Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: waterdrop

Hanging on

25 Aug 2017 2 1 331
A few years ago, I used to take a lot of water droplet photos, some of which are in an album here and on Flickr. In more recent years, I guess I have just moved on to photographing other things. This particular photo has been floating around my hard drive since 14 May 2010. Happened to notice it last night and decided to post it this morning, just for something different and something that was a complete change of colour. I can't remember where I took it. The original photo is on one of my external hard drives and I didn't feel like trying to find out where it was taken, That day, several of us had been NW of Calgary and NW of Cochrane, to visit Keith and Sandy Logan's acreage. Not sure if I saw these flowers in their garden, or maybe I had flowers at home and took the photo later that evening. Actually, just realized that flowers would not likely be in bloom here mid-May, so maybe this photo was taken at home after all.

Petal perched

14 Apr 2010 232
I'm posting early (again) today, as I am taking my camera with me when I go for my afternoon volunteer shift. I'm really hoping that the very strong winds will have died down by late afternoon, so that I can go and look for Prairie Crocuses (which I have still not seen yet this year). Would be nice if the grey sky could brighten up, too : ) Took this photo of a water droplet on a petal, back in mid-March. It always amazes me how the drops retain their perfect roundness with nothing to support them from below.


11 Nov 2011 193
Another water droplet capture from a few days ago, when I was playing for a few moments : ) Argh .... Hold your Clicks!

Beauty on the tip of a petal

19 Nov 2011 151
This morning, it's -20C, windchill -30C (-4F, windchill -22F). It's supposed to soar to -16C this afternoon, though, lol! Thought I'd post a splash of colour for everyone who is experiencing bone-chilling temperatures today. So glad I'm not getting a new heating furnace replaced right now - can't imagine being in a house with no heating for a couple of days, when it's this cold. Thank goodness the weather is supposed to warm up this coming week. Stay warm, everyone!

Christmas colours

27 Oct 2011 206
Wasn't sure whether to post this or not, but I kind of liked the warm colours - not that I want to think about Christmas! Another of my toothbrush waterdop photos, lol. Almost forgot that I have a routine dentist appointment around lunch time today. Noticed yesterday that work has now been started on replacing everyone's front door and patio door. Couldn't believe all the construction mess - I was picturing them more-or-less bringing ready made doors and just putting them in place and making minor adjustments, ha. Looks like it's going to be a cold time indoors when they do this, as once the weekend is over, our daily high temperatures will be around 3-5C. It's 2C (36F) this morning. Will be even less fun when all the windows have to be replaced! And then it's the roof ... sigh. Too bad they didn't arrange to have all this done during the warmer part of the year! Work will apparently be stopped, though, when the weather reaches -15C! Also, apparently the contractor has a 9-week contract for work elsewhere, so maybe I still have quite a wait for my new windows.

Feather stripes

01 May 2011 146
Refraction in a little water droplet on a bird feather - in my kitchen : )


15 Dec 2010 1 173
So, this is how my weird (some might call it creative or artistic, LOL!!) mind works ... I was about to unplug my kettle before going to bed around 1:00 a.m. (yes, A.M.), and found myself looking at the white coil design on a black mug next to the kettle. Next thing that went through my mind was "waterdrop refraction - could I do it?). And so, here is one result that came out just about sharp enough to post : ) Can't remember what time I finally got to bed, ha. The colours make me think of chocolate and caramel ... mmm. Talking about "artistic", I had a lovely comment on a Christmas card with a little round, English Robin on it. "All our family have enjoyed your fantastic photos on your wesite!" It was from a long-time friend who lives in Warwick, England, whom I met when we were both at Teacher Training College together "many" years ago. She was, and I'm quite sure still is, such a talented, artistic person - something I've never forgotten. Joyce, this one's for you, just to say thank you to you all for taking the trouble to look me up on Flickr and taking a look at some of my images. I love knowing that I've been able to share a little bit of the amazing nature in my tiny corner of the world with you! Hope one of you might just happen to see this little message : )

Two for the prICE of one

29 Dec 2010 155
LOL, just reminding myself that winter has its very own beauty - just wish it wasn't COLD at the same time : ) Today is a cold, grey day and the snow is falling, but unfortunately it is very fine snow, not the beautiful, fluffy stuff where you can see the individual snowflakes. Stay warm everyone - and be careful on the roads. The days are getting longer - yay!


24 Apr 2010 152
Waterdrops on petals, taken a while ago, but kept putting off posting it because I'm not sure if I like it or not, LOL.

Liquid shine

14 May 2010 139
Nothing brilliant, but I liked the colours in this one and the bright shine on the waterdroplet : ) Yet again, I caught my kitchen window in the refraction - hard to avoid it.

Midnight madness

19 Feb 2010 140
Different kind of image, you might say, LOL! Around midnight last night, I just had the urge to set up my camera and "play". That's what happens when you are suffering from photographic withdrawal symptoms. At least it looks WARM : ) And maybe it's just me, but I find myself thinking of mushrooms when I look at this image : ) Took myself off to the Zoo this afternoon in hopes of getting a few different photos. No sign of the Red Pandas, but the Snowy Owl, Bald Eagle and Wolf cooperated a little : )

Gentle beauty

21 Feb 2010 187
Is anyone else haviing all sorts of problems with Flickr this afternoon?? I can't get into the Help Threads to see if anyone has left a message. Also, the uploading is faulty and is stuck without completing the processing, though all three of my images have appeared on my photostream. Oh, it has finally just completed - weird, never had that happen before. Almost everything I try results in a wait of a few minutes and then all I get is the "Oops, broken link" (?) message. Wasn't sure whether to even try and upload any photos. Anyway, this is another of my "waterdrops on feather" photos : ) Not pretty refractions, but I just liked the perfect roundness of the droplets.

Monday blues

22 Feb 2010 139
Felt like my photostream needed a major change of colour, and I really love the shades of blue in and around these little water droplets. Another day of backing up my files .... sigh!

You've captured my heart

27 Feb 2010 262
A quick experiment maybe half an hour ago : ) My heart waterdrop is to mark both the British Heart Foundation and February is Heart Month. Got in more than my 10,000 steps today (this has only been happening maybe once a week this winter instead of every day, so I really, really need to work on that). I'm fine during the summer months, but winter is not good. Walked all morning in Fish Creek Park (but where were all the birds??) and then went with a friend to Edworthy Park straight afterwards, hoping to see a Townsend's Solitaire (but out of luck). It's a gorgeous winter day today, I think up to around 8C - sorry Art (LeapFrog!) that you have been buried by a huge snowfall, but it is wonderful here : )

Water magic

11 Mar 2010 172
I thought the depth of the refraction was kind of neat and I always love the absolutely perfectly smooth surface of a water droplet. This one was resting on a Rose petal. LOL, my kitchen window usually makes its way into my refractions - this is the only place I can get enough light! Note added this morning: 11 of my flower images have been "stolen" and posted on someone's (name removed now that my images have been removed from that photostream by Yahoo) Flickr photostream. He only has four pages of images so far, so most unlikely that any of them are yours. Might not hurt to keep an eye on it, though. I have put a comment under each of my images displayed on his photostream (some of which he had also turned into black and white) and will send him a Flickrmail, asking if he knows that he just cannot do this.

Another little world

19 Jan 2010 186
A little water droplet on the petal of a miniature Daffodil, taken maybe an hour and a half ago in my kitchen. I can see my two cacti upside down at the bottom of the droplet, each with a small orange flower.

Go away, winter!

23 Jan 2010 113
Water droplets on Chrysanthemum petals. We had an amazing hoar frost yesterday and the day before, but the sky was so dull and so little light, which made taking photographs difficult to impossible. Today, the weather is even worse, and it is even more treacherous underfoot. Snowing quite heavily at the moment. Just needed a bit of colour - yet again, LOL.

Too late for Christmas

26 Jan 2010 144
Didn't get round to posting this one closer to Christmas - the colours made me feel Christmasy. Sorry, more waterdrops (on a small Chrysanthemum petal), LOL! One of these days, I hope I will concentrate a little more on the refraction - in these ones you can see the green leaves of a plant in my kitchen plus a bottle of Olive Oil - oh, well, LOL. Was out all morning on a walk at Griffith Woods. Very few birds to be seen and nothing unusual. I did learn one thing, though - trust your intuition. If a small creek looks just that much too wide for YOU to leap (well, slight exaggeration!) across, then don't do it, LOL! Now I need to go and limp around the local grocery store : ) Thanks for trying, Phil!

25 items in total