Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: animalkingdomelite

I'm blurry, but love me just the same

26 Mar 2008 213
I happened to be looking at my Long-tailed Weasel photos yesterday and came across this one that I didn't post before, because the Weasel is rather blurry, though the fence post is nice and sharp : ). However, photos of these little guys are not all that common, so thought I'd post it anyway. It is somewhat similar to my most popular/most Interesting photo on Flickr. "Curious" is the word to describe a Long-tailed Weasel! Note the black tip to the tail. Saw this little guy/gal in a local park on 26th December 2006 - the best Christmas present I could have received!

180 degree watch

28 May 2007 138
Another photo of a family of baby Groundsquirrels. I think I must have been standing in a slight dip of the ground, as I certainly was kneeling or flat on my stomach! It's funny how they freeze when you get closer. I guess they just haven't learned yet that certain things can hurt them. I liked the little guy at the back in this photo, staring in my direction.

Male Andean Condor

27 Mar 2007 95
This is Lorenzo, a 20-year-old Andean Condor which has recently been brought to the Calgary Zoo. They don't use their vocal chords. Often live up to 75 years in captivity. These majestic birds are increasing in numbers and making a comeback.

Pretending to be a Chickadee

02 Feb 2007 138
I had to remind myself of what I was looking at this afternoon, as these branches are usually full of Black-capped Chickadees. I don't get many photos of Nuthatches perched on a branch.

Deep in thought

06 Feb 2007 159
A moment of rest - such an unusual thing to see with these tiny birds. I am so looking forward to being able to take some brighter, "warmer" photos!

A moment to rest

21 Jan 2007 114
These Common Redpolls seem to be as active as the Chickadees! Oh, what fun! These little guys are "in constant danger of running out of fuel and dying from hypothermia, so they are almost always eating" ("Birds of Alberta" by Fisher and Acorn).


22 Jan 2007 138
This Darner dragonfly was out at Frank Lake a couple of years ago. I posted another photo of it a while ago, taken looking at it head on, but this close-up shows the intricate details of the back. They really are spectacular, aren' t they, when seen close?

Harley-Davidson pose

24 Jan 2007 114
A helmet, leather boots, a pair of Harley-Davidson wheels and flashy metal and this little Red Squirrel would be all set to "Go"! He's got the right pose.

Checking things out

27 Dec 2006 1 1 181
Keeping an eye out for any unwanted visitors.

Now I can see better

27 Dec 2006 1 321
Much of its time was spent in this tall, upright position. What a long, lean animal! Wow, just noticed that this made Explore #4 today, 28th December 2006!! Thanks everyone - very much appreciated! "Counting its tail, a large Long-tailed Weasel male, the largest of the three species in Canada, stretches nearly half a metre (20 in) in length, yet can slip into a hole just 3 cm (1.25 in) across. This enables it to enter small rodent tunnels used by mice and voles. In summer, it enters ground squirrels burrows in search of its favourite food. Average males measure 406 mm (16 in), their tail is 135 mm (5.25) long and they weigh 225 g (12.6 oz). Males are approximately 25 per cent larger than females, which on average weigh only 102 g (5.7 oz). When winter approaches, within 30 days it grows a coat of white, giving it perfect camouflage against the snow -- all except for the tip of its tail, which stays black. A hungry predator, such as a hawk or owl, aims for that black tip, enabling the weasel to escape. Towards spring, between late February and April, in only 25 days, it reverses the process, acquiring the cinnamon-brown topcoat it will use all summer. This includes brown feet, unlike the other two species which retain white feet. The underside is usually buff-coloured." (Taken from the website).

What are you laughing at?

29 Dec 2006 127
This little guy looked kind of funny with a light-coloured seed placed in his beak. Almost looks as if he is wondering why I'm laughing. You can see the feather details much better when viewed at large size.

Dot, dot, dot ....

29 Dec 2006 161
This is the little lady who flew down to my hand a couple of times the other week.

Who are you?

30 Dec 2006 240
I was so excited that I had seen this little Long-tailed Weasel that I didn't take the time to go through all the photos I took of it before chosing and posting my favourites. Thought I would post these four extra images, as they all show different behaviour and poses. It kept disappearing into burrows and then would pop up again and take another look at me. The cutest little thing. Also, I may never seen it again, so I'd better make the most of it. We have had a little more snow since this sighting and when I went to the park again this afternoon, I thought how difficult it would be to spot this animal in its winter coat against the snow.

I'm watching you

05 Jan 2007 144
I think I'm beginning to suffer withdrawal symptoms from lack of photographic subject matter (apart from my very enjoyable birding day out on 31st December!). I was back to Chickadees today. Thank goodness they are ALWAYS there!

In the woods

06 Jan 2007 153
Just one of the gang of Chickadees that greets me each time I arrive at the park. I know what THEY want, and usually they find me within a few minutes or less!

White-breasted Nuthatch

02 Sep 2006 1 193
This is a more typical pose of the White-breasted Nuthatch, facing towards the ground with head tilted upwards.