Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Tom Campbell Hill

Common Flax

24 Aug 2007 139
An annual cultivated for its linseed oil and fibres. Flowers last only for a single day. Such a beautiful blue!

Tufted vetch

17 Aug 2007 136
Tufted vetch (Viccia cracca) is a perennial Eurasian plant that was introduced into North America over 140 years ago. Flowers bluish-purple, pea-like, about 12mm (1/2in.) long, often 30 or more crowded together on one side of a long bare stalk. This photo shows just one of these many tiny flowers, distinguishable by its resemblance to a hummingbird! Vicia is the ancient Latin name for Vetch. Also known as Bird Vetch and Cow Vetch.


16 Aug 2007 163
I was SO happy to see some Crownvetch today on a walk that included the Tom Campbell Hill and a pathway that runs alongside the Calgary Zoo. A friend had found Crownvetch recently and posted a beautiful photo of it - and I knew, then, that I really wanted to see this attractive flower. I suspect that I would have walked straight past it if I had been on my own, as it reminds me of a very open Clover flower. Both belong to the Pea Family, Fabaceae.

Common Flax

17 Aug 2007 159
Can't remember if this is Common Flax or Wild Blue Flax. I think it is the introduced kind. I know I should write down every detail as I am walking, but somehow it doesn't always happen that way. Doug, perhaps you would point me in the right ID direction - thanks!


18 Aug 2007 135
This was seen at Tom Campbell Hill, close to the Calgary Zoo. Introduced from Eurasia, it is an abundant, bushy weed that was introduced as an ornamental for its autumn foliage. The tiny red shapes are not petals, but stamens.