Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: nostalgia

One of my favourite barns

14 Dec 2017 238
This barn, and old homestead just off the right hand side of the photo, were used in the first Superman Movie in 1978. This is where young Superman arrived as a young child and spent his younger years. I should add that this is private property and this photo was respectfully taken from the road. Just off to the left of the photo is a row of fairly newly-planted coniferous trees that will eventually give some protection to the weathered barn. Apparently, a family member of the now owner of the property says that the family "does have plans to restore this property in it’s present state." Yesterday, 13 December 2017, I was out on the road by 9:20 am, which is a miracle in itself. I find it almost impossible to get out early when I am going for a drive by myself. I didn't have any photos edited ready to post yesterday morning, which helped. Seeing snowflake icons in the forecast for too many of the days this coming week, I thought I had better take a drive SE of the city while the roads were clear. I was lucky with the clouds in the morning, but it clouded over in the afternoon. I absolutely love driving this kind of road - at least, in good weather. My hope was to maybe find a Snowy Owl in this whole area, like I had done in previous years. I knew I would probably have more luck if I drove the back roads NE of the city, but I didn't feel like driving that far. No luck finding a Snowy Owl and, in fact, there were barely any birds of any kind to be seen - just a small flock of Common Redpolls and two or three Magpies. At least I knew that I would pass several old barns that I have photographed on previous occasions. It just felt good to be in such scenery on a beautiful, sunny day. That is, until I somehow got lost on the way back home. I think I know where I may have gone wrong. Seeing a huge road sign that said North Calgary, I wasn't sure if I would end up on the dreaded Deerfoot Trail, like happened last time I was out in that area. So, I kept driving straight and found myself in a fairly built-up area that I had never been in before. Ended up driving back the way I had come until I was on familiar ground. A long way and a lot of wasted time! Our temperature this morning is -2C, much cooler than what we have been having the last while. Tomorrow, we may be getting snow-rain showers and then, a couple of days later, the snow returns, just in time for the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Counts. Looks like we may be getting a white Christmas after all.

'Superman, where are you now?'

16 Feb 2016 2 1 427
It was so weird yesterday! I drove SE of the city to the Frank Lake area in the afternoon, hoping that I would not have another day where I'd come home without taking a single photo. The previous day, 14 February 2015, I had driven all the way NW of the city, hoping that there might be some sight of the Northern Hawk Owl. However, I was out of luck. Thankfully, it rarely happens that I take no photos during a few hours outdoors. Yesterday, there was one area in particular that I wanted to explore. Most of the roads were backroads that I've never driven and I found it so hard to keep track of which direction I was driving. Easy enough when I was home looking at Google Earth, but a whole different story when I was out there. One of the roads, that I had driven a couple of times before, took me past this old barn and homestead. I had a CD playing and a few minutes before I reached this barn, the song, 'Superman, where are you now?' started playing. The weird part is that this barn and old homestead were used in the first Superman Movie in 1978! Talk about coincidence! This whole area had me totally in a 'Land of confusion', as singer Phil Collins would say in that song. This is where young Superman arrived as a young child and spent his younger years. I should add that this is private property (naturally) and this photo was respectfully taken from the road. Apparently, a family member of the now owner of the property says that the family "does have plans to restore this property in it’s present state."

The Kent (Superman) Farmhouse

23 Aug 2014 277
On 14 April 2014, I spent a wonderful, fun day with my youngest daughter, driving the backroads SE of Calgary. Some of the roads were familiar to me, but others were new territory, which gave us a chance to discover some different abandoned barns. One of the places we were hoping to be able to find was the Superman (Kent) farmhouse and barn from the 1978 "Superman: The Movie", starring Christopher Reeve. We had both seen photos on the Internet that other people had taken, and knew that we would do our best to find this location. I was up till the early hours of that morning, Googling information about this place, it was so fascinating. I'll add a previously posted photo showing both this farmhouse and the beautiful barn that was also seen in the 1978 movie. This is where young Superman arrived in his "crystal space capsule" as a young child - it crashed into the gravel road where my daughter and I were standing - and grew up with his adoptive parents till he was a young man. I should add that this is private property (naturally) and this photo was respectfully taken from the road. It's amazing how many movies have been filmed around Calgary - quite fascinating. Apparently, a family member of the now owner of the property says that the family "does have plans to restore this property in it’s present state."

Superman's barn

05 May 2014 2 203
On 14 April 2014, I spent a wonderful, fun day with my youngest daughter, driving the backroads SE of Calgary. Some of the roads were familiar to me, but others were new territory, which gave us a chance to discover some different abandoned barns. We knew where our destination was going to be, more or less, though it was disappointing that the "heat wave" distortion was just too great to get distant, zoomed photos. Unfortunately, it was quite a hazy day, which really didn't help. Once we got really close, the problem thankfully went away. Another place we were hoping to be able to find was the Superman (Kent) farmhouse and barn from the 1978 "Superman: The Movie". We had both seen photos on the Internet that other people had taken, and knew that we would do our best to find this location. I was up till the early hours of this morning, Googling information about this place, it was so fascinating. This is where young Superman arrived as a baby and spent his younger years. The farmhouse is just off my photo to the right. I have added a previously posted photo of the barn and farmhouse in a comment box below. I should add that this is private property (naturally) and this photo was respectfully taken from the road. Apparently, a family member of the now owner of the property says that the family "does have plans to restore this property in it’s present state."

Yay, Superman!

15 Apr 2014 3 1 366
Yesterday, I spent a wonderful, fun day with my youngest daughter, driving the backroads SE of Calgary. Some of the roads were familiar to me, but others were new territory, which gave us a chance to discover some different abandoned barns. We knew where our destination was going to be, more or less, though it was disappointing that the "heat wave" distortion was just too great to get distant, zoomed photos. Unfortunately, it was quite a hazy day, which really didn't help. Once we got really close, the problem thankfully went away. Another place we were hoping to be able to find was the Superman (Kent) farmhouse and barn from the 1978 "Superman: The Movie". We had both seen photos on the Internet that other people had taken, and knew that we would do our best to find this location. I was up till the early hours of this morning, Googling information about this place, it was so fascinating. This is where young Superman arrived as a baby and spent his younger years. I should add that this is private property (naturally) and this photo was respectfully taken from the road. Will add more information when I've "dealt with" the other two images I've just uploaded. Apparently, a family member of the now owner of the property says that the family "does have plans to restore this property in it’s present state."

Ride of a lifetime

07 Jun 2013 281
An old photo (scanned from a print from an old colour slide) posted just for fun, taken on 28 January 1967, on a helicopter ride from Doha, Qatar (Middle East) to the Seashell oil rig. This was just a day trip for worker's wives, to look around the rig and to thoroughly enjoy a wonderful lobster meal : ) The flight took 45-60 minutes and was so noisy, but it's not every day that you get the chance to ride in a helicopter! This photo was taken when we had landed on the small landing pad on the rig. Before we left Doha at 9:30 a.m., we had to be weighed, life jackets were tied around our waist and safety belts were fastened. On the outward journey, we flew over and round the Sidewinder oil rig and over the production station where gas burns in huge flames into the air. After a cup of coffee, we were shown around the rig, including watching men unloading small lengths of a core (sample of the rocks that existed below the seabed where the rig was located) from a pipe - filthy work! There were numerous steep, "open" steps all over the rig and everywhere was oily and slippery (hence the hardhat for each of us). When you looked down, you saw nothing but an expanse of blue sea a long way below, with many large, thin fish with long snouts. We also saw a couple of Rays flapping in the water, and a sea snake. About 1:00 p.m., we had dinner: vegetable soup, Lobster Thermadore, chicken, boiled potatoes, cauliflower, pineapple and cream, and coffee. It wasn't a special meal for us - it's just that the food on Seashell was very good! Three o'clock came and it was time for us to leave. The helicopter ride back to Doha took an hour because we flew round the small island of Halul where the oil was piped into tankers.

My father, Tom Carden Bassindale

21 Jan 2012 280
I had no idea that my father ever had a motorbike, lol, so imagine my surprise when I came across this photo of him amongst the old family photos that I received from England a few months ago! That's a sidecar on the far side. He and my mother cycled for many years and I have endless photos of them with their bikes - but a motorbike, ha? This is so unlike the father I knew : ) I moved away from England to live overseas when I was 22 years old and so missed out on family talks and sharing of my parents' lives. Very sad, but it happens to many people when family members move away. The main thing I remember about him is that he LOVED photography (not as a professional) and was an exceptional photographer (according to others). I also have the best memories of all the times my parents took my brother and me out into the countryside around Birmingham, UK, at the weekends, on our bikes. My mother loved wildflowers and instilled this love in me, too. My father was passionate about photography and I guess that's where I get it from : )

My parents in 1939

28 Jan 2012 222
This old family photo amuses me and is a reminder of how important photography was in my father's life. There is no date on the back of the photo and I'm not sure if this was taken before or after I was born. (Later: this magazine issue came out in June 1939.) Vera Kathleen Bassindale (nee Neal), 1914 -1998 Tom Carden Bassindale, 1907 - 1976 They were married on 4th June 1938. Thanks to George (Dixon), I now have the following information: US edition; 25cents. June 1939. Bette Davis. Photoplay did not have its own publication in the UK until 1950. ; etos=1939 "Photoplay first appeared in 1912, but was not initially successful. However, when James Quirk took over editorial duties in 1914 he implemented changes that would make Photoplay the top film magazine, one which by 1922 would boast a circulation of over two million." From . The origin of the surname "Bassindale" from