Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Bow Valley Ranch

Bow Valley Ranch, Fish Creek Park

11 Feb 2014 308
A photo of Bow Valley Ranch, at the east end of Fish Creek Park, taken on 26 August 2013. This site has quite an interesting history, found at the two links below. Some of the indoor scenes in the movies Santa Baby 1 and Santa Baby 2 were filmed in this fine old building. "The William Roper Hull Ranche House is a late nineteenth century, brick, two-storey, Tudor (Gothic) Revival style house with Victorian Stick detailing. It is situated on approximately half a hectare in southeast Calgary near the confluence of Fish Creek and the Bow River on Crown land within Fish Creek Provincial Park. Two additions were made to the ranch house in 1946 and 1957. The heritage value of the William Roper Hull Ranche House site lies in its representation of the upper-class society that emerged amid the development of ranching in Southern Alberta. The architecture of the ranch house establishes a direct link with the early ranching industry in Southern Alberta and the lifestyles of the ranching elite, notably its owners, the influential cattle barons William Roper Hull and Patrick Burns."

A colour of spring

18 Mar 2008 164
I went to a local park this afternoon in the hope of seeing the little Long-tailed Weasel, but I was out of luck. However, I did see three American Robins, presumably returned from their winter location. They really are beautiful birds, but perhaps a bit taken-for-granted. Gorgeous colour - but they always make me miss the little, round English Robins, which I haven't seen for 30 years now : (

Welcome colour

19 Jan 2008 166
This old wagon used to belong to the Burns family and it now sits near the Bow Valley Ranch, in Fish Creek Park. In a grey/white landscape, with grey/white sky above, the vivid red always says "Welcome"!

Bohemian Waxwing / Bombycilla garrulus

04 Mar 2011 189
These are such beautiful birds, usually looking very sleek. However, the windchill was something like -28C and when you sit still, you get cold, lol. At least, that's the way it works for humans. I finally made myself leave my computer yesterday morning and joined a handful of friends to go for a walk in Fish Creek Park. We met at Bow Valley Ranch and carpooled down the road to SIkome to search for the Great Horned Owls, which were nowhere to be found. Last year, after a devastating storm, many dozens of trees were destroyed in that area, and this unfortunately included the tree next to the owl's nesting tree. This means that there is no longer a close tree for when the owlets start learning to fly, so I have a feeling that they have moved. A pity, as last year's nesting tree was quite open (i.e. good for photographers). We then did a walk along the Bow River. By the Ranch, we saw 600+ of these gorgeous Bohemian Waxwings and I was lucky to manage to catch one sitting briefly on an open branch. The handful of shots I took of them in the Spruce trees came out very blurred and overexposed. No idea how I managed that, ha. Soon, the Bohemians will be gone and will be replaced by the Cedar Waxwings for the summer.


27 Apr 2009 135
A friendly little Black-capped Chickadee that flew down to the hand of a little girl.

Santa Baby 2

22 Feb 2009 132
A movie sequel, Santa Baby 2, is being filmed in Calgary. A few days ago, they were down in Fish Creek Park, filming at the Bow Valley Ranch. I missed that event, but when I went over there a day or two later, all that was left to be seen were two ice sculptures - this Reindeer and a sleigh. I did watch the original TV movie, Santa Baby (2006), which had Jenny McCarthy starring in it.

A little favourite

01 Mar 2009 201
The Black-capped Chickadee is such a popular little bird, with its "friendly, trusting" nature. They often fly down in certain locations as soon as they see you. This little one flew down to a friend's hand in Fish Creek Park. A reminder to everyone - feeding of wildlife, including birds, is forbidden in Fish Creek Park, a Provincial park. A hefty fine could be given if someone is caught.

Winter's white-gloved fingers

12 Mar 2009 154
This was one of those days when every branch and twig was coated in snow. Add a blue sky and sunshine, and everywhere was transformed into a winter wonderland.

Thank goodness for RED

10 Apr 2008 203
This is what everyone in this city woke up to this morning! Decided it was a case of "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" and so I made myself go for a walk in a local park, down by the Bow Valley Ranch in Fish Creek Park. I headed for this bright red wagon, knowing that it was definitely an "I need RED" day!

Red-breasted Nuthatch

19 Jan 2008 1 1 144
Two young girls were on my walk this morning and I took a few shots in awful, low light, hoping to catch a little male Red-breasted Nuthatch on their hands. This was a really neat experience for both girls. Just wish I had thought of using flash, but my mind was more on the pain I was feeling in my frozen fingers!

A corner of the garden

26 Aug 2007 128
A Shrubby Cinquefoil bush was growing at the corner where the lengths of fencing met. I liked the contrast of light and dark in the distant fence. Today, I attended an excellent one-day Photography Course put on for the Friends of Fish Creek Provincial Park (FFCPP). Part of the course in the afternoon was to spend about two and a half hours wandering around the area near the Visitor's Centre and the Ranch. We were to take photos, keeping in mind some of the things we had learned in the morning. These are five of the photos I took and I will upload a few more next time.


26 Aug 2007 170
This cigarette butt was lying at the bottom of wooden bin, with yellow, peeling paint. Today, I attended an excellent one-day Photography Course put on for the Friends of Fish Creek Provincial Park (FFCPP). Part of the course in the afternoon was to spend about two and a half hours wandering around the area near the Visitor's Centre and the Ranch. We were to take photos, keeping in mind some of the things we had learned in the morning. These are five of the photos I took and I will upload a few more next time.


26 Aug 2007 148
Today, I attended an excellent one-day Photography Course put on for the Friends of Fish Creek Provincial Park (FFCPP). Part of the course in the afternoon was to spend about two and a half hours wandering around the area near the Visitor's Centre and the Ranch. We were to take photos, keeping in mind some of the things we had learned in the morning. These are five of the photos I took and I will upload a few more next time. A wedding was going to be taking place when I came across rows and rows of these startling white chairs arranged in the garden of the Bow Valley Ranch. The sun was shining through slits in the seat backs and casting these grey shadows on the chairs.

Red Turnip Beetle

26 Aug 2007 146
These beetles are so tiny, but always look so bright and beautiful when seen large! Today, I attended an excellent one-day Photography Course put on for the Friends of Fish Creek Provincial Park (FFCPP). Part of the course in the afternoon was to spend about two and a half hours wandering around the area near the Visitor's Centre and the Ranch. We were to take photos, keeping in mind some of the things we had learned in the morning. These are five of the photos I took and I will upload a few more next time.

Nature's firework display

26 Aug 2007 125
This image reminds me of one of my very recent fireworks photos! However, these are two seeds caught on the side of an old, red, wooden wagon located at the Bow Valley Ranch in Fish Creek Park. Not sure, but I think they could be Canada Thistle seeds. Today, I attended an excellent one-day Photography Course put on for the Friends of Fish Creek Provincial Park (FFCPP). Part of the course in the afternoon was to spend about two and a half hours wandering around the area near the Visitor's Centre and the Ranch. We were to take photos, keeping in mind some of the things we had learned in the morning. These are five of the photos I took and I will upload a few more next time.

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Red-breasted Nuthatch

08 Sep 2006 1 1 177
One of my favourite little birds. They are so tiny and so light when they are on your hand.

Ring-necked Pheasant

08 Sep 2006 121
What spectacular and strange birds these are! Such a variety of colour and pattern. They tend to be heard more often than they are actually seen, but I was lucky that day.