Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: spiny
Rough cocklebur / Xanthium strumarium
29 Aug 2018 |
Please, no need to make any comments! Just finishing off the last 10 photos taken during our trip east to Eagle Lake, on 25 August 2018. Some are similar to others, so I'm sure won't be of too much interest to anyone other than myself. Today, 28 August 2018, I did another long drive, this time SW of the city into the mountains. This is a second area that I try to do on my own each year now, to make sure that I don't lose confidence to do the drive. Too tired to sort and edit any of the images yet, but I will try and get three or four ready to upload tomorrow. Luckily, I saw a few furry, four-legged critters, which will make a change from all my recent photos.
Thank you so much, Shirley, for inviting us all out to visit you the day before yesterday (25 August 2018) while you were out again at your summer trailer at Eagle Lake for the weekend! It was a fairly cool day, which was great, but the smoke is still being blown in from the wildfires in British Columbia. I was just reading an article this morning about the awful air quality in Seattle and theirs has been roughly the same as ours. They reckon the very poor air quality is equivalent to smoking seven cigarettes a day.
It was such a pleasure to see some of "your" birds that you enjoy so much. Compared to our visit on 17 June 2017, there were fewer species to be seen, but enough to keep us happy. I think the highlight for me was a Western Kingbird that posed so beautifully on a tangle of metal pipes down near the edge of the water. The soapsud "icebergs" were interesting to see, too, but no doubt were polluting the lake!
I also loved taking a couple of quick shots of a cute goat just as we were leaving. We had stopped so that one of us could get out and buy several food items from a Hutterite stand that was in the trailer campground. I got out to get a bottle of water from my backpack in the back of the car and a friend in the car behind caught my attention and pointed out this animal posing so nicely.
Great to see everyone who went, and we all enjoyed an array of delicious salads and desserts that left me feeling full till the early evening. We also enjoyed meeting your two Grandchildren, Shirley, who happened to be staying with you for the weekend. So good to see them both making lists of the bird species seen.
Many thanks, Anne B, for driving some of us us east across the prairies. Hugely appreciated, as always!
Teasels growing wild
21 May 2016 |
A photo from my archives, taken on 16 September 2012, during a wonderful week's trip down to Yellowstone National Park and Grand Teton National Park with special friends from England, Linda and Tony (explanation is in my "US holiday, September 2012" set).
I had an absolutely amazing week away with my friends from England, Linda and Tony. We left Calgary early on 11 September 2012 and returned late on 17 September 2012. Believe it or not, this was only my second holiday in about 30 years! Some of you may remember that when my Brother in England died almost two years ago, several of my long-time friends who lived in the same city stepped forward and helped me deal with everything long distance, from my Brother's funeral to finding everything possible in the house a good home (donated or sold). All my parents' belongings were there, too, so it was a mammoth task to go through everything and put aside every single personal item or document, which were then shipped to me here. Just one of the priceless things was when Linda went through all my Father's old movies, picked out every inch of them that she thought I would want to have, and then took them to be copied to DVD. Of course, everything was done thoughtfully and lovingly - and it still has me shaking my head that anyone could spend so much time doing SO much for someone else.
Anyway, to cut a very long story short, Linda had told me many months before that she and Tony were coming to Canada again and Linda really hoped I would join them for a week getting down to Yellowstone National Park and back. Because I hadn't been away in so long, I was extremely hesitant : ) However, I did go, and had the most wonderfully enjoyable (and spectacular!) time going to not only Yellowstone, but also Grand Teton National Park, and Glacier-Waterton Peace Park! Can never thank Linda and Tony enough for this! I've known Linda since she was a baby (she's about four? years younger than I am, around my Brother's age), so we had a week's precious time to "catch up". I'd only ever met Tony once, when they came to Canada for a holiday six years ago. He deserves a medal for putting up with me for a whole week!!
I visited Mammoth Hot Springs and the rest of Yellowstone National Park 30+ years ago, when my kids were very young. I was thrilled to get the chance to see this fascinating area again.
Even after six days of the most amazing scenery and wildlife, I still had plenty of joy to feel when we stopped at a Mission Mountain pull-off on our way north to Kalispell, Montana, US, and saw a row of Teasels. I so rarely see these, but I love to photograph them.
"Teasel is considered an invasive species in the United States. It is known to form a monoculture, capable of crowding out all native plant species, and therefore is discouraged and/or eliminated within restored open lands and other conservation areas."
Insect galls on Rose leaves
19 Aug 2015 |
The colour of these small Spiny Rose Galls (I think I have the correct ID) growing on a wild Rose caught my eye when we were walking through the forest at the Dover family's acreage. Galls are abnormal plant growths resulting from activity of the tiny, non-stinging cynipid wasps - (Diplolepis bicolor). Insect larvae develop inside the gall. Each gall is round with many reddish/pink spines - I find them quite attractive.
"Insects can cause two types of rose galls: spiny rose gall and mossy rose gall. The spiny rose gall is caused by tiny cynipid wasps. They produce small hard internal caverns armed with stout, sharp spines on the exterior. The galls usually occur on the surface of leaves, but they sometimes occur on stems. These rose galls do not appear to harm the plant. Spiny rose gall develops exclusively on wild roses."
On 7 August 2015, four of us were extremely fortunate to have the chance to visit the home and 'highly varied topographic 62-acre property' belonging to Frances and David Dover. We felt honoured and privileged to meet and spend time with Frances and David, and also their daughter Carolyn and her husband Clair. A delightful family who welcomed us so warmly into their home and land.
This acreage of grassland, forest, rolling hills - and special gardens - is not far from Millarville, SW of Calgary. In fact, it's in an area that I often drive through when I only have time for, or only feel like doing, a short drive. Amazing what little gems exist out there.
This is not just a beautiful property, but is very special for various reasons. For one thing, read any history of Alberta and you will find the Dover family, including David's mother, Mary Dover. Second, among the trees and open "lawns", there are Peony flower beds, containing 100-150 heritage Peonies, each one different, that have now multiplied to more than 300 plants. Unfortunately, they bloomed a couple of weeks early this year, and all the flowers had already gone to seed. Another open area had a different kind of ground cover - Thyme, which smelled wonderful. If I remember correctly, this was the open space where the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra performed on one occasion!
There are two large ponds on the property and another smaller area of water that they hope to turn into a Japanese Garden. There is a total of seven wetland basins, including these. It was while walking around the Japanese Garden that a large brown 'shape' could just be seen through the dense trees - a handsome Moose buck. I will look properly at the four or so photos I just managed to get and may slip one of them into my photostream sometime, just for the record, definitely not for the photo quality : ) This was also where a Great Horned Owl was seen flying through the trees by some of us (not me, ha!).
There are grassy paths winding through the acreage, up and down hill, that take David seven hours to mow. They are not pristine, velvety paths, but instead, they seem to take nothing away from the wildness of the whole area. One of the animals that has passed through is the Cougar. In fact, several years ago, I saw a video taken on a nearby (or adjacent?) property, where a 'kill' and night-time camera had been set up and a total of six different Cougar individuals were seen!
Even the Dover's home is unique and beautiful. It is completely built of concrete (and glass) - floors, walls, ceilings, roof, deck, and so on. A Hummingbird feeder and regular bird feeders, set up on the patio, attract a variety of birds. We sat on the patio after our walk to eat our packed lunches - and to enjoy a delicious Orange Pound Cake that Frances had made for us, along with refreshing Iced Tea - thank you so much for this, Frances! While I was waiting for one of three tiny Calliope (?) Hummingbirds to come back, I was lucky enough to see a little Mountain Chickadee, along with many Pine Siskins. We could also hear a Red-tailed Hawk in the area. Saw a total of 22 bird species.
There is just so much I could write about this visit and family. Instead, or for now, I will add several links to more information on the Internet. This was a memorable day for us. Thank you so much, Frances and David, Carolyn and Clair, for being so kind and welcoming us into your home and gardens.
David's mother, Mary Dover (her father was A. E. Cross), was "a dynamic and distinguished Calgarian, particularly known for her work with the military during World War II." As well as being an army officer, and an alderman, she was also a preservationist. See the following link. page 44-45
Spiked beauty
05 Nov 2013 |
We came across this little group of Puffballs during a Fungi Foray day with friends out at West Bragg Creek on 24 August 2013. I'm always happy to see Puffballs, of any species.
"The distinguishing feature of all puffballs is that they do not have an open cap with spore-bearing gills. Instead, spores are produced internally, in a spheroidal fruiting body called a gasterothecium (gasteroid ('stomach-like') basidiocarp). As the spores mature, they form a mass called a gleba in the centre of the fruiting body that is often of a distinctive color and texture. The basidiocarp remains closed until after the spores have been released from the basidia. Eventually, it develops an aperture, or dries, becomes brittle, and splits, and the spores escape. The spores of puffballs are statismospores rather than ballistospores, meaning they are not actively shot off the basidium. The fungi are called 'puffballs' because clouds of brown dust-like spores are emitted when the mature fruiting body bursts, or in response to impacts such as those of falling raindrops."
Drummond's Thistle
18 Aug 2013 |
These beautiful native Thistles are rare here, so it's always a treat to come across one. Photographed this one at the Perrenoud Wildlife Habitat Area, NW of Calgary, on 27 July 2013. The Drummond's Thistle is a spectacular thistle species, with a low-to-the-ground rosette of leaves and large flowerheads. In Calgary, this species is rare - the only place where these native Thistles have been found is Weaselhead. Often, you find that the plant has a central flower surrounded by several others. The largest flower is always the one in the center of the group, and it has always finished blooming when the surrounding flower heads bloom.
DRUMMOND, THOMAS, naturalist; b. c. 1790 in Perthshire, Scotland; d. 1835, probably in March, in Havana, Cuba. See link below for full biography:
Nodding Thistle
21 Oct 2012 |
The large Nodding or Musk Thistle is my favourite Thistle species, so I was kind of happy to notice this one when I was down in the Grand Tetons, Wyoming, US, on 15 September 2012. Though a little past its prime, I still love the arrangement of those spiky bracts. Here in Alberta, this Thistle is an invasive "weed", but I don't know how it's classified in the US.
Alberta Provincial Designation: Prohibited Noxious.
Teasel and bokeh
03 Nov 2012 |
What a performance with uploading my images this morning. Ended up having to use the old uploader - but even that wouldn't load the last photo. I've been trying for about an hour now - but, success at last!
Teasels are fun to photograph - this one was growing at the Reader Rock Garden in the city, on 26 September 2012. This plant is an invasive ornamental in Alberta.
Castor Bean
10 Sep 2012 |
This spectacular plant was growing in a row with others at the Calgary Zoo, when I went for the day on Saturday with friends from England, Linda and Tony. I love the spiny, red fruits, which contain large, oval, shiny, bean-like, highly poisonous seeds with variable brownish mottling. The sunlight, unfortunately, was extremely harsh on everything.
24 Sep 2012 |
Even after six days of the most amazing scenery and wildlife, I still had plenty of joy to feel when we stopped at a Mission Mountain pull-off on our way north to Kalispell, Montana, and saw a row of Teasels. I so rarely see these, but I love to photograph them. Friend Tony spotted an insect on one of the heads, which I will post sometime. Thanks, Tony!
"Teasel is considered an invasive species in the United States. It is known to form a monoculture, capable of crowding out all native plant species, and therefore is discouraged and/or eliminated within restored open lands and other conservation areas."
Mission Mountain Range, Montana
29 Sep 2012 |
On our way north to Kalispell from our few days in Yellowstone National Park and Grand Teton National Park, we pulled off the road at this viewpoint to enjoy the distant Mission Mountains - and (for me) the beautiful Teasels growing near the fence : ) Funny how an image can look OK at midnight, but look too busy/messy next morning in daylight, lol. Oh, well, I still want it for my US holiday set.
The other day, I noticed tiny snowflake icons on the weather forecast chart for this coming week, so I went out on three days to grab a few photos just in case the forecast turned out to be right. A good thing I did this, as my vehicle has "malfunctioned" and it will have to go in for repair, plus a major service that I'm still a bit early for, but don't want to have to be without my car twice.
Julia Heliconian / Dryas iulia, fourth instar
04 Mar 2012 |
Macro shot of a tiny tropical caterpillar in the ENMAX Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo, taken on 14 October 2011. I never realized till last year that caterpillars have several different stages (just the caterpillar itself, not pupa, etc.), just to make ID even more complicated, ha - this is called the fourth instar stage. If my description is incorrect, perhaps someone could correct me - thanks!
Later, found this:
"Throughout the larval stage a caterpillar has to shed it's skin several times in order to accommodate further growth. The time between these sheddings is called an "instar" of which there are usually an average of five and spans two to four weeks. When we use the term a "third instar" caterpillar we are saying that it has shed twice. Immediately upon shedding it's old skin the larva fills with air. This allows the new skin to take on that size giving the caterpillar as much room as possible to grow into this new size. After each of these transformations it is possible that the caterpillar can be a different colour or appearance from the time before. Therefore, depending on which instar a caterpillar is in, understanding the instars can play a roll in the identification process."
We had snow overnight - it looks beautiful out, but I really wish I had new tires on my car! One of the big Tire places is looking around for replacement tires for me, and I really hope that some can be found! It never occurred to me that I'd have a problem finding tires that fit! My Honda is about 13 years old and I bought it, second-hand, about nine years ago. The absolute last thing I want to have to even consider is replacing my vehicle!!
Mid-evening, and I've just noticed that my Contacts new images page has reverted to the "old" layout of small thumbnails (which I prefer in many ways). Flickr has been strange for me in various ways for maybe the last couple of weeks. Getting a wee bit tiresome.
SNOWFALL WARNING in effect for the City of Calgary.
19 Aug 2010 |
This little stalked Puffball was maybe an inch in diameter, growing at Bebo Grove in Fish Creek Park three days ago. Love to see the spiny surface of these fungi. Apologies for replacing later - seemed strange that there was only one comment in 7 hours (same as with another photo posted this morning). I wondered if maybe my photos weren't showing up? I always feel so embarrassed when I do this just occasionally.
"Typically, the interior of a puffball is composed of spore-bearing flesh. When the puffball matures it splits open, or a perforation develops on surface of the ball, through which the spores escape--when raindrops land on the puffball, via air currents, or by some other means."
Jimson Weed
07 Feb 2009 |
I was lucky enough to see this plant on an acreage near Millarville (south of Calgary) last year.
"Datura stramonium is also known by the common names jimson weed, ditch weed, stink weed, loco weed, Korean morning glory, Jamestown weed, thorn apple, angel's trumpet, devil's trumpet, devil's snare, devil's seed, mad hatter, crazy tea, malpitte,and "poor man's acid". It is a common weed in the Nightshade Family. It contains tropane alkaloids that are sometimes used as a hallucinogen. The active ingredients are atropine, hyoscyamine and scopolamine which are classified as deliriants, or anticholinergics. Due to the elevated risk of overdose in uninformed users, many hospitalizations, and some deaths, are reported from recreational use." From Wikipedia.
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