Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Anserinae

Distant Snow Geese

17 Jun 2014 1 303
I've never seen Snow Geese when they accumulate in the many thousands that can be seen during migration, but I was happy to see these few very distant ones flying over Frank Lake on 27 April 2014. I've avoided posting this photo because of the graininess, but decided I would post it after all, so that it can be added to my Birds of Alberta 9 album. Anyone who knows the Frank Lake area and how far away the mountains really are, will know how much zoom I used for this : ) Last year, on 9 November 2013, I went on a birding day trip to Pine Coulee Reservoir and Clear Lake area. There, we did see Snow Geese and Ross's Geese (again, extremely distant). Terry Korolyk's report for that great November day trip included the following (to remind myself): "There was still much open water off the Campground at Clear Lake with Canada Geese, Cackling Geese, and, Mallard there in large numbers, and, a generous sprinkling of all the other Duck species. On the ice edge north of the Campground, probably 2,000+ SNOW and ROSS'S GEESE rested. One blue SNOW GEESE was there and, there was a very generous assortment of ROSS'S GEESE in these birds; probably 200+ at least." "The snow goose has two color plumage morphs, white (snow) or gray/blue (blue), thus the common description as "snows" and "blues." White-morph birds are white except for black wing tips, but blue-morph geese have bluish-grey plumage replacing the white except on the head, neck and tail tip. The immature blue phase is drab or slate-gray with little to no white on the head, neck, or belly. Both snow and blue phases have rose-red feet and legs, and pink bills with black tomia ("cutting edges"), giving them a black "grin patch." The colors are not as bright on the feet, legs, and bill of immature birds. The head can be stained rusty-brown from minerals in the soil where they feed. They are very vocal and can often be heard from more than a mile away." From Wikipedia.

Five Swans a-swimming

13 May 2014 1 304
These gorgeous Trumpeter Swans couldn't have picked a more beautiful setting, with the very distant Rocky Mountains (not seen in this closer shot) in the distance. The sun was shining brightly and the white feathers were dazzling. Quite near the beginning of a day of driving the backroads SE of Calgary on 14 April 2014, my daughter suddenly spotted them through a row of trees and bushes. We pulled over and walked a few steps to the edge of a huge field, and were in awe of these large, graceful birds. I think this was just a temporary stretch of water in the field, from all the recently melting snow, but there was enough room on it for the dozen or so Swans.

Trumpeter Swans

18 Apr 2014 3 1 280
These gorgeous Trumpeter Swans couldn't have picked a more beautiful setting, with the very distant (but 48x zoomed) Rocky Mountains in the distance. The sun was shining brightly and the white feathers were dazzling - doesn't really show in my photo. Quite near the beginning of a day of driving the backroads SE of Calgary on 14 April 2014, my daughter suddenly spotted them through a row of trees and bushes. We pulled over and walked a few steps to the edge of a huge field, and were in awe of these large, graceful birds. Not sure if this was just a temporary stretch of water in the field, from all the recently melting snow, or a more permanent "slough". Plenty of room for the dozen or so Swans. Wish I was out there right now, though on a sunny day, unlike today. It's Good Friday today, the beginning of the Easter weekend. Beautiful, sunny weather would have been nice, especially for working people who get the day off. Instead, it's gloomy and unpleasant, looking like it's going to either rain or snow. Just checked the forecast and it's 1°C (windchill -2°C) this morning, supposedly getting up to 4°C this afternoon, with an 80% chance of rain and snow. Happy Easter weekend to everyone who celebrates!

Staying close to Mom

31 May 2013 233
My daughter and I saw this pair of Canada Geese and their tiny goslings on 25 May 2013, in SW Calgary. Another photographer in the area told us that a passerby had said that they were just one day old, but I'm not sure. Have a very long day today, doing the May Species Count at the Whaleback (about 170 km drive from Calgary, south towards Pincher Creek ). Forecast is for rain all day, 8C this morning (windchill 5C) and up to 14C this afternoon (windchill 12C). Just hope I'll have enough of the "right" kind of clothing to keep me warm enough for hours and hours of hiking/walking the hills. Not hopeful for photos because of the rain and dark skies, which is most unfortunate. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Trumpeter Swan

20 Jun 2012 185
A Trumpeter Swan on a small creek at the Calgary Zoo, taken on March 2nd.

"Just" a Canada Goose

30 Apr 2012 249
I blew out the white feathers, but at least I managed to capture the texture in the black feathers : ) Taken at Bridlewood Wetland on April 22nd.

Staying close to Mom

08 Jun 2013 6 2 309
My daughter and I saw this pair of Canada Geese and their tiny goslings on 25 May 2013, in SW Calgary. Another photographer in the area told us that a passerby had said that they were just one day old, but I'm not sure.