Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Wolf

Close encounter

04 Apr 2009 193
A really close encounter with a Grey Wolf - but, of course, it's obvious why, LOL!


09 Feb 2008 180
I liked this photo even though I didn't like the twigs and shadows. Later, though, it sort of grew on me, because I kept getting a feeling of hiding and mystery, almost as if this beautiful, white Timber Wolf was actually out in the wild, not in an enclosure at the Calgary Zoo!

Timber Wolf enjoying the sun

18 Mar 2013 217
This is one of the beautiful Grey/Timber Wolves at the Calgary Zoo, and the only white one. Taken just over a year ago, on 2 March 2012. Actually, I'm never sure whether to call this beautiful animal a Timber Wolf or an Arctic Wolf. She is in a large enclosure with two grey Timber Wolves and I can only see one sign, which says Timber Wolf. So, I suspect she, too, is a Timber Wolf, just white. The colour of Timber Wolves does range from nearly white to nearly black, but they are usually grayish. I've never seen a Wolf in the wild, but would love to. Thanks, Art (LeapFrog!) for the following link that explains the difference between the Wolf subspecies!

Two Grizzlies AND a Wolf

27 Sep 2012 257
What are the chances of seeing two Grizzly Bears feeding on the carcass of a Bison AND having a Wolf try and inch its way closer and closer to get a taste for itself? Several Ravens joined in the fun, too. Unfortunately, all this took place the far side of a valley on a very distant hillside, so full zoom and very heavy cropping were needed. Really bad quality, but I just had to post it : ) Taken in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, US, on 13 September 2012 - I've always said that the number 13 is my lucky number! "At the end of 2011, at least 98 wolves in 10 packs plus 2 loners occupied Yellowstone National Park. The population size (97 wolves) and number of breeding pairs (8) is the same as at the end of 2010."

Looking into the eyes of a Wolf

06 May 2012 218
..... but not in the wild! Photographed this beautiful Timber Wolf at the Calgary Zoo on 18 February 2010.

A quick rest

18 Mar 2012 160
This white Timber Wolf at the Calgary Zoo took a few minutes' rest in the sunshine when I visited the Zoo on March 2nd. She has such beautiful fur. Would love to see a Wolf in the wild.

Grey Wolf and Arctic Wolf

09 Mar 2010 300
Such beautiful creatures and very much maligned. Photographed at the Calgary Zoo - I'm never likely to get a chance to see them in the wild, but would love to. "The Arctic Wolf (Canis lupus arctos), also called Polar Wolf or White Wolf, is a mammal of the Canidae family, and a subspecies of the Gray Wolf. Arctic Wolves inhabit the Canadian Arctic, Alaska and the northern parts of Greenland." From Wikipedia. "Originally, the Grey Wolf was the world's most widely distributed mammal. It has become extinct in much of Western Europe, in Mexico and much of the USA, and their present distribution is more restricted; wolves occur primarily in wilderness and remote areas. Their original worldwide range has been reduced by about one-third by poisoning and deliberate persecution due to depredation on livestock. Since about 1970, legal protection, land-use changes and rural human population shifts to cities have arrested wolf population declines and fostered reintroduction and natural recolonization in parts of its range. Continued threats include competition with humans for livestock, especially in developing countries, exaggerated concern by the public regarding the threat and danger of wolves, and fragmentation of habitat, with resulting areas becoming too small for populations with long-term viability. Although the Grey Wolf still faces some threats, its relatively widespread range and stable population trend mean that the species does not meet, or nearly meet, any of the criteria for the threatened categories. Therefore, it is assessed as Least Concern." From

Echoing the sirens

26 Feb 2009 210
On a couple of occasions when I've been at the Calgary Zoo, I happened to be near the Wolves when sirens were heard in the distance. Just like Coyotes in the wild, the captive Wolves lift their head and "howl" along with the sirens. It's quite an experience to both see and hear them do this. This white, female is an Arctic Wolf and she is the dominant one in the enclosure, which she shares with three female Timber Wolves.


02 Feb 2009 217
This white, female Timber Wolf (actually, I think she's an Arctic Wolf) is the dominant one out of the four Wolves at the Calgary Zoo. Two of the others are black and one is grey - all gorgeous animals. I haven't been lucky enough to see a Wolf in the wild - yet! Also known as a "Gray Wolf" or "Grey Wolf".


15 Feb 2009 250
This Arctic Wolf shares a large enclosure with three Gray Wolves at the Calgary Zoo. She is the dominant one of the group. "The Arctic Wolf (Canis lupus arctos), also called Polar Wolf or White Wolf, is a mammal of the Canidae family, and a subspecies of the Gray Wolf. ..... The Arctic Wolf is the only subspecies of the Gray Wolf that still can be found over the whole of its original range, largely because, in their natural habitat, they rarely encounter humans." From Wikipedia.

Haunting howl of the Wolf

07 Jan 2009 342
Argggh! I was hoping to get a description typed here before anyone looked at this photo and commented!!!! Sorry, Machel, Patricia and Rebecca - I wish I could say I was lucky enough to see this magnificent creature in the wild, but she is one of three female Timber Wolves at the Calgary Zoo. I would LOVE to see a Wolf in the wild some day! All three were howling to echo a distant siren (ambulance?), just as wild Coyotes do here in the city.

Got my eyes on you

14 Jan 2009 159
This female Timber Wolf at the Calgary Zoo was sitting on a log when I first came to their enclosure the other day. When I see them, they tend to be constantly on the move or else stretched out, basking in the sun. It was nice to get some eye-contact - small but piercing eyes ; )

Timber Wolf

25 Oct 2008 184
This beautiful white Timber Wolf lives with two black Wolves at the Calgary Zoo. I would love to see a Wolf in the wild. 'The grey wolf or gray wolf (Canis lupus), also known as the timber wolf or simply wolf, is a mammal of the order Carnivora. The gray wolf is the largest wild member of the Canidae family and an ice age survivor originating during the Late Pleistocene around 300,000 years ago. DNA sequencing and genetic drift studies indicate that the gray wolf shares a common ancestry with the domestic dog, (Canis lupus familiaris) and might be its ancestor." "Though once abundant over much of Eurasia and North America, the gray wolf inhabits a very small portion of its former range because of widespread destruction of its habitat, human encroachment of its habitat, and the resulting human-wolf encounters that sparked broad extirpation. Considered as a whole, however, the gray wolf is regarded as being of least concern for extinction according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Today, wolves are protected in some areas, hunted for sport in others, or may be subject to extermination as perceived threats to livestock and pets." From Wikipedia.

Arctic Wolf

07 Nov 2007 134
This beautiful Arctic Wolf at the Calgary Zoo was far in the distance of the enclosure. A gorgeous creature. Not sure if this white one is a female and the others males. (No, all are females).

Arctic Wolf

16 Nov 2007 155
Ended up using my old Canon S3 IS for a while when I was at the Zoo last time. I had accidentally moved the Diopter setting on the new camera, so I thought everything was not focussing. This group of three Timber Wolves and one Arctic Wolf is interesting to watch. LOL, I heard a rustling sound in a tree just within their enclosure and I soon found out why the Wolves were so interested in that little area. A peacock emerged, looking somewhat dishevelled and, I suspect, with a few tail feathers missing! Would love to see a Wolf in the wild ...maybe one day...

Face to the sun

19 Mar 2007 132
This Timber Wolf at the Calgary Zoo just lifted its head and seemed to be in heaven, feeling the sun's warmth (at last) on its face. However, we are now back to dull and grey and cold.