Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Raven

Part of a gathering of Ravens

30 Sep 2018 3 2 235
Yesterday, 29 September 2018, I collected my fixed computer after having a virus and malware installed on it when my computer was hacked more than a week ago. I have all sorts of photos to go through and edit from the past week. This photo is from 25 September, when the weather forecast finally looked a little more promising. We have had so many gloomy, rainy days and when I woke up that morning and saw that the sun was shining, I knew I had better get out to the mountains before the fall colours disappeared. It was almost 11:00 am before I left home, so I was limited time-wise, but still managed to get to my destination. This Raven was one of several along a gravel back road. I have a very early start to today, and will be away from my computer till early this evening. Forecast is for snow : (

Common Raven at Bow Lake

18 Jul 2018 204
On 23 June 2018, I had the wonderful chance to return to two of my favourite places in the mountains - Bow Lake and Peyto Lake. This was thanks to the annual Bus Trip for Nature Calgary, with each year being to a different location in Alberta. These two Lakes are too far for me to drive (roughly two and a half hours), but mainly because they are way out of my driving comfort zone. I think I have only ever been to Peyto Lake twice before, the first time being something like 38 years ago, and the second time being in August 2013. Almost 40 years ago, I fell in love with Bow Lake, my absolute favourite place. I have been lucky enough to visit it a handful of times in recent years. Unfortunately, we couldn't capture the beautiful, really deep turquoise colour that Peyto lake is so well known for. Too many low clouds and an overcast, damp day, but you can still see the beauty of the lake and its gorgeous surroundings. The forecast that I had seen for this whole area had been for snow-rain showers, with a high temperature of 12C and a low of 1C. Though the day started off with rain, we were lucky that we only had a few raindrops while we were out walking. It was really dreary weather, though, which was not good as far as photography was concerned. Our first stop was at Peyto Lake, where we walked the short distance to the wooden Lookout deck. From there, we hiked a loop through the forest, finding a few wildflowers and some beautiful Orange Peel Fungus. On the way back to the Lookout, you really need to be very careful to take a path that leads back to the correct parking lot! The last few people took the wrong path and ended up waiting for a bus that never came for them. So easily done. They were eventually found, but after a long delay. "Peyto Lake (pea-toe) is a glacier-fed lake located in Banff National Park in the Canadian Rockies. The lake itself is easily accessed from the Icefields Parkway. It was named for Ebenezer William Peyto, an early trail guide and trapper in the Banff area. The lake is formed in a valley of the Waputik Range, between Caldron Peak, Peyto Peak and Mount Jimmy Simpson, at an elevation of 1,860 m (6,100 ft). During the summer, significant amounts of glacial rock flour flow into the lake, and these suspended rock particles give the lake a bright, turquoise color. Because of its bright color, photos of the lake often appear in illustrated books, and area around the lake is a popular sightseeing spot for tourists in the park. The lake is best seen from Bow Summit, the highest point on the Icefield Parkway. The lake is fed by the Peyto Creek, which drains water from the Caldron Lake and Peyto Glacier (part of the Wapta Icefield), and flows into the Mistaya River." From Peyto Lake, we drove to the nearby Bow Lake, which just takes my breath away. I had told a couple of friends how beautiful it is, but that the best kind of day to visit is a sunny day with absolutely calm lake water so that reflections are seen. Well, that was definitely not the kind of day we had, but one makes the best of what one gets. We spent time there, walking part way along the edge of the lake, looking for any bird and wildflower species, and simply soaking up the amazing beauty of our surroundings. On the way back to Calgary, we were very lucky to notice a handful of cars that had pulled over on the side of the road. This always makes one wonder if a bear has been sighted. Sure enough, our bus driver slowed down and stopped for a short while to allow us to take a few photos. After a few minutes, I heard our organizer tell someone (or more than one person) to stop using flash, as it was stressing out the bear. Tell me, just WHY would anyone think it was OK to use flash on a wild animal that was just a few feet away from our bus!!! An animal that was busy feeding on dandelions and had been taking no notice of us. So maddening when photographers don't have respect for wildlife and just don't think! I happened to be sitting on the 'wrong' side of the bus and had two or three rows of people who were sitting or standing up, all trying to get their shots in between the people in front of them. So, my photos are not good, but serve as a record of having had the privilege of seeing such a beautiful creature. A final, short stop on the way home was near Castle Mountain, which is a very impressive sight. It also has an interesting history, which I will add when I eventually post a photo taken there. Many thanks, Penny, for organizing our trip to such perfect places! I know a huge amount of work goes into making all the plans - thanks, too, to John for helping out with this. A very successful and most enjoyable outing. Shirley and Pam - I greatly appreciated your driving to meeting places here in the city!

Common Raven in the sun

26 Jun 2017 262
At least, I think it's a Raven, not a Crow! Either way, I just liked the setting. Taken in the town of Waterton, southern Alberta. To have the chance to visit Waterton Lakes National Park the day before yesterday, on 24 June 2017, was such an absolute treat! This was an annual bus trip arranged by Nature Calgary, with the destination being different each year. To visit Waterton for just one day makes for a very long day - takes about 3 hours to drive each way, for a start. "Waterton Lakes National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is also an International Peace Park, and a Biosphere Reserve. No other park in the world has these three designations. Waterton Biosphere Reserve as it is officially called, was designated in 1979 under what is called the internationally recognized "Man and the Biosphere program" of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), that sure is a mouthful. Biosphere Reserves are designed to promote and demonstrate a balanced relationship between people and nature." We had two main stopping places in the park - the lookout at Maskinonge Lake and a longer stop at Cameron Lake. The views from both places are spectacular. Luckily, we had beautiful weather all day. Actually, we weren't too sure if the road going through the mountains to Cameron Lake was going to be open. It was due to reopen the day before out trip and, fortunately, the gate was open. Once at Cameron Lake, we found an empty picnic table right near the beach, and ate our picnic lunch. We were able to walk along the forest trail that followed the shoreline on the right edge of the lake. At a certain point, one has to turn around and go back along the same trail. Cameron Lake is one of my favourite places in the park, with a beautiful view of the lake and a pleasant, flat walk through the forest. There didn't seem to be a lot of forest wildflower species in bloom - maybe we were just a bit too early for them. However, the huge, creamy white flowers of Bear Grass growing along the edge of the road up to the lake had everyone in absolute awe. The road is only narrow and our bus was huge, so on the drive there, all we could do was gasp in amazement, with no chance for taking photos. We asked our excellent driver if there was any chance he would be willing and able to stop at one of the very small pull-offs at the edge of the road on the return drive - and he did! He was expecting maybe five or six people would get off, but I think almost everyone wanted to get a close look at these amazing plants. Even the driver himself got out to look and take photos. He had apparently never been to Waterton before and had never seen Bear Grass. We noticed tiny Crab Spiders on two of the flowers; one was lying in wait and the other had caught an insect. These spiders don't construct webs, but camouflage themselves by changing their colour to that of the flower they are hiding in, and then they wait. We also saw several stems of Striped Coralroot orchid in the ditch by some of the Bear Grass. After spending a couple of hours at Cameron Lake, the driver took us back into town, as some people had said they wanted to eat there before the long drive back to Calgary. Others, including myself, would have preferred to have spent the time somewhere else, seeing nature and taking photos. However, we were able to walk to the lake's edge, from where we were able to take a few scenic photos - something I had been hoping for. On our way back to the bus, some of us called in at a very popular ice cream shop - we all agreed it was the best, tastiest ice cream we had ever had! A huge, single scoop of wild cherry in a waffle cone - what more could one want? Penny, you did a great job of organizing this wonderful trip for us all! I know a lot of work goes into setting up an outing like this, and we all appreciate the time and effort you put into planning this. Such a perfect destination for this year's annual bus trip! Pam, thanks for your company on this long drive - helped make it far more enjoyable!

Raven, Yellowstone National Park

26 Nov 2015 355
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! All three photos posted this morning were taken in the United States in September 2012. Thought I would dig into my archives and find three photos to remind me of what a great country the US is and what treasures it holds. Not that I ever forget that. Wanted to wish all Americans everywhere, at home or living in other countries around the world, a wonderful Thanksgiving. Special thoughts to those who are serving their country, and their families, especially those who will not be able to spend this special day together. Common Ravens look black, but when seen up close, which doesn't usually happen, you can see the variety of colours in those beautiful feathers. This was a slightly scruffy Raven that was hanging around one of the parking lots along the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River (North Rim?), no doubt hoping to find some easy food. Taken on 14 September 2012, during my week's holiday with dear friends from England, down as far as Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Tetons. "Common Ravens will eat almost anything they can get hold of. They eat carrion; small animals from the size of mice and baby tortoises up to adult Rock Pigeons and nestling Great Blue Herons; eggs; grasshoppers, beetles, scorpions, and other arthropods; fish; wolf and sled-dog dung; grains, buds, and berries; pet food; and many types of human food including unattended picnic items and garbage."

Ravens on a cold, shingle roof

19 Mar 2015 194
This photo was taken on the morning of 10 March 2015, when I went on a birding walk with friends at Mallard Point in Fish Creek Park. Sad to see all the damage caused by the last devastating flood. The bridge over the Bow River has been repaired, so we were able to cross the river to the east side and walk southwards. It was sunny and calm during the almost three-hour walk, with a temperature of 2C to 11C. The list, compiled by leader Gus Yaki, is below - I turned back before the furthest destination, so missed some of the birds, such as the Pheasant and Northern Goshawk: 1. Canada Goose-150 2. AMERICAN WIGEON-6 3. Mallard-100 4. Bufflehead-70 5. Common Goldeneye-80 6. Common Merganser-1 m. 7. Ring-necked Pheasant-1 m. 8. Bald Eagle-2+ (1 ad/1 imm+, - 4 sightings). 9. Northern Goshawk-1 m. 10. RING-BILLED GULL? – 2 Sightings 11. Rock Pigeon-3 12. Belted Kingfisher-1 heard. 13. Downy Woodpecker-6+ 14. Hairy Woodpecker-2 15. Northern Flicker-25 16. Blue Jay-4 17. Black-billed Magpie-10 18. American Crow-1 19. Common Raven-10+ 20. Black-capped Chickadee-15 21. White-breasted Nuthatch-1 22. AMERICAN ROBIN-4 23. European Starling-30+ 24. House Finch-2+ 25. House Sparrow-20+ After the walk, I called in to see one of the owls at the east end of Fish Creek Park. Took me a little while, but, just when I was about to give up, I found her on her nest. All you can see is the top of her head or an ear tuft, if that.

Watching and waiting

19 Sep 2014 392
The Common Ravens that are seen within the city are usually flying high overhead or perched right at the top of very tall trees, and I can't get photos of them. Once one is out in the mountains, these very intelligent birds have learned that where there are people, there is often food. Parking lots and pull-offs have become one of their favourite places to hang out, making it possible to get shots of them. A couple of these large birds were down on the ground at the Elbow Falls parking area yesterday afternoon. This was the first time I had managed to get out there this year and, really on the spur of the moment, that's where I decided to go yesterday. The weather called for some sun and some cloud, which sounded good. After the two heavy snowfalls on 9 and 10 September, I wasn't sure what to expect before I reached the beginning of the mountains, but every bit of snow had disappeared. The furthest point of my drive was Forgetmenot Pond, one of my favourite places to go. This drive is the only one I will do on my own and it only takes about an hour to get from home to the Pond. On the return drive, I called in at a place not far from the pond, where I have found a few mushrooms in previous years, and managed to find just a few that were in good enough condition to photograph. Other than that, I didn't see a whole lot during the few hours I was out. The scenery is spectacular and there were patches of trees that have turned yellow. Some of the trees looked as though their leaves were past their fall prime, and I came away wondering if I was a bit too early or a bit too late to see the best of the fall colours. The final place I called in at was Maclean Pond, but the light was fading somewhat and so I didn't feel like going far into the forest. I had just got back into my car when I happened to look up just in time to see a family of beautiful Bluejays not far from the parking lot. Managed to get a few shots, but distant and not as sharp as they should have been. A nice way to end the day, though.

A look of intelligence

11 Aug 2014 2 308
Yesterday, I slept right through an hour of very loud music and then woke up nearly five hours later (around 11:30 a.m.)! As a result, I missed a trip with friends to a great place SW of the city, Brown-Lowery Provincial Park - one that I don't like going to on my own. Knowing that there would be other people in the area, I decided to still go, but not go very far into the forest on my own. Hopefully, the others would scare any Bears and Cougars out of the forest and not in my direction! To say that I could kick myself is to put it mildly! So much for hoping that other people would scare off any bears. When I arrived at the not particularly well-known natural forest, I signed the "guest book" as I often do. Before I turned the page to sign on a nice fresh page, I happened to read a comment that someone had written - a Black Bear had been seen that day, on the very trail I wanted to go on! I put the can of Bear Spray into my fanny-pack (can't use a backpack because of the rotator cuff inflammation in both my shoulders), but after a few steps, knew it felt just too heavy. Put it back in the car and instead, attached my bear bell to my camera strap and clutched a small air-horn in one hand. I only spent about an hour in the forest, but did not enjoy a single step of it, lol! I was determined to at least go a very tiny way in, having driven all the way there. Very thankfully, there was no sign of the bear - but also no sign of any mushrooms other than one tiny cluster of Pholiotas at the base of a tree stump. Absolutely nothing, despite recent rain. Maybe it's still too early, especially after such a late spring? Saw very little on the drive home - a couple of Hawks (one on a hay bale), a few Ravens and a few Crows, one Cedar Waxwing, and several very distant ducks. No sign of any Red-winged or Yellow-headed Blackbirds and no Wilson's Snipe. The Raven in this photo was not a local one, but one that friends Cathy and Terry, and I, saw on a 2-day trip to the mountains on 14 and 15 May 2014. I took so many photos of this bird - but nearly every time I clicked the shutter, it would turn its head away. Managed to get a handful of OK shots, though. These birds are always so fascinating to watch, especially knowing that they are very smart. This one was, of course, hoping for food - which it didn't get, I should add! When I see Ravens within the city, they are usually flying overhead or perched near the top of a very tall tree. Out in the mountains, they have, unfortunately, learned to follow people and like to hang out at stopping points.

Details in black

04 Jun 2014 3 1 384
I took so many photos of this Raven - but nearly every time I clicked the shutter, it would turn its head away. Managed to get a handful of shots to keep, though, and this is one of them. These birds are always so fascinating to watch, especially knowing that they are very smart. This one was, of course, looking for food - which it didn't get, I should add! When I see Ravens within the city, they are usually flying overhead or perched near the top of a very tall tree. Out in the mountains, they have, unfortunately, learned to follow people and like to hang out at stopping points., which does make it easier to take photos. Taken on 15 May 2014, during a two day trip to the Canadian Rockies with friends, Cathy and Terry. Later: was out doing my volunteer shift today, so I haven't been on Flickr for much of the time. Checked My Contacts' photos just now, and there are hardly any posted. I wonder if there is Flickr problem somewhere, or if people just aren't posting much now that spring/summer is here.

Not missing a thing

23 May 2014 3 445
I took so many photos of this Raven - but nearly every time I clicked the shutter, it would turn its head away. Managed to get a handful of OK shots, though. These birds are always so fascinating to watch, especially knowing that they are very smart. This one was, of course, looking for food - which it didn't get, I should add! When I see Ravens within the city, they are usually flying overhead or perched near the top of a very tall tree. Out in the mountains, they have, unfortunately, learned to follow people and like to hang out at stopping points. My friends, Cathy and Terry, and I, had left Calgary early morning on Wednesday (14 May 2014) and I think it was around 12:15 a.m. midnight (Thursday, 15 May 2014), that they dropped me off at home after two long, wonderful days in the Rocky Mountains, west of the city. Wednesday night was spent in a spotless motel, in a place that had so many Mountain Sheep roaming the streets, lol! Though we were hoping to see at least one Bear, I was happy as can be to see absolutely anything beautiful : ) Over the two days, we had 7 bear sightings, with three definitely different Black Bears (no Grizzlies), and possibly four. The rest of the sightings were of Bears we had already seen. My friends are good at telling individual bears, sometimes by a certain scar and, of course, the actual location. Many of the bears we see, they have seen before. Basically, it's all about timing, as with any wildlife. A few minutes earlier or later and we would have missed seeing something special. We just happened to be lucky. All wildlife/nature photographers know it's all about timing : )

The intelligent Common Raven

17 May 2014 3 519
I took so many photos of this Raven - nearly every time I clicked the shutter, it would turn its head away. Managed to get a handful of OK shots, though. These birds are always so fascinating to watch, especially knowing that they are very smart. This one was, of course, looking for food - which it didn't get, I should add! When I see Ravens within the city, they are usually flying overhead or perched near the top of a very tall tree. Out in the mountains, they have, unfortunately, learned to follow people and like to hang out at stopping points. My friends, Cathy and Terry, and I, had left Calgary early morning on Wednesday (14 May 2014) and I think it was around 12:15 a.m. midnight (Thursday, 15 May 2014), that they dropped me off at home after two long, wonderful days in the Rocky Mountains, west of the city. Wednesday night was spent in a spotless motel, in a place that had so many Mountain Sheep roaming the streets, lol! Though we were hoping to see at least one Bear, I was happy as can be to see absolutely anything beautiful : ) Over the two days, we had 7 bear sightings, with three definitely different Black Bears (no Grizzlies), and possibly four. The rest of the sightings were of Bears we had already seen. My friends are good at telling individual bears, often by a certain scar and, of course, the actual location. Many of the bears we see, they have seen before. Basically, it's all about timing, as with any wildlife. A few minutes earlier or later and we would have missed seeing something special. We just happened to be lucky. All wildlife/nature photographers know it's all about timing : ) I was so tired after the trip, that I had no choice but to fall into bed at 7:00 p.m. yesterday evening, thinking that a short nap might be a good idea. I slept for something like 13 hours with a couple of hours awake in the middle. I think the excruciating pain in both arms and shoulders was a factor in my utter tiredness, too. Not good timing, to say the least. After seven or eight months of brutal winter weather, spring has finally arrived and normally I would be getting out on lots of walks and day-trips. I suspect I will have to miss many, if not most or all of these, which will be really difficult! Here in Canada, it's a long weekend, as Monday is Victoria Day. No doubt the roads and highways will be absolutely packed. Hope everyone has a safe journey to and from wherever they are going - please do drive carefully.

Common Raven

17 Nov 2012 2 344
Common Ravens look black, but when seen up close, which doesn't usually happen, you can see the variety of colours in those beautiful feathers. This was a slightly scruffy Raven that was hanging around one of the parking lots along the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River (North Rim?), no doubt hoping to find some easy food. Taken on 14 September 2012, during my week's holiday down as far as Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Tetons. "Common Ravens will eat almost anything they can get hold of. They eat carrion; small animals from the size of mice and baby tortoises up to adult Rock Pigeons and nestling Great Blue Herons; eggs; grasshoppers, beetles, scorpions, and other arthropods; fish; wolf and sled-dog dung; grains, buds, and berries; pet food; and many types of human food including unattended picnic items and garbage."

Common Raven

22 Sep 2012 1 325
A Common Raven that was hanging around one of the parking lots along the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River (North Rim?), no doubt hoping to find some easy food. It hopped just a little too close in this photo - I did not intend cutting off the beak : ) Taken on 14 September 2012, during a week's holiday down as far as Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Tetons. "Common Ravens will eat almost anything they can get hold of. They eat carrion; small animals from the size of mice and baby tortoises up to adult Rock Pigeons and nestling Great Blue Herons; eggs; grasshoppers, beetles, scorpions, and other arthropods; fish; wolf and sled-dog dung; grains, buds, and berries; pet food; and many types of human food including unattended picnic items and garbage."

Two against one

23 Dec 2009 144
LOL, a very, very distant, cropped image, but it's not every day that you see a Rough-legged Hawk being harrassed by two Ravens. This behaviour went on for quite a long time - maybe they were "playing"? Seen a couple of weeks ago near the end of a walk at Bebo Grove, Fish Creek Park.

Meeting of the species

04 May 2009 141
Finally, a somewhat closer shot of a European Starling - even though it was at the Zoo that I saw it, LOL. These birds seem to like hanging around near the open enclosure of the Grey Wolves for some reason. There just happened to be a Raven in the background, too. Though Starlings are not very popular, they really do have beautiful feather markings. Starlings were introduced from Europe to North America in 1890 and 1891 - about 100 were released in New York's Central Park. They have become one of the most abundant city birds in North America. In 1934, they first appeared in Alberta.

Omnivorous and highly opportunistic

24 Jan 2009 169
Common Ravens are usually so difficult to see up close - usually, they seem to be flying high overhead : ). So, I thought I would post a second image of one of these intelligent, omnivorous and highly opportunistic birds. We were discovered by this one, and presumably its mate, on the way to Lake Louise from Calgary recently. I find these all-black birds so fascinating to watch.

Common Raven

18 Jan 2009 201
Yesterday, I spent a wonderful day with friends at Lake Louise, out past Banff. Near Castle Mountain, we stopped to take photos of Ravens that were hanging around a pull-off. Smart birds that they are, they have learned that people probably stop here and maybe eat a snack - and they love food! In the city, it's impossible to get a photo of a Raven, so we were really happy to get this opportunity. The weather was beautiful, around +10C, (apart from being very cold at Lake Louise), though the dazzling sunlight created very harsh shadows. I think we have passed on our recent bitter winter weather to those living in eastern Canada - sorry, everyone : ) Honest!

Seen through the windshield

18 Feb 2007 127
Had an absolutely wonderful 10 hours of birding today, when a friend invited me to join him on a day out in the Rocky Mountains. The plan was to see if any White-tailed Ptarmigan could be found high up at Bow Summit (between Bow Lake and Peyto Lake). No luck with the Ptarmigan but, oh, what amazing wildlife we (or rather, my friend, who is a superb birder!) found. We stopped off en route at a place called Harvey Heights, a small hamlet right on the boundary of Banff National Park, near Canmore. There, we saw: 1 Stellar's Jay - a new bird for me! 10 Clarke's Nutcrackers - a new bird for me! 24+ Pine Grosbeaks - the first time I could see one close enough 3 Pine Siskins - the first time I could see one close enough 8 Mountain Chickadees 2 Boreal Chickadees 1 Red-breasted Nuthatch 2 or 3 Brown Creepers 1 Downy Woodpecker AND 1 Pine Marten. Neither of us had ever seen one before! "The marten, or pine marten, is a weasel-like animal that is dark brown to blond in colour with a paler head and underparts. The tail is long and bushy; the ears pointed and small. Average weight is 1-4 pounds. Distribution - The marten occurs throughout most of Canada particularly in coniferous forests. Biology - In April, 2-4 young are born blind in a leaf nest. The marten feeds on squirrels, rabbits, birds, mice, eggs, berries, seeds and honey. Their valuable pelts have led to their extirpation in many areas and logging has destroyed their habitats. Martens are now protected." Taken from We also came across several VERY friendly Ravens in the Bow Summit area. When the car was stopped, they would fly on to the hood of the car, then manage to get on to the driver's side mirror and wait to be fed!! This photo is of one of the birds sitting on the hood! Note the feathers on the beak.

The Ravenous Raven

18 Feb 2007 1 172
Had an absolutely wonderful 10 hours of birding today, when a friend invited me to join him on a day out in the Rocky Mountains. The plan was to see if any White-tailed Ptarmigan could be found high up at Bow Summit (between Bow Lake and Peyto Lake). No luck with the Ptarmigan but, oh, what amazing wildlife we (or rather, my friend, who is a superb birder!) found. We stopped off en route at a place called Harvey Heights, a small hamlet right on the boundary of Banff National Park, near Canmore. There, we saw: 1 Stellar's Jay - a new bird for me! 10 Clarke's Nutcrackers - a new bird for me! 24+ Pine Grosbeaks - the first time I could see one close enough 3 Pine Siskins - the first time I could see one close enough 8 Mountain Chickadees 2 Boreal Chickadees 1 Red-breasted Nuthatch 2 or 3 Brown Creepers 1 Downy Woodpecker AND 1 Pine Marten. Neither of us had ever seen one before! "The marten, or pine marten, is a weasel-like animal that is dark brown to blond in colour with a paler head and underparts. The tail is long and bushy; the ears pointed and small. Average weight is 1-4 pounds. Distribution - The marten occurs throughout most of Canada particularly in coniferous forests. Biology - In April, 2-4 young are born blind in a leaf nest. The marten feeds on squirrels, rabbits, birds, mice, eggs, berries, seeds and honey. Their valuable pelts have led to their extirpation in many areas and logging has destroyed their habitats. Martens are now protected." Taken from We also came across several VERY friendly Ravens in the Bow Summit area. When the car was stopped, they would fly on to the hood of the car, then manage to get on to the driver's side mirror and wait to be fed!! This photo is of one of the birds sitting on the hood!

22 items in total