Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Vulture

Turkey Vulture talons

08 Mar 2017 301
This particular bird resides at the Alberta Birds of Prey Centre in Coaldale, southern Alberta, a wonderful place that rehabilitates and releases (whenever possible) various birds of prey - hawks, falcons, owls, Bald Eagles, Turkey Vultures, and Golden Eagles. Some of these birds act as Wildlife Ambassadors, too, educating the public away from the Centre. It had been a few years since my last visit there - I've been maybe three or four times - and I had been longing to go back. Much too far and all new driving territory for me to even think about driving there myself. However, about six weeks ago, on 9 September 2016, that is exactly what I did. A friend had said she would come along, too, but she emailed me at 1:00 am to say that she assumed the trip had been cancelled, as she hadn't heard back about the time to meet. In fact, I had sent two emails giving the time, so I don't know what happened there. Very unfortunate, as it would have been great to have had company on such a long drive and I know she would have had lots of fun with her camera. I knew it would be a long day and further than I would normally drive - and in a brand new car that I was still learning to drive! It didn't look or feel quite as new after travelling 481 km! Only got lost twice, one minor and the other major. Must have taken a wrong turn somewhere down south and I ended up in the city of Lethbridge, that I had very carefully planned to avoid. After three and three-quarter hours, I finally arrived, to my huge relief. Despite getting there later than I had hoped, I still had plenty of time to wander round the grounds and photograph the various raptors. Some were tethered out in a couple of grassy areas and others were in outdoor cages. Wonderful to get such a close look at the various majestic birds. I took a slightly different way home via #845 (?) making absolutely sure that I didn't accidentally find myself in Lethbridge again and it wasn't too long before I found myself in the area that I had driven a few weeks before, when I went SW of Vulcan to look for Common Nighthawks (without any luck). Just so happy that I finally made myself do this drive. When I Googled the Centre's website, I had discovered that they were closing two days later for the winter. So, it was either a case of going when I did or not at all till next May onward. The very next day, 10 September 2016, I took my daughter on a long drive in Kananaskis. This was yet another place that I had longed to be able to drive for many years - and finally I did it! I had been lots of times with various friends, but this was the very first time I had ever driven myself.

Turkey Vulture preening

09 Jan 2017 3 5 310
Yet another deep-freeze day, with a temperature of -22C (windchill -33C) at noon. Another few bitterly cold days, and things are supposed to warm up, thank goodness. My intention is to stay home in the warm - again. This particular bird resides at the Alberta Birds of Prey Centre in Coaldale, southern Alberta, a wonderful place that rehabilitates and releases (whenever possible) various birds of prey - hawks, owls, Bald Eagles, Turkey Vultures,and Golden Eagles. Some of these birds act as Wildlife Ambassadors, too, educating the public away from the Centre. Over the last few years, I have seen three or four Turkey Vultures flying very high overhead within the city of Calgary, which was a thrill. Too far away to see any detail at all, which is why I love going to this Centre, to see raptors up close. "If you’ve gone looking for raptors on a clear day, your heart has probably leaped at the sight of a large, soaring bird in the distance– perhaps an eagle or osprey. But if it's soaring with its wings raised in a V and making wobbly circles, it's likely a Turkey Vulture. These birds ride thermals in the sky and use their keen sense of smell to find fresh carcasses. They are a consummate scavenger, cleaning up the countryside one bite of their sharply hooked bill at a time, and never mussing a feather on their bald heads." From AllABoutBirds. "What vultures lack in looks, they make up for with brains and an affectionate, fun-loving nature. Ramona VanRiper, Turkey Vulture Society president, can vouch for vultures being sweet and personable because she's known several, including one named Clem. "Vultures raised by humans learn quickly to love and trust us," she says, "and will often respond to human attention long after they have successfully reassimilated into their natural communities." From link below. It had been a few years since my last visit there - I've been maybe three or four times - and I had been longing to go back. Much too far and all new driving territory for me to even think about driving there myself. However, on 9 September 2016, that is exactly what I did. I knew it would be a long day and further than I would normally drive - and in a brand new car that I was still learning to drive! It didn't look or feel quite as new after travelling 481 km! Only got lost twice, one minor and the other major. Must have taken a wrong turn somewhere down south and I ended up in the city of Lethbridge, that I had very carefully planned to avoid. After three and three-quarter hours, I finally arrived, to my huge relief. Despite getting there later than I had hoped, I still had plenty of time to wander round the grounds and photograph the various raptors. Some were tethered out in a couple of grassy areas and others were in outdoor cages. Wonderful to get such a close look at the various majestic birds. I took a slightly different way home via #845 (?) making absolutely sure that I didn't accidentally find myself in Lethbridge again and it wasn't too long before I found myself in the area that I had driven a few weeks before, when I went SW of Vulcan to look for Common Nighthawks (without any luck). Just so happy that I finally made myself do this drive. When I Googled the Centre's website, I had discovered that they were closing two days later for the winter. So, it was either a case of going when I did or not at all till next May onward. The very next day, 10 September 2016, I took my daughter on a long drive in Kananaskis. This was yet another place that I had longed to be able to drive for many years - and finally I did it! I had been lots of times with various friends, but this was the very first time I had ever driven myself.

Up close and personal with a Turkey Vulture

23 Oct 2016 322
"If you’ve gone looking for raptors on a clear day, your heart has probably leaped at the sight of a large, soaring bird in the distance– perhaps an eagle or osprey. But if it's soaring with its wings raised in a V and making wobbly circles, it's likely a Turkey Vulture. These birds ride thermals in the sky and use their keen sense of smell to find fresh carcasses. They are a consummate scavenger, cleaning up the countryside one bite of their sharply hooked bill at a time, and never mussing a feather on their bald heads." From AllABoutBirds. "What vultures lack in looks, they make up for with brains and an affectionate, fun-loving nature. Ramona VanRiper, Turkey Vulture Society president, can vouch for vultures being sweet and personable because she's known several, including one named Clem. "Vultures raised by humans learn quickly to love and trust us," she says, "and will often respond to human attention long after they have successfully reassimilated into their natural communities." From link below. This particular bird resides at the Alberta Bird of Prey Centre in Coaldale, southern Alberta, a wonderful place that rehabilitates and releases (whenever possible) various birds of prey - hawks, owls, Bald Eagles, Turkey Vultures, and Golden Eagle. Some of these birds act as Wildlife Ambassadors, too, educating the public. Over the last few years, I have seen three or four Turkey Vultures flying very high overhead within the city of Calgary, which was a thrill. Too far away to see any detail at all, which is why I love going to this Centre, to see raptors up close. It had been a few years since my last visit there - I had been maybe three or four times - and I had been longing to go back. Much too far and all new driving territory for me to even think about driving there myself. However, on 9 September 2016, that is exactly what I did. A friend had said she would come along, too, but she emailed me at 1:00 am that morning to say that she assumed the trip had been cancelled, as she hadn't heard back about the time to meet. In fact, I had sent two emails giving the time, so I don't know what happened there. Very unfortunate, as it would have been great to have had company on such a long drive and I know she would have had lots of fun with her camera. I knew it would be a long day and further than I would normally drive - and in a brand new car that I had/have yet to learn to drive! It didn't look or feel quite as new after travelling 481 km! Only got lost twice, one minor and the other major. Must have taken a wrong turn somewhere down south and I ended up in Lethbridge, that I had very carefully planned to avoid. After three and three-quarter hours, I finally arrived at my destination, to my huge relief. Despite getting there later than I had hoped, I still had more than enough time to wander round the grounds and photograph the various raptors. Some were tethered out in a couple of grassy areas and others were in large outdoor cages. Wonderful to get such a close look at the various majestic birds. I took a slightly different way home via #845 (?) making absolutely sure that I didn't accidentally find myself in Lethbridge again and it wasn't too long before I found myself in the area that I had driven a few weeks before, when I went SW of Vulcan to look for Common NIghthawks (without any luck). Just so happy that I finally made myself do this drive. When I had Googled the Centre's website, I discovered that they were closing two days later for the winter. So, it was either a case of going the next day or not at all till next May onward. The very next day, 10 September 2016, I took my daughter on a long drive in Kananaskis. This was yet another place that I had longed to be able to drive for many years - and finally I did it! I had been lots of times with various friends, but this was the very first time I had ever done the drive myself.

Turkey Vulture

10 Sep 2016 252
"If you’ve gone looking for raptors on a clear day, your heart has probably leaped at the sight of a large, soaring bird in the distance– perhaps an eagle or osprey. But if it's soaring with its wings raised in a V and making wobbly circles, it's likely a Turkey Vulture. These birds ride thermals in the sky and use their keen sense of smell to find fresh carcasses. They are a consummate scavenger, cleaning up the countryside one bite of their sharply hooked bill at a time, and never mussing a feather on their bald heads." From AllABoutBirds. I was so exhausted after my day out yesterday that I could only face choosing and editing one photo to post today! At least people will all see the same photo, whereas Flickr usually messes with the order in which my new posts are seen. This particular bird resides at the Alberta Bird of Prey Centre in Coaldale, southern Alberta, a wonderful place that rehabilitates and releases (whenever possible) various birds of prey - hawks, owls, Bald Eagles, and Golden Eagle. Some of these birds act as Wildlife Ambassadors, too, educating the public. Over the last few years, I have seen three or four of these birds flying very high overhead within the city of Calgary, which was a thrill. Too far away to see any detail at all, which is why I love going to this Centre, to see raptors up close. It had been a few years since my last visit there - I've been maybe three or four times - and I had been longing to go back. Much too far and all new driving territory for me to even think about driving there myself. However, yesterday, 9 September 2016, that is exactly what I did. A friend had said she would come along, too, but she emailed me at 1:00 am to say that she assumed the trip had been cancelled, as she hadn't heard back about the time to meet. In fact, I had sent two emails giving the time, so I don't know what happened there. Very unfortunate, as it would have been great to have had company on such a long drive. I knew it would be a long day and further than I would normally drive - and in a brand new car that I have yet to learn to drive! It doesn't look or feel quite as new now, after travelling 481 km! Only got lost twice, one minor and the other major. Must have taken a wrong turn somewhere down south and I ended up in Lethbridge, that I had very carefully planned to avoid. After three and three-quarter hours, I finally arrived, to my huge relief. Today, I have another long drive, this time taking my daughter to Kananaskis. Again, this will be a new drive for me; one that I have longed to do for years, but never had the courage to do. I have been many times with friends and had carefully planned a route a few weeks ago - and then my old car basically became undrivable (muffler and catalytic converter both needed to be replaced). Must dash.

Happy Turkey (Vulture) Day to Americans, everywher…

28 Nov 2013 3 1 361
This evening, I photographed a "turkey" made from corn husks to use as my Happy Thanksgiving greeting. I tried everything under the sun but just couldn't end up with a photo I liked. So, I grabbed the next "best" thing - a Turkey (Vulture), lol. Hope all my American friends will be lucky enough to enjoy a turkey (or equivalent such as vegetarian) dinner tomorrow, the US Thanksgiving. There is so much to be thankful for, though of course more so for some people than others. A special Happy Thanksgiving to all those US servicemen and women (and their families, who also make so many sacrifices), who risk their lives on a daily basis, in order to keep the rest safe and free. Happy Thanksgiving (tomorrow), everyone! Please drive safely if you are on the roads. Our Canadian Thanksgiving was on October 14th.

Turkey Vulture

07 Apr 2008 199
I photographed this Turkey Vulture last summer at the Coaldale Birds of Prey Centre, near Lethbridge, southern Alberta. It was just over a two-hour drive there and the temperature down south was 37C (98.6F)! They have injured birds there and they use them for educational purposes or to release back into the wild if possible. The Turkey Vulture has a naked head, otherwise feathers would get very soiled when they dig in rotting carcasses. Vultures eat carrion almost exclusively, so they don't need as powerful bills and feet as hawks and falcons.

Hooded Vulture

09 Dec 2009 1 218
Actually, I'm not sure I had ever seen this Hooded Vulture at the Calgary Zoo before, so I was really happy to finally get a look at it. "The Hooded Vulture, Necrosyrtes monachus, is an Old World vulture in the order Accipitriformes, which also includes eagles, kites, buzzards and hawks. It is the only member of the genus Necrosyrtes. It breeds in a stick nest in trees (often palms) in much of Africa south of the Sahara, laying one egg. Birds may form loose colonies. The population is mostly resident. One of the smaller vultures of the old world with a length of 70cm and an average weight of 2.12kg (4lb 11oz) Like other vultures it is a scavenger, feeding mostly from carcasses of dead animals and waste which it finds by soaring over savannah and around human habitation, including waste tips and abattoirs. It often moves in flocks, and is very abundant. In much of its range, there are always several visible soaring in the sky at almost any time during the day. This vulture is typically unafraid of humans, and frequently gathers around habitation. It is sometimes referred to as the “garbage collector” by locals. The Hooded Vulture is a typical vulture, with a bald pink head and a greyish “hood”. It has fairly uniform dark brown body plumage. It has broad wings for soaring and short tail feathers. It is a small species compared to most vultures." From Wikipedia.

Turkey Vulture

28 May 2009 215
I have only ever seen a Turkey Vulture in the city on two occasions, both times flying very, very high. The Coaldale Birds of Prey Centre, near Lethbridge in southern Alberta, gives people the chance to see one of these amazing birds fairly close. The head of a Turkey Vulture is naked, so that there are no feathers to get dirty when they are feeding on rotting carcasses. Over the last few years, we have seen three or four of these birds flying very high overhead within the city of Calgary, too, which was a thrill.

Turkey Vulture

24 Jul 2007 149
Another bird of prey at the Coaldale Birds of Prey Centre was this Turkey Vulture. I clicked just at the wrong time, when the membrane was partly over its eyes, but you can see the irridescence in its feathers in this photo. I have only ever once seen one of these birds in the wild, flying very high.

Turkey Vulture

29 Jul 2007 172
Another photo of the Turkey Vulture at the Coaldale Birds of Prey Centre. On Monday, I spent a wonderful day with a friend who had asked if I'd like to go to the Coaldale Birds of Prey Centre, near Lethbridge, southern Alberta. It was just over a two-hour drive there and the temperature down south was 37C (98.6F)! They have injured birds there and they use them for educational purposes or to release back into the wild if possible. This Centre is "Canada’s largest birds of prey facility. Situated on a 70-acre wetland area site, the centre is a celebration of nature featuring the hawks, falcons, eagles and owls of Alberta. Throughout the site and along the pathways, a number of birds of prey are sitting on their perches only feet away from visitors. These birds are all in various stages of training and receive lots of exercise in the daily flying programs. At the centre, they have one of North America's largest captive breeding populations for the endangered Burrowing Owl." The Turkey Vulture has a naked head, otherwise feathers would get very soiled when they dig in rotting carcasses. Vultures eat carrion almost exclusively, so they don't need as powerful bills and feet as hawks and falcons.