Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: memories


21 Dec 2011 185
I have thought about this old pull-along toy of mine (or maybe it was my brother's) many times over the decades, wondering if it was still at my parents'/brothers home in England. This was one of many sentimental things that arrived weeks ago in 12 boxes. It has only just sunk in as I type this, that of course this is a tricycle. Both my mother and father were extremely keen cyclists in their younger years - many old photo albums, which also travelled here from England, are filled with wonderful photos of my parents on their various cycling trips. I wonder if this toy was made by my father.

Happy Birthday, Fiona

16 Nov 2011 224
Today is my oldest daughter's birthday, so Happy Birthday, Fiona! Couldn't resist quickly snapping these sentimental toys for her. They belonged to my brother in England, who died last Christmas, and they arrived by sea just a few weeks ago. Poor Toffee does look really, really worn, and I know he was a much-loved teddy bear. My mother made the little pink velvet piglet and the knitted piglet a fair number of decades ago : ) Anyone else finding it difficult to do anything on Flickr this evening? When I click on an image or something else, it takes forever to open or work.

To make you smile

11 Mar 2011 162
Yesterday, I was looking through a family history "book" I had put together, so that I could check on the full name of my paternal grandfather. My friend, Linda, in England had mentioned the initials A.E.B. scratched on an old compass and also written on a book cover while going through all the belongings at my brother's house. These initials belong to my paternal Grandfather, so it will be nice to eventually have something that belonged to him. While looking though my "book", I came across a few pages of letters that I had written oh, so many years ago, and thought this one might bring a smile to your face, when you read the second paragraph : ) My mother, brother and I were staying for a few months with my paternal Grandparents in Bourne, Lincolnshire, England while my father was away, looking for work.