Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: plastic


23 Jan 2010 131
Bubblewrap with water droplets - which tells you that I definitely haven't been doing much in the way of outdoor shots recently!

Frost fringe

02 Feb 2010 179
Was out on a walk all morning along the Bow River, along 194th Ave. SE. The hoar frost was beautiful and I liked seeing it contrasting with a length of this bright orange, soft, plastic fencing. We were lucky to find the Trumpeter Swans that had been reported, swimming on the Bow River. Unfortunately, I had to take the odd quick shot here and there, otherwise I got left behind by my friends : ) We had car-pooled the last bit of the drive. When I returned to my vehicle, I discovered that it was completely dead! No sound at all when I turned the key in the ignition. As it was, the driver's door lock was frozen shut when I was about to leave home, so had to get in through the passenger's side. Two of our vehicles had left straight away, but thank goodness friend Phil was just backing his truck out of the parking lot. Thanks SO much, Phil, for trying to get my battery recharged and for helping me get hold of the AMA (I don't own a cell-phone). I really hope that the lady whose wires you borrowed never needs to use them for herself, seeing as they didn't work. Fortunately, the AMA guy arrived in about half an hour and got my car started without any trouble. I was so thankful I wasn't out on my own with no phone, along the little backroads somewhere!

Snowflake in the park

17 Dec 2009 147
This snowflake Christmas ornament was hanging on a snow-covered Spruce tree that someone had decorated in a local park (natural, not a groomed park) almost a week ago, along with the gorgeous blue bauble that I posted to Flickr a few days ago.

Vesper Sparrow

23 Sep 2009 198
Another cropped view of the little Vesper Sparrow we heard and saw at Confluence Park a week ago. Not exactly the most photogenic surroundings, but I was just happy to get a few photos of this little Sparrow. By the way, something weird has been going on with Flickr the last three or four days. I don't know if my "new" updates are not showing up on some people's Home Page or if there is something else not happening. I do know I only received one comment in a space of 15 hours, which is most unusual and very strange : ) If anyone happens to have noticed anything, either with my photostream or their own, it would be really interesting to hear : )