Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Drumheller area
Hoodoos everywhere
07 Aug 2019 |
"Hoodoos take millions of years to form and stand 5 to 7 metres tall. Each hoodoo is a sandstone pillar resting on a thick base of shale that is capped by a large stone. Hoodoos are very fragile and can erode completely if their capstone is dislodged (in other words, no climbing allowed). This protected Hoodoos site is a guaranteed spot to see Hoodoos but smaller versions of these sandstone giants can be found all over the Badlands.
The name "Hoodoo" comes from the word "voodoo" and was given to these geological formations by the Europeans. In the Blackfoot and Cree traditions, however, the Hoodoos are believed to be petrified giants who come alive at night to hurl rocks at intruders." From (geology)
Wow, what a day I had the day before yesterday, 5 August 2019! For a few decades, I had longed to get out east of the city again, to the Badlands of Alberta. I had been a few times in more recent years, either on botany trips to Horseshoe Canyon, or a couple of times for the Christmas Bird Count. However, we always carpooled and we never went to the places I really, really wanted to go to. Finally, in 2014, I took my daughter out there, taking the main highway into Drumheller. She has an amazing sense of direction and is great at navigating, so I knew I wouldn't get lost.
This time, though, I wanted to avoid Drumheller itself, so I took a back way to the few places and things I wanted to see and photograph. Each year, I try and make a new, long drive that I have never done before. Trust me, a real challenge to someone with a driving phobia!! Now, there are a handful of places that I make myself get back to each summer, to make sure I don't lose the courage to make the drive by myself.
Maps had been made, a few 'drives' taken along a few bits of road on Google Earth, so I was well-prepared. Still, I felt sick to the stomach at the thought of doing the last half of the drive. If I happened to take one wrong road, would I ever get out of the Badlands?
When I checked the weather forecast, I noticed that rain was expected on some upcoming days, but not for that day, so I knew I needed to go. It was still quite hazy all day, getting up to 30C. When I was almost ready to leave home, I suddenly realized that it was a public holiday! Never a good time to visit anywhere, with so many people everywhere. Normally, I would have stayed home. Left home at 8:45 am and got back home at 7:15 pm, after driving 402 km, using roughly three-quarters of a tank of gas. In this time, I was able to see my favourite hoodoos (with so many cars parked along the road and endless people climbing all over the hoodoos), a little almost-ghost town, and one of my absolute favourite old grain elevators. My route also took me past the Bethlehem Lutheran Church of Dalum - I had seen photos of this church before and I had always wanted to photograph a church like this. One other stop had been on my mental list, but, even though I would have had time to get there, my big concern was running out of gas on the way home.
There was only one unpleasant thing that happened and it still keeps coming to mind. Along one of the paved roads on the way to the Badlands, I had noticed a very scruffy looking hawk standing on the road. I turned around and drove back to see if I could check if it was OK. Just when I was going to pull over so that I could slowly walk back, I looked in the rear view mirror and there was a car coming behind me. Not sure if the driver tried to position his wheels so that they were either side of the hawk, or not. Anyway, the bird tried to fly and got caught up by the car, which ripped and mangled it. I could see it being tossed and caught back. I walked back to see if I could tell if it was still alive. I couldn't tell, but it was a real mess. Much as I would have liked to move it to the ditch, I couldn't. Trying to convince myself that, because it had looked so scruffy to start with, and stayed on the road, maybe it had been sick. I have seen plenty of dead wildlife of all kinds, but never before have I had to witness something actually being killed. Still haunts me.
Yesterday, 6 August 2019, my daughter and I had planned to spend the day together but decided to cancel, as the forecast was for rain and it's no fun taking photos in the rain. Such a shame, as I had been looking forward to being out with her. Her free days are so few and far between. Sure enough, 4:30 pm and we had torrential rain, wind and thunder - SO glad we weren't out in this! Today, it is very overcast - happy I decided to do my long drive two days ago.
Down in the Badlands valley
07 Aug 2019 |
The two old churches are just off to the right of this scene. Such a beautiful setting for them.
Wow, what a day I had the day before yesterday, 5 August 2019! For a few decades, I had longed to get out east of the city again, to the Badlands of Alberta. I had been a few times in more recent years, either on botany trips to Horseshoe Canyon, or a couple of times for the Christmas Bird Count. However, we always carpooled and we never went to the places I really, really wanted to go to. Finally, in 2014, I took my daughter out there, taking the main highway into Drumheller. She has an amazing sense of direction and is great at navigating, so I knew I wouldn't get lost.
This time, though, I wanted to avoid Drumheller itself, so I took a back way to the few places and things I wanted to see and photograph. Each year, I try and make a new, long drive that I have never done before. Trust me, a real challenge to someone with a driving phobia!! Now, there are a handful of places that I make myself get back to each summer, to make sure I don't lose the courage to make the drive by myself.
Maps had been made, a few 'drives' taken along a few bits of road on Google Earth, so I was well-prepared. Still, I felt sick to the stomach at the thought of doing the last half of the drive. If I happened to take one wrong road, would I ever get out of the Badlands?
When I checked the weather forecast, I noticed that rain was expected on some upcoming days, but not for that day, so I knew I needed to go. It was still quite hazy all day, getting up to 30C When I was almost ready to leave home, I suddenly realized that it was a public holiday! Never a good time to visit anywhere, with so many people everywhere. Normally, I would have stayed home. Left home at 8:45 am and got back home at 7:15 pm, after driving 402 km, using roughly three-quarters of a tank of gas. In this time, I was able to see my favourite hoodoos (with so many cars parked along the road and endless people climbing all over the hoodoos), a little almost-ghost town, and one of my absolute favourite old grain elevators. My route also took me past the Bethlehem Lutheran Church of Dalum - I had seen photos of this church before and I had always wanted to photograph a church like this. One other stop had been on my mental list, but, even though I would have had time to get there, my big concern was running out of gas on the way home.
There was only one unpleasant thing that happened and it still keeps coming to mind. Along one of the paved roads on the way to the Badlands, I had noticed a very scruffy looking hawk standing on the road. I turned around and drove back to see if I could check if it was OK. Just when I was going to pull over so that I could slowly walk back, I looked in the rear view mirror and there was a car coming behind me. Not sure if the driver tried to position his wheels so that they were either side of the hawk, or not. Anyway, the bird tried to fly and got caught up by the car, which ripped and mangled it. I could see it being tossed and caught back. I walked back to see if I could tell if it was still alive. I couldn't tell, but it was a real mess. Much as I would have liked to move it to the ditch, I couldn't. Trying to convince myself that, because it had looked so scruffy to start with, and stayed on the road, maybe it had been sick. I have seen plenty of dead wildlife of all kinds, but never before have I had to witness something actually being killed. Still haunts me.
Yesterday, 6 August 2019, my daughter and I had planned to spend the day together but decided to cancel, as the forecast was for rain and it's no fun taking photos in the rain. Such a shame, as I had been looking forward to being out with her. Her free days are so few and far between. Sure enough, 4:30 pm and we had torrential rain, wind and thunder - SO glad we weren't out in this! Today, it is very overcast - happy I decided to do my long drive two days ago.
Badland beauty
06 Aug 2019 |
"Hoodoos take millions of years to form and stand 5 to 7 metres tall. Each hoodoo is a sandstone pillar resting on a thick base of shale that is capped by a large stone. Hoodoos are very fragile and can erode completely if their capstone is dislodged (in other words, no climbing allowed). This protected Hoodoos site is a guaranteed spot to see Hoodoos but smaller versions of these sandstone giants can be found all over the Badlands.
The name "Hoodoo" comes from the word "voodoo" and was given to these geological formations by the Europeans. In the Blackfoot and Cree traditions, however, the Hoodoos are believed to be petrified giants who come alive at night to hurl rocks at intruders." From (geology)
Wow, what a day I had yesterday, 5 August 2019! For a few decades, I had longed to get out east of the city again, to the Badlands of Alberta. I had been a few times in more recent years, either on botany trips to Horseshoe Canyon, or a couple of times for the Christmas Bird Count. However, we always carpooled and we never went to the places I really, really wanted to go to. Finally, in 2014, I took my daughter out there, taking the main highway into Drumheller. She has an amazing sense of direction and is great at navigating, so I knew I wouldn't get lost.
This time, though, I wanted to avoid Drumheller itself, so I took a back way to the few places and things I wanted to see and photograph. Each year, I try and make a new, long drive that I have never done before. Trust me, a real challenge to someone with a driving phobia!! Now, there are a handful of places that I make myself get back to each summer, to make sure I don't lose the courage to make the drive by myself.
Maps had been made, a few 'drives' taken along a few bits of road on Google Earth, so I was well-prepared. Still, I felt sick to the stomach at the thought of doing the last half of the drive. If I happened to take one wrong road, would i ever get out of the Badlands?
When I checked the weather forecast, I noticed that rain was expected on some upcoming days, but not for yesterday, so I knew I needed to go. It was still quite hazy all day. When I was almost ready to leave home, I suddenly realized that yesterday was a public holiday! Never a good time to visit anywhere, with so many people everywhere. Normally, I would have stayed home. Left home at 8:45 am and got back home at 7:15 pm, after driving 402 km.. In this time, I was able to see my favourite hoodoos (with so many cars parked along the road and endless people climbing all over the hoodoos), a little almost-ghost town, and one of my absolute favourite old grain elevators. My route also took me past the Bethlehem Lutheran Church of Dalum - I had seen photos of this church before and I had always wanted to photograph a church like this. One other stop had been on my mental list, but, even though I would have had time to get there, my big concern was running out of gas on the way home.
There was only one unpleasant thing that happened yesterday and it still keeps coming to mind. Along one of the paved roads on the way to the Badlands, I had noticed a very scruffy looking hawk standing on the road. I turned around and drove back to see if I could check if it was OK. Just when I was going to pull over so that I could slowly walk back, I looked in the rear view mirror and there was a car coming behind me. Not sure if the driver tried to position his wheels so that they were either side of the hawk, or not. Anyway, the bird tried to fly and got caught up by the car, which ripped and mangled it. I could see it being tossed and caught back. I walked back to see if I could tell if it was still alive. I couldn't tell, but it was a real mess. Much as I would have liked to move it to the ditch, I couldn't. Trying to convince myself that, because it had looked so scruffy to start with, and stayed on the road, maybe it had been sick. I have seen plenty of dead wildlife of all kinds, but never before have I had to witness something actually being killed. Still haunts me.
Today, 6 August 2019, my daughter and I had planned to spend the day together but decided to cancel, as the forecast is for rain and it's no fun taking photos in the rain. Such a shame, as I had been looking forward to being out with her. Her free days are so few and far between. Ha, 4:30 pm and we have torrential rain, wind and thunder - SO glad we weren't out in this!
The old and the new
03 Mar 2015 |
From 6:00 am till 5:00 pm on 23 December 2014, I was taking part in the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count for the Horseshoe Canyon/Drumheller area. The group of friends I was with, travelling in three cars, covered the NE quadrant of the Count circle plus an extra bit of land S of Highway 9. There were 10 of us in total, including the 3 people from Drumheller.
At lunch time, we were all treated to home made hot beef and barley soup and tea/coffee at the home of Jim McCabe, who lives in Drumheller and joined us for the Count, along with two others. Jim works at the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology and is the senior preparation technician and lab supervisor there. "The Royal Tyrrell Museum is a Canadian tourist attraction and a centre of palaeontological research noted for its collection of more than 130,000 fossils." (Wikipedia), Located in the Badlands of Alberta, it is known for it's amazing dinosaur finds.
I will add the final report of our group's leader (Gus Yaki) below. As far as Snowy Owls are concerned, the driver of the vehicle in which I spent the whole day (another Anne!) and I saw a total of 8 Snowy Owls, including owls seen on the drive to and from the Count area. That makes 18-20 Snowy Owls that I have been lucky enough to see within the last 4 days (10-12 of them seen when my daughter and I searched E and NE of Calgary on 20 December)! Thanks so much for picking me up and driving the whole day, Anne! I appreciated it so much!
"HORSESHOE Canyon/Drumheller CBC, N side of Red Deer River, 0830-1315; 23Dec2014. Sunny, becoming overcast, calm, -8 to -3 to -10°C.
Ring-necked Pheasant-1 m. (at Murrays).
Eurasian Collared Dove-2+
Snowy Owl-1 juv.
Downy Woodpecker-5
Hairy Woodpecker-2
Northern Flicker-1+
Blue Jay-4
Black-billed Magpie-9
Common Raven-4
Black-capped Chickadee-20
Red-breasted Nuthatch-1
White-breasted Nuthatch-2
House Sparrow-75.
Eastern Gray Squirrel-black morph-2
Meadow Vole-1
Snowshoe Hare-1
Mule Deer-1.
Feeder Birds at Jim McCabe’s Place, Nacmine, not on our territory. 1315-1400, 23Dec2014.
Eurasian Collared-Dove-1
Downy Woodpecker-2
Black-billed Magpie-1
Black-capped Chickadee-5
Red-breasted Nuthatch-1
White-breasted Nuthatch-1
Also noted 9 Mule Deer on the Nacmine slope from our territory on the N. side of the Red Deer River.
Birds on East Side of Count Circle, Terr #4. 1400-1530, 23Dec2014.
Snowy Owl-1 ad m just N of #9, on RR 20.4, just after Jim McC. left us. May have seen it in the morning as well.
Black-billed Magpie-12
Common Raven-8
Unidentified small passerine, possible Horned Lark-1, seen flying away.
Two people reported Gray Jay-1. Because this is unlikely in the prairie, they have filed a Rare Bird Documentation Form.
Gus Yaki"
Snowshoe Hare in hiding
02 Jan 2015 |
This photo was taken on 23 December 2014, when I was out on the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count for Drumheller, NE of Calgary. The group of friends I was with, travelling in three cars, covered the NE quadrant of the Count circle plus an extra bit of land S of Highway 9. There were 10 of us in total, including 3 people from Drumheller. Part of our area included a walk along the edge of the Red Deer River. I'd forgotten that we would be doing this walk - too far for me, so I had to turn back just before the far end. When I was with the group, we spotted this little Snowshoe Hare just a few feet away from the path, hiding in the bushes. It was impossible to get a clear shot through the tangle of bear branches. It's unfortunate when these animals have turned white in the winter and there is little or no snow on the ground. This makes them a much easier target for predators.
At lunch time, we were all treated to home made hot beef and barley soup and tea/coffee at the home of Jim McCabe, who lives in Drumheller and joined us for the Count, along with the two others. Jim works at the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology and is the senior preparation technician and lab supervisor there. "The Royal Tyrrell Museum is a Canadian tourist attraction and a centre of palaeontological research noted for its collection of more than 130,000 fossils." (Wikipedia), Located in the Badlands of Alberta, it is known for it's amazing dinosaur finds.
I will add the final report of our group's leader (Gus Yaki) below. As far as Snowy Owls are concerned, the driver of the vehicle in which I spent the whole day (another Anne!) and I saw a total of 8 Snowy Owls, including owls seen on the drive to and from the Count area. That makes 18-20 Snowy Owls that I had been lucky enough to see within 4 days (10-12 of them seen when my daughter and I searched E and NE of Calgary three days earlier, on 20 December)!
"HORSESHOE Canyon/Drumheller CBC, N side of Red Deer River, 0830-1315; 23Dec2014. Sunny, becoming overcast, calm, -8 to -3 to -10°C.
Ring-necked Pheasant-1 m. (at Murrays).
Eurasian Collared Dove-2+
Snowy Owl-1 juv.
Downy Woodpecker-5
Hairy Woodpecker-2
Northern Flicker-1+
Blue Jay-4
Black-billed Magpie-9
Common Raven-4
Black-capped Chickadee-20
Red-breasted Nuthatch-1
White-breasted Nuthatch-2
House Sparrow-75.
Eastern Gray Squirrel-black morph-2
Meadow Vole-1
Snowshoe Hare-1
Mule Deer-1.
Feeder Birds at Jim McCabe’s Place, Nacmine, not on our territory. 1315-1400, 23Dec2014.
Eurasian Collared-Dove-1
Downy Woodpecker-2
Black-billed Magpie-1
Black-capped Chickadee-5
Red-breasted Nuthatch-1
White-breasted Nuthatch-1
Also noted 9 Mule Deer on the Nacmine slope from our territory on the N. side of the Red Deer River.
Birds on East Side of Count Circle, Terr #4. 1400-1530, 23Dec2014.
Snowy Owl-1 ad m just N of #9, on RR 20.4, just after Jim McC. left us. May have seen it in the morning as well.
Black-billed Magpie-12
Common Raven-8
Unidentified small passerine, possible Horned Lark-1, seen flying away.
Two people reported Gray Jay-1. Because this is unlikely in the prairie, they have filed a Rare Bird Documentation Form.
Gus Yaki"
Eurasian Collared-Dove
01 Jan 2015 |
HAPPY NEW YEAR, everyone! Hope you are feeling really good this morning, if you were celebrating into the wee hours!
I want to wish my family and each and every one of my "local" friends, my long-time overseas friends, and my Flickr friends a very happy, healthy and safe New Year! It's hard to believe, isn't it, that 15 years have passed since all the fuss about the year 2000? Thank you all for your friendship and encouragement, and for letting me share my photos with you - SO much appreciated! I'm looking forward to another year of seeing where you have been and what beautiful things you have discovered!
This photo was taken on 23 December 2014, when I was out on the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count for Drumheller, NE of Calgary. In the residential area, we spotted a couple of these Eurasian Collared Doves and then, when we were at Jim McCabe's house for a welcome lunch of home made soup and coffee, this one flew down to a tree at the far end of his garden. It's not a very inspiring photo, but I wanted to add it to my Drumheller Bird Count album.
"These Doves are becoming more common in the rural areas south and east of Calgary, and are being seen regularly in the city as well. They seem to occupy an ecological niche between that of the Rock Pigeon and Mourning Dove. It remains to be seen if they will become a common backyard bird like the Rock Pigeon, or primarily a rural one like the Mourning Dove." By Bob Lefebvre, Calgary.
"With a flash of white tail feathers and a flurry of dark-tipped wings, the Eurasian Collared-Dove settles onto phone wires and fence posts to give its rhythmic three-parted coo. This chunky relative of the Mourning Dove gets its name from the black half-collar at the nape of the neck. A few Eurasian Collared-Doves were introduced to the Bahamas in the 1970s. They made their way to Florida by the 1980s and then rapidly colonized most of North America." From AllAboutBirds.
So beautiful
31 Dec 2014 |
From 6:00 am till 5:00 pm on 23 December 2014, I was taking part in the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count for the Horseshoe Canyon/Drumheller area. The group of friends I was with, travelling in three cars, covered the NE quadrant of the Count circle plus an extra bit of land S of Highway 9. There were 10 of us in total, including 3 people from Drumheller. Part of our area included a walk along the edge of the Red Deer River. I'd forgotten that we would be doing this walk - too far for me, so I had to turn back just before the far end. I had time to walk back slowly and take a few photos.
At lunch time, we were all treated to home made hot beef and barley soup and tea/coffee at the home of Jim McCabe, who lives in Drumheller and joined us for the Count, along with the two others. Jim works at the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology and is the senior preparation technician and lab supervisor there. "The Royal Tyrrell Museum is a Canadian tourist attraction and a centre of palaeontological research noted for its collection of more than 130,000 fossils." (Wikipedia), Located in the Badlands of Alberta, it is known for it's amazing dinosaur finds.
I will add the final report of our group's leader (Gus Yaki) below. As far as Snowy Owls are concerned, the driver of the vehicle in which I spent the whole day (another Anne!) and I saw a total of 8 Snowy Owls, including owls seen on the drive to and from the Count area. That makes 18-20 Snowy Owls that I had been lucky enough to see within 4 days (10-12 of them seen when my daughter and I searched E and NE of Calgary on 20 December)! The owl in this photo (not sure if it's a female or a juvenile, with such dark markings, but I think a juvenile) had a second wire going right across its body, so I did remove it. (Focal Length (35mm format) - 1200 mm). Thanks so much for picking me up and driving the whole day, Anne! I appreciated it so much!
"HORSESHOE Canyon/Drumheller CBC, N side of Red Deer River, 0830-1315; 23Dec2014. Sunny, becoming overcast, calm, -8 to -3 to -10°C.
Ring-necked Pheasant-1 m. (at Murrays).
Eurasian Collared Dove-2+
Snowy Owl-1 juv.
Downy Woodpecker-5
Hairy Woodpecker-2
Northern Flicker-1+
Blue Jay-4
Black-billed Magpie-9
Common Raven-4
Black-capped Chickadee-20
Red-breasted Nuthatch-1
White-breasted Nuthatch-2
House Sparrow-75.
Eastern Gray Squirrel-black morph-2
Meadow Vole-1
Snowshoe Hare-1
Mule Deer-1.
Feeder Birds at Jim McCabe’s Place, Nacmine, not on our territory. 1315-1400, 23Dec2014.
Eurasian Collared-Dove-1
Downy Woodpecker-2
Black-billed Magpie-1
Black-capped Chickadee-5
Red-breasted Nuthatch-1
White-breasted Nuthatch-1
Also noted 9 Mule Deer on the Nacmine slope from our territory on the N. side of the Red Deer River.
Birds on East Side of Count Circle, Terr #4. 1400-1530, 23Dec2014.
Snowy Owl-1 ad m just N of #9, on RR 20.4, just after Jim McC. left us. May have seen it in the morning as well.
Black-billed Magpie-12
Common Raven-8
Unidentified small passerine, possible Horned Lark-1, seen flying away.
Two people reported Gray Jay-1. Because this is unlikely in the prairie, they have filed a Rare Bird Documentation Form.
Gus Yaki"
Badlands of Alberta
31 Dec 2014 |
From 6:00 am till 5:00 pm on 23 December 2014, I was taking part in the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count for the Horseshoe Canyon/Drumheller area. The group of friends I was with, travelling in three cars, covered the NE quadrant of the Count circle plus an extra bit of land S of Highway 9. There were 10 of us in total, including 3 people from Drumheller. Part of our area included a walk along the edge of the Red Deer River. I'd forgotten that we would be doing this walk - too far for me, so I had to turn back just before the far end. I had time to walk back slowly and take a few photos, including of the typical Badland layers and erosion of the hills in the area, seen in this photo. As you can see, some parts of the Count had no, or very little, snow.
At lunch time, we were all treated to home made hot beef and barley soup and tea/coffee at the home of Jim McCabe, who lives in Drumheller and joined us for the Count, along with the two others. Jim works at the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology and is the senior preparation technician and lab supervisor there. "The Royal Tyrrell Museum is a Canadian tourist attraction and a centre of palaeontological research noted for its collection of more than 130,000 fossils." (Wikipedia), Located in the Badlands of Alberta, it is known for it's amazing dinosaur finds.
I will add the final report of our group's leader (Gus Yaki) below. As far as Snowy Owls are concerned, the driver of the vehicle in which I spent the whole day (another Anne!) and I saw a total of 8 Snowy Owls, including owls seen on the drive to and from the Count area. That makes 18-20 Snowy Owls that I had been lucky enough to see within 4 days (10-12 of them seen when my daughter and I searched E and NE of Calgary on 20 December)! Thanks so much for picking me up and driving the whole day, Anne! I appreciated it so much!
"HORSESHOE Canyon/Drumheller CBC, N side of Red Deer River, 0830-1315; 23Dec2014. Sunny, becoming overcast, calm, -8 to -3 to -10°C.
Ring-necked Pheasant-1 m. (at Murrays).
Eurasian Collared Dove-2+
Snowy Owl-1 juv.
Downy Woodpecker-5
Hairy Woodpecker-2
Northern Flicker-1+
Blue Jay-4
Black-billed Magpie-9
Common Raven-4
Black-capped Chickadee-20
Red-breasted Nuthatch-1
White-breasted Nuthatch-2
House Sparrow-75.
Eastern Gray Squirrel-black morph-2
Meadow Vole-1
Snowshoe Hare-1
Mule Deer-1.
Feeder Birds at Jim McCabe’s Place, Nacmine, not on our territory. 1315-1400, 23Dec2014.
Eurasian Collared-Dove-1
Downy Woodpecker-2
Black-billed Magpie-1
Black-capped Chickadee-5
Red-breasted Nuthatch-1
White-breasted Nuthatch-1
Also noted 9 Mule Deer on the Nacmine slope from our territory on the N. side of the Red Deer River.
Birds on East Side of Count Circle, Terr #4. 1400-1530, 23Dec2014.
Snowy Owl-1 ad m just N of #9, on RR 20.4, just after Jim McC. left us. May have seen it in the morning as well.
Black-billed Magpie-12
Common Raven-8
Unidentified small passerine, possible Horned Lark-1, seen flying away.
Two people reported Gray Jay-1. Because this is unlikely in the prairie, they have filed a Rare Bird Documentation Form.
Gus Yaki"
Aged beauty
31 Dec 2014 |
From 6:00 am till 5:00 pm on 23 December 2014, I was taking part in the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count for the Horseshoe Canyon/Drumheller area. The group of friends I was with, travelling in three cars, covered the NE quadrant of the Count circle plus an extra bit of land S of Highway 9. There were 10 of us in total, including 3 people from Drumheller. Part of our area included a walk along the edge of the Red Deer River. I'd forgotten that we would be doing this walk - too far for me, so I had to turn back just before the far end. I had time to walk back slowly and take a few photos. As you can see, some parts of the Count had no, or very little, snow, while others had a thin covering. Loved this old, weathered barn with its very fancy cupola - thanks for stopping to let me take a photo, Anne!
At lunch time, we were all treated to home made hot beef and barley soup and tea/coffee at the home of Jim McCabe, who lives in Drumheller and joined us for the Count, along with the two others. Jim works at the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology and is the senior preparation technician and lab supervisor there. "The Royal Tyrrell Museum is a Canadian tourist attraction and a centre of palaeontological research noted for its collection of more than 130,000 fossils." (Wikipedia), Located in the Badlands of Alberta, it is known for it's amazing dinosaur finds.
I will add the final report of our group's leader (Gus Yaki) below. As far as Snowy Owls are concerned, the driver of the vehicle in which I spent the whole day (another Anne!) and I saw a total of 8 Snowy Owls, including owls seen on the drive to and from the Count area. That makes 18-20 Snowy Owls that I had been lucky enough to see within 4 days (10-12 of them seen when my daughter and I searched E and NE of Calgary on 20 December)! Thanks so much for picking me up and driving the whole day, Anne! I appreciated it so much!
"HORSESHOE Canyon/Drumheller CBC, N side of Red Deer River, 0830-1315; 23Dec2014. Sunny, becoming overcast, calm, -8 to -3 to -10°C.
Ring-necked Pheasant-1 m. (at Murrays).
Eurasian Collared Dove-2+
Snowy Owl-1 juv.
Downy Woodpecker-5
Hairy Woodpecker-2
Northern Flicker-1+
Blue Jay-4
Black-billed Magpie-9
Common Raven-4
Black-capped Chickadee-20
Red-breasted Nuthatch-1
White-breasted Nuthatch-2
House Sparrow-75.
Eastern Gray Squirrel-black morph-2
Meadow Vole-1
Snowshoe Hare-1
Mule Deer-1.
Feeder Birds at Jim McCabe’s Place, Nacmine, not on our territory. 1315-1400, 23Dec2014.
Eurasian Collared-Dove-1
Downy Woodpecker-2
Black-billed Magpie-1
Black-capped Chickadee-5
Red-breasted Nuthatch-1
White-breasted Nuthatch-1
Also noted 9 Mule Deer on the Nacmine slope from our territory on the N. side of the Red Deer River.
Birds on East Side of Count Circle, Terr #4. 1400-1530, 23Dec2014.
Snowy Owl-1 ad m just N of #9, on RR 20.4, just after Jim McC. left us. May have seen it in the morning as well.
Black-billed Magpie-12
Common Raven-8
Unidentified small passerine, possible Horned Lark-1, seen flying away.
Two people reported Gray Jay-1. Because this is unlikely in the prairie, they have filed a Rare Bird Documentation Form.
Gus Yaki"
Frosted Rose hips
30 Dec 2014 |
From 6:00 am till 5:00 pm on 23 December 2014, I was taking part in the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count for the Horseshoe Canyon/Drumheller area. The group of friends I was with, travelling in three cars, covered the NE quadrant of the Count circle plus an extra bit of land S of Highway 9. There were 10 of us in total, including three people from Drumheller. Part of our area included a walk along the edge of the Red Deer River. I'd forgotten that we would be doing this walk - too far for me, so I had to turn back just before the far end. I had time to walk back slowly and take a few photos, including these frosted Rose Hips. They always add such a welcome splash of colour in winter. We also saw a Snowshoe Hare in its winter white coat along this path, hiding amongst the tangle of shrubs and plants.
At lunch time, we were all treated to home made hot beef and barley soup and tea/coffee at the home of Jim McCabe, who lives in Drumheller and joined us for the Count, along with two others. Jim works at the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology and is the senior preparation technician and lab supervisor there.
"The Royal Tyrrell Museum is a Canadian tourist attraction and a centre of palaeontological research noted for its collection of more than 130,000 fossils." (Wikipedia), Located in the Badlands of Alberta, it is known for it's amazing dinosaur finds.
I will add the final report of our group's leader (Gus Yaki) below. As far as Snowy Owls are concerned, the driver of the vehicle in which I spent the whole day (another Anne!) and I saw a total of 8 Snowy Owls, including owls seen on the drive to and from the Count area. That makes 18-20 Snowy Owls that I have been lucky enough to see within the last 4 days (10-12 of them seen when my daughter and I searched E and NE of Calgary on 20 December)! Thanks so much for picking me up and driving the whole day, Anne! I appreciated it so much!
Gus Yaki's report:
"HORSESHOE Canyon/Drumheller CBC, N side of Red Deer River, 0830-1315; 23Dec2014. Sunny, becoming overcast, calm, -8 to -3 to -10°C.
Ring-necked Pheasant-1 m. (at Murrays).
Eurasian Collared Dove-2+
Snowy Owl-1 juv.
Downy Woodpecker-5
Hairy Woodpecker-2
Northern Flicker-1+
Blue Jay-4
Black-billed Magpie-9
Common Raven-4
Black-capped Chickadee-20
Red-breasted Nuthatch-1
White-breasted Nuthatch-2
House Sparrow-75.
Eastern Gray Squirrel-black morph-2
Meadow Vole-1
Snowshoe Hare-1
Mule Deer-1.
Feeder Birds at Jim McCabe’s Place, Nacmine, not on our territory. 1315-1400, 23Dec2014.
Eurasian Collared-Dove-1
Downy Woodpecker-2
Black-billed Magpie-1
Black-capped Chickadee-5
Red-breasted Nuthatch-1
White-breasted Nuthatch-1
Also noted 9 Mule Deer on the Nacmine slope from our territory on the N. side of the Red Deer River.
Birds on East Side of Count Circle, Terr #4. 1400-1530, 23Dec2014.
Snowy Owl-1 ad m just N of #9, on RR 20.4, just after Jim McC. left us. May have seen it in the morning as well.
Black-billed Magpie-12
Common Raven-8
Unidentified small passerine, possible Horned Lark-1, seen flying away.
Two people reported Gray Jay-1. Because this is unlikely in the prairie, they have filed a Rare Bird Documentation Form.
Gus Yaki"
Wild Licorice seedpods / Glycyrrhiza lepidota
29 Dec 2014 |
This photo was taken on 23 December 2014, when a few of us were taking part in the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count for the Drumheller area. My small group covered the NE and E quadrants of the established 15-mile wide diameter circle. Part of our area included a walk along the edge of the Red Deer River. I'd forgotten that we would be doing this walk - too far for me, so I had to turn back just before the far end. This is when I noticed these Wild Licorice seedpods at the edge of the path. They always fascinate me and they add a splash of colour in winter. We also saw a Snowshoe Hare in its winter white coat along this path, hiding amongst the tangle of shrubs and plants.
"Glycyrrhiza lepidota (American Licorice) is a species of Glycyrrhiza (a genus in the pea/bean family, Fabaceae) native to most of North America, from central Canada south through the United States to California, Texas and Virginia, but absent from the southeastern states. It is also sometimes known in the United States as "wild licorice", to distinguish it from the related European Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) which is occasionally cultivated.
The plant grows in moist soils; although it will grow in heavy soil it prefers sandy soil. It grows to 40–100 cm (16–40 in) tall, and has long tough brown roots which are said to be sweet and were used as food and for medicinal purposes by Native Americans.
American Licorice is not sweet from sugar but from glycyrrhizin. Glycyrrhizin may increase blood pressure (aka hypertension) by interfering with cortisol conversion. The Zuni people chew the root to keep the mouth sweet and moist.
American Licorice is grazed by cattle, but not preferred and will increase under grazing as competing plants are grazed off. It has light green to white flowers in the spring which ripen in the fall to clusters of burs which contain pods of small bean like seeds.
It can be used as a pioneer species to revegetate bare or disturbed ground and is often the first species to invade a receding alkali flat.
There is a market for American Licorice root both for medicinal uses and flavoring; also the sweetening of tobacco products." From Wikipedia.
Sunset on the Prairies
24 Dec 2014 |
From 6:00 am till 5:00 pm yesterday, 23 December 2014, I was taking part in the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count for the Horseshoe Canyon/Drumheller area. The group of friends I was with, travelling in three cars, covered the NE quadrant of the Count circle plus an extra bit of land S of Highway 9. There were 10 of us in total, including the 3 from Drumheller. At lunch time, we were all treated to home made hot beef and barley soup and tea/coffee at the home of Jim McCabe, who lives in Drumheller and joined us for the Count, along with two others. Jim works at the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology and is the senior preparation technician and lab supervisor there. "The Royal Tyrrell Museum is a Canadian tourist attraction and a centre of palaeontological research noted for its collection of more than 130,000 fossils." (Wikipedia), Located in the Badlands of Alberta, it is known for it's amazing dinosaur finds.
I will add the final report of our group's leader (Gus Yaki) below. As far as Snowy Owls are concerned, the driver of the vehicle in which I spent the whole day (another Anne!) and I saw a total of 8 Snowy Owls, including owls seen on the drive to and from the Count area. That makes 18-20 Snowy Owls that I have been lucky enough to see within the last 4 days (10-12 of them seen when my daughter and I searched E and NE of Calgary on 20 December)! Thanks so much for picking me up and driving the whole day, Anne! I appreciated it so much!
"HORSESHOE Canyon/Drumheller CBC, N side of Red Deer River, 0830-1315; 23Dec2014. Sunny, becoming overcast, calm, -8 to -3 to -10°C.
Ring-necked Pheasant-1 m. (at Murrays).
Eurasian Collared Dove-2+
Snowy Owl-1 juv.
Downy Woodpecker-5
Hairy Woodpecker-2
Northern Flicker-1+
Blue Jay-4
Black-billed Magpie-9
Common Raven-4
Black-capped Chickadee-20
Red-breasted Nuthatch-1
White-breasted Nuthatch-2
House Sparrow-75.
Eastern Gray Squirrel-black morph-2
Meadow Vole-1
Snowshoe Hare-1
Mule Deer-1.
Feeder Birds at Jim McCabe’s Place, Nacmine, not on our territory. 1315-1400, 23Dec2014.
Eurasian Collared-Dove-1
Downy Woodpecker-2
Black-billed Magpie-1
Black-capped Chickadee-5
Red-breasted Nuthatch-1
White-breasted Nuthatch-1
Also noted 9 Mule Deer on the Nacmine slope from our territory on the N. side of the Red Deer River.
Birds on East Side of Count Circle, Terr #4. 1400-1530, 23Dec2014.
Snowy Owl-1 ad m just N of #9, on RR 20.4, just after Jim McC. left us. May have seen it in the morning as well.
Black-billed Magpie-12
Common Raven-8
Unidentified small passerine, possible Horned Lark-1, seen flying away.
Two people reported Gray Jay-1. Because this is unlikely in the prairie, they have filed a Rare Bird Documentation Form.
Gus Yaki"
Common Redpolls
27 Dec 2007 |
These pretty little birds arrive in "predictably unpredictable" numbers each winter. I haven't been seeing much of them, but did get a chance to photograph several at a feeder on a farm north-east of the city, on the way to the Drumheller area. They are almost always focussed on eating, as they are "in constant danger of running out of fuel and dying from hypothermia." Male and female have the red cap, and the males often have a pinkish breast. Had to heavily crop this photo, but thought these two birds were very cute. The temperature was at -21C for part of the day, soaring to a balmy -4c by the time we returned to the city, after a long day's Christmas Bird Count in the Drumheller area.
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