC. Swift foxes were first officially released in Alberta in 1983. By 1996, 540 foxes had been released in the Alberta-Saskatchewan border and the Milk River Ridge areas, parts of the species' native range. Most animals released were bred in captivity; the remainder were wild-born animals imported from the United States. At present (August 20th 2003), it is estimated that there are approximately 96 swift foxes in Alberta, most of them the offspring of released foxes. The population is stable or increasing slightly, but the species remains extremely vulnerable because of its small numbers and limited distribution." From

Swift Fox

22 Sep 2009 166
The last time I went to the Calgary Zoo, I was lucky enough to see four of these beautiful little Swift Foxes in their enclosure. I had only ever seen one, once before. "Captive breeding of swift foxes began in 1973 through a privately run program. In 1978, the species was officially designated as "extirpated" in Canada by COSEWIC, and a national recovery plan was approved in 1995 to reintroduce swift foxes and create a self-sustaining Canadian population. The species is now (August 20th, 2003) listed as "endangered" by COSEWIC. Swift foxes were first officially released in Alberta in 1983. By 1996, 540 foxes had been released in the Alberta-Saskatchewan border and the Milk River Ridge areas, parts of the species' native range. Most animals released were bred in captivity; the remainder were wild-born animals imported from the United States. At present (August 20th 2003), it is estimated that there are approximately 96 swift foxes in Alberta, most of them the offspring of released foxes. The population is stable or increasing slightly, but the species remains extremely vulnerable because of its small numbers and limited distribution." From

Swift Fox

17 Sep 2009 160
In the last few years, I have only ever once been lucky enough to see the small Swift Fox out of its den at the Calgary Zoo. When I went on Monday afternoon, there were four of these beautiful creatures running around their enclosure. "Captive breeding of swift foxes began in 1973 through a privately run program. In 1978, the species was officially designated as "extirpated" in Canada by COSEWIC, and a national recovery plan was approved in 1995 to reintroduce swift foxes and create a self-sustaining Canadian population. The species is now (August 20th, 2003) listed as "endangered" by COSEWIC. Swift foxes were first officially released in Alberta in 1983. By 1996, 540 foxes had been released in the Alberta-Saskatchewan border and the Milk River Ridge areas, parts of the species' native range. Most animals released were bred in captivity; the remainder were wild-born animals imported from the United States. At present (August 20th 2003), it is estimated that there are approximately 96 swift foxes in Alberta, most of them the offspring of released foxes. The population is stable or increasing slightly, but the species remains extremely vulnerable because of its small numbers and limited distribution." From

Swift Fox

04 Sep 2008 167
Taken back on 12th April, this was the first and only time time I had seen this beautiful creature, despite all my visits to the Zoo. For once, it was out of its burrow and was constantly on the move, making taking photos really difficult : ). I was delighted to finally see what a Swift Fox looked like. "The swift fox (Vulpes velox), is one of the smallest foxes in the world, and is only found in the Great Plains of North America. This fox is only about the size of a house cat, standing about 30 cm high and weighing about 2.7 kilograms. The swift fox gets its name because it can reach speeds of up to 40 km per hour. At one time the fox could be found in great numbers all over the Canadian grasslands of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. Their U.S. range included several states between North Dakota and Mexico. The swift fox is now endangered in 90% of its historical habitat range. The reasons for the disappearance of swift foxes in both Canada and the U.S. are uncertain, but strychnine-poisoning, intensive trapping (in the past), and habitat destruction are thought to be the primary causes. In 1973, a captive breeding program for swift foxes began in Cochrane, Alberta. The captive breeding program for these foxes, supported by Wildlife Preservation Trust of Canada (WPTC), has been very successful. With a well-established breeding program, swift fox releases began in 1983. The Swift Fox Recovery Team decided to begin in southern Alberta and Saskatchewan in an effort to reintroduce this species to its native Canadian habitat." From .

Swift Fox

13 Apr 2008 141
I was surprised that this small Swift Fox didn't stay in its burrow today, considering how many noisy kids and their parents were at the Zoo. This was the first time I had seen this beautiful creature, despite all my visits to the Zoo. It was constantly on the move, making taking photos really difficult : ). I was delighted to finally see what a Swift Fox looked like. "The swift fox (Vulpes velox), is one of the smallest foxes in the world, and is only found in the Great Plains of North America. This fox is only about the size of a house cat, standing about 30 cm high and weighing about 2.7 kilograms. The swift fox gets its name because it can reach speeds of up to 40 km per hour. At one time the fox could be found in great numbers all over the Canadian grasslands of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. Their U.S. range included several states between North Dakota and Mexico. The swift fox is now endangered in 90% of its historical habitat range. The reasons for the disappearance of swift foxes in both Canada and the U.S. are uncertain, but strychnine-poisoning, intensive trapping (in the past), and habitat destruction are thought to be the primary causes. In 1973, a captive breeding program for swift foxes began in Cochrane, Alberta. The captive breeding program for these foxes, supported by Wildlife Preservation Trust of Canada (WPTC), has been very successful. With a well-established breeding program, swift fox releases began in 1983. The Swift Fox Recovery Team decided to begin in southern Alberta and Saskatchewan in an effort to reintroduce this species to its native Canadian habitat." From .

Swift Fox

20 Apr 2008 137
This beautiful little, cat-sized, endangered Swift Fox resides at the Calgary Zoo. I was finally lucky enough to see it, after many Zoo visits. Constantly on the move while I was there, so almost impossible to photograph : ). As you might guess, this was not the composition I would have liked, but was what I got! "Historically, Swift Foxes were found throughout southern Alberta, ranging north to the 53rd parallel, west to the Foothills and Rocky Mountains, and east to the Saskatchewan border. A rapid decline in abundance occurred during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, with the last verified sighting of a Swift Fox in Alberta reported in 1938 near Manyberries. Beginning in 1983, Swift Foxes have been released in the Alberta/Saskatchewan border area as part of an intensive reintroduction program. In 1989, Swift Foxes were also released into the Milk River Ridge area in Alberta. Swift Fox populations have been established in the area bounded in the west by Manyberries, Alberta (48 kilometres from the Alberta- Saskatchewan border) and in the east by Consul, Saskatchewan (35 kilometres west of the Alberta-Saskatchewan border). The Milk River area has not been surveyed recently and it unlikely that a Swift Fox population continues to survive in the area." From .