Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: SuperbMasterpiece

Yellow Primula

20 Jan 2008 138
One of the many beautiful spring plants that have recently been planted in the Butterfly House at the Calgary Zoo. There are several different coloured Primulas, which makes for a very cheery display. I needed this bright colour today. I chickened out of a walk this morning when I saw on TV that it was -21C outside (-29C with wind chill)! I knew that I wouldn't be able to take photos in that extreme cold, so decided to stay home in the warmth. Supposed to be warmer tomorrow.

A warming glow

08 Dec 2007 144
Just HAD to treat myself to three beautiful, orange, glowing roses from Safeway a few days ago! Desperately needed the bright colour - it's almost like needing a good dose of sunshine, LOL!


29 Dec 2007 116
One of the colourful Flamingos at the Calgary Zoo, taken at the beginning of October. These birds are no longer outside during our cold winter.

Fly on pink

29 Sep 2007 115
When I first saw this insect, I was looking at it head-on and I thought I'd found a new (for me) insect. I then realized that this looks like just a Greenbottle fly.


18 Sep 2007 198
Came across this rose photo from a few months ago. Thanks to Safeway supermarket, and not my garden! I wish...

What am I?

20 Aug 2007 128
I saw this "thing" on a walk with a friend around Mackenzie Lake this morning. I have just checked 10 pages of caterpillars on the excellent "What's That Bug?" website, to no avail (and now I feel queasy after looking at so many, LOL!). After I twisted the Oak leaf slightly to take a photo, this "thing" did not start moving and there was no sign of any "legs". I wonder if it is some sort of gall or egg case. If anyone can ID this for us, we'd be so happy!

Colours of spring

23 Apr 2007 152
A cheery spot of colour, bought from the local supermarket.


02 Apr 2007 111
A slightly different kind of Gaillardia - the "tubes" of this wildflower are larger and more flared. Beautiful.

Painting from one of my photos

10 Apr 2007 104
I just HAD to post (with permission) this beautiful painting, so delicately painted (with permission) by Kim Broome (name at Flickr is saddlehillfarm). She asked to use my photo, Little Beauty, and I hope she is as thrilled as I am with the result. Very cleverly done. Please do check out her photostream, as she has a number of other paintings displayed.

Red beauty

17 Mar 2007 114
Couldn't find the ID for this plant in Google, so will post it to the ID Please group. I love the brilliant colour, the texture and shape of these plants, whatever they are.

A moment in the life...

23 Mar 2007 100
"Just" a butterfly on a flower. Some kind of Fritillary.

Lighting up the forest

27 Mar 2007 108
These Western Wood Lilies add beautiful colour to some of our natural areas.


02 Mar 2007 143
OK, this is known as sheer desperation! The sun was supposed to finally shine today after days and days of grey, snowy weather - but, nothing! So, I went to Safeway and bought myself a bunch of flowers (yellowy white - the brightly coloured bunches were twice as expensive!) along with the milk, bread and chocolate bar (for sure, comfort food!). Lots to learn about photographing flowers indoors! Had some problem getting enough light on these pale flowers and ended up holding one over a table lamp (I now have one singed flower!). They shine on my computer screen - hope they do on yours, otherwise they will be rather lifeless. And now I am going to go for yet another cold, dull, grey walk. Did buy half a dozen Hot Cross buns the other day so, in theory, Easter and spring are not far away. Yeah!

Orange 5

10 Mar 2007 114
Wow - almost blinded myself with such bright colour after so many dull grey days recently! Yes, I bought myself another small bouquet of flowers to enjoy. If I'm correct, this is a Gerbera Daisy.

There's no time like snow time

03 Feb 2007 165
It was only maybe -13C early this morning when I left home about 6:45 a.m.. All day, it has felt SO cold - just three or four seconds without my glove each time I wanted to take a photo and it was excrutiatingly painful! The sun has been shining all day - cold and beautiful. The highest this photo got in Explore was #66 on 4th February 2007.

Coyote in the snow

29 Oct 2006 141
Seen in my nearest park. I had watched it near the side of the small road leading into the park, where it had stalked, pounced on and eaten its small prey.

That tasted so good

29 Oct 2006 1 170
This is a cropped version of a previous photo, showing a beautiful Coyote immediately after it had eaten some kind of small rodent. The highest position for this photo was #27 on 30th October 2006.