Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Scout

A strange thing happened ....

26 Nov 2008 118
I wasn't expecting to find a strange jump in the number of my photos that are actually IN Explore this morning. The most I have ever had in Explore at any given time was 45 (a few days ago) - usually, almost every single photo I post, that does happen to get into Explore, falls out immediately, LOL. I can see two new ones that would bring it up to 47, but the other five are older Explore photos that have reappeared. I posted this for my own records - I have always had a fascination for keeping records of things, in general, so this is just for my own interest and curiosity : ). No need AT ALL to comment - though I would be interested to know if anyone else has had a similar thing happen to them this morning, LOL. And, of course, if you should happen to read this, please know that I REALLY appreciate every single one of you who has taken the time to stop and look at my photos!!! Thank you! 1. Watching the watcher , 2. At ease - for a second , 3. Between friends , 4. Red-breasted Nuthatch , 5. Barred Owl , 6. A pink surprise , 7. The eye , 8. A new angle on passion , 9. Lilies in the sunlight , 10. Ouch - these darned Mosquitoes! , 11. Mushroom of the day , 12. Alpine paradise , 13. Pricklypear in bloom , 14. Freeze - I think she's seen me , 15. Smooth Blue Beardtongue , 16. Magenta , 17. One of the last huddles , 18. Pure , 19. Golden Tulip , 20. Snowy Mama , 21. Colour on a snowy day , 22. Bohemian Waxwing with berry , 23. House Sparrow , 24. Trumpeter Swan , 25. Let me out , 26. Consolation prize , 27. Wind chill -23C , 28. Look deep into my eyes , 29. Bald Eagle , 30. Hollyhock , 31. Happy 4th July! , 32. Manysprings , 33. Simplicity , 34. My little buddy , 35. Alone , 36. Snowy Owl , 37. Bow Valley Provincial Park , 38. Magnificence , 39. One , 40. Flicker Beauty , 41. Down by the river , 42. There's no time like snow time , 43. If I just sit and wait... , 44. Now I can see better , 45. Like my colour? , 46. Are you really my mother? , 47. Hello little Nuthatch , 48. Curves , 49. A winter scene , 50. Out with Mom , 51. Female beauty , 52. That tasted so good , 53. First sign of spring , 54. Proud Mama , 55. Long-eared Owl 3 , 56. This time, a wild Chickadee , 57. Male Snowy Owl , 58. Gaillardia Fanfare , 59. American White Pelicans Created with fd's Flickr Toys . (Note to self on 20 December 2008: I replaced the original poster with a new one from 20 December, as a few more images have been added, making it 58. The remaining 312 of my Explore photos vanished into thin air, as Explore images tend to do, LOL, LOL!)

IN flickr today: just for my own record

27 Jun 2008 117
I've only ever once before had 42 photos actually IN Flickr at the same time, so thought I'd keep this in my records. Comments not needed : ). Thank you all, however, for helping get these photos into Flickr in the first place : ). Much appreciated! (Note to self: I replaced the original photo on 29 June 2008, as I ended up with 43 photos IN flickr at once, for the very first time.) 1. Blue Poppy , 2. Smooth Blue Beardtongue , 3. Following the sun , 4. Mom's suffering from Empty Nest syndrome , 5. They're back! , 6. Surprise , 7. Golden Tulip , 8. Bohemian Waxwing with berry , 9. Hairy Woodpecker , 10. Orchid , 11. Cactus flower , 12. Let me out , 13. Consolation prize , 14. Pansy , 15. Baby Gophers , 16. Hollyhock , 17. In style , 18. Simplicity , 19. Alone , 20. Colours of spring , 21. Snowy Owl , 22. Bow Valley Provincial Park , 23. Magnificence , 24. One , 25. Flicker Beauty , 26. Down by the river , 27. There's no time like snow time , 28. If I just sit and wait... , 29. Now I can see better , 30. Like my colour? , 31. Are you really my mother? , 32. Hello little Nuthatch , 33. Curves , 34. A winter scene , 35. Out with Mom , 36. That tasted so good , 37. First sign of spring , 38. Proud Mama , 39. Long-eared Owl 3 , 40. This time, a wild Chickadee , 41. Male Snowy Owl , 42. Gaillardia Fanfare , 43. American White Pelicans

Explore, 1st May 2007

02 May 2007 147
LOL, I give up! I had been waiting and hoping that just one more of my photos that ended up in Explore the last few days would make it to the poster, to get those three full lines. Totally out of luck! There always seems to be an invisible "cap" of 23 of my Explore images displayed at any one time! However, thought I'd keep a record of this poster that shows the two brightly coloured Tulip images, as my posters are usually rather pale and colourless :) Thank you all so much, as always, for taking the time to check out my photos, leave comments, make Faves or give an invite! So very much appreciated! I also apologize for having to cut way back on the number of hours I sit at my computer, as my kneecaps are being pulled sideways out of place and sitting for so long is not only very painful but also damaging. I do still browse, but have had to limit myself, especially when it comes to comments, etc. I never just make a photo a Fave, but may eventually have to resort to that, at least for a whiIe. I appreciate your patience! 1. Enjoying the sun , 2. Alone , 3. Colours of spring , 4. Magnificence , 5. One , 6. Flicker Beauty , 7. Down by the river , 8. There's no time like snow time , 9. Purple beauty , 10. If I just sit and wait... , 11. Now I can see better , 12. Like my colour? , 13. Are you really my mother? , 14. Curves , 15. A winter scene , 16. Female beauty , 17. Young Red , 18. That tasted so good , 19. First sign of spring , 20. Long-eared Owl 1 , 21. Male Snowy Owl , 22. Gaillardia Fanfare , 23. American White Pelicans Created with fd's Flickr Toys .

1st May 2007 - Yeah!!!

02 May 2007 129
Funny how things work! I'll have to try that again sometime - make a comment about how there seems to be an invisible "cap" of 23 of my Explore photos displayed at any given time. Lo and behold, maybe half an hour later, I finally have reached 24! Thanks everyone, including whoever it was who pushed my last little Chickadee back into being displayed :) 1. Enjoying the sun , 2. It's me again , 3. Alone , 4. Colours of spring , 5. Magnificence , 6. One , 7. Flicker Beauty , 8. Down by the river , 9. There's no time like snow time , 10. Purple beauty , 11. If I just sit and wait... , 12. Now I can see better , 13. Like my colour? , 14. Are you really my mother? , 15. Curves , 16. A winter scene , 17. Female beauty , 18. Young Red , 19. That tasted so good , 20. First sign of spring , 21. Long-eared Owl 1 , 22. Male Snowy Owl , 23. Gaillardia Fanfare , 24. American White Pelicans Created with fd's Flickr Toys .

Happy Christmas and thanks, fd!

23 Dec 2006 139
Thank you SO much, fd, for this wonderful surprise this morning!!! You obviously knew that we all dreamed of seeing ALL our photos in Explore and this is the very next best thing!! What an extremely thoughtful idea! You have brought so much enjoyment for months to so many people with your clever, creative "toys". I know that I am definitely one of those people. However, from the heights of happiness, I have plunged to the depths of disappointment, because I clicked on "Turn off Christmas Scout"(?) just to have a quick look to see which of my photos were in Explore today, and then I couldn't see any way to return to the most attractive Christmas poster. Actually, you might just be responsible for an Internet crash, as I can't even access Scout at the moment! Congratulations and thanks for such a kind and much-enjoyed idea! 1. That tasted so good , 2. Curves , 3. Out with Mom , 4. First sign of spring , 5. Female beauty , 6. Are you really my mother? , 7. Young Red , 8. Snow-covered tresses , 9. Long-eared Owl 3 , 10. This time, a wild Chickadee , 11. Blue beauty , 12. Long-eared Owl 1 , 13. Coming and going , 14. A winter scene , 15. Brrrr.... , 16. Loving the sun , 17. Weary , 18. American White Pelicans , 19. Four eyes , 20. Northern Saw-whet Owl , 21. Male Snowy Owl , 22. Winter feeding time , 23. Do I see supper? , 24. Young Great Horned Owl , 25. Proud Mama , 26. Snowy Owl , 27. Snowy Owl , 28. Colours , 29. White-breasted Nuthatch , 30. Coyote in the snow , 31. Sunny Flicker , 32. Treats , 33. Hanging beauty , 34. Great Grey Owl , 35. Which one should I take? , 36. Thumbs make great perches , 37. Downy Woodpecker , 38. Hello little Nuthatch , 39. River of ice , 40. Tangle of hairs , 41. White-breasted Nuthatch , 42. Young Great Horned Owl , 43. Like my colour? , 44. Stream of silver , 45. Pretending to be a tree trunk! , 46. Too cold for a walk? , 47. Female Snowy Owl and owlet, Calgary Zoo , 48. No, I was here first! , 49. Looking back , 50. Twist , 51. Happy Christmas, everyone! , 52. The path to nowhere , 53. Lily , 54. Black (and white) beauty , 55. Who are you? , 56. Winter beauty , 57. Yellow Jacket , 58. On golden pond , 59. Here, in all its glory , 60. Trust , 61. Majestic , 62. At rest , 63. Bow Valley Provincial Park , 64. Fancy feathers , 65. Whoooo are you? , 66. Diagonal stretch , 67. On purple , 68. Birdsfoot Trefoil , 69. A place to rest , 70. Hairy , 71. Bright eyes , 72. I'm watching you!

Explore poster, 3rd October 2006

04 Oct 2006 122
1. This time, a Chickadee, 2. Do I see supper?, 3. Northern Saw-whet Owl, 4. American White Pelicans Please forgive my posting an Explore poster EVERY time a new photo is added or there are other changes. I don't know how else to get a copy into my Explore Set. I do realize ....BORING! Created with fd's Flickr Toys .