Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: North Weaselhead
15 Jun 2019 |
On 11 June 2019, I joined friends for a botany walk in North Weaselhead. Luckily, we had no rain. A few years ago, I used to do a lot of plant photography, including macro. Now that I can no longer get right down to ground level and get back up easily, I only take telemacro shots of flowers. This spring, I have barely been out to look for wildflowers, so thought I would add these few shots from the botany walk.
An unusual insect on a blade of grass caught our attention. It looks like a Cicada, but I am not completely sure of the ID. Quite a fancy looking insect. I never think of Cicadas being in Alberta.
For now, all I have left of recent images are the ones I took yesterday, 13 June, having been invited to spend time at a friend's acreage. Afterwards, I went for a short drive along a few of my 'usual' roads, catching a few of my 'usual' local birds that I love to see. Too many photos to post tomorrow, but I can at least start on them.
15 Jun 2019 |
On 11 June 2019, I joined friends for a botany walk in North Weaselhead. Luckily, we had no rain. A few years ago, I used to do a lot of plant photography, including macro. Now that I can no longer get right down to ground level and get back up easily, I only take telemacro shots of flowers. This spring, I have barely been out to look for wildflowers, so thought I would add these few shots from the botany walk.
An unusual insect on a blade of grass caught our attention. It looks like a Cicada, but I am not completely sure of the ID. Quite a fancy looking insect. I never think of Cicadas being in Alberta.
For now, all I have left of recent images are the ones I took yesterday, 13 June, having been invited to spend time at a friend's acreage. Afterwards, I went for a short drive along a few of my 'usual' roads, catching a few of my 'usual' local birds that I love to see. Too many photos to post tomorrow, but I can at least start on them.
Striped Coralroot / Corallorhiza striata
16 Jun 2017 |
This is one of our small, wild Orchids, Striped Coralroot. It is a native plant and grows in open woods. Grows 15-40 cm tall, June-July. Always a good feeling when we come across a few clumps of this attractive plant.
"Corallorhiza striata is a species of orchid known by the common names striped coralroot and hooded coralroot. This flowering plant is native to much of North America, especially Canada and the northern and western United States. It is a member of the coniferous understory flora, where it lives in the layer of decaying plant matter on the ground obtaining nutrients from fungi via mycoheterotrophy. Like other coralroots, it has reduced leaves and no chlorophyll and relies upon its parasitism of the fungi for sustenance. This coralroot has an erect stem which may be red, pink, purple, or yellow-green to almost white. It is mostly made up of an inflorescence of orchid flowers. Each flower is an open array of sepals and similar-looking petals which may be pink or yellowish and have darker pink or maroon stripes. Inside the flower is a column formed from the fusion of male and female parts, which may be spotted with purple or red. The fruit is a capsule one or two centimeters long."
Yesterday morning, 15 June 2017, I decided to join friends for a botany walk in North Weaselhead. We saw a good variety of species, including a few quite special ones, such as Striped Coralroot and Indian Breadroot. Thanks for a great walk, Barry! We also saw a tiny Ruby-throated Hummingbird.
After going for coffee with a couple of the botany people (thanks so much, Peter!), I went home for lunch and then decided to drive SW of the city, in the hope of maybe seeing a Great Gray Owl and/or a Bobolink. No luck with an owl, but, with a lot of patience, I did finally see a Bobolink. I only had very distant views, so managed to get only photos to post for my records. I did better a year ago, but it is early still.
It was so nice to bump into Bonnie and her neighbour, Russel(l), on my drive. They mentioned a road that I had never been on before and I decided to give it a try. Such a beautiful road, though I had no idea where I was the whole time. When I got home and checked on Google, I was surprised to see just where I had driven.
Indian Breadroot / Pediomelum esculentum
16 Jun 2017 |
Indian Breadroot, a rare, native plant, grows from Alberta to Manitoba south to New Mexico, Arkansas. This species is known locally as Large Indian Breadroot. The shift from Psoralea to Pediomelum is an example of a recent trend of renaming North American genera and species. Belongs to the Fabaceae family and blooms June-July.
Yesterday morning, 15 June 2017, I decided to join friends for a botany walk in North Weaselhead. We saw a good variety of species, including a few quite special ones, such as Striped Coralroot (orchid) and Indian Breadroot. Thanks for a great walk, Barry! We also saw a tiny Ruby-throated Hummingbird.
After going for coffee with a couple of the botany people (thanks so much, Peter!), I went home for lunch and then decided to drive SW of the city, in the hope of maybe seeing a Great Gray Owl and/or a Bobolink. The weather forecast was for good weather, but the clouds were moving in fast. No luck with an owl, but, with a lot of patience, I did finally see a Bobolink. I only had very distant views, so managed to get only photos to post for my records. I did better a year ago, but it is early still.
It was so nice to bump into Bonnie and her neighbour, Russel(l), on my drive. They mentioned a road that I had never been on before and I decided to give it a try. Such a beautiful road, though I had no idea where I was the whole time. When I got home and checked on Google, I was surprised to see just where I had driven.
Meadow Goat's-beard / Tragopogon pratensis
16 Jun 2017 |
We have two kinds of Goat's-beard - Goat's-beard and Meadow Goat's-beard. The latter has a smaller, brighter shade of yellow flower, and curly leaves. Both are invasive weeds.
Similar to the much more common Goat's-beard, Meadow Goat's-beard has bracts that are no longer than the petals. The common Goat's-beard has bracts that extend well beyond the petals. Also, the very narrow leaves of the Meadow Goat's-beard curl. Photographed (macro) in north Weaselhead on 15 June 2017.
I will add a previously posted photo of two flowers, one flower from each species, for comparison, in a comment box below. Also a photo showing the curly leaves of Meadow Goat's-beard.
Yesterday morning, I decided to join friends for a botany walk in North Weaselhead. We saw a good variety of species, including a few quite special ones, such as Striped Coralroot (orchid) and Indian Breadroot. Thanks for a great walk, Barry! We also saw a tiny Ruby-throated Hummingbird.
After going for coffee with a couple of the botany people (thanks so much, Peter!), I went home for lunch and then decided to drive SW of the city, in the hope of maybe seeing a Great Gray Owl and/or a Bobolink. No luck with an owl, but, with a lot of patience, I did finally see a Bobolink. I only had very distant views, so managed to get only photos to post for my records. I did better a year ago, but it is early still.
It was so nice to bump into Bonnie and her neighbour, Russel(l), on my drive. They mentioned a road that I had never been on before and I decided to give it a try. Such a beautiful road, though I had no idea where I was the whole time. When I got home and checked on Google, I was surprised to see just where I had driven.
Striped Coralroot / Corallorhiza striata
01 Jun 2016 |
This is one of our small, wild Orchids, Striped Coralroot. It is a native plant and grows in open woods. Grows 15-40 cm tall, June-July. Always a good feeling when we come across a few clumps of this attractive plant. Yesterday afternoon, 31 May 2016, I went for a botany walk with a group of friends. I have missed almost all the outings this spring, so thought I had better go. We walked in North Weaselhead, where we saw these beautiful orchids, hidden in their usual little spot.
"Corallorhiza striata is a species of orchid known by the common names striped coralroot and hooded coralroot. This flowering plant is native to much of North America, especially Canada and the northern and western United States. It is a member of the coniferous understory flora, where it lives in the layer of decaying plant matter on the ground obtaining nutrients from fungi via mycoheterotrophy. Like other coralroots, it has reduced leaves and no chlorophyll and relies upon its parasitism of the fungi for sustenance. This coralroot has an erect stem which may be red, pink, purple, or yellow-green to almost white. It is mostly made up of an inflorescence of orchid flowers. Each flower is an open array of sepals and similar-looking petals which may be pink or yellowish and have darker pink or maroon stripes. Inside the flower is a column formed from the fusion of male and female parts, which may be spotted with purple or red. The fruit is a capsule one or two centimeters long."
Stealthy Coyote
31 Jan 2014 |
I rarely get out any more for an actual walk, especially in the winter months. This winter has been brutally cold with so much snow, which has now turned to ice, thanks to the comparatively mild weather we've had recently. Today, the forecast is for snow again, sigh. Anyway, I managed to push myself out the front door on Tuesday (28 January 2014) to go for a walk in Weaselhead with friends. The morning started off unpleasantly cold, but gradually warmed up. The pathways were covered in ice and one person did fall, unfortunately, so I was relieved I had my ice grabbers on my winter boots. We had a few nice sightings, which gave reasonable photo opps, including several House Finches, a Downy Woodpecker, and a beautiful little Snowshoe Hare who was well camouflaged against the snow and was hiding in a tangle of branches. Thanks so much, Phil, for spotting this little guy - a treat for all of us! At the end of the walk, a Coyote was spotted, hunting in the field by the parking lot. A most enjoyable walk in good company : )
Yellow Lady's-slipper
20 Jan 2014 |
There are two varieties of this orchid: Large Yellow Lady's Slipper (Cypripedium pubescens var. pubescens) and Small Yellow Lady's Slipper (Cypripedium parviflorum) and I can never remember which is which. These flowers are bright yellow, pouch shape. Petals (behind the "slipper") are green with the Large Yellow Lady's-slipper, whereas the Small Yellow Lady's Slipper (Cypripedium parviflorum) has reddish petals, so I guess my photo shows the latter. If you do happen to find this orchid, do not disturb it. DO NOT attempt to transplant it to your own garden, as it will likely not survive. Photographed in Weaselhead on 15 June 2011.
Common Bearberry / Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
16 Jun 2011 |
Also known as Kinnikinnick and Pinemat manzanita. Photographed these tiny flowers yesterday in North Weaselhead. I was with friends, so was in a bit of a rush - should have tried to find a little cluster in better condition, though there were very few of these flowers to be seen there.
"Bearberry is a woody groundcover shrub 5-30 cm high. The leaves are evergreen, remaining green for 1–3 years before falling. The fruit is a red berry. The leaves are shiny, small, and feel thick and stiff. They are alternately arranged on the stems. Undersides of leaves are lighter green than on the tops. New stems can be red if the plant is in full sun, but are green in shadier areas. Older growth stems are brown. In spring, they have white or pink flowers." Wikipedia.
Star-flowered Solomon's Seal / Maianthemum stellat…
20 Jun 2011 |
Macro shot of the beautiful Star-flowered Solomon's Seal flowers, taken in Weaselhead on 14th June. This beautiful, native wildflower belongs to the Lily Family (Liliaceae). Flowers, up to 6 mm wide, are white and star-shaped (have six petals). The flowers form a loose group at the end of a leafy stem. Berries are greenish with dark stripes, then turn red, then nearly black in early fall. Bears are very fond of these berries. Star-flowered Solomon's seal grows in woodlands, open meadows, and shores of sandy marshes.
Meadow Goat's-beard / Tragopogon pratensis L
22 Jun 2011 |
Similar to the much more common Goat's-beard, Meadow Goat's-beard has bracts that are no longer than the petals. The common Goat's-beard has bracts that extend well beyod the petals. Also, the very narrow leaves of the Meadow Goat's-beard curl. Photographed (macro) in north Weaselhead on June 15th.
10 Jun 2010 |
A friend found solitary Morel mushrooms in three different locations on a walk in North Weaselhead a couple of days ago. This one was the best shape of the three. Unfortunately, the surroundings were far from photogenic and the sky was dark and ominous that evening, so most of my photos came out blurry - wonderfully, though, the rain held off until I was in my car driving back home. Another grey, rainy day today : (
Seven-spotted Ladybug
15 Jun 2010 |
At the end of two consecutive walks down in Weaselhead three days ago (the annual Dawn Chorus walk and then a bird group walk), I came across this little Seven-spotted Ladybug hugging a metal sign.
"The Seven-spotted Lady Beetle is probably our most familiar Lady Beetle, being found in gardens, parks and natural areas across the continent. It wasn't always this way though - this, large, attractive beetle was brought over in the 1950's from Europe to the eastern US to supplement the aphid-eating prowess of the native lady beetles. This hardy alien has since spread across the continent.
There is concern that this alien lady beetle is causing a decline in some native lady beetle species, particularly of the once common Transverse Lady Beetle. Are the robust Seven-spots out-competing the natives, eating the eggs of the natives, spreading disease or hybridizing with natives? No one knows for sure, but it is another cautionary example of the dangers of introducing alien species. One thing that ecologically conscientious gardeners can do is to refrain from buying alien species as biological controls and purchase native ones instead."
It's hip to be red
08 Apr 2009 |
Need a bit of bright colour, not because our weather is cold and snowy, but just to brighten up my photostream. Today has been beautiful, getting up to around 11C, with glorious sunshine. After a walk this morning, I had a look for Prairie Crocuses, too, but could see no sign of any leaves or buds.
Death Camas
01 Nov 2007 |
Death Camas is a member of the Lily family. Unlike White Camas, Death Camas has cream-coloured to yellowish flowers that are in a tight cluster. Death Camas is more poisonous than White Camas. I think I have only seen one of these wild plants on a couple of occasions.
Up, up and away
10 Sep 2007 |
Not sure what these things are called (hang-glider?), but this one "flew" over us on a walk in north Weaselhead yesterday. Myself, I prefer my feet firmly planted on solid ground, LOL.
Prairie Crocus
24 Apr 2007 |
Went for a short walk yesterday and came across several clumps of these beautiful wildflowers.
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