Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: heart

Heart of a Snowdrop

16 Feb 2017 274
Yesterday's (15 February 2017) high of 16.4 C in Calgary broke a century-old record, beating the previous mark of 15.6 C set in 1916. Our crazy weather! Just the other week, we had windchills as cold as -34C. The last few days have been so mild and wonderful, and the snow is rapidly melting. Makes a wet mess on the roads and you can only drive for a few seconds before the car windows are filthy again. Now if only all the snow and ice could disappear before our next snowfall, it would be worthwhile washing the car. It's 11:30 am and there are only six new photos showing from my Contacts! Are there really so few people posting on Flickr today (and recently), or is it yet another Flickr glitch? This is a photo from my archives, taken on 6 April 2016 at the Reader Rock Garden. It is always such a delight to see these early spring flowers blooming after seven long winter months of snow and ice on the ground. Each year I go the Garden, I only find one plant of these dainty flowers and it is difficult to get a photo of just one single flower. This time, I managed to get the beautiful green heart shape. On this day, I wanted to see what flowers had started to grow already, as plants in general were blooming early last year, thanks to the mild weather. The main flowers were all the Hepatica, varying slightly in colour with some paler and others darker. There were also scattered tiny Squill flowers and this single Snowdrop plant growing in its usual spot. Funny how this plant hasn't spread anywhere else, at least not that I could find. I haven't been to the Garden since around May 2016 and this winter has been brutal compared to last winter. I must try and get over there this spring.

Motherwort / Leonurus cardiaca

21 Nov 2013 3 3 321
Photographed this plant at Reader Rock Garden on 24 July 2013. An interesting plant that has a lot of medicinal properties. "Motherwort is an upright prickly bush with a height of up to 5 feet and a width of 2 feet. The flowers are pale pink to purple, very hairy, in whorls of 6 to 12, alternating up the stems with leaves. The leaves are dark green above, pale below, oak-shaped and deeply lobed into three, especially at the bottom. The early Greeks gave motherwort to pregnant women suffering from anxiety. This use continued and gave the herb the name mother wort, or “mother’s herb.” Its other prominent action is on the heart, giving it the species name cardiaca or the Greek kardiaca, or heart. Leonurus comes from the Greek leon for “lion” and ouros for “tail”, as the plant was thought to resemble the tail of a lion. There is an old tale about a town whose water source is a stream flowing through banks of motherwort. Many of the townspeople lived to be 130 years old and recall one who reportedly lived to 300 years. In ancient China, motherwort was reputed to promote longevity. In Europe, motherwort first became known as a treatment for cattle diseases. Colonists introduced motherwort into North America and the 19 th century Eclectics recommended it as a menstruation promoter and aid to expelling the afterbirth. They did not consider it a heart remedy at all. The Cherokees used the herb as a sedative for nervous afflictions. In the Victorian Language of Flowers it symbolizes concealed love."

Happy Valentine's Day

14 Feb 2013 366
Up till yesterday late afternoon, I had nothing I could use for my Happy Valentine's Day wishes to you all. Then I had to go food shopping after my volunteer shift and guess what I saw. Perhaps not the most photogenic cupcake, but at least it had a heart on the top. After a few quick shots, i sank my teeth into it - and discovered it was like chewing sticky, tough cardboard!! So, into the garbage it just had to go. Happy Valentine's Day to my kids, and I hope each and every one of my friends/contacts (whether on Flickr or just visiting, whether near or far), has a happy, happy day, whether you spend it with loved ones or on your own. I'm taking myself out for a few hours, keeping my fingers crossed that where I go, my car won't get stuck in snow again, like it did when I drove east of the city recently. Yesterday, I bought one of those cheap, telescopic, light-weight shovels to keep in my car : ) Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

You've captured my heart

27 Feb 2010 262
A quick experiment maybe half an hour ago : ) My heart waterdrop is to mark both the British Heart Foundation and February is Heart Month. Got in more than my 10,000 steps today (this has only been happening maybe once a week this winter instead of every day, so I really, really need to work on that). I'm fine during the summer months, but winter is not good. Walked all morning in Fish Creek Park (but where were all the birds??) and then went with a friend to Edworthy Park straight afterwards, hoping to see a Townsend's Solitaire (but out of luck). It's a gorgeous winter day today, I think up to around 8C - sorry Art (LeapFrog!) that you have been buried by a huge snowfall, but it is wonderful here : )

I give you my heart

22 Feb 2009 185
Yep, I made the most of the two tulips I bought recently. I love the red hearts on the petals and couldn't resist sharing this one : ) Happy day, everyone!

Heart in the deep of things

15 Feb 2009 210
I could have used this Tulip for Valentine's Day, but it wasn't till late last night that the two flowers in this pot started to open. That is when I saw the pretty heart design : ) There are three perfect little hearts alternating with three smudged hearts.

Wearing your heart on your - nose?

07 Nov 2007 128
Jan - I thought of you the instant I looked this Mountain Sheep in the eyes!! There was this black heart standing out so clearly on its white nose. This family of Mountain Sheep live in the Canadian Wilds area of the Calgary Zoo.


01 Oct 2007 143
Just a reminder, everyone, that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. My heart goes out to anyone who is battling this disease, and their families and friends! Thank you, fd, for enabling me to make this poster.

Tarnished Plant Bug

10 Sep 2007 118
I was trying to photograph several of these teeny Tarnished Plant Bugs at Pearce Estate this afternoon. One climbed on to my hand, so I made the most of it. Had to do a heavy crop in order to see it! I love the tiny heart shape that these bugs have on them. Jan, another heart for you!

A heart for Jan

23 Aug 2007 102
Came across all sorts of interesting little "bits and pieces" yesterday at Big Hill Springs park, NW of the city. Found this heart-shaped leaf lying in the forest and thought of you, Jan!

A heart for Jan

19 Apr 2007 133
Took this photo yesterday afternoon when a friend took me to our favourite natural area and showed me a small forest trail that had been lined with many, many dozens of these spray-painted stones. It ended at a huge fallen log, near which we saw several planks and a couple of sets of two branches tied togther with rope in the form of an cross. No idea if children/teens have created this scene or if it might be something a little more sinister. However, Jan, I thought of you immediately I saw the red hearts painted on many of the stones! This natural area is so beautiful and peaceful, so it was a nice place to think of someone, especially someone with a big heart and a big smile!